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UFOs in the daily Press:

The UFO phenomenon in the newspapers, a collection of newspaper articles reporting UFO observations or UFO related information, by local and national newspapers from all countries. These articles are linked from their respective dossier on this site. This page is to answer the claim "if UFOs existed, they would be in the newspaper." (Other sections of this site answer the claim "people believe in UFOs because of the newspapers.")

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Choose among the years above, click on the newspaper name underneath to go to the article.

Years 1970 to 1979:

Le Provençal France, December 14, 1979 "Three U.F.O.".
L'Ardennais France, December 14, 1979 "Again a flying saucer".
Le Journal de l'Ouest France, December 7, 1979 "The Sion UFO: new witnesses".
Le Méridional France, December 6, 1979 A car too...
Sud Ouest France, December 6, 1979 Franck Fontaine, continued.
Sud Ouest France, December 5, 1979 "The extraterrestrial adventure of Franck Fontaine".
Sud Ouest France, December 4, 1979 "O.V.N.I. soit..."
Le Méridional France, December 3, 1979 "Annot: chased by a UFO".
Le Provençal France, December 3, 1979 "A 'ball of fire' on the road of the butcher of Annot".
La Montagne France, December 2, 1979 "UFO in the Spanish sky".
La Dépêche France, December 1, 1979 "The UFO of Le Fousseret".
Sud-Ouest France, November 29, 1979 "Abducting U.F.O.: The mystery deepens" - "U.F.O psychosis in Madrid".
Sud-Ouest France, November 28, 1979 "The young man abducted by a UFO is still looked for".
Sud-Ouest France, November 27, 1979 "A U.F.O. appears... a young man disappears".
Charleston News and Courier USA, November 17, 1979 "Charleston resident claims they've paid him a visit".
Var-Matin - République France, November 14, 1979 "U.F.O. call to the La Seyne-sur-Mer residents".
Le Parisien Libéré France, November 14, 1979 "Valencia UFO controversy"
La Montagne France, November 14, 1979 "U.F.O. or not?"
Sud Ouest France, November 14, 1979 "The Valencia U.F.Os - A mere technical failure?"
The Colonist Canada, November 14, 1979 "UFOs dog jetliner into forced landing"
La Montagne France, November 13, 1979 "A Caravelle pursued by four UFOs!..."
Sud Ouest France, November 13, 1979 "Four UFOs force a Caravelle to land in Valencia (Spain)".
Le Méridional France, November 13, 1979 "Spain: Four UFOs force a plane to land".
L'Union France, October 12, 1979 "A U.F.O. in the sky of Strasbourg".
Sud Ouest France, September 4, 1979 "Sheriff encounters... a U.F.O.".
Sud Ouest France, September 1, 1979 "A sheriff encounters a U.F.O.".
Sud Ouest France, April 12, 1979 "U.F.O. near Semussac".
La Presse Canada, May 26, 1979 "The UFO pictures were genuine".
Le Midi Libre France, March 30, 1979 "A UFO in the sky of B ziers".
La Montagne France, March 27, 1979 "Hamster victim of a U.F.O.".
Sud Ouest France, March 24, 1979 "In Cercoux a UFO in the sky".
La Presse Canada, March 3, 1979 "Three meters tall men (Brazil)".
Le Méridional France, February 13, 1979 "U.F.O.: big green men..."
Le Midi Libre France, February 5, 1979 "UFO above Montpellier".
Le Midi Libre France, January 28, 1979 "Flying saucer?"
Ouest France France, January 23, 1979 "They (also) have round hats".
Le Méridional France, January 23, 1979 "The air traffic controller saw a UFO".
Le Méridional France, January 21, 1979 "UFOs 'invading' the French Riviera".
Ouest France France, January 18, 1979 "Encounter".
Le Méridional France, January 17, 1979 "Extraterrestrials out of aluminium reported in Argentina".
Le Méridional France, January 17, 1979 "Extraterrestrials out of aluminium reported in Argentina".
Ouest France France, January 17, 1979 "Tall, green, and triangular eyes!"
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, January 16, 1979 "A UFO in the sky of Colmar?"
Le Provençal France, January 15, 1979 "The United States Air Force said to have shot down UFOs".
L'Eclair France, January 10, 1979 "A UFO in the president's garden..."
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, January 7, 1979 "a UFO in the sky of Saverne".
Le Méridional France, January 2, 1979 "End of year UFOs..."
New York Times USA, January 1, 1979 "CIA papers detail UFO surveillance", results of the lawsuit against CIA by Ground Saucer Watch.
Le Méridional France, December 31, 1978 "U.F.O's in the sky of Bulgaria".
ABC Spain, December 9, 1978 "According to ufologists in Olivares, UFOs haunt the sky of the Aljarefe".
The Register USA, November 30, 1978 "Two women report UFO".
ABC Spain, November 28, 1978 "The extraterrestrials may return", a report about a UFO conference in Spain.
Le Méridional France, November 28, 1978 "Argentina: a UFO... does the show".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, November 22, 1978 "A UFO in the Mathesian sky?"
Le Méridional France, November 13, 1978 "A UFO lands in Kuwait".
La Presse Canada, November 4, 1978 "Abducted by aliens, he now has six nipples".
The Boston Globe USA, October 29, 1978 "Sunday People".
Daily colonist Canada, October 28, 1978 "Mystery 'UFO' case details soon - friend".
The Nugget Canada, October 28, 1978 "Officer watches UFO for an hour".
Sud Ouest France, October 25, 1978 "But where did Frédéric Valentich go?"
Daily Colonist Canada, October 25, 1978 "Aliens got him - dad".
