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October 14, 1954, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, Vaucluse:

Reference for this case: 14-oct-54-Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The affair in the afternoon of October 14, 1954, in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse was one of the most publicized of the 1954 French wave. It was first told in an article in the regional newspaper Le Méridional for October 15, 1954:

According to their press correspondent, at 12:30, children shouted "A saucer! A saucer!" and the whole population became emotional, because a white disk hovered slowly over the locality.

With artillery binoculars, it was possible to clearly distinguish a large white disk, surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color, quite similar to a silver bowler hat. The lower circular border intermittently carried two powerful lights ranging from white to purplish, passing through the red. Oscillating on the axis of the large lower disk, the ensemble presented itself, sometimes in the form of a bowler hat, sometimes of a rhombus, sometimes of a simple disc with brilliant edge where two diametrically opposed lights were intermittently very clearly visible to the naked eye. There was no smoke or noise.

The Caritat air force base was alerted, and immediately sent two jet planes that arrived in the sky of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse around 2 p.m.

The press correspondent of the newspaper was in telephone contact with the air base, from where one communicated by radio with the planes; which made it possible to guide the planes towards the "saucer".

After two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, the planes took altitude and sharply dove towards the reported object. The planes' radio announced that the saucer was in sight, that they were hunting it, but that it was escaping with a speed higher than theirs. And from the ground in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, one clearly saw the saucer start soaring away with the two jet planes in pursuit.

But the same newspaper announced that while this was the version that had just been communicated to them by the inhabitants of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, they have another version coming from their manager Mr. Roland Fraissinet who was by chance at the Orange Air Base at that time, where he was doing his weekly flight on a "Mistral" plane.

The newspaper then gave the version of the pilots of the Orange base; which differs quite significantly from the version of the Fontaine-de-Vaucluse residents:

Around 1 p.m., the secretary of the town hall of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse phoned the officers' mess of the Orange Air Base to report there was a saucer at the vertical of his town hall. This was greeted with a mixture of enthusiasm and circumspection, but as the report was detailed, the commander of one of the base's squadrons phoned a few moments later to the Mayor of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, who confirmed to him the indications given by his secretary. This provoked general hilarity of the pilots around the phone. The mayor said the saucer was motionless at four hundred meters above the fountain "(no doubt the pilot was thirsty)." At that moment, a squadron commander was preparing to take off for a routine mission and when the presence of the object was reported to him, he flew moments later at the vertical of "the fountain" without seeing the slightest saucer.

During the rest of the afternoon, several pilots, including the manager, passed over the famous Fountain, during various missions, without managing to locate the "object" in the cloudless sky.

At 03:30 p.m., a new phone call reported that the saucer was at the vertical of Mont-Genèvre, but this time no one took it seriously, and no jet fighter of the base was diverted to intercept it.

The newspaper adds that some mischievous pilots even planned to go to Fontaine-de-Vaucluse that night "to present to the local population two Martians in chains, whose roles were to be held by two pilots of the base wearing their impressive high-altitude outfit."

As for the mysterious object, Orange was finally wondering if it was not just a weather balloon that was seen passing a few hours earlier in the south-east direction.

Many newspapers republished the case, often noting the contradiction between the people on the ground ensuring that the two planes dove onto the escaping saucer, and the official version that became a statement from the State Secretariat for Air that said: "Both pilots of the Orange base who flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at different altitudes on October 14 afternoon, observed no unknown craft during their search."

Another statement seems to have been given to the press by the Air Ministry, saying: "Contrary to the information published by some newspapers on Friday morning, the two pilots sent in pursuit of the saucer flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at different altitude and did not observe any unknown craft during their search. The two pilots are experienced officers and their report is formal."

The case then appeared in the foreign press, situating the case in "Avignon", and saying most often only that two jet aircraft of the French Air Force pursued an object described as "a white disk emitting white, red and purple lights", but this object moved away before the pilots could identify it.

In 1958, ufologist Aimé Michel reported the case, as well as the official denial statement; Michel was adamant that this statement prompted a flood of protest letters written by angry readers who had been among the innumerable witnesses. They expressed strongly that the communiqué took them for fools, and that they knew what they had seen.

Ufologists Charles Garreau and Raymond Lavier did the same, indicating in addition that one of the witnesses was Mr. Armand Boudin, and that it was him who had been in radio contact with the air base, and that the jet fighters were "Vampires".

René Faudrin published an essential document on this affair in his ufology bulletin Vaucluse Ufologie #6 of November - December 1977. He explained that Jean Leclaire, from Avignon, journalist of the Dauphiné Libéré, who published a section on UFOs every Wednesday, sought information from the very source, Orange Air Base 115; where Colonel Chevrier commanding the base entrusted him with the official report of the base, thus published in the Dauphiné libéré for May 19, 1977:

"Report of Second Lieutenant ERBANI, investigating officer, flying saucers of 10/14/54".

- 1:10 p.m .: the head of the post receives a telephone call from the secretariat of the town hall of Fontaine de Vaucluse: "A mysterious craft is reported overhead above Fontaine de Vaucluse at an approximate altitude of 300 meters. The craft is observed with artillery binoculars. It can be distinguished very well but no details are given on its color and its shape. The post chief reports this communication to Captain GUIRAL who notifies Commander MONTAGNE.

- 1:40 p.m.: Lieutenant CAMPS phones the mayor. The latter affirms that the craft is always in the same position, that is to say vertically to the village, at an altitude of approximately 400 meters, the craft oscillating laterally.

-3:50 p.m.: Captain VERDET telephones the mayor. The latter informs him that the craft now appears the size of a pinhead. Observed through artillery binoculars, the craft appears the size of a 10 cent piece, slightly domed above, with shiny dots around.

- 2:00 p.m .: the mayor of Fontaine de Vaucluse reports that the craft is heading towards Pernes les Fontaines, still at the same altitude. The MELUN 15 plane called the radio workshop and reported that it was over Fontaine de Vaucluse, at an altitude of 15,000 feet: N. T. R. (nothing to report).

- 2:05 p.m .: the REMOU BLEU patrol calls the radio workshop and reports that it is at an altitude of 1,000 feet at the vertical of Fontaine: N. T. R..

The latest information is transmitted to him: the patrol continues its observation up to 8,000 feet: N. T. R..

The search is aborted."

René Faudrin points out that this report establishes that the UFO had left 5 minutes before the arrival of the fighter planes (Mistrals and not Vampires), and that there is therefore no reason to claim there was a conspiration of silence on the part of the Air Force.




Similar to a silver bowler hat

A flying saucer
on the Fontaine-de-Vaucluse

Observed for an hour and a half, it is
chased by two jets

Fontaine de Vaucluse, October 14 - 12 p.m. 30... A saucer... a saucer... a saucer!...

Alerted by children who were the first to see it in the sky, the population was soon in turmoil.

A white disc hovered slowly above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

Large artillery binoculars at the eyes, it was possible to clearly distinguish a large white disc, surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color, quite similar to a silver bowler hat.

The lower circular border carried, intermittently, powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through the red.

Oscillating on the axis of the large lower disc, the whole was sometimes in the shape of a bowler hat, sometimes of a diamond, sometimes of a simple disk with shiny edges, where the fixed fire, diametrically opposite, was intermittently, very clearly visible to the naked eye.

No smoke. No noise.

The Caritat air base, alerted, immediately directed two jets which, around 2 p.m., made their appearance in the sky over Vaucluse.

Our correspondent, being in telephone connection with the air base from where one communicated by radio, with the planes, it was easy to guide the apparatuses towards the "saucer".

After two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, the planes gained altitude and dove down towards the reported object.

The aircraft radio announced that the "saucer" was in sight, that they were chasing it, but that it was escaping at a speed greater than theirs.

Indeed, from Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, one clearly saw the saucer go away with the two jets in pursuit.

A flying cigar
on Apt

Apt, October 14. Around 6:30 p.m. this evening, many spectators saw a flying cigar emitting a green glow.

Mrs. Odette Esperon [...missing part...]




in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse

where the residents have seen two jet airplanes chase a saucer

FONTAINE-DE-VAUCLUSE. (C.P.). -- 12:30 p.m.: "A saucer! A saucer!" Alerted by the children, who first saw it in the sky, all the population was soon in agitation. A white disc hovered slowly above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

Large artillery binoculars on the eyes, it was possible to clearly distinguish a large white disc, topped by a segment of a sphere of the same color, entirely similar to a silver colored bowler hat.

The lower circular edge carried intermittently two powerful fires varying from white to purplish, passing through red. Oscillating on the axis of the large lower disc, the whole rose up, sometimes in the shape of a bowler hat, sometimes of a rhombus, sometimes as a simple disc with brilliant edge where two fires diametrically opposite were intermittently very visible to the naked eye.

No smoke, no noise. The air base of Caritat, alerted, at once scrambled two jet planes which, at approximately 2 p.m., made their appea-



Saucer in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse

Continued from page 1

rance in the sky of Vaucluse.

Our correspondent being on the phone with the air base, from where one communicated by radio with the planes, it was easy to guide the planes towards the saucer.

After two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, the planes took altitude and dove right at the reported object.

The radio of the planes announced that the saucer was in sight, that they took it in pursuit, but that it escaped at a speed higher than theirs. Indeed, from Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, the saucer was clearly seen rushing away with the two jets in pursuit.

* * *

Such is the version which has been just communicated to us by the inhabitants of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, and it is that which we would have published if our manager Mr. Roland Fraissinet had not precisely been yesterday, at the Orange air base, where he performed his weekly flight on "Mistral".

Thus we can give to our readers the version of the pilots of Orange, which differs rather appreciably from that of the inhabitants of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

Around 1 p.m., the secretary of the town hall of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse phoned the officers lunchroom of the Orange base to announce a saucer at the vertical of his town hall. This information was received with a mixture of enthusiasm and circumspection, but the precise details given were such that the commander of the one of the wings of the base phoned a few moments later with the mayor of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

The latter confirmed the indications given by its secretary and caused the general hilarity of the pilots present around the phone by specifying that the saucer was motionless within four hundred meters at the vertical of the fountain (undoubtedly the pilot was thirsty). At this precise moment, a commander of the squadron was on the point of taking off for a routine mission and the presence of the object was reported to him. A few moments later he was at the vertical of Fontaine without seeing the least saucer.

During the remainder of the afternoon, several pilots, among those our manager, passed at the vertical of the famous Fontaine, during various missions, without managing however to locate "the object" in a sky without clouds.

At 03:30 p.m. a new phone call announced the saucer at the vertical of the Mount-Genèvre, but this time nobody took it seriously, and no fighter plane from the base was diverted to intercept it.

Some facetious pilots even planned to go last night to Fontaine-de-Vaucluse to introduce to the local population two chained Martians, whose roles were to be held by two pilots of the base covered with their impressive equipment of altitude flight.

As for the mysterious object, one finally wondered in Orange if it were not quite simply a weather balloon which one had seen passing a few hours earlier in the direction of the south-east.

And so are born and killed many saucers, undoubtedly!

Saucer and cigar in Vic-le-Fesq and in the sky of Nimes

One of our important Parisian newspaper publishes an important report on saucers, cigars and Martians.

Each day, a French locality is visited by the Martians or Martian girls and everyone tackles the problem of the veracity of these appearances.

