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UFOs in the daily Press:

Sighting in La Riche, France, 1977:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Nouvelle République, France, on January 11, 1977.




"We're not liars, you know; we believe in it..."

They were still quite upset, the two Touraine women who, last night, between 9 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., saw, they say so, a UFO in the sky of La Riche: Mrs. MArtin, residing at 79, bv Tonnellé, and Mrs. Vernejoul, 31, rue de La Puye, in La Riche, were able to describe with sufficient precision the mysterious craft which intrigued them so much.

It all started around 9 p.m., when Mrs. Martin, driving on rue Louis XI, saw "something quite big in the sky: a white glow like an illumination, without precise outlines. It was not a plane: at this height, there would have been visible red and green lights. There, no".

Mrs. Martin, fascinated by the apparition, did not take her eyes off it. She thought, given the low altitude of it, that it was going to land: "I wanted to have a witness: I quickly went to look for Mrs. Vernejoul, telling her, "Turn off the light and have a look right away".

Thing said, thing done: the two women as well as the husband of the second one were able to observe the luminous form for quite a long time as, towards the end, it came to a standstill:

"It was quite elongated, with a more intense luminous focus in the center. It sparkled. Then, it disappeared, like a reflector seen in the fog, on the Loire side, towards Cinq-Mars-la-Pile - Berthenay.

The two women immediately reported their observation to the police station, which passed on the news to the gendarmerie, as is the rule in such cases. Last night they seemed in good faith. In very good faith. So - UFO or no UFO?

Don't smile, narrow-minded scientists!

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