Daily Colonist USA, October 24, 1978 "Strange lights' seen over state are unexplained".
The World Canada, October 24, 1978 "'It's coming for me right now...'".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, October 11, 1978 "A UFO over Strasbourg?".
Le Midi Libre France, October 9, 1978 "The first alien discovered in 1960 in Portugal".
La Montagne France, September 16, 1978 "U.F.Os.: in Burgundy..."
Le Bien Public France, September 12, 1978 "U.F.O.s. and men".
L'Alsace France, September 8, 1978 "UFOS in the sky of Mulhouse".
La Presse de Tunisie Tunisia, August 10, 1978 "UFO over Sfax".
Dernière Heure France, July 27, 1978 "Flying saucer in Iran".
Le Midi Libre France, July 26, 1978 "UFO in formation above La Grande-Motte".
Dernière Heure France, July 24, 1978 "A UFO observed above Strasbourg".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, July 21, 1978 "UFO in the Strasbourg sky".
Sud-Ouest France, July 20, 1978 "Not one U.F.O. but four in the Bigourdan sky".
Le Méridional France, July 19, 1978 "Flotilla of U.F.O. in the sky of Tarbes".
Nice Matin France, July 19, 1978 "UFO battle in the Béarn".
Le Méridional France, July 15, 1978 "The station master awaited a train: it was a "UFO"..."
Le Midi Libre France, July 12, 1978 "Big and small UFOs".
Var-Matin - République France, July 12, 1978 "A U.F.O. in the sky of Saint-Zacharie?"
Dernière Heure France, June 24, 1978 "A U.F.O. photographed in the sky of the Côte-d'Or".
Le Parisien France, June 23, 1978 "UFO in Valparaiso"
Le Parisien France, June 20, 1978 "A UFO in the Gironde sky"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, June 6, 1978 "Two UFOs at the Mont-Prorel".
Var-Matin - République France, May 29, 1978 "The Argentinian sky, a privileged training ground for UFOs".
International Herald Tribune USA, May 18, 1978 "Flying object baffles computer with maneuvers in Florida sky".
Le Méridional France, May 17, 1978 "Argentina: New flotilla of UFOs".
Nice-Matin France, May 17, 1978 "Remains of an UFO sought in Bolivia".
La Presse de Tunisie Tunisia, May 17 1978 "New UFO flotilla".
Le Progrès France, May 15, 1978 "UFOs on the Andes".
ABC Spain, May 14, 1978 "Five UFOs cruised above Ayamonte".
La Montagne France, May 13, 1978 "Many UFOs seen in Argentina".
Le Temps France, May 4, 1978 "Italy: UFO in Milan".
Le Méridional France, May 2, 1978 "A U.F.O. in the sky of the Vaucluse".
Le Midi Libre France, May 2, 1978 "A flying saucer 50 meters in diameter in the sky of the Vaucluse".
Le Soir France, May 2, 1978 "U.F.O. in the south of France".
Le Parisien Libéré France, May 2, 1978 "Mysterious traces in a field in the Saône-et-Loire".
Le Méridional France, April 30, 1978 "Thursday's UFO: residents of Avignon saw it".
L'Eveil France, April 30, 1978 "Here are the U.F.O.s again!"
Le Méridional France, April 29, 1978 "A UFO in the sky of the Gard".
Le Progrès France, April 29, 1978 "In the Saône-et-Loire, a farmer discovers in a barley field important traces left by a mysterious craft!"
Le Progrès France, April 28, 1978 "Another U.F.O. in the Saint-Etienne sky".
La Montagne France, April 21, 1978 "Flying saucer".
ABC Spain, April 21, 1978 "A gigantic UFO was seen by hundreds of people in Bilbao".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, April 1, 1978 "UFO in the Seine-Maritime".
La Montagne France, March 11, 1978 "New visit to the Creuse".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, March 6, 1978 "Establishment of a European committee for the study of UFO phenomena"
L'Alsace France, March 4, 1978 "UFO here, UFO there..."
Var-Matin - République France, March 1, 1978 "UFO wave over Provence"
Le Midi Libre France, February 25, 1978 "A U.F.O. seen in Alès, Salindres and Bessèges"
L'Alsace France, February 25, 1978 "A UFO last evening in Bourtzwiller?"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, February 24, 1978 "U.F.O. in Carcassonne in the Ariège and in Toulouse according to four witnesses".
La Montagne France, February 24, 1978 "Above La Montagne Noire a UFO reportedly exploded".
Le Midi Libre France, February 23, 1978 "A UFO on the peak of Nore?"
Var-Matin - République France, February 23, 1978 "A U.F.O. in the sky of Toulon?"
L'Alsace France, February 19, 1978 "Four Alsatian young people on the road of Langres, when suddenly, a UFO..."
La Montagne France, February 16, 1978 "Strange luminous phenomena in the sky..."
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, February 16, 1978 "Strange luminous phenomenon yesterday morning, above Grenoble"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, February 16, 1978 "A mysterious craft in the Bressan sky"
L'Alsace France, February 15, 1978 "A UFO in Bourtzwiller?"
Le Parisien Libéré France, February 14, 1978 "Flying saucers in Wales".
La Nouvelle République France, February 13, 1978 "Flying saucers a gogo".
Kentucky Post USA, February 6, 1978 "Humming UFO sighted by family above Verona".
La Montagne France, January 28, 1978 "UFOs: Seriously".
La Montagne France, January 26, 1978 "The U.F.O. kidnaps two children"
Le Méridional France, January 26, 1978 "U.F.O. from fiction... to reality?"
Le Progrès France, January 24, 1978 "Brazil: Two children allegedly kidnapped by a U.F.O.".