Many witnesses of these appearances do not dare to report it by fear of drowning in the ridiculous.

It is not our idea to give an opinion on the existence or non-existence. Let us simply report these facts, which are reported to us.

In the night from Wednesday to Thursday, at 00:40 a.m. exactly, a resident of Nîmes, Mr. Dupuy, returning from the movie theater in company of his wife, saw, near the camp of the Garrigues, at the place known as the Farmhouse of Rouvière, an object having the shape of a "rugby ball", having green port-holes and seemingly resting on crutches.

For an unknown reason, the machine suddenly took its flight, passed from dark red to orange, and disappeared in the sky while leaving behind a trail of fire...

Other witness:

In Vic le Fesc, Mr. Reynaud, returning to his place towards 7 p.m., saw in the sky "a blazing cigar in the shape of a bread flute", which moved quickly towards the North-East..."

A "round object" in Saint-André-les-Alpes

SAINT-ANDRE-LES-ALPES (C.P.). -- Yesterday evening, many people saw for the first time in the sky dominating the Chalvet mountain, a round object.

With the observation glasses, a disc showing green, yellow and red reflections, seemed to make rotations on itself. This phenomenon lasted 45 minutes approximately.


AUBAGNE (C.P.). -- Yesterday, at 06:15, p.m., residents of Aubagne saw a kind of cigar flying across the sky in the south-north direction. Testimonies coincide as for the color of the craft, green with white reflections.

Some ten employees of the S.N.C.F. station were witnesses of this display.

One of them told us: "I saw a kind of ball, but whose contours were rather vague. I saw it during three seconds approximately."

In addition, Mr. Alexis Artufel, fruit and vegetables wholesaler, told us: "I was at the steering wheel of my car, on the bridge of La Demande, when I saw a kind of rocket having the shape of a cigar suddenly fly fast towards the north; it was of green color with a white halation."


MANOSQUE (C.P.). -- Yesterday, at nightfall, a score of inhabitants of our city, among whom misters Maurel, café owner, Entressangle, transporter, Rose, E.D.F employee, Dini, conveyor, and several of our police officers saw a craft in the shape of a cigar stopped just above the Mount-d'Or. At the end of a few moments, the craft resumed its travel while spreading a strong gleam.

Two witnesses saw a saucer in Tourves (Var)

TOURVES (C.P.). -- Misters Maurice Brémond and Henri Ollivier, resident of Tourves, in the Var, saw in the evening of yesterday, at approximately 6 p.m., a craft having the shape of a flying saucer, at approximately 1.000 meters of altitude, and moving towards Marseilles. Sparks spouted out of the "saucer."

A green ball in the sky of Marseilles

One of our readers, Mr. L.J., who was yesterday, around 06:10 p.m., opposite the Samaritaine on the quay of the Port, clearly saw passing while moving towards the North, a light-green ball, leaving behind itself a luminous trail.

"Is it a flying saucer, he told us, I do not know at all. However, the green ball, I really saw it..."



A "flying saucer" pursued by by two jets planes
of the Caritat base (Vaucluse)


13 h. 30. A saucer! a saucer!

Alerted by children who first saw it in the sky, all the population was soon in agitation. A white disc hovered slowly above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. Large artillery binoculars at the eyes, it was possible to clearly distinguish a large white disc surmounted of a segment of a sphere of the same color completely similar to a silver-colored bowler hat.

The lower circular edge carried, intermittently, two powerful fires, variable from the white to the purplished, passing by the red, oscillating on the axis of the large lower disc. The whole sometimes appeared in the shape of a bowler hat, sometimes of a rhombus, sometimes of a simple disc with brilliant edge, from where two fixed lights, diametrically opposite, were intermittently quite visible to the naked eye. No smoke nor noise.

The air base of Caritat, alerted, at once sent two jet planes which, at about 2 p.m., made their appearance in the sky of Vaucluse. Our correspondent was on the telephone with the air base, from where one communicated by radio with the planes. It was easy to guide the apparatuses on the saucer.

Too fast for the planes

After two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, the planes took altitude and dove fast on the reported object.

The radio of the planes announced that the saucer was in sight, that they chased it, but that it escaped with a speed higher than theirs.

Indeed, from Vaucluse one saw the saucer clearly starting out like an arrow with the two jets following.

A "rugby ball on crutches" in the sky of Nimes...

Nimes (A.F.P.).

After the orange and red gleams accompanying the "packs

Continued on page 12
under the headline:



Descended from a mysterious craft
a diver,
with huge, small eyes,
appeared to a
former Toulouse aviator

Toulouse. -- A small diver with a big head compared to the body, huge eyes, such is the description given by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character, coming down from a spherical object which had just landed at 7:35 p.m., on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel-Neto establishments, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw the luminous object, spherical in shape and reddish in color. Then, [they] saw the figure coming towards them, whose suit, according to witnesses, shone like glass.

The mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 m., protruded by the head and therefore had to bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around it a light mist. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, drew in chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver. "I didn't believe it," added Mr. Perano, "but I saw it like I see you. It is quite a shock."

After a very short time, about a minute, the diver returned to the luminous sphere, which flew away vertically, silently, and disappeared into the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire.

A torpedo in Montluçon

For his part, Mr. Laugère, from Montluçon, was leaving his work and crossing the tracks near a S.N.C.F. bridge, when he saw a metallic object placed a short distance from a diesel tank intended for the railcar supply. Beside the apparatus, which was in the shape of a torpedo and could be four meters long, was a man covered in hair, unless he was dressed in a long-hait

Read more on the last page under the title:



coat. Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The stranger replied in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman though he distinguished the words "diesel", however.

Mr. Laugère did not ask for more and went to alert his comrades. No sooner had they made 100 meters than he saw the craft rise vertically, without any noise. It soon disappeared from view. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him from telling his adventure; which dates back to Sunday evening.

Seven tiny beings
and weird seeds

Several hunters in the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent object, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed makers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.

The army says "No"

As a result of the investigation which had been opened by the military authority, after the publication of information announcing that the soldiers charged of the handling of a headlight installed at the Metz fair, had seen, and Sunday evening, a mysterious luminous circle, the military governor published the following press release:

"It is reported in the press about the observation of unknown craft by a post of the antiaircraft forces deployed at the Fair-Exhibition of Metz. It is not necessary to take into account this information in this particular case."

Note that the military authorities rarely recognized the existence of these saucers, even if the testimony of many and often serious people are sometimes very disturbing.

Plants endowed with reason

"The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason" - such is the theory which exposed to a correspondent of Agence France-Presse professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and builder of the famous "V 2" rocket.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (this is the name he named these plants with) are thousands of years ahead of Earth men, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. The homeland of Uranids is a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state; which prohibits the development of animal life. Plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

This planet would be outside the solar system, but the mysterious craft in which intelligent plants travel could move at a speed close to that of light (200,000 km per second).

Those of these craft seen above the Earth would be responsible for monitoring the progress of Earth's humanity in the atomic sciences, because these advances "represent a danger for the whole Cosmos."

Two jet planes
are chasing
a saucer

MARSEILLE. -- In the sky of Vaucluse, two jet planes chased a flying saucer.

Around 2 p.m., in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, yesterday afternoon, two children signaled in the sky a white disc surmounted by a spherical cap. This craft that part of the population was able to see for a long time launched two powerful fires, varying from white to purplish.

Alerted, the Caritat air base sent two jet planes. Shortly after, the airmen announced by radio: "We spotted the craft which escaped at a speed higher than that of our aircraft."

The vision of the craft lasted nearly ten minutes above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.



Two jet planes
chases a luminous disc
which shoots away as they approach

Avignon, 15. -- Early in the afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse was in turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" hovered slowly above the small town and could be clearly seen with good binoculars.

This disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color.

The lower circular border bore, intermittently, two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through red.

The Caritat air base (Vaucluse) alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine de Vaucluse, took altitude and dived on the "disk."

The radio which was installed on board the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was being chased, but that it was escaping because its speed was higher to theirs.

From Vaucluse, you could clearly see the disc soaring away, pursued by the two jet planes.

Saucers, discs, cigars, etc., were seen in Marseille, Draguignan, Casablanca, Martigues, Mulhouse.



The saucers

(Continued from the first page)


Nimes. -- Two people saw while returning to their home, a few kilometers north of Nîmes, a greenish glow in a field. They approached and noticed the presence of a craft entirely identical to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches. The strange craft suddenly rose into the air, emitting a low noise and gradually taking on an orange hue.

Graulhet. -- A barrel maker from Graulhet said he saw, at high altitude, a silver craft heading northwest, which he took all first for a jet plane, but not discerning any contrails, the barrel maker went to get a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc, which undulated on itself, while moving at a high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in midair. A silvery ball, about one meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, soon disappearing from view, while the rest of the craft fell into several pieces similar to sheets of various sizes which hovered in the air and some of which clung to the telegraph wires. About fifteen people testified to this peculiar case and fragments of this material were collected. They come in the form of clumped silver filaments that crumble when touched.

Angers. -- An inhabitant of the town of Méral (Mayenne) saw a brilliant orange ball in the sky which landed on the ground. The disc, flattened and dome-shaped, with a diameter of 5 to 6 meters, gave off a blinding glow, illuminating the countryside within a radius of 200 meters.

The craft was transparent and from inside we could see a black shape. The disc stayed like that for about ten minutes, became red and quickly disappeared towards the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a sort of bright cloud that was slowly falling to the ground.

Arrived at his home he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.

La Roche-sur-Yon. -- A farmer from Angles (Vendée) saw in the sky a shining craft which, while advancing, changed shape and color. The craft was at low height and at a short distance from the cultivator. When the latter wanted to approach it, the apparatus emitted luminous rays which soon formed a screen behind which it disappeared noiselessly. The same phenomenon was observed by several other people from Angles.


London. -- The British Air Ministry does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars and other flying craft.

Indeed, while refusing to comment on the craft reported in France and in other European countries, the official spokespersons of the ministry declare that 99 times out of a hundred, there are natural explanations for the similar appearances reported in Great Britain: most often sounding balloons.

When no explanation can be given, the Air Ministry adds, it is usually because the testimonies of people who claim to have witnessed these apparitions are insufficient.

However, no such craft has been reported in Britain in recent weeks.

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


Saucers, cigars, etc.

A luminous disc pursued
(but in vain) by two
jets fighters

At the beginning of Thursday afternoon, the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse was moved by the presence above of the small city of a white disc surmounted by a spherical cap.

The lower circular border of this disc bore, intermittently, two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through red.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet fighters which, soon after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dived on the "disc."

By radio, the pilots of the planes announced that the craft was in sight, that they were chasing it, but that it escaped with a speed higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, the disc was clearly seen sweeping away, pursued by the two jets.

The Seven Dwarfs
of "Motorized" Snow White?

Several hunters in the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) recently saw seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent craft, which flew away immediately.

At the location of the flying saucer pilots, the hunters found a number of odd-looking seeds on the ground, which they had specialists examine.

The latter could not specify the species.

Bleached by a saucer

A resident of the village of Méral (Mayenne) stated he saw in the sky a bright orange ball which landed on the ground. The disc, flattened and dome-shaped, with a diameter of 5 to 6 meters, gave off a blinding glow, illuminating the countryside within a radius of 200 meters.

