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UFOs in the daily Press:

Ufology in Spain, 1978:

This article was published in the daily newspaper ABC, Sevilla, Spain, on December 9, 1978.

According to ufologists in Olivares


- Two saucers were seen recently, by a couple.

- They moved slowly and shone like burning coals.

Recently, and with a remarkable success, the ufology group of Olivares held an interesting conference on the topic of UFOs, thus coming out of this type of ostracism to which their members had subjected themselves not to be the target of scoffing and laughter to which those who study this matter are often subjected, without stopping to think about the discrete work that they carried out and that they conscientiously developed. The group, that we thank, agreed to break the silence for ABC and entrusted the following statements to us:


- Since does your group exist?

- It will be four years that we formed it, although we have all belonged before to other ufology groups.

- How many are you?

- We are six: Antonio (twenty years), Jose Shine (twenty-seven), Jose Maria (thirty), Manolo (thirty-five), Jose Luis (thirty-seven), and Esteban (Fifty-one), of various professional backgrounds and cultural levels. Our spouses and fiancees bring their collaboration to us.

- What do you seek in ufology?

- We must start by saying that ufology is a door which communicates to a room, which in its way, gives on thousand other doors. To us, that constitutes a kind of new manner of self-fulfilment.

- Does public scoffing matter to you?

- No: we entirely put it aside. We were described with very diverse qualifiers, but that doesn't influence us at all.


- Is Alrajafe a good place for ufology?

- It is an excellent place, and we aren^t the one who claim this, it is also the opinion of many experts. There is a great activity in the zone, which made us believe that Olivares, Gerena and Aznalcoliar form a magnetic triangle.

- Are there many cases of sightings?

- There are enough; they were studied by us and they have maximum of guarantees of credibility. We know the witnesses and we can gauge the veracity of the cases.

- How many have you filed?

- It is in the order of ten or twelve during the last months.

- All genuine and verified?

- With the maximum of precautions. Firstly , we analyze the personality of the witness, then we contact him, we listen to his account, we meet wiht him and let him take us on the place where he saw the object. Thereafter, several months afterwards, we take again on the investigation and compare the results.

- Is there somebody in the area who stated to have seen a being from another planet?

- Not, such a case never occurred. The observations are only and exclusively of flying objects.


- The most important or the most spectacular?

- A little more than a month ago, an inhabitant of Olivares was returning to Salteras with his wife. It was 11:30 p.m. when, very clearly, they could see two superimposed objects of circular form. That of the lower part was at forty meters in the sky and that of the top was twenty-five meters higher. According to statements of the couple, the diameter of the two objects would be approximately three meters, roughly as the curbstone of a well - those were his very words - and the latter moved and turned very slowly, describing a hue of a color like that of burning coals. Thereafter, in the space of five days, there were two other similar cases in the same area.

- Would you say that the Aljarafe is a base for UFOs?

- We do not have, and by far, convincing elements to claim this, but considering our knowledge of the area, there is no doubt that it constitutes a usual travel area for these objects.

- Did one of you succeed in seeing an object as you described previously?

- The important thing for us is not the capacity to state that we saw something, but to bring the evidence which helps to show that. In any case, on the long series of slides which we managed to shoot during the long nights of monitoring for to photograph the airspace of the area, we could observe clues that, at the very least, bring us to serious interrogations. Which, in addition, give reason to us for thinking that our work of investigation is not unfounded.


Original version:

Segun Ufologos de Olivares

Los OVNIS frecuentan el cielo de Aljarefe

- Dos superpuestos fueron vistos no hace mucho por un matrimonio.

- Se desplazaban lentamente y brillaban como ascuas. Recentiamento y con destacado éxito, el grupo ufologico de Olivares deserrollio un interesante coloquio sobre la tematica "ovni" emergiendo de esta forma del ostracismo voluntario a que sus miembros se someterion de esta forma chanzas y burlas a que muchos han sometido a los estudiosos del tema, sin pararse a pensar en la labor que callada y concienzudamente desarroltan. El grupo, es de agradecer, accedio a romper para ABC su mutismo y nos concedio las siguientes declaraciones:


- ¿Desde cuando existe el grupo?