La Montagne France, January 24, 1978 "UFO story: already in ancient times...".
Le Maine Libre France, January 20, 1978 "More UFOs observed in Parennes this time".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 14, 1978 "The unusual object of the Obiou: a new testimony".
Le Midi Libre France, January 14, 1978 "'UFO' in the Bouches-du-Rhône".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 13, 1978 "An unusual object seen at high altitude not far from the Obiou".
Le Parisien France, January 13, 1978 "A space station disturbed by UFOs".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, January 13, 1978 "'UFOs' in the Moselle and in Strasbourg".
Le Méridional France, January 13, 1978 "UFOs are back".
Le Provençal France, January 13, 1978 "UFOs in the sky of Meyrargues?"
Le Provençal France, January 13, 1978 "UFOs again the Provence".
Le Democrate France, January 13, 1978 "The two obsevations in Houetteville".
L'Eclair France, January 12, 1978 "UFOs in the Moselle".
L'Eclair France, January 9, 1978 "A UFO in Saint-Fiacre".
Le Provençal France, January 8, 1978 "A U.F.O. in the sky of Orange".
Le Provençal France, January 7, 1978 "The UFO... be".
Le Provençal France, January 7, 1978 "As if the moon wandered in the small valley of Gordes".
Sud Ouest France, January 7, 1978 "And one UFO, one!".
Le Provençal France, January 6, 1978 "A UFO above the Barroux".
Le Provençal France, January 5, 1978 "Two more UFOs above Bonnieux".
Le Provençal France, January 5, 1978 "These strange objects which come from the sky".
Le Provençal France, January 5, 1978 "UFO in the country of Apt? Numerous people saw them..."
Sud Ouest France, January 5, 1978 "A U.F.O. in Estirac (65)"
Le Méridional France, January 4, 1978 "U.F.O in the Vaucluse".
Le Parisien France, January 3, 1978 "I state that I saw and filmed flying saucers".
La Montagne France, December 23, 1977 "For fear of ridicule".
L'Alsace France, December 14, 1977 "In the sky of Moernach: a UFO".
La Montagne France, December 6, 1977 "U.F.O. at low altitude"
Le Midi Libre France, December 2, 1977 "U.F.O. at the U.N."
Sud Ouest France, November 28, 1977 "The flying saucers could be just swarms of insects".
Sud Ouest France, November 28, 1977 "A U.F.O. on TV".
A Luta Brazil, November 23, 1977 "A 'UFO' disturbs a Portuguese boat".
L'Alsace France, November 20, 1977 "In Alsace".
L'Est Républicain France, November 19, 1977 "UFO in the sky".
Le Midi Libre France, November 19, 1977 "UFO alert near Nîmes".
Zero Hora Brazil, October 19, 1977 "UFO".
La Marne France, October 13, 1977 "Always the U.F.O.s".
Le Midi Libre France, October 11, 1977 "Three UFOs in the sky of the Charente".
Le Midi Libre France, October 3, 1977 "U.F.O. in the Yonne".
Le Provencal France, September 28, 1977 "U.F.O. on Istres?"
Le Midi Libre France, September 24, 1977 "A UFO in the Soviet Union".
Le Parisien France, September 21, 1977 "Scheduled UFO in the Spanish sky - Auscultate by an extraterrestrial".
La Presse Canada, September 20, 1977 "Auscultate by an extraterrestrial".
Le Parisien France, September 12, 1977 "U.F.O. on Saint-Germain and above Chad".
Le Provencal France, September 8, 1977 "Who saw the UFO?"
Le Midi Libre France, September 4, 1977 "U.F.O. in Lombardy".
Le Parisien France, September 3, 1977 "France studied the UFO phenomenon for 23 years".
O Dia Brazil, September 2, 1977 "A flying saucer photographed by the police".
Le Provençal France, August 27, 1977 "Thirty years ago the flying saucers".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, August 18, 1977 "A UFO in Normandy too?"
Le Parisien France, August 18, 1977 "Again a UFO".
Le Parisien France, August 17, 1977 "A UFO in the sky of the Jura".
Le Parisien Libéré France, August 15, 1977 "UFO in the sky of Alsace".
L'Alsace France, August 13, 1977 "A flying saucer in the Aslatian sky".
La Montagne France, August 11, 1977 "Martians attack!"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, August 11, 1977 "Mysteries of the Norvegian fjords".
La Presse France, August 9, 1977 "A UFO explodes".
Var-Matin - République France, August 9, 1977 "A squadron of flying saucers in the Italian sky".
Correio Braziliense Brazil, August 7, 1977 "Discs are seen in Nucleo".
Diario La Regia Brazil, August 3, 1977 "Road policeman also saw the flying saucer".
Le Provençal France, August 2, 1977 "Madagascar: the search for the 'meteorites' is still on".
Le Parisien France, July 26, 1977 "A UFO in Spain".
Le Provençal France, July 25, 1977 "UFO's in the Gard?"
Le Provençal France, July 16, 1977 "Only the ponies saw the UFO".
La Montagne France, July 16, 1977 "UFO against ponies".
Daily Mail U-K., July 15, 1977 "Flying saucer".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, July 8, 1977 "A UFO in the sky of Haut-Rhin?"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, June 14, 1977 "The UFO observed above Romans was only a sounding balloon".
Le Midi Libre France, June 4, 1977 "Extraterrestrials exist: I met one...".
La Dépêche du Midi France, June 3, 1977 "Three years later, a resident of the Gers claims: 'My car was stopped by an alien near Nogaro'".
Le Provençal France, May 28, 1977 "A UFO in the countryside of Aix?".