The craft was transparent and inside, a black shape was observed. The disc remained like this for ten minutes, whitened, and quickly disappeared towards the North. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he said, a sort of bright cloud that was slowly falling to the ground. When he got home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.

A craft lands
in "Saint-Pierre-Halte"

A boy baker from Calais said he saw at 3:40 a.m. in the morning, Thursday, at a place called "St-Pierre-Halte", on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shiny craft posed on the railway track.

The curiously shaped object was, according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.

The daily Maroc-Presse, from Casablanca, announces that an engineer from Meknes who was traveling to Port Lyautey by car, declared to have been stopped on the road, in the forest of Mamora, a man dressed in a brilliant outfit.

This man, who measured 1 m 20 meters approximately, then walked towards a stopped craft on the right of the road. Hardly did he take place inside that the craft disappeared at high speed.



a flying saucer

Marseille, 14 (A.C.P.). - In the Vaucluse sky, two jet planes chased a flying saucer.

Around 2 p.m., in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, yesterday afternoon, two children pointed out in the sky a white disc surmounted by a spherical cap. This craft that part of the population could see for a long time launched two powerful fires varying from white to purple.

Alerted, the Caritat air base scrambled two jets. Shortly after the airmen announced by radio: "We spotted the craft which escaped at a speed greater than that of our aircraft."

The vision of the craft lasted nearly ten minutes above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.




Angers. -- A resident of the town of Méral (Mayenne) said he saw in the sky a bright orange ball that landed on the ground. The flat, domed disc, with a diameter of five to six meters, give off a blinding glow, lighting up the countryside within a radius of 200 meters.

The craft was transparent and from the inside a black shape was observed. The disc remained like this for about ten minutes, reddened, and quickly disappeared towards the North. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he says, a sort of bright cloud that slowly fell to the ground.

Arriving at his home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of slightly sticky material, "like paraphine [sic]".


La Roche sur Yon. -- A grower of Angle (Vendée) said he saw in the sky a brilliant craft which, while advancing, changed shape and color. The craft was at a low height and a short distance from the cultivator. When he wanted to approach it, the craft emitted luminous rays which soon formed a screen behind which it disappeared without noise. The same phenomenon was observed by several other people from Angles.


A luminous disc escapes
two jet planes

Avignon, October 15. -- At the beginning of the afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine de Vaucluse was in turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" hovered slowly over the small city and it could be clearly distinguished with good binoculars.

This white disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color.

The lower circular border intermittently bore two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through red.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which, soon, appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine de Vaucluse, gained altitude and dove on the "disc."

The radio installed on the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was chased, but that it escaped because its speed was higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disc moving away like an arrow, chased by the two jet planes.



The British Air Ministry
does not believe in flying saucers...

London, 15. - The British Air Ministry does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars or other flying craft, in fact, while refusing to comment on the craft reported in France and in other European countries. [?] Ministry states that 99 times out of 100 there are natural explanations for similar occurrences reported in Britain. These are most often weather balloons, when no explanation can be given, the Air Ministry adds, it is generally because the testimonies of people who claim to have witnessed such appearances are insufficient.

However, no such craft has been reported in Great Britain in recent [?]

And yet...

Mulhouse, 15. - A salesman driving on Thursday evening, in the company of a friend, saw a luminous craft in the shape of an ovoid fireball.

This, according to the salesman, described a large "S" in the sky, moving at a dizzying pace and at an altitude of about 300 m. The craft which was preceded by a long luminous trail, changed color from orange to white, then disappeared.

Martigues, 15. - An eight-year-old child, who was with her mother and her aunt on the road to the hamlet of Saint- Pierre, near Martigues, saw in the sky a luminous craft of elongated shape, from which, she specified, came a kind of fireworks display. The parents have certified their child's statements.

Marseille, 15. - Two luminous craft flying at high altitude were seen in the sky of the Rove at the beginning of the afternoon of Thursday. Observers noted that these craft stopped for a few moments and then resumed their flight.

Draguignan, 15. - Several residents of Draguignan observed Thursday towards the end of the afternoon a luminous object crossing the sky at the speed of a meteor.

Casablanca, 15. Workers of Subsistances Militaires de Casablanca said they saw Thursday afternoon, above the city, a sort of phosphorescent cigar which, after having descended gently like a dead leaf, resumed its horizontal course at breakneck speed to finally disappear.

Angers, 15. - A resident of the town of Méral (Mayenne) stated he saw a shiny orange ball in the sky which landed on the ground. The flattened, dome-shaped disc, five to six meters in diameter, gave off a blinding glow, lighting up the countryside within a 200-meter radius.

The craft was transparent and a black shape was inside. The disc remained like this for ten minutes, reddened, and quickly disappeared towards the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a sort of bright cloud that was slowly falling to the ground. When he got home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of something a little sticky, like paraffin.

La Roche-sur-Yon, 15. - A farmer from Angle (Vendée) said he saw a shining craft in the sky which, as it advanced, changed shape and color. The craft was at a low height and a short distance from the cultivator. When the latter wanted to approach it, the craft emitted luminous rays which soon formed a screen behind which it silently disappeared. The same phenomenon was observed by several other people from Angles.

Nîmes, 14. - Two people saw last night, on their way back to their home, a few kilometers north of Nîmes, a greenish gleam in a field. They approached and noticed the presence of a craft totally identical to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches. The strange craft suddenly rose into the air, emitting a weak noise and gradually taking an orange hue.

Graulhet, 14. - A barrel maker of Graulhet declared to have seen Wednesday at the end of the afternoon, at high altitude, a silvery craft heading northwest, which he at first took for a jet plane, but not discerning any contrail, the barrel maker went to look for a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc, which undulated on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in mid-flight. A silver ball, about one meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continuing on its way, soon disappearing from view, while the rest of the craft fell in several pieces similar to sheets of various dimensions which hovered in the sky and some of which cling to the electric wire. About fifteen people testified about this singular case and fragments of material were collected. They appear as agglomerated silvery filaments which crumble when touched.

Melun, 15. - Near Montargis, on the National Road Nr 7, a resident of this town, declared to have seen in the sky a yellow mass of rounded and very bright shape.

The "saucer" is faster than the jet plane

Avignon, 15. - Early Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine de Vaucluse, was in a turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" hovered slowly above the small city and could be clearly distinguished with good binoculars.

This white disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color.

The lower circular border intermittently emitted two powerful fires, varying from white to purplish, passing through red.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jets which, soon, made their appearance, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dived on the "disk".

The radio installed on board the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was being chased, but that it escaped because its speed was greater than the theirs.

From Vaucluse, the disc could clearly be seen sweeping away, pursued by the two jets.




One of them has been chased
unsuccessful by jets

If they seem to sulk the Oise with persistence, the "flying saucers" have shown themselves, say various testimonies, more numerous than ever during the last 24 hours in the rest of France. Two witnesses have witnessed, they say, curious demonstrations on the part of these machines and, in the sky of Avignon, two French jet fighters have unleashed a futile hunt for "saucers."

It is a barrel-maker from Graulhet, who first declared to have witnessed the explosion of a saucer. A silvery ball, he declared, then seemed to escape from the mass of the craft and continue on its way, while the debris of it fell in several pieces, like sheets that hovered in the sky. Fragments of material were collected; they come in the form of agglomerated silvery filaments which crumble when touched.

The second witness, a resident of the village of Méral (Mayenne), declared that he witnessed the takeoff of a saucer, which quickly disappeared towards the north. At the place where the object had landed, assures the witness, there was a kind of shining cloud which fell slowly to the ground.

When he got home, he said, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of something a little sticky, like paraffin.

Useless hunt

Finally, it is near Avignon, at the fountain of Vaucluse, where the residents in turmoil report that a white disc was hovering above the small town. The neighboring Caritat air base, alerted, immediately directed two jets which, according to the Secretary of State for the Armed Forces (air), returned without noticing anything abnormal.

Numerous testimonies

Also said they saw saucers, cigars or other bizarre contraptions in the sky: two people returning to their homes, a few kilometers from Nîmes; an inhabitant of Montargis, on the national road n ° 7; inhabitants of Marseille, in the sky of Rove; a farmer from Angle, in Vendée; workers from Casablanca, above the city; a representative and his friend, between Niffer and Kembs (Alsace); an eight year old child and her parents, near Martigues, and a baker boy from Calais, on the road to Saint-Omer.

The R.A.F. skeptical

Despite these numerous testimonies, the British Air Ministry in London has let it be known that it does not believe in saucers.

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, official spokespersons for the English ministry said, natural explanations were found for similar appearances reported in Britain: they are most often sounding-balloons. When no explanation can be given, one adds at the Air Ministry, it is generally for lack of insufficiently [sic] precise testimony.

Spokesmen further indicated that no bizarre craft have been reported in Britain in recent weeks.




Visible from the ground, a white disc disappears in front of two jet planes

Paris. -- One could expect one moment on Thursday afternoon that one of these mysterious objects which furrow the sky of France and Navarre was going to give up its secret. Alas! It was not so, and the claims of the ones and others are so contradictory that one does not know any more who speaks seriously and who is joking.

Around 01:30 p.m., Thursday, the residents of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse were in agitation because of the maneuvers of a white disc slowly hovering above the city, and which was clearly distinguished with the binocular.

This white disc was surmounted by a segment of a sphere of the same color, and the lower circular edge carried, intermittently, two powerful fires, variable from the white to the purplished, passing by the red color.

Then, who is to be believed?

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse) was alerted at once and two jet fighters took off. A few moments later, they veered above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

It is here that testimonies do not agree any more: the residents stated "the two planes took altitude immediately and dove right on the disc which was still visible. But they could not reach it, for their speed was lower than the speed of the disc. Soon, planes and disc disappeared at the horizon."

This report is the topic of an official statement of the secretary of State to the Air who states: "the two pilots of the Orange [Orange-Caritat] air base who flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at various altitudes on October 14 in the afternoon did not observe any unknown machine during their search.

"The two pilots are experienced officers and their report is bulletproof."

Then, who is to be believed?

Mysterious explosion in the sky of Graulhet

The testimony of an inhabitant of Graulhet (the Tarn) also deserves a stop for the novelty it brings to the "saucers" file. This man, who is a craftsman, stated to have seen Wednesday evening, at high altitude, a silver-colored craft which he initially thought to be a jet plane.

But he soon saw, binoculars at the eyes, a large flexible disc which undulated on itself while moving at high speed.

At this point in time the machine seemed to explode in full flight. A silver-colored ball, from a diameter of one meter approximately, escaped from the mass and soon disappeared from sight, while the remainder of the machine fell in several pieces similar to cloths of various dimensions which hovered in the sky, and of which some clung to telegraph poles.

About fifteen people collected pieces of this material which appeared as silver-colored agglomerated threads that fell to pieces when touched.

Rugby ball and strange beings

Apart from these observations of some interest, the other statements by witnesses in good faith differ little from those told many times already.

Two people, close to Nîmes, saw in a field, at nightfall, a craft absolutely similar to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches.

The strange apparatus raised in the airs while emitting luminous rays which soon formed a screen of orange color.

An engineer from Meknès, who went to Port-Lyautey by car, stated to have been stopped Thursday afternoon on the road, in the forest of Mamora, by a man covered of a shining outfit.