- Hara unos cuatro años que lo constitulmos, aunque todos pertenecimos con anterloridad a otras agrupaciones ufologicas.

- ¿Cuantos lo componeis?

- Somos seis: Antonio (veinte años), Jose Luis (veintisiete), Jose Maria (treinta),Manolo (treinta y cinco), Jose Luis (treinta y siete), y Esteban (Cincuenta y uno), de diferente actividad laboral y grado cultural. Nuestras novias y esposas tambien colaboran con nosotros.

- ¿Que buscais en la ufologia?

- Hay che empezar diciendo que la ufologia es una puerta que comunica a una estancia que, a su vez, da a mil puertas mas. Para nosotros, constituye una forma de buscar nuevos cauces de realizacion.

- ¿Os importa el que diran?

- No: lo tenemos completamente saperada. Hemos sido calificados de la forma mas diversa de la opinion de los demas no influye para nada en nosotros.


- ¿Es el Alrajafe un buen campo ufologico?

- Es excelente, y no lo decimos nosotros, sino que es la opinion de muchos expertos. Existe una gran actividad en la zona, lo que nos da a creer que Olivares, Gerena Y Aznalcoliar forman un triangulo magnetico.

- ¿Ocurren muchos casos de avistamientos?

- Bastantes; estudiados por nosotros y que reunen la maximas garantias de credibilidad. Conocemos a los videntes y podemos calibrar la veracidad de los casos.

- ¿Cuantos teneis registrados documentalmente?

- Del ordea de los dies o doce en los ultimos meses.

- ¿Todos verdaderos y comprobados?

- Con el maximo de las cuidados. En primer lugar, analizamos la personalidad del testigo, despues contactamos con el, escuchamos su relato, lo encuestamos y acudimos al lugar donde avisto el objeto. Posteriormente, mese despues, volvemos a investigar y comparamos los resultamos.

- ¿Existe alguien en la zona que haya declarado haber visto ser de otro planeta?

- No, esa circumstancia nunca ha occurrido. Unica y exclusivamente las visones han sido de objetos volantes.


- ¿El mas importante o espectacular?

- Hara algo mas de un mes un vecino de Olivares regresaba con su esposa de Salteras. Serian las once y media de la noche cuando, con todas claridad, pudieran divisar dos objetos de forma circular superpuestos. El de abajo se encontraba a unos cuarenta metros del cielo y el superior veinticinco metros mas arriba. Según las declaraciones del matrimonio, el diametro de ambos seria de unos tres metros, aproximadamente como el brocal de un pozo – esas fueron sus propias palabras – los cuales giraban y se desplazaban muy lentamente, despidiendo una tonalidad como de ascua ardiende. Posteriormente, en un intervalo de quince dias, se dieron dos casos similares en la misma zona.

- ¿Aceptais lo dicho en alguna ocasión de que el Alrajafe es una base de Ovnis?

- No tenemos, desde luego, elementos de juicio para afirmarlo, pero atenientonos a nuestro conocimiento de la zona, no nos queda ninguna duda de que constituye un lugar de paso habitual de estos objetos.

- ¿Alguno de ustedes ha allegado a divisar algun objeto como los descritos anteriormente?

- Lo importante para nosotros ne es lo que podemos decir que hemos visto, sino aportar las pruebas que ayuden a demostrarlo. De todas formas, en la extensa colección de diapositivas que hemos tomado durante las largas noches de vigilia dedicadas a fotografiar el espacio aereo de la zona, se pueden observar indicios que, almenos, plantean serias interrogantes. Las cuales, por otra lado, nos dan pie a pensar que nuestros trabajos de invetigacion no carecen de fundamento.


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