La Voix du Nord France, May 22, 1977 "Two UFOs in the sky of Bertangles (Somme)".
Le Provençal France, May 18, 1977 "Abducted by a UFO during 15 minutes a Chilean corporal comes back with a 3 days beard".
L'Alsace France, May 16, 1977 "The April 2 UFO observed by an astronomer".
Daily Mirror U-K., May 3, 1977 Jimmy Carter.
L'Alsace France, April 30, 1977 "The luminous phenomenon of Colmar: other testimonies".
L'Alsace France, April 23, 1977 "A UFO in Colmar..."
Levante Spain, April 19, 1977 "A UFO made all the phones in the city ring".
Montréal-Matin Canada, April 8, 1977 "A saucer is said to have landed in Sainte-Doroth e".
The Victorian Canada, April 6, 1977 "Enthusiasts see light".
The Victorian Canada, April 6, 1977 "The UFO Enigma".
The Victorian Canada, March 30, 1977 "The UFO enigma".
L'Alsace France, March 26, 1977 "A UFO on the Mulhouse sky".
Midi Libre France, March 24, 1977 "Missed appointment for the U.F.O safari".
Los Angeles Times France, March 23, 1977 "Unexplained lights seen racing over South Los Angeles".
L'Alsace France, March 23, 1977 "UFOs in the sky of Alsace".
ABC Sevilla Spain, March 22, 1977 Gran Canaria 1976 photograph
L'Alsace France, March 22, 1977 "UFO: Saturday night, also..."
Midi Libre France, March 21, 1977 "Six gendarmes saw a UFO in the sky of Belleville-sur-Sa ne..."
Daily Colonist Canada, March 16, 1977 "UFO 'invasion' continues".
Daily Colonist Canada, March 13, 1977 "Saucer over Saanich".
Daily Colonist Canada, March 11, 1977 "Hydro lines fuelling saucers - UFO expert".
Le Midi Libre France, March 6, 1977 "A UFO above Ricard".
Le Midi Libre France, February 26, 1977 "When a big red moon stains the night, the sky of a small Rouergat hamlet".
Le Midi Libre France, February 25, 1977 "The Aveyron is no longer neglected by UFOs".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, February 23, 1977 "A red disc as big as a house near Saint-Marcellin".
Le Midi Libre France, February 20, 1977 "Are UFOs attacking in the Gard?"
Var-Matin - République France, February 20, 1977 "Does the UFO road pass through the Thoronet?"
Le Midi Libre France, February 17, 1977 "The "VERONICA" Group gave the alert..."
Le Midi Libre France, February 15, 1977 "UFOs varying frpm yellow to blue in the Gard sky".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, February 8, 1977 "A UFO in the sky of Alsace".
Le Provençal France, February 5, 1977 "Flying saucer in the sky of Eyrargues".
Le Midi Libre France, February 5, 1977 "The great return of the UFOs in the sky of the greater delta".
La Nouvelle République France, January 27, 1977 "A UFO in the Liguge sky".
Le Provençal France, January 27, 1977 "Other people saw it".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 27, 1977 "A U.F.O. observed in Dom ne".
Le Provençal France, January 26, 1977 "A U.F.O. on l'Isle-sur-Sorgue?"
Toppenish Review USA, January 26, 1977 "Harrah youth reports UFOs with 'greenish creatures'".
La Dépêche du Midi France, January 19, 1977 "A UFO in the Pas-de-la-Case climb".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, January 18, 1977 "A ball of fire in the sky".
Le Petit Journal Canada, January 15, 1977 "She saw a flying saucer and two 'space beings' on the opposite roof".
Le Provençal France, January 14, 1977 "On the night of Noves, a scientific researcher and attends the ballet of two mysterious 'stars'".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 12, 1977 "UFO in the sky of the Touraine".
La Nouvelle République France, January 11, 1977 "A UFO in the sky of the Touraine".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 11, 1977 "New UFO manifestation over the Saint-Pierreville region".
Saint Louis Post Dispatch USA, January 9, 1977 "Couple reports chase by UFO".
Le Républicain Lorrain France, January 9, 1977 "A UFO in the sky of the Haut-Rhin".
Le Midi Libre France, January 9, 1977 "A UFO near Valence".
Var-Matin - République France, January 9, 1977 "A U.F.O. in the Dr me".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 8, 1977 "UFO sightings are multiplying in the Dr me and the Vaucluse".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 5, 1977 "UFOs in the Ard che?".
Le Duphin Libéré France, January 1, 1977 UFOs in Beauregard-de-Terrasson.
Le Midi libre France, December 26, 1976 "A new wave of UFOs on the Gard?"
Sud Ouest France, December 25, 1976 "A UFO as Christmas star".
L'Aurore France, December 14, 1976 "UFOs in the Haute-Provence?"
Le Midi Libre France, December 14, 1976 "Chasseurs Alpins in maneuvering to get... UFOs"
Le Midi Libre France, November 17, 1976 "The weird lum inous craftseen by several residents of the Aude in the sky of Caux-et-Sauzens".
Le Midi Libre France, October 26, 1976 "UFOs reportedly watched N.A.T.O. maneuvers".
Le Parisien Libéré France, October 19, 1976 "The skeleton of an 'extraterrestrial' discovered in Mexico?"
Var-Matin - République France, October 10, 1976 "U.F.Os in the sky of Saint-Tropez?"
L'Alsace France, October 10, 1976 "A UFO in Brunstatt?"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, September 29, 1976 "A 'sound and light' U.F.O observed close to Saint-Marcellin (the Is re)".