This man, who measured 1 m 20 approximately, then moved to the right of the road. Hardly had he taken seat inside that the craft flew away and disappeared at high speed.

A resident of Bourg-de-Méral (the Mayenne) saw a transparent machine which released a dazzling gleam on a radius of two hundred meters at ground level. Inside the craft a black shape was distinguished.

The disc remained like this for ten minutes, reddened and disappeared towards the north. The observer went then to the place where the object had been posed. There was, he claims, a kind of shining cloud which fell slowly on the ground. Arrived home, it realized that his clothes were covered with a matter, a bit sticky, like parafinne [sic].

The common sense of Savoy people

People in Savoy, balanced people if there ever were, were not fooled by the machine which flew over their mountains Thursday. It had too much the shape of a sounding-balloon for not being one. And to see a parachute descending to which scientific devices hung did not surprise them more. The sounding-balloon continued its travel towards Gap where, today undoubtedly, there will be a report of a mysterious machine which... etc, etc...



The mystery of the flying saucers

A luminous disc
two jet aircraft
who had hunted it

AVIGNON, October 15th. - Early in the afternoon of Friday, at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine de Vaucluse was in turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" was hovering slowly over the small city and one could clearly distinguish it with good binoculars.

This white disc was surmounted by a spherical protrusion of the same color.

The lower circular border intermittently bears two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through the red.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which soon made their appearance, and after two turns on Fontaine de Vaucluse, took altitude and dove on the "disc".

The radio on board the planes, which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was being hunted, but that it escaped because its speed was higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could see clearly the disc skyrocketing, pursued by the two jets.

CALAIS. - A baker boy

Continued on page 2

from Calais said he had seen, at 3:40 a.m., at the place called "Saint Pierre Halte", on the road to Saint-Omer a yellow and shiny craft land on the railway tracks.

According to the baker, the curiously shaped object was two meters in height and four meters in diameter.

NIMES. - Two people saw last night, as they were returning home, a few kilometers north of Nîmes, a greenish glow in a field. They approached and found the presence of a craft in all aspects identical to a rugby ball and seeming to rest on crutches. The strange device suddenly rose into the air, emitting a faint noise and gradually taking on an orange hue.




False alert in Vaucluse

the observation of a luminous phenomenon
by two aviators from the Orange base

A big event faded yesterday on the front of the flying saucers.

The affair took place in the Vaucluse, in the limpid sky where Mount Ventoux dominates the relief, above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. At 6:30 p.m., witnesses said that they had just seen a white disk surmounted by a spherical cap. The craft had two powerful lights alternating from white to red and purple colors. The comments went very fast and in good faith, it seems, several people gave reports that confirmed most of the countless phenomena already observed around the world. The nearby Caritat air base was alerted while the craft was still visible. Two jet planes took off and one waited impatiently for the pilots' report.

However, imprudent people ventured to publish premature news: the pilots had spotted the craft they were hunting. But it escaped at a speed much greater than theirs.

In fact, this was not the case, and yesterday the Air Ministry denied these fanciful claims. "Contrary to the information published by some newspapers Friday morning, the two pilots sent in pursuit of the saucer overflew Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at different altitudes and observed no unknown apparatus during their searches. These are experienced officers and their report is formal."

It was therefore necessary to mourn the saucer of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. But in a field which in the autumn of 1954 offers a vast unknown in the world, that is not enough to conclude that flying saucers do not exist. There remain, alas, too many unexplained cases, and the enigma that remains hardly seems to be resolved.

On the other hand, Mr. Gauffredy, deputy mayor of Roussillon, saw, around 6 p.m., a saucer of greenish color which disappeared in a few seconds. Mr. Pierre Hector, entrepreneur, saw the same craft at the same time at Coustellet.


-- At 6:30 p.m. yesterday a score of people saw in the sky of Apt a craft in the shape of a cigar with a big white glow at the front. The craft disappeared suddenly leaving two green lights.

-- In Vaison, in Bollène, at the Ponet and L'Isle-sur-Sorgue, between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., various credible people saw either a luminous disc or a cigar moving at a dizzying speed.

-- A baker, Mr. Elie Théry, aged 43, living on the road from Saint-Omer to Calais, on his way home at around 3:30 a.m. in the morning, saw on the Dunkerque-Calais railway, near the level crossing of Saint-Pierre-Halte, 50 meters from him, a spherical luminous craft about 2 meters high and 4 meters wide. The object was extremely bright.

Mr. Thery, who passes for a very serious and conscientious man, has been deeply moved by this discovery.

-- In Vignory and Brottes, villages of the Haute-Marne, an orange-colored object was seen by different witnesses.

In the first case, it rose at a vertiginous pace towards the sky; the second time, Mr. Taillandier, an employee of the Chaumont buses, his wife and daughter, living at Brottes, saw an identical gleam moving from Neuilly to Vignory, moving very quickly.

In both cases, no noise was perceived.




The saucer file is enriched with new elements every day. Today, intrigued by a mysterious craft, two jet planes chased it. But the military authorities, both French and English, remain reserved.

Yesterday at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, was in turmoil. A "white disc" hovered slowly over the small city and could be seen clearly with good binoculars. This white disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color. The lower circular border intermittently carried two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through the red. The Caritat air base (Vaucluse) was alerted and immediately directed two jet planes which soon appeared and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dove on the disc.

The radio of the planes in communication with the base announced that the craft was in sight, that it was being chased, but that it was escaping because its speed was higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disc moving away like an arrow, followed by the two jet planes.

However, the Secretary of State for the Armed Forces (Air) specifies that the two pilots from the Orange base who flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, did not observe any unknown craft during their searches. The two pilots are experienced officers and the report is formal.

Careful reserve

The British Air Department does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars or other flying craft.

Official spokesmen for the ministry declare that 99 times out of 100, there are natural explanations for the apparitions reported in Great Britain: they are most often sounding balloons. And when no explanation can be given, the Air Ministry adds, it is generally because the testimonies of people who claim to have attended these appearances are insufficient.



was reportedly chased
by two jet planes
but reportedly escaped them

AVIGNON, October 15. -- At the beginning of yesterday afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, was in turmoil. Indeed, a "white disc" hovered slowly over the small city and one could clearly distinguish it with good binoculars. This white disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same size.

The lower circular border intermittently bore two powerful lights varying from white to purplish, passing through the red.

The Caritat air base (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dove on the disc.

The radio installed on board the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was chased, but that it was escaping because its speed was higher than that of the planes.


After the publication of this information, the Secretary of State for the Armed Forces (Air), published a statement affirming "that the two pilots of the base of Orange, who flew at several altitudes over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, on October 14 afternoon, did not observe any unknown craft during their searches. The two pilots are experienced officers and their report is formal."



A ghost saucer
- in vain -
jet planes

above the Vaucluse

TWO phone calls could have made it seem, yesterday afternoon, to the aviators of the Orange-Caritat base (Vaucluse) that the flying saucers file would, thanks to them, be enriched by serious testimonies, but reality quickly made them disillusioned. The saucer which had been pointed out to them above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse and in pursuit of which, in good faith, they had immediately came, did not exist. The villagers had an imagination bigger than their eyes.

It was around 1 p.m. that the first communication arrived at the base. It came from the secretary of the town hall of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, Mr. Boudin.

"I'm calling you," he said, "because you are fighter pilots, to point out that for about an hour, a flying saucer has stood motionless in the sky, exactly above the town hall of the village."

While it caused a certain surprise, this news was especially met with skepticism among the officers. The base commander, however, himself called the mayor, Mr. Jean Garcin, that an order prohibiting "the manufacture, transport and use of the atomic bomb on the territory of the commune" made famous in his time.

"It is motionless"

"The saucer," replied the mayor, "is motionless. It is still before the eyes of the villagers who are gathered in the square and it is at an altitude of about four hundred meters."

As pilots were soon to take off for their usual training flight, the base commander gave them the mission to head towards Fontaine-dc-Vaucluse.

In an instant, the jet planes took to the air, circled over the Vaucluse valley and returned to their base without having seen anything. They had just noticed that a large crowd had followed their maneuvers with interest. But a saucer, nope.

The incident seemed closed when at 3:30 p.m., a new telephone call signaled to the Caritat base that the saucer which had just disappeared from the sky of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse was now on the Italian border, vertically above Mont Genèvre.

But this time nobody bothered.

(Read our investigation on the problem of "saucers" on the last page.)



The saucers continue
to be discussed...

A resident of the town of Méral (Mayenne) said he saw in the sky a bright orange ball that landed on the ground. The flat, domed disc, five to six meters in diameter, gave off a blinding glow, illuminating the countryside within a 200-meter radius.

The craft was transparent and from the inside one observed a black shape. The disc remained like this for about ten minutes, blushed and disappeared towards the North. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a king of bright fog that slowly fell to the ground. When he got home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.

On the railway in Calais...

A baker boy from Calais said he saw at 3:40 a.m., at a place called "Saint-Pierre-Halte", on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shiny machine landing on the railway.

The oddly shaped object was, according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.

A silver craft explodes
in flight

Other appearances include this one:

A barrel maker from Graulhet said that he had seen a silvery craft heading northwest at the end of the afternoon; which he first took for a jet plane, but not discerning any condensation trail, the observer went to get a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc which undulated on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in mid-flight. A silver ball, about a meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, while the rest of the craft fell in several pieces similar to sheets of various dimensions which hovered in the sky and some of which hung on the telegraph wires. About fifteen people testified to this singular case and fragments of material were collected. They come in the form of agglomerated silver filaments which crumble when touched.

New official denial...

In our section devoted to flying saucers yesterday, we cited the following information: a "white disc" had hovered over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

The Caritat air base (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, took altitude and dove on the "disc".

The radio installed on the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was chased, but that it escaped because its speed was higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disc moving away like an arrow, chased by the two jet planes.

As expected, the "authorities" denied the information in these terms:

"The Secretary of State for the Armed Forces (Air) wishes to point out that the two pilots from the Orange base who flew at different altitudes over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, on October 14 in the afternoon, did not observe any unknown craft during their search. The two pilots are experienced officers and their reports are formal."



AVIGNON, Oct. 14. - Two French Air Force jet planes chased a "flying saucer" reported near here today.

People who saw in the sky a "white disc giving out white red and violet lights" telephoned a nearby airbase which sent up two fighters to investigate.

The pilots radioed to base that they saw the object but it moved away too fast for them to identify it - Reuter.



A cyclist from Antibes
almost crushed
a flying cigar

A cyclist from Biot, near Antibes, bordered on a disaster: he almost collided with a flying cigar that was parked on the road.

- I had, he said, just the time to brake.. In front of me: a kind of cylinder, terminated by a metallic tail in gray color. The craft went to the vertical with a slight hissing sound.

"Above all, do not reveal my name, I would not like to be taken for a crackpot," asked the witness, telling his story to the first deputy of the town hall of Antibes.

A few hours later, workers announced that they too had seen the cigar. Antibes newspaper "L'Indépendant" has published a special edition.

The Midi, currently, is invaded by saucers. Martians must fear the cold...

One saw above Nice an orange disc, above Cannes a "green tailed yellow craft"; grape pickers from the Var saw a white and blue flying cigar. A pensioner met, near the swimming pool of Perpignan, a Martian dressed in a diving suit, descended from a large reddish sphere, which flew away without a trace.

As for the flying cigar of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, it turned out, after investigation, that it was only a saucer ghost. Local residents, mayor first, say they saw it. But the two fighter pilots sent to chase it vainly sought it in the sky. They did not even distinguish the slightest weather balloon. One reported another cigar a little later at the Italian border, but this time no one bothered.

Moreover, many cigars were seen yesterday in Italy. The most curious information concerns one who would have landed near Rovigo: at the place where the locals claim to have seen it take off, a crater, six meters in diameter opens, and six poplars trees which stood nearby were half charred.

Finally yesterday afternoon, the residents of Tulle and Brive examined under the binocular a gigantic "elongated drug drop container" which flew over the region until nightfall. It was also seen from the weather station of Puy-Chadrac and from that of Rueyres (Cantal), but observers compare it to an olive surmounted by an antenna...

MONDAY, the continuation of our investigation:

"What you need to know about flying saucers"



The saucers continue
to be talked about...

A resident of the town of Méral (Mayenne) said he saw in the sky a bright orange ball which landed on the ground. The flat, domed disc, five to six meters in diameter, giving off a blinding glow, lit the countryside within a 200-meter radius.

The craft was transparent and from the inside a a black shape was observed. The disc remained like this for about ten minutes, reddened and disappeared quickly towards the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a kind of bright cloud that slowly fell to the ground. Arrived at his home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.


A boy baker from Calais said he saw at 3:40 a.m., at a place called Saint-Pierre-Halte, on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shiny craft landing on the railroad tracks.

The object of weird shape, was according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.


Among the other appearances, let us also note this one:

A barrel maker from Graulhet said that he had seen a silvery craft heading northwest at the end of the afternoon; which he took at first for a jet plane, but not discerning any trail of condensation, the observer went to get a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc, which was undulating on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in flight. A silver ball, about one meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, soon disappeared from view, while the rest of the machine fell in several pieces similar to sheets of various dimensions which hovered in the sky and some of which clung to telegraph wires. About fifteen people testified to this singular case and fragments of material were collected. They come in the form of agglomerated silver filaments which crumble when touched.


In our section yesterday devoted to saucers, we quoted the following information: a "white disc" hovered over Fontaine-de -Vaucluse.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which, soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dove on the disc.

The radio installed on the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was chased, but that it escaped because its speed was higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disc moving away like an arrow, chased by the two jet planes.

As expected, the "authorities" denied the information in these terms:

The Secretary of State for the Armed Forces, (Air) wishes to specify that the two pilots of the Orange base who flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at different altitudes, on October 14 in the afternoon, did not observe any unknown craft during their search. Both pilots are experienced officers and their reports are formal.




In Vaucluse, a luminous machine
escapes two jets

AVIGNON. - In early afternoon yesterday Friday the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, was in turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" was hovering slowly over the small town and one could clearly distinguish it with good binoculars.

This white disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color.

The lower circular edge carried intermittently two powerful fires varying from white to purple color, passing by the red color.

Caritat Air Base (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately scrambled two jets which soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, they took altitude and dove on the "disc".

The radio installed on the jets was in communication with the base, it announced that the craft was in sight, it was chased, but it escaped because its speed was greater than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disk go away fast, pursued by the two jets.

Here are also some other information about flying saucers appearances:

Mulhouse. - A trader in a car last night in the company of a friend, between Niffer and Kembs, suddenly saw in the sky a luminous machine in the form of an oval fireball. The latter, according to the trader, followed a large "8" in the sky, moving at a tremendous pace and at an altitude of about 300 meters the craft, which was preceded by a long trail of light, changed color passing from orange to white color, then went to the southeast.

Martigues. - An 8 year old child, who was with his mother and aunt on the road in the hamlet of Saint-Pierre, near Martigues, saw in the sky an elongated luminous machine, from which, she specified, a sort of fireworks came out. The parents have certified to the statements of their child.

Calais. - A baker boy of Calais said he had seen at 3:40 a.m., at the place called "St. Pierre Halte" on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shining craft landing on the railway.

The oddly shaped object was, according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.

Nimes. - Two people saw last night, returning to their home, a few kilometers north of Nîmes, a greenish glow in a field.

They approached and noted the presence of a vehicle identical in all respects to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches. The strange apparatus suddenly rose in the air while emitting a low noise and gradually taking an orange hue.

Graulhet. - A barrel-maker from Graulhet stated to have seen late yesterday afternoon, at high altitude, a silver craft heading toward the northwest, he first thought it was a jet plane, but discerning no contrail, the barrel-maker fetched binoculars and distinctly saw a broad flexible disc that undulated on itself while moving at a high speed.

That's when the craft seemed to explode in flight. A silver ball, one meter in diameter, escaped the mass and continued on his way, soon disappeared from view, while the rest of the craft fell into pieces similar to sheets of various sizes that hung in the sky and some of which clung to telegraph son. Fifteen people have testified to this singular event and material fragments were collected. They were in the form of agglomerated silver filaments and crumbling to the touch.

Melun. - Near Montargis on National Road No. 7, a resident of this city, said he saw in the sky a yellow mass of rounded and very brilliant form.

Marseille. - Two luminous craft flying high were seen in the sky of the Rove earlier this afternoon. Observers noted that these apparatuses were immobilized a moment and then resumed their flight.

Draguignan. - Several residents of Draguignan observed towards the end of the afternoon, a luminous object crossing the sky at the speed of a meteor.

Casablanca. - Workers of the military logistics of Casablanca stated to have seen this afternoon, above the city, a kind of phosphorescent cigar that, after gently going down like a dead leaf resumed its horizontal course at breakneck speed and eventually disappear.

Angers. - A resident of the village of Méral (the Mayenne), said he saw in the sky, a bright orange ball which landed on the ground.

The disc, with a flattened dome, of a diameter of five to six meters produced a blinding light, illuminating the countryside in a radius of 200 meters.

The craft was transparent and inside, one observed a black shape. The disc remained like this for ten minutes, turned reddish, and quickly disappeared to the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he says, a kind of brilliant cloud that fell slowly to the ground.

Arrived at his home he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material like paraphine [sic].


London. - The Ministry of the British Air does not believe in the existence of "saucers", "cigars" and other flying contraptions.

While refusing to comment on the craft reported in France, official spokesmen stated that natural explanations are usually given to these phenomena in Britain and that only insufficient explanations let the mystery survive.

No mysterious object was reported in the skies of Britain in recent weeks.



Flying Saucers in France And Italy

AVIGNON, France (INS) -- "Flying saucers" are reported to have been sighted again in France and in Italy.

Two French Air Force jet planes chased an object described as "a white disc giving out white, red and violet light," but it moved away before the pilots could identify it.

In Italy, a motorist near Modena said he saw an incandescent cigar-shaped object fly past at tremendous speed. A 13-year-old boy reported he saw an object over the city at Florence "whirling like a top."

A silvery object reportedly flew at great speed over Luino, near the Swiss border at 1000 feet altitude. Many witnesses reported it made no noise and left no vapor trail.



Sky Objects Chased

AVIGNON, France, Oct. 19 (INS) -- "Flying saucers" are reported to have been sighted again in France and Italy. Two French Air Force jet planes chased an object described as "a white disc giving out white, red and violet light," but it moved away before the pilots could identify it.



Flying Saucers Seen In France and Italy

AVIGNON, France (INS) -- "Flying saucers" are reported to have been sighted again in France and Italy.

Two French air force jet planes chased an object described as "a white disc giving out white, red and violet lights," but it moved away before the pilots could identify it.

In Italy, a motorist near Modena said he saw an incandescent cigar-shaped object fly past at tremendous speed. A 13-year-old boy reported he saw an object over the city at Florence "whirling like a top."

A silvery object reportedly flew at great speed over Luino, near the Swiss border at 1000 feet altitude. Many witnesses reported it made no noise and left no vapor trail.



'Flying Saucer' Reports Revived

AVIGNON, France (INS) -- "Flying saucers" are reported to have been sighted again in France and Italy.

Two French Air Force jet planes chased an object described as "a white disc giving out white, red and violet lights," but it moved away before the pilots could identify it.

In Italy, a motorist near Modena said he saw an incandescent cigar-shaped object fly past at tremendous speed. A 13-year-old boy reported he saw an object over the city at Florence "whirling like a top."

A silvery object reportedly flew at great speed over Luino, near the Swiss border at 1000 feet altitude. Many witnesses reported it made no noise and left no vapor trail.



'Flying Saucer' Alarm Sounded by French, Italian Observers

AVIGNON, France. Oct. 18 INS -- "Flying saucers" are reported to have been sighted again in France and Italy.

Two French air force jet planes chased an object described as "a white disc giving out white, red and violet lights," but it moved away before the pilots could identify it.

In Italy, a motorist near Modena said he saw an incandescent cigar-shaped object fly past at tremendous speed. A 13-year-old boy reported he saw an object over the city at Florence "whirling like a top."

A silvery object reportedly flew at great speed over Luino, near the Swiss border at 1000 feet altitude. Many witnesses reported it made no noise and left no vapor trail.



Saucers Sighted In France And Italy

AVIGNON, France (INS) -- "Flying saucers" are reported to have been sighted again in France and in Italy.

Two French Air Force jet planes chased an object described as "a white disc giving out white, red and violet light," but it moved away before the pilots could identify it.

In Italy, a motorist near Modena said he saw an incandescent cigar-shaped object fly past at tremendous speed. A 13-year-old boy reported he saw an object over the city at Florence "whirling like a top."

A silvery object reportedly flew at great speed over Luino, near the Swiss border at 1000 feet altitude. Many witnesses reported it made no noise and left no vapor trail.



'Flying Saucers' Again Reported in France

AVIGNON, France -- INS -- "Flying saucers" are reported to have been sighted again in France and Italy.

Two French Air Force jet planes chased an object described as "a white disc giving out white, red and violet light," but it moved away before the pilots could identify it.

In Italy, a motorist near Modena said he saw an incandescent cigar-shaped object fly past at tremendous speed. A 13-year-old boy reported he saw an object over the city at Florence "whirling like a top."

A silvery object reportedly flew at great speed over Luino, near the Swiss border at 1000 feet altitude. Many witnesses reported it made no noise and left no vapor trail.






The problem of the day...

The Flying Saucers..!

Flying saucers are the topic of the day. Their presence is reported everywhere, however none of these mysterious craft could be identified with any precision.

The differences are so important both in the form of the craft and in the description of the passengers who would occupy them that it is impossible to give any credit to the majority of the visionaries or supposed such.

Does that mean that everything is pure invention.

We do not believe it and yet it seems essential to reject as fanciful all the details given on alleged craft that would arrive from Planet Mars.

A "Stratojet" plane which, every day flew over the Rhône valley, at an altitude of about 10.000 meters, was mitaken, by some people, for a flying saucer.

The monitor instructors of the Aéro-Club of Vienne immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, there formed in the sky, kinds of parachutes animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light sails which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon seized this material very soft to the touch and having a bit the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it vanished.

One of the witnesses put some of the stuff in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this waterproof box was evaporated.

This scientifically explained phenomenon is due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet" that can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed and high altitude and thus give rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.