Le Midi Libre France, September 22, 1976 "UFO against 'Phantom'"
La Nouvelle République France, September 18, 1976 "A new testimony on the UFO appearance..."
L'Alsace France, September 17, 1976 "A UFO in the sky of Mulhouse?"
La Nouvelle République France, September 9, 1976 "UFOs in the Mouli re forest".
L'Alsace France, August 28, 1976 "More UFOs..."
Midi Libre France, August 25, 1976 "Followed by a UFO".
L'Alsace France, August 24, 1976 "Between Saverne and Bouxwiller: Two young people followed by a UFO - Two gendarmes among the witnesses".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, August 24, 1976 "A UFO of changing shapes".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, August 20, 1976 "New interrogation under hypnosis for Hélène Giuliana who recounted the story of her encounter with a U.F.O."
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, August 20, 1976 "A UFO in the Haute-Loire?"
Le Midi Libre France, August 18, 1976 Observation in Brioudes.
La Nouvelle République France, August 12, 1976 "A UFO in the Haute-Loire.
Le Midi Libre France, August 12, 1976 Observation in Urimenil in France.
Le Midi Libre France, August 8, 1976 "Always UFOs".
Le Midi Libre France, July 31, 1976 "UFO in Nancy for the cab drivers".
La Nouvelle République France, July 27, 1976 "Fling saucer in the Nivernais?"
La Dépêche du Midi France, July 25, 1976 "A farmer taken into the beams of a UFO".
O Noticia Brazil, July 19, 1976 "A woman and 4 men in the skies on board a flying disc."
West Britton U-K., July 15, 1976 "90 Cornish school children see UFO".
Le Midi Libre France, July 13, 1976 "A UFO agaib?"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, July 12, 1976 "U.F.O. - What happened on last June 11th on the R.N. 531 close to Bourg-de-P age?"
L'Est Républicain France, July 5, 1976 "UFO in the sky of Eurville".
Le Midi Libre France, July 3, 1976 "The UFO was a balloon...".
Le Journal de Sa ne-et-Loire France, July 1, 1976 "A farmer form La Guiche witness with five other people of strange 'appearances'".
Le Midi Libre France, June 23, 1976 "A UFO over Nîmes on June 2".
La Dépêche du Midi France, June 21, 1976 "U.F.O. in Larique-Timbaut!"
La Montagne France, June 19, 1976 "The earthly flying saucer in year 2000?" and "In a barley field?"
La Nouvelle République France, June 14, 1976 "A UFO in the sky of Maubeuge?"
Le Provençal France, June 9, 1976 "May 16 a U.F.O. landed on a small island of the Durance!".
La Nouvelle République France, June 8, 1976 "A UFO in the sky of Thouars".
Argus USA, June 3, 1976 "Whatever "They" are, they are still around here".
Le Provençal France, June 1, 1976 "Three residents of Orange saw a UFO on May 15 at 11:30 p.m.".
O Progresso Brazil, May 29, 1976 "An unidentified flying object seen above Tanac".
Le Midi Libre France, May 25, 1976 "Four luminous objects..."
Var-Matin - République France, May 11, 1976 "UFO above la Coupiane?"
Sud Ouest France, April 30, 1976 "Once again... the UFOs were false".
Var-Matin - République France, April 24, 1976 "Cavalaire - UFOs in the sky".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, April 23, 1976 "UFO in the sky of the Robertsau?"
La Montagne France, April 20, 1976 "Luminous phenomenon in Denmark and Sweden".
Sud Ouest France, April 13, 1976 "Four mysterious luminous balls observed in the sky of Blanquefort".
The Province Canada, April 12, 1976 "'Something's up there, by George!'".
Sud Ouest France, April 11, 1976 "A foreman of a factory in Saint-Di ..."
Le Provençal France, March 24, 1976 "Near Sainte-Eulalie-en-Royans an automobilist..."
Le Bien Public France, March 24, 1976 "Are the invaders already among us?"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, March 24, 1976 "A car driver panicked at the sight of a 'luminous cigar'".
La Nouvelle République France, February 25, 1976 "A UFO appeared..."
Correo de Andalucia Spain, January 30, 1976 "The mystery of the case of the "UFO" that attacked a youth of Benacazon continues".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 27, 1976 "A UFO large 'like a house' landed near Uriage".
The Province Canada, 24 janvier 1976 "Photo of mysterious UFO shows cigar-shaped figure"
Le Parisien Libéré France, January 13, 1976 "Aliens among us?"
Le Midi Libre France, January 13, 1976 "Dauphiné: it's raining UFOs!"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, January 12, 1976 "A new craft observed in Domène".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, Januar 11, 1976 "In Domène (Isère) a blonde giant coming out of a UFO terrifies children"
La Liberté de l'Est France, December 24, 1975 "A UFO in Seine-et-Marne seen by 20 people".
Sudbury Star USA, December 20, 1975 "Police from three counties pursue UFO".
Le Provençal France, November 20, 1975 "A UFO in Bollène".
Northern Daily News Canada, November 11, 1975 "Police and armed forces personnel sight UFOs over Haileybury, Sudbury".
Le Bien Public France, November 10, 1975 "A U.F.O. in the sky of Alsace".
L'Alsace France, November 8, 1975 "A flying saucer in Merxheim?".
Le Provençal France, October 28, 1975 "A UFO in the sky of the Vaucluse".
Le Provençal France, October 16, 1975 "UFO or plane? In the Var and on the Ventoux".
La Liberté de l'Est France, October 4, 1975 "A UFO in the sky of Saint-Dié (Vosges)".
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace France, September 28, 1975 A UFO in the sky of Colmar?
Le Télégramme de Brest France, September 3, 1975 A gleam in Pont-du-Buis.
Le Parisien Libéré France, August 20, 1975 "A UFO seen in the Alpes-Maritimes".
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, August 20, 1975 "U.F.O in Villeneuve-Loubet".
Le Dauphin France, August 19, 1975 "A U.F.O. chases three inhabitants of the Haute-Marne!"
Le Parisien Libéré France, August 19, 1975 "2 automobilists of the Haute-Marne chased by a 'U.F.O.'"
Novedades Mexicoe, August 1, 1975 "Third luminous object in the northern sky of Veracruz".
Le Provençal France, May 7, 1975 "The saucer of Orly said to have disintegrated when hitting the ground!" (meteor).
La Liberté de l'Est France, May 4, 1975 "U.F.O.", landing in Lagny.
Le Parisien France, April 28, 1975 "Several U.F.O." (meteors).
Timmins Daily Press Canada, April 12, 1975 "Growing science challenge: UFO's".
Le Provençal France, February 25, 1975 "A U.F.O. in the sky of the Vaucluse".
Le Provençal France, February 18, 1975 "Luminous objects in the sky of Martigues".
Le Parisien Libéré France, February 18, 1975 "U.F.O. in the sky of the Landes".
La Liberté de l'Est France, February 16, 1975 "UFO in the Haut-Var".
L'Alsace France, February 16, 1975 "A UFO in the sky of Landser?"
ABC Spain, January 8, 1975 "Investigation on a supposed UFO landing in Las Bardenas Reales".
Var-Matin - République France, December 17, 1974 "Was there a UFO landing in La Vallette?"
Le Midi Libre France, December 8, 1974 "A new UFO observed in the sky of the Languedoc".
Var-Matin - République France, November 24, 1974 "Extraterrestrials hunted by the French in Colombia".
Var-Matin - République France, October 24, 1974 "Ste Maxime: a ufo in the sky".
Daily Star Canada, October 22, 1974 "RCMP Saw Three UFOs over Rockies".
France Soir France, October 12, 1974 "The pope's saucers".
Var-Matin - République France, October 12, 1974 "A UFO in the sky".
Le Télégramme de Brest France, October 6, 1974 "In the middle of the night, in Riec-sur-Belon, a family sees three luminous silhouettes descending from a saucer with red port-holes...".
The Star Phoenix Canada, September 27, 1974 "Martensville constable, wife see UFO; controllers skeptical".
The Star Phoenix Canada, September 10, 1974 "Saucer sighted, no hoax - RCMP".
Var-Matin - République France, September 1, 1974 "UFO in the sky of Cambrai: the police is investigating".
L'Yonne Républicaine France, August 31, 1974 "A U.F.O. in the sky of Cheny?"
Télégramme de Brest France, August 29, 1974 UFO or whatever, France, 1974.
Var-Matin - République France, August 28, 1974 "Another unidentified flying object in Peyrons?"
Le Provençal France, August 17, 1974 "A U.F.O. in the sky of Orange, two in the Is re".
Var-Matin - République France, August 17, 1974 "Two UFOs in the sky of Isère".
La Dépêche du Midi France, August 14, 1974 "Tulle: U.F.O were seen by school kids".
Midi Libre France, August 13, 1975 "Perhaps allured by the charm of the Rouergue a "U.F.O" flew over Salles-la-Source!"
Le Dauphiné Libéré France, August 13, 1975 "A squadron of UFOs in the sky of Pont-en-Royans".
Sud-Ouest France, August 11, 1974 "Flotilla of UFOS above the Vercors".
L'Ardennais France, August 5, 1974 "A lacrymogene UFO".
Le Provençal France, July 12, 1974 "A mysterious phenomenon melted the roof of a house".
Var-Matin - République France, July 12, 1974 "A UFO melts the zinc roof of a house".
France Soir France, July 11, 1974 Greenish cubic UFO.
Var-Matin France, July 10, 1974 "A UFO".
Var-Matin France, June 30, 1974 "A dozen UFOs in Grenoble".
The Mercury Australia, June 17, 1974 UFOs and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Var-Matin République France, June 16, 1974 "Luminous phenomenon in the sky of the department of Var".
Var-Matin France, May 30, 1974 "A UFO in the sky".
La Voix du Nord France, May 22, 1974 "Two UFOs in the sky of Bertangle".
L'Ardennais France, April 20, 1974 "U.F.O.'s in Burgundy".
France Soir France, April 19, 1974 "Flying object".
Le Provencal France, March 31, 1974 "A 'flying saucer' filmed for the first time by a television camera".
La Voix du Nord France, March 23, 1974 "A UFO in the sky of Arques?".
La Voix du Nord France, March 20, 1974 "Four people observed a UFO during 90 minutes".
France Soir France, March 20, 1974 "U.F.O. in the sky of Marseilles".
La Voix du Nord France, March 19, 1974 "A UFO in the sky of Marcq-en-Barceul?"
La Nouvelle République France, March 13 1974 "New UFOs in the sky of the canton of Langeais".
Le Parisien Libéré France, March 9, 1974 "In short".
Le Parisien Libéré France, March 8, 1974 "U.F.O's here and there".
Var-Matin République France, March 8, 1974 "The UFO observed by "Concorde" was a OESNI".
France Soir France, March 8, 1974 "Three U.F.O. in the sky of the Charente".
France Soir France, March 7, 1974 "U.F.O. seen by two witnesses in the Pas-de-Calais".
L'Echo d'Enghien France, March 7, 1974 "UFO in the sky of Montmorency?"
Var-Matin République France, March 3, 1974 "Mysterious object flying in the sky of Draguignan".