This observation, made above the Vienne airfield is identical to that already reported in its time by a resident of Oloron.

(Continued on 4th page)


"Flying saucers"

The French Air Ministry, for its part, strongly denied the pursuit of a saucer by jet planes.

Informed of the alleged presence of such a craft, 2 planes took off but... did not notice anything while the whole press orchestrated a purely imaginary pursuit through space.


What else do the saucers and these gentle four-feet-tall "Martians", which appear to us so far as fugitive and peaceful beings, reserve for us? Fortunately, because now the saucers are bursting in flight, which does not prevent them from doing well. Laugh, good people, it will end up disturbing my sleep, especially since I have not had the chance so far to see even in the blink of an eye these cigars of a new age, and these discs of progress... One night will end up being good for me, because the proliferation of always luminous vehicles is a real proliferation, not a proliferation for laughs. At the rate of these last weeks all the French will soon have seen their saucer and the only ones who will be able to stand proud are those who will have known "Martians", will have spoken to them, even, will have kissed them since its charming neighbors are said to be very affectionate.

Enough jokes. Let's be realistic and tell the wonderful story of the Graulhet barrel-maker. Thursday, late afternoon, he said he saw at high altitude a silver craft heading to the northwest. He first believed a jet plane. But these craft from an already very remote era leave a white trail behind them. However, there was no trail. The barrel-maker, a skeptical and common sense man, went to fetch a pair of binoculars (don't forget to always take yours with you if you don't want to miss your saucer or your "Martian").

Optically equipped, he distinctly observed a large flexible disc which undulated on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in mid-flight. A silver ball of about one meter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, to disappear from view (I am not surprised given the time required for all these operations and the high speed of the craft. The best things unfortunately have an end).

The rest of the craft fell in several pieces, like sheets of various sizes, hovering in the sky, some of which clung to telegraph wires.

Don't take the Graulhet too fast for a teaser and a joker; around fifteen people testified to this peculiar phenomenon and, even more, fragments of material were collected. They will not be canned and not even in the museum, because these agglomerated silver filaments crumble when touched. Too bad!


After such a demonstration, details and also sensational, how to understand that the English remain skeptical. These gentlemen now come to disturb the party, the great interplanetary ballet of saucers, which does no harm to anyone, feeds conversations, provides themes for good jokes endlessly.

The British Air Department, presumably not to be like everyone else, does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars and other flying craft. They only believe in the flying "cage bed". While refusing to comment on the craft reported in France and in other European countries, the official spokespersons of the ministry declare that 99 times out of 100, natural explanations are found for similar appearances reported in Great Britain. Most often these are weather balloons. When no explanation can be given, it is generally because the testimonies of people who claim to have attended his appearances are insufficient. No such craft has been reported in Britain in recent weeks.

Here are these gentlemen of the air ministry of Great Britain wanting to "deflate" our saucers and cigars (it is true that the "Martians" seem to have a very particular interest in France) in vulgar sounding balloons. What a disillusionment .. But beware, raise your head "your" saucer may be happening right now.


[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

French ufologist Aimé Michel reports in his book that on October 14, 1954, at about 12:30 P.M., a machine appeared in the sky of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, in sight of several hundreds of witnesses.

The object remained there during an hour and half without changing position but playing varied lights and showing strange evolutions on its axis.

Aimé Michel reports that all the binoculars of the area were soon directed at it. A correspondent of a newspaper of Marseilles whom was there alerted the air force base of Orange-Caritat, which sent two jet planes towards the location.

The two jet fighters arrived, being in radio contact with their base, while at the same time the base was connected by phone link with the journalist who practically did not leave the object of the eyes.

The journalist thus guided the two jets towards the object. The base announced to him that the two pilots now saw the object, and that they started to chase it.

People in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse saw the jets then diving towards the mysterious machine. The machine then started moving and buzzed away in the distance in a few seconds.

The pilots informed their base by radio of that they did not manage to follow the machine, which the witnesses on the ground noted. The jets returned at their Orange-Caritat base, it was at this time a little more than 02:00 p.m.

Aimé Michel indicates that two days later, the following official statement appeared in all the French newspapers:

"The secretariat to the Air communicates: as opposed to what certain daily newspapers announced yesterday morning, the secretariat of the armed Forces (Air) makes a point of specifying that the two pilots of the Orange base which flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at various altitudes observed no unknown machine during their search. The two pilots are experienced officers and their report is certain."

Michel reports that the official statement caused a flood of letters written by indignant readers who had been among the innumerable witnesses. Those expressed strongly that the official statement took them for idiots, and that they well knew what they had seen.

Aimé Michel quotes an extract of one of the letters:

"This official statement is very instructive. Now, I know what to think of the official denials on this matter."

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

Here is first of all the presentation of the facts as they occurred and which the entire population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse witnessed.

At 1:30 p.m., alerted by children who were the first to see the craft in the sky, the entire population of this locality was in turmoil. A white disc hovered slowly above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. Through large artillery binoculars, witnesses clearly distinguished a large metallic disc surmounted by a hemispherical dome "quite similar to a silver bowler hat". The lower circular border carried, intermittently, two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through red (1), oscillating on the axis of the large lower disc. The whole sometimes took the form of a "bowler hat", sometimes a diamond, sometimes a simple disc with a shiny edge, from which two fixed lights, diametrically opposed, were intermittently very visible to the naked eye. No smoke, no noise accompanied the "phenomenon".

The Caritat air base (in Orange) alerted, directed two jet planes which, around 2 p.m., appeared in the sky of Vaucluse. After two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, the jets gained altitude and dived sharply on the reported object. The whole population, interested or vaguely worried, witnessed this chase.

(1) Details also observed on the craft which, for three hours, flew over Orly (See Chapter Ninth).

The jet fighters, in radio contact with their base, announced that the craft was in sight, that they were chasing it, but that the craft was escaping with a speed greater than their own.

From the village, one could clearly see the disc moving away at high speed, pursued by the two jet planes.

Le Provençal for October 15, 1954 gives us an important detail on this matter, confirming the above:

- Our correspondent was in telephone contact with the air base from where one communicated by radio with the planes. It was easy to guide the aircraft on the saucer.

The Provençal correspondent was therefore in telephone contact with the Orange base which, for its part, was in radiophonic contact with the fighter planes. The messages from the fighters therefore reached this journalist shortly afterwards.

Indeed, that is how things turned out. However, another daily from the Midi - which took the (easy) habit of mocking the saucer problem - thus presents the facts "revised and corrected" for the benefit of its readers:

- Around 1 p.m., the Secretary of the Town Hall of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse telephoned the officers' mess at the Orange base to report a flying saucer above his town hall. This information was received with a mixture of enthusiasm and circumspection, but the details given were such that the commander of one of the base squadrons telephoned the Mayor of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse a few moments later. This one confirmed the indications given by his secretary and provoked the hilarity of the pilots present around the telephone, by specifying that the flying saucer was motionless 400 meters vertically from the Fountain ("no doubt the pilot was thirsty", this daily thought it witty to add!). At this precise moment, a squadron commander was preparing to take off for an ordinary mission (1) and the presence of the object was signaled to him. A few moments later, he was vertical to Fontaine without seeing the slightest saucer.

(1) This "ordinary mission", we will note, comes very appropriately! The first official dispatch proves on the contrary that the planes had been "immediately directed" towards Fontaine de Vaucluse. The offending article is therefore "arranged" indeed to the taste of the a priori detractors!

But this is all wrong! This happens daily! We must speak out against this unspeakable way of distorting the facts and making people pass - Mayor and Town Clerk in mind! - for fools!

The official dispatch released the same evening was however very different from the prose of the daily newspaper:

- The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse) alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which soon appeared and, after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dived on the disc. The radio installed on board the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was being chased, but that it was escaping because its speed was greater than theirs..."

This official dispatch is formal and clearly invalidates the assertions of the previous daily.

But where the matter becomes truly bewildering is when, 24 hours later, another dispatch, no less official and no less formal, proclaimed the following:

- The Secretariat for Air communicates: Contrary to what certain daily newspapers announced yesterday morning (October 15, 1954) the Secretariat for the Armed Forces (Air) would like to point out that the two pilots from the Orange base who flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at different altitudes on the afternoon of October 14, did not observe any unknown craft during their search. Both pilots are experienced officers and their report is formal."

The Pentagon and A.T.I.C. (1) policy was spreading! Their "flat denial" method is now used in France. "One" therefore officially announce that two pilots saw and chased a flying saucer and the next day, "one" simply deny the previous official press release!

What sane mind would swallow such a gross lie? If, truly, the authorities hoped - by this last official statement - to delude the public, it is that they do not have a very high opinion of its faculties of reasoning! With such processes, "one" is preparing for us in high places a serious general panic for the day when these craft will land en masse on the Earth.

Indeed, if a fundamental reversal does not take shape in favor of making the public aware, we are heading for the catastrophe which will be caused by fear, by fear of the Martian about whom today it is "officially" convenient and fashionable to laugh.

(1) Air Technical Intelligence Center, cited above.


Editor's note. - The four straight lines are about the network of October 2, 1954. The first includes the places of: Jeumont, Dijon, Louhans, Morestel (On this straight line are also located: Chevigny en Valière (on 10/14/54), and Le Pin (on 9/16/54). The second includes the places of Poncey-Pellerey, Bourg (on this straight line are also located: Meursanges (on 10/14/54). The third includes the places of Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Paulien (on this straight line are also located: Angers (on 9/1/54). The fourth includes the places of Aiguillon, Avignon (on this straight line is also located: Fontaine de Vaucluse (on 10/14/54).

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

330 -005.13351 43.91100 14 10 1954 13 30 180 *FONTAINE-VAUCLUSE F 151700 C** 300

[Ref. hdt1:] HENRI DURRANT:

The author indicates that on February 14, 1954 towards 12:30 a craft appeared above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse in the Vaucluse in France and remained stationary there during one hour and half while changing color and position relative to its axis.

He then quotes Aimé Michel in the fourth edition of his book Mystérieux Objets Célestes: A Propos des Soucoupes Volantes, pages 216,217:

"... All the binoculars of the area were soon directed towards it. The correspondent of a newspaper of Marseilles, who was there, alerted the air base of Caritat, who dispatched two jets. What then happened completely resembles the stories reported by Ruppelt in his book."

"The two jet fighters arrive. They are in radio connection with the base, which is itself in telephone connection with the journalist, who hardly leaves the object out of sight. The journalist guides the two jets via the base. The latter soon informs the guide that 'the two pilots see the object, and that they start to chase it.' And indeed from Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, one can see the two jets diving towards the mysterious craft. But the latter then starts and disappears in the distance in a few seconds."

"The pilots informed by radio that they cannot follow, which the witnesses of the operation already knew, and returned to Caritat. It was a little more than 14 hours."

"Two days later, on October 16, one could read this in all the French newspapers:"

"'The Secretariat for the Air communicates: As opposed to what certain daily newspapers announced yesterday morning, the secretariat of the armed Forces (Air) makes a point of specifying that the two pilots of the Orange base which flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at various altitudes on October 14 after midday, did not observe any unknown craft during their research. The two pilots are experienced officers and their report is formal.'"

"This official statement caused a flood of indignant letters on behalf of the innumerable witnesses. 'One takes to us for idiots... We do know what we saw', they said. And one of them added 'This official statement is very instructive. Now I know what to think about the official denials on this matter'."