L'Ardennais France, March 1, 1974 "U.F.O's in the sky - They were seen by the mayor and police officers".
Midi Libre France, February 27, 1974 "UFO's a go go".
Var Matin - République France, February 27, 1974 "In the Aude, reinforcements of gendarmerie to track the UFOs".
France Soir France, February 27, 1974 "Constables in pursuit of a flying cigar".
Midi Libre France, February 26, 1974 "The gendarmes were alerted in time to observe the object which measured 'two tractors in height'".
Ouest France France, February 26, 1974 "Did the U.F.O. come back?"
France Soir France, February 23, 1974 "A trucker tells about his trop with the 'thing'".
L'Ardennais France, February 22, 1974 "U.F.O's: a "problem" for the Secretary of the Armies".
Le Parisien Libéré France, February 22, 1974 "Mr. Galley and the 'U.F.Os.'".
Le Parisien Libéré France, February 22 1974 "'U.F.O.' in the Champenois sky".
Le Provençal France, February 20, 1974 "Again a 'U.F.O.' abobe Marcoule".
France Soir France, Febuary 18, 1974 "'Cigar' in the sky of the Ni vre - Even the policemen saw it".
Le Parisien Libéré France, Febuary 18, 1974 "Again a mysterious object in the sky of the Nièvre".
Var Matin - République France, February 17, 1974 "A balloon discovered close to Le Cannet... But it cannot be the object seen in the sky Sunday at 6 p.m.".
Le Parisien Libéré France, February 13, 1974 "A U.F.O. seen in Romania".
Var Matin - République France, February 12, 1974 "Curious object in the sky of Draguignan, Sunday at 6 p.m.".
Le Parisien Libéré France, February 12, 1974 "Luminous object in the sky of te Nevers area".
L'Ardennais France, February 6, 1974 "A UFO on the town?"
Le Midi Libre France, February 3, 1974 "...the lentils do not grow back where the 'craft', seen in Fabrègues, passed".
Var Matin - République France, February 1, 1974 "The secrecy of the "flying saucer" photographed by "Concorde" was kept for seven months".
Le Parisien Libéré France, January 25, 1974 "UFO in the sky of Denain".
Le Provençal France, January 22, 1974 "Unidentified flying object in the sky of Bagnols".
Le Parisien Libéré France, January 14, 1974 "U.F.O. in the sky of the Yvelines".
Var Matin - République France, January 13, 1974 "A 'flying saucer' in the sky of the Yvelines".
Le Parisien Libéré France, January 11, 1974 "U.F.O's in the sky of the North".
Le Provençal France, January 10, 1974 "Unidentified flying object in the sky of the Luberon".
L'Ardennais France, January 2, 1974 "UFOs invade the French skies".
Var Matin - République France, January 2, 1974 "'Flying saucers' again".
Oise Matin France, January 1, 1974 "A grocer from Haisnes has 2 strange encounters".
Peoples Defender USA, December 27, 1973 "Plane thought to be down in county".
Sud Ouest France, December 24, 1973 "A mysterious light seen in the sky of Charente-Maritime".
L'Ardennais France, December 17, 1973 "Flying saucer in the sky of the Charente (?)".
L'Ardennais France, December 14, 1973 "A flying saucer again".
Var-Matin - République France, December 10, 1973 "UFO in Austria".
Le Provençal France, December 10, 1973 "Flying saucers in Italy and in Austria".
Le Provençal France, December 9, 1973 "A "flying saucer" on the beach of the Channel?"
Var-Matin - République France, December 9, 1973 "A UFO was reportedly seen in the English Channel".
Midi Libre France, December 7, 1973 "Was it a flying saucer?".
Ouest France France, December 6, 1973 "A 'flying saucer' or more exactly a ball of fire"...
San Diego Register USA, December 5, 1973 A UFO with a dome and four legs was seen.
Le Provençal France, December 3, 1973 "The return of the 'flying saucers'".
France Soir France, December 2, 1973 The Torino UFO.
Montréal Matin Canada, November 12, 1973 "A flying saucer chased his truck".
The Mansfield News Journal USA, November 4, 1973 "Incident named after pilot", the Coyne incident.
Var-Matin - République France, November 29, 1973 "Mysterious appearance in the sky of Figanières".
Lake County Life USA, November 1, 1973 Observation reported by a pilot.
Var-Matin République France, October 28, 1973 "A UFO in the sky of Ste Maxime".
Crescent News USA, October 26, 1973 "UFOs visit Hawaii".
Novedades Mexico, October 26, 1973 "Mexican tells how he saw and photographed a flying saucer".
Crescent News USA, October 22, 1973 "'Erratic Lights' reported in Hicksville".
Columbus Citizen Journal USA, October 19, 1973 "Post employee sees UFO trio".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 19, 1973 "UFO reports and pranks continuing".
Huron Daily Tribune USA, October 19, 1973 "UFO sightings continue".
Columbus Citizen Journal USA, October 18, 1973 "Sky-gazer sees probability of extraterrestrial life".
The Clermont Sun USA, October 18, 1973 "It's a Bird! It's A plane! It's... Reports of strange objects in the sky flood in to Clermont Sheriff's office".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 18, 1973 "Fewer UFOs seen here".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 18, 1973 "Police say some UFO's are balloons with candles".
The People's Defender USA, October 18, 1973 "County law officers disclose UFO sighting near West Union".
The News-Democrat USA, October 18, 1973 UFO report.
Columbus Citizen Journal USA, October 17, 1973 "Ohioans report dozens of UFOs".
Columbus Citizen Journal USA, October 17, 1973 "UFO spotted in West Virginia".
The Crescent News USA, October 17, 1973 "UFO observations on the rise:" observations in South Central US, including the Pascagoula encounter.
Cincinnati Post USA, October 17, 1973 "World's buzzing with UFO talk".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 17, 1973 "Lighted ball spotted in Brown county".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 17, 1973 "The world's buzzing with UFO talk".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 17, 1973 "Sivery creatures".
Schenectady Gazette USA, October 17, 1973 "Gloversville, N.Y.".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 16, 1973 "Ohio countryside swarms with UFOs".
Crescent News USA, October 16, 1973 "UFO 'attacks' cruiser".
Huron Daily Tribune USA, October 16, 1973 "UFO blamed for having killed Ohio cows".
Cincinnati Enquirer USA, October 15, 1973 "Mystery objects soar for observers In area".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 15, 1973 "Test points to truth of UFO report".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 13, 1973 "Patrolman asks day off after glimpse of UFO".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 13, 1973 "Men say they were taken aboard spaceship".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 12, 1973 "What's up? Lights in sky are puzzle".
The Columbus Dispatch USA, October 12, 1973 "UFO reports precede boom".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 11, 1973 "Switchboard lights up for UFO reports".
Columbus Dispatch USA, October 11, 1973 "15 Sightings of UFOs reported near Dayton".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 11, 1973 "UFOs sighted in Dayton area".
The Derry News USA, October 11, 1973 "UFO divers strike out".
The Columbus Dispatch USA, October 10, 1973 "2 UFOs reported over U.S.".
Mobile Register USA, October 9, 1973 "Forrest constable chases UFO through two counties".
Schenectady Gazette USA, October 8, 1973 UFO observation.
The Columbus Citizen USA, October 6, 1973 "Flying-object rage has spread to Ohio".
The Cincinnati Post USA, October 6, 1973 "UFO visits Connersville".
USA, October 5, 1973 "The South's saucer siege".
The Columbus Dispatch USA, October 5, 1973 "Truck driver blinded scientist investigates reported UFO attack".
Cincinnati Post USA, October 5, 1973 "For sale: Slightly used UFO; needs new candle".
Schenectady Gazette USA, October 4, 1973 UFO sighting.
The Derry News USA, October 4, 1973 "UFO sighting unexplained".
The Crescent News USA, October 4, 1973 "Ranger 'sure' of UFO".
The Crescent News USA, October 2, 1973 "Woman sees UFO".
The Cincinnatti Post USA, October 1, 1973 "More than 20 UFOs reported in Tennessee".
La Semaine dans le Boulonnais France, October 1973 "A UFO in Boulonnais?"
USA, September 24, 1973 "UFO blinked at him".
USA, September 21, 1973 "UFO class at college".
USA, September 16, 1973 "He's seen one".
La Voix du Nord France, September 11, 1973 "Two U.F.O. observed near Maubeuge".
Var-Matin - République France, September 5, 1973 "Bright spot in the sky over Seyne?".
Cincinnati Post USA, August 30, 1973 Top Secret boom rattles Cincinnati.
Sherbooke Tribune USA, June 4, 1973 "The return of the flying saucers".
Le Figaro France, March 19, 1973 "A plea for the Unidentified Flying Objects".
Ouest-France France, March 19, 1973 "The symposium of Quimper on the unidentified flying objects".
Le Télégramme de Brest France, March 19, 1973 "400 participants in Quimper at the first National Symposium on the Unidentified Flying Objects".
Globe Democrat USA, March 18, 1973 March 11 sighting.
State Columbia USA, February 27, 1973 "You might not believe this, and officially they don't exist, but...".
Times Tri City Daily USA, February 18, 1973 Lexington, Alabama.
Gaffney Ledger USA, January 12, 1973 "Flying saucers and little men still around".
Nice Matin France, 1973 A French reporter investigates UFOs and writes about it in a major French local newspaper.
Les Dépêches France, November 7, 1972 "Weird phenomenon in the sky of Montbard".
Auckland Star New Zealand, September 18, 1972 "Did gunfire cause a UFO to flee?"
The Dally Telegraph New Zealand, September 14, 1972 "Strange object in the sky of New Zealand".
Le Progr s France, November 4, 1972 "A Jurassic pisciculturist believed he was threatened by a mysterious flying object at the foot of the cascades of the H risson".
The Sun Canada, July 26, 1972 "53 caribous found dead in circle".
Le Parisien France, June 23, 1972 "UFO in Valparaiso".
Le Parisien France, June 20, 1972 "A UFO in the sky of the Gironde".
L'Alsace France, May 12, 1972 "UFOs in the sky of Rouffach?"
Pueblo Spain, April 10, 1972 "Ufos are back"
Dawson Creek News USA, April 5, 1972 "UFO sighting at Portage Mountain"
France Soir France, March 23, 1972 "Flying saucers".
L'Aurore France, March 21, 1972 UFO in the Eure, or helicopter and/or tractor.
Le Méridional France, February 17, 1972 "Unidentified flying object in the Ard che".
Ouest-France France, January 5, 1972 UFO in Plemet, France.
La Nacion Argentina, September 23, 1971 "Flying objects have been observed near Tres Arroyos and Colonel Dorrego".
La République France, January 19, 1971 UFO or trailreported in Saint-Varent.
L'Ile de la Réunion France, December 30, 1970 Flying saucer.
L'Alsace France, April 26, 1970 "Still the flying saucers".
L'Alsace France, April 25, 1970 "The flying saucer (Continued)".
L'Alsace France, April 24, 1970 "Again a witness".
L'Alsace France, April 23, 1970 "He saw it too".

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