The authors note that this attempt at interception of a flying saucer of October 14, 1954 had a whole village, that of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, as witness.

A group of children had something strange in the sky at 01:30 p.m. and thus alarm had been given: soon, all the population attracted by the shouting of the children had crowded in the street and looked at a white object which hovered above the village.

The authors indicate that one of the witnesses, Mr. Armand Boudin, gave the following report:

"Using large artillery binoculars, it was possible to clearly distinguish a large white disc surrounded by a segment of a sphere of the same color, completely similar to a silver plated bowler hat. The lower circular edge carried, intermittently, two powerful lights passing from white to purplish, oscillating on the axis of the large lower disc. Sometimes the unit was appearing as a bowler hat, sometimes as a rhombus, sometimes as a simple disc with shiny edges. No smoke, no noise."

The disc moving slowly in the clear sky, it is Mr. Armand Boudin who took the initiative to alert by phone the air base of the French Air Force of Orange-Caritat.

The person of the air base answered to him that two planes will be sent and asked him to remain on line to help guiding them towards the object.

The arrival of the planes was awaited by a crowd of Vauclusians who had accompanied the secretary at the office of the town hall, and they awaited the arrival of the planes anxiously. They arrived at about 02:00 p.m., seen while arriving right towards Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

Mr. Boudin was still in phone contact with the air base which was itself in radio operator contact with the two jets of the "Vampire" type. Those made a turn above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse and quickly gained altitude, then darted towards the object. From the village, people then saw the object starting suddenly and quickly, as if it had the two jets chasing it.

Late in the evening, people still awaited news of the result of the chase. But it was only two days later that an official statement of the Orange-Caritat air base claimed:

"The pilots did not discover any unknown object..."

The authors indicate that this irritated the hundreds of witnesses among whom Mr. Boudin, and they slapped back: "if the aviators saw something of a known nature, they must tell us what it was!"


[... other cases...]

11) 10/14/54 - 00:30 a.m. - Fontaine de Vaucluse. Aerial chase from Orange.

[... other cases...]



With Vaucluse Ufologie #7, we gave you the list of all the cases of observation that we had for the period of the fifties, from 1950 to 1959. But since this publication we have been able to update this list, complete it and, sometimes, specify it further. It is above all because Jean Pierre Troadec endeavored to update his file for this period, with the aim of compiling a catalog of all the cases of UFO sightings on the Vaucluse that GREPO will make known in some time in a special issue of our bulletin, which I can give you today a new list. This new list obviously eliminates the previous one which contained many date errors, but it is still imprecise in certain cases. I hope that it can serve you usefully, or even generate investigations or counter-investigations; and, if you have new elements or other cases that we do not have, let us know and I will communicate them in this section with your references.

[... other cases...]

12° - 10/14/54 - 00:30 p.m. - Fontaine de Vaucluse. Observation from the ground an aerial pursuit (Vaucluse Ufologie n°6).

[... other cases...]



The Column of the Fifties


On October 14, 1954, two jet planes intervened in Fontaine de Vaucluse to intercept a flying saucer.

Vaucluse-Ufologie nr 3. The day of October 14, 1954 saw an intense activity of "flying saucers" in France. It is the same for the Vaucluse where we identify 4 cases. Two of which for the city of Vaison la Romaine alone: 1 p.m. then at 6:30 p.m.. And I told you about an object above Fontaine de Vaucluse, pursued by an aerial patrol from the Orange-Caritat military base. Today we know that an unknown object was also observed at 6 p.m. in the sky of Avignon. This brings to five cases for this single day.

Here is what the Dauphiné Libéré for October 15, 1954, reported:

"Fontaine de Vaucluse - October 14, 54 - 12:30 p.m.

A saucer... a saucer... Alerted by children who were the first to see it in the sky, the whole population was in turmoil.

A white disc hovered slowly above Fontaine de Vaucluse. With powerful artillery binoculars it was possible to clearly distinguish a large white disc surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color quite similar to a silver bowler hat.

The lower circular border gave at times, powerful fires varying from the purplish white, passing by the red. Oscillating on the axis of the large lower disc, the whole sometimes appeared in the form of a bowler hat, sometimes a diamond, sometimes simply a disc with shiny edges, from which the diametrically opposed fixed lights, was at times very well visible to the naked eye. No smoke. No noise.

The Caritat air base, alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which, around 2 p.m., appeared in the sky of Fontaine de Vaucluse. Our correspondent (from the Dauphiné Libéré) being in telephone contact with the A. B. [Air Base], from where one communicated by radio with the planes, it was easy to guide the aircraft towards the mysterious visitor.

After two turns on Fontaine the planes swooped down towards the reported object. The planes' radio announced that the "saucer" was in sight, that they were chasing it, but that it was escaping at a speed greater than their own.

Indeed, from Fontaine de Vaucluse, the "saucer" was clearly seen going away with the 2 jet planes in pursuit."

This is not the first time that a case of this kind has happened in France, on Friday June 15, 1951, two "Vampire" planes already took off from B. A. 115 to see an unknown object in the sky with a metallic reflection, at an altitude of 5,500 to 5,000 meters. That day, the two planes were taking off for a simple training mission when they saw the object (this case will be the subject of another article in this section soon).

Two days after this aerial hunt, one could read this in the French newspapers:

"The Air Secretariat communicates: contrary to what some daily newspapers announced yesterday morning, the Secretariat for the Armed Forces (air) would like to point out that the two pilots from the Orange base, who flew over at different altitudes Fontaine de Vaucluse on the afternoon of October 14, did not observe any unknown craft above the city during their research. The 2 pilots are experienced officers and their report is formal."


Jimmy Guieu, in his book "Black Out sur les S. V." and Henry Durrant in "Le Livre Noir des S.V." who both recounted this affair expressed the indignation of the innumerable witnesses from Fontaine de Vaucluse: "This press release aroused a flood of indignant letters from these witnesses". "They take us for fools... We know well what we have seen", they said. And one of them added: "This press release is very instructive. Now I know what to think of the official denials on this issue."

Jimmy Guieu goes further and says: "The Pentagon and the A. T. I. C. - Air Technical Intelligence Center - have had a following! Their "flat fenial" method is now in use in France. "One" therefore officially announce that two pilots have saw and chased a flying saucer and the next day, "one" simply denied the previous official statement!..."

At G.R.E.P.O., we did not undertake any investigation or counter-investigation into this matter. We plan to do so soon. But, since the beginning of the year 1977, there is in Avignon a journalist from the Dauphiné Libéré, Jean Leclaire, who publishes every Wednesday a U.F.O column. This affair interested him and he went to inquire at the very source, on the B. A. 115 of Orange, in order to find out more. He published his investigation in the D. L. of May 19, 1977. Here it is. It sheds more precise light on the events:


"We would like to thank Colonel Chevrier commanding the B. A. 115 of Orange who was kind enough to respond favorably to our request, and to send us the military report drawn up on the occasion of the observation of this phenomenon:

"Report of Second Lieutenant ERBANI, investigating officer, flying saucers of 10/14/54".

- 1:10 p.m .: the head of the post receives a telephone call from the secretariat of the town hall of Fontaine de Vaucluse: "A mysterious craft is reported overhead above Fontaine de Vaucluse at an approximate altitude of 300 meters. The craft is observed with artillery binoculars. It can be distinguished very well but no details are given on its color and its shape. The post chief reports this communication to Captain GUIRAL who notifies Commander MONTAGNE.

- 1:40 p.m.: Lieutenant CAMPS phones the mayor. The latter affirms that the craft is always in the same position, that is to say vertically to the village, at an altitude of approximately 400 meters, the craft oscillating laterally.

-3:50 p.m.: Captain VERDET telephones the mayor. The latter informs him that the craft now appears the size of a pinhead. Observed through artillery binoculars, the craft appears the size of a 10 cent piece, slightly domed above, with shiny dots around.

- 2:00 p.m .: the mayor of Fontaine de Vaucluse reports that the craft is heading towards Pernes les Fontaines, still at the same altitude. The MELUN 15 plane called the radio workshop and reported that it was over Fontaine de Vaucluse, at an altitude of 15,000 feet: N. T. R. (nothing to report).

- 2:05 p.m .: the REMOU BLEU patrol calls the radio workshop and reports that it is at an altitude of 1,000 feet at the vertical of Fontaine: N. T. R..

The latest information is transmitted to him: the patrol continues its observation up to 8,000 feet: N. T. R..

The search is aborted."


Let us add that the aerial patrol was carried out by two "Mistral" planes piloted by Lieutenant CAMPS and Sergeant BERTE, of the 2/5 squadron.

A note from the editorial staff of the Dauphiné Libéré states: "The end of the report published on October 15, 1954 in our columns indicated that the "flying saucer" was in sight and that the planes were chasing it, but that it escaped them at a speed greater than their own".

What was indeed extremely interesting, in reality, the planes arrived over Fontaine de Vaucluse five minutes after the departure of the UFO, as the Air Force report specifies. It is nonetheless true that the observation made by a whole section of the population of the locality, including the mayor, for more than an hour and a half, triggered the intervention of the pilots of the Orange base that one usually does not bother for nothing.

Fortunately! But we have to put this intervention in its context, that is to say in 1954. The rules of military air traffic were absolutely not the same as today. And, we can explain many aspects of Air Force policy today toward UFOs, if we will admit an explanation. In 1954, it was easier for a military pilot to take off and move in the air than in our time when everything is governed by very strict rules. General air traffic (civilian and military) being more intense. It is therefore apparently a U.F.O. which was observed that day, before it disappeared, in the direction of Pernes les Fontaines".

In the light of this precise information, we easily understand the press release from the Secretariat for the Armed Forces published the next day, October 16, 1954: it is even clearer that, not knowing this information, Jimmy Guieu and Henry Durant allowed themselves to extrapolate "some foul play" of the French authorities vis-a-vis the "Flying Saucers", while being based on the policy in use in the United States. It is also regrettable that they did not push their "investigations" further than just the press.

Thus the "flying saucer" disappeared in the direction of Pernes les Fontaines around 2:00 p.m. That is to say in the direction of the North. And, if we extend its trajectory in the same direction, the object flies over Vaison-la-Romaine.

Indeed, around 1:00 p.m. the same day, an object shining like silver, in the shape of a cigar, was observed above Vaison. Obviously, the hours do not correspond; neither does the shape. But, this object above Vaison in the form of a "CIGAR"... Is there a cause and effect relationship? The very evening, in Vaison, a ball of fire is observed, seeming to burst; at 6:00 p.m. At 6:10 p.m., a sphere was observed above Avignon. At 6:30 p.m. another green cigar shaped object was seen on Apt... Two cigars observed in two time slots during which other objects are observed, over a relatively restricted region of airspace. A very rich day in UFO sightings, all over France. The mystery is complete... As long as we do not have further information on the cases of Vaison, Avignon, and Apt. And, what happened nearby on October 14, 54 in the Drôme, in the Gard, in the Alpes de Haute Provence. It is a call to the groups which are in these departments that I am launching. We have the opportunity to confront the information that we respectively have for a more than interesting day in terms of U.F.O. for a relatively small area. I also appeal to all those who would have other information for the Vaucluse for this day of October 14, 1954.



The two authors indicate that in Fontaine de Vaucluse in the department of Vaucluse, on October 14, 1954, at 01:30 p.m., many people observed a white disc hovering slowly above the city. The lower edge carried intermittently two powerful fires varying from the white to purple while passing through the red.

Two jets are said to have pursued the disc without being able to join it. The authors make a point that in follow up to this case, the secretariat of the Air Forces published an official statement in which it was indicated that the pilots of the jets being scrambled over Fontaine de Vaucluse had not observed any unknown craft.

The authors indicate that their sources are La Montagne for October 16, 1954; Le Provençal for October 15, 1954 and October 16, 1954; their personal archive.




Paris October 15 — The Saucer psychosis continues to develop, bringing more negative elements than positive details. And there is soon not a corner of France that cannot claim to have been flown over by some unknown machine, coming from who knows where.

Aveyron and Lozère have also known the "Saucers" since this morning.

In Rodez, it was at dawn that a mysterious craft which changed shapes and colors several times, could be spotted. It moved in this manner until the stroke of eleven o'clock, to disappear in the direction of the South.


We learned in the evening that it was a sounding balloon from the Italian Meteorological Services, from the MILAN Institute. This balloon with a diameter of 28 meters, would be likely to reach an altitude of 50,000 meters. It would include, in its nacelle, devices intended for the study of cosmic rays.


Thursday afternoon, a craft resembling a large star was seen successively in the Briançonnais sky, the Hte-Tarentaise, the valley of Albertville and the region of Chambery.

It was actually a sounding balloon from the Milan region.

Around 5 p.m., workers working on a construction site, about fifteen kilometers from Briançon, recovered the scientific devices from this balloon and handed them over to the Gendarmerie. As for the craft, it continued its route in the direction of Gap, in the evening.

In Avignon, the alert must have been hotter. Around 11 a.m., the secretary of the town hall of Fontaine—de-Vaucluse telephoned the Orange air base to report, among other things, a "Saucer", at the vertical of his town hall. The details were such that the leader of one of the squadrons telephoned the mayor of Fontaine.

The latter, not only confirmed the indications of his secretary, but specified that the Saucer remained motionless 400 meters vertically from the locality.

2 pilots who were taking off for a training flight flew over Fontaine de Vaucluse a few moments later without spotting the slightest Saucer.

In the evening, the Secretary of State for Air indicated that the two airmen from the Orange base, "experienced officers", had not observed any unknown craft during their research and that their report was formal.

It was, again, a sounding balloon, used by the Meteorological Services.

MIDI LIBRE for Saturday OCTOBER 16, 1954 — #3412 —


The Midi Libre articles reproduced here were sent to us by our friend Daniel Vidal. They illustrate in a precise manner the enormous work of archive research carried out by Daniel. An example to follow that should be taken up systematically in each region.

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:


Jet chase.

Leonard Stringfield informed his C.R.I.F.O. Newsletter readers that on October 19th: "Two French Air Force jets chased a 'white disc giving out white, red, and violet light,' near Avignon, but it moved away before the pilots could identify it." 159.

[... other cases...]

159. C.R.I.F.O. Newsletter. November 5, 1954. Vol.I, No.8. p.5.


The author indicates that on October 14, 1954, at 12:30 above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, a craft was chased by two jet planes, it is seen with the glasses, the army denies it.

The source is noted "R. Otahi, 1973".


4206: 1954/10/19 00:00 10 4:49:00 E 43:56:00 N 3331 WEU FRN VCL 6:7


Ref#138 GROSS,L.:UFOs a HISTORY-1954/10 bks Book # 4 Page 67 : IN-FLIGHT

Larry Hatch recorded the same case twice:

4105: 1954/10/14 13:30 1 5:08:00 E 43:56:00 N 3333 WEU FRN VCL 8:A


Ref# 49 MICHEL,Aime: FS & STRAIGHT LINE TH: Page No. 178 : PASTURE


Godelieve van Overmeire indicates that in 1954, on October 14, in France, in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, "towards 12:30 a craft appears above Fontaine de Vaucluse; it remains there stationary during one hour and a half while changing color and position on its axis. Now let us quote Aimé Michel, 4th edition of Mystérieux Objets Célestes: A Propos des Soucoupes Volantes, pp. 216, 217: '... All the binoculars in the area were soon directed towards it. The correspondent of a newspaper of Marseilles, who was there, alerted the air base of Caritat, which dispatched two jets. What then happened completely resembles the stories reported by Ruppelt in his book. The two jet fighters arrive. They are in radio connection with the base, which is itself on the telephone link with the journalist, who hardly leaves the object out of sight. The journalist guides the two jets via the base. The latter soon informs the guide that the two pilots see the object and that they go after it. And indeed, in Fontaine de Vaucluse one can see the two jets diving towards the mysterious craft. But the latter then starts and disappears in the distance in a few seconds.'"

The source is noted "Henry DURRANT 'Le livre noir des S.V.' - LAFFONT 1970 - p. 118".

She adds that in reality it was a stratospheric balloon observable in France and Italy.


Date 54.10.15
Time 13:30
Country France
Location Fontaine de Vaucluse, Vaucluse
M [=Military]
Type of plane and witness two French Air Force fighters pilots
UFO description one white domed-disc with two powerful lights moved faster than jets.
G [=Ground witnesses]
Codes G X E
Sources 00 [=Author's files]

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

Encounters with Aliens on this Day


October 19

1954 - On this day two French Air Force jets chased a white disc-shaped object with colored lights over Avignon, Vaucluse, France. The flying disc easily outpaced them. (Sources: Leonard H. Stringfield, CRIFO Orbit, November 1954, p. 5; Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1954: October, p. 67).


[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in the Vaucluse in Fontaine de Vaucluse on October 14, 1954, at 13:30 hours, "Many people observe a white disc hovering slowly above the city. The lower edge carried intermittently two powerful fires varying from the white to the purple while passing by the red."

"Two jet planes are said to have chased the disc without being able to join it. It will be noted that following this affair, the secretariat of the Air Force published an official statement in which it was said that the pilots of the apparatuses having flown over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse had not observed any unknown craft."

The source is noted: "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 19 October 1954 in Avignon, France, "Two French AF jets chase white disc with colored lights. Disc outpaces them. A flying disc was observed. One white disc was observed for ten minutes."

The sources are indicated as "Stringfield, Leonard H., CRIFO Newsletter and CRIFO Orbit; Gross, Loren E., The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1954: October, Author, Fremont; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 19, 1954 - On this day two French Air Force jets chased a white disc-shaped object with colored lights over Avignon, Vaucluse, France. The flying disc easily outpaced them. (Sources: Leonard H. Stringfield, CRIFO Orbit, November 1954, p. 5; Loren E. Gross, The Fifth Horseman of the Apocalypse: UFOs: A History. 1954: October, p. 67).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 9 times:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541014 14.10.1954 Fontaine France 13.30
19541014 14.10.1954 Vaucluse France 14.00 DD
19541014 14.10.1954 Fontaine Vaucluse France
19541014 14.10.1954 Fontaine Vaucluse France
19541014 14.10.1954 Fontaine Vaucluse France
19541014 14.10.1954 Fontaine Vaucluse France
19541014 14.10.1954 Fontaine Vaucluse France
19541014 14.10.1954 Fontaine France
19541015 15.10.1954 Fontaine de Vaucluse France



Sunday story: Flying saucer alert!

Every Sunday, the Dauphiné delves into its archives and makes you relive an event from the past. This weekend, back in 1954, when the South East saw aliens everywhere...

By Sylvaine ROMANAZ - August 11, 2019 at 06:05 - updated on Apr 18, 2020 at 11:07 - Reading time: 4 min

In public gardens, on café terraces, on sidewalks, thousands of motionless people staring up at the sky. On this October 14, 1954, alert in Grenoble: a flying saucer crosses the sky. No doubt for the most informed, the Martians are coming!

In the afternoon, the switchboard of the Dauphiné Libéré is overwhelmed by calls. And at 6 p.m., at the exit of the factories and offices, the crowd increases again in the streets. "But I'm telling you it's a weather balloon!" a passerby shouts. Wasted effort. Not one convinced witness.

Better still, the collective hallucination of the Grenoble residents spreads. From Chambéry to Gap, from Fontaine-de-Vaucluse to Faucigny, same stories. "A large vertical cigar" for some, flaming red or green and gray, orange or shiny, an unidentified object travels the South-East.

In Fontaine de Vaucluse, the case is growing. This white disc which hovers above the city, here is something strange nevertheless... The witnesses who observe it with binoculars go there for their details: the disc is surmounted by a spherical cap, and looks like a silver bowler hat. And to describe in the Dauphiné Libéré, a "lower circular border which intermittently carries powerful lights, varying from white to purplish through red". The object begins to intrigue so much that around 2 p.m., two jet planes take off from Caritat air base. But the "saucer" goes too fast, and disappears in the sky...

So, Martians or not Martians? The answer comes very down to earth... from the prefecture of the Isère. They receive a message from a Mr. Polvani, director of the Institute of Physics in Milan: "We are asking for assistance in identifying and recovering a stratospheric balloon loaded with scientific material, passed in France." The device is intended for studying cosmic rays. End of the craze? Not at all.

Because the scientists are offering a bonus of 20,000 francs to anyone who will help recover the balloon by calling "Odéon 99-17". What push everyone to scan the sky again and again. Moreover in Grenoble, on the airfield, specialists try to locate it and estimate its height when the object passes over their heads.

It is hard to miss, the ball is 28 meters in diameter and weighs 110 kilos. Being able to climb up to 33,000 m, it is however very difficult to chase...

The Grenoblois hardly look up that it is at Bourg-Saint-Maurice or Modane, then further in the Ubaye, that the gendarmes are alerted by citizens more or less frightened, more or less curious. And when everyone begins to agree with to the scientific explanation, blam, a second craft is seen simultaneously. This time the witnesses rather report a "ball of fire". But still no Martians. The Saint-Michel observatory near Digne is formal, that's a meteor. And for the first one, same certainty, it is a balloon.

Yet two appearances at the same time is too suspicious for many minds. So the tongues are loosened. And one cross-checks all the testimonies from the four corners of the country.

In the Dombes it is an insurance salesman who remembers having seen "a very short machine which descended slowly." In Moulins, it is a teacher and his class who saw in a field "a metallic-looking craft" with around it "three shapes which seemed to be the passengers of this apparatus." What do aliens look like? "An almost normal human trunk with two arms ending in a hook. A single leg ending in a spherical base". And the head? "Conical with three eyes in a triangle". As for the clothes, one of the children was very precise: they wore the same leather jacket as Louison Bobet! No need to ask us for the photo, this invasion has never been immortalized. Martians are not photogenic enough or too shy...

More timid in any case than the witnesses who throughout the 50's and 60's seem happy to be filmed or to be questioned by journalists to describe what they saw...

So many stories that snowballed to the point that the debate eventually reached the Assembly. Ignoring the scientific balloon (which continued its route in the Rhone valley, in particular above Crest then the Ardèche), the deputy of Ariège Mr. Dejean addressed a question to the President of the Council to know whether "a service was created in charge of gathering the existing documentation and studying the nature and origin of the said devices." Service that exists today.

The Geipan is very officially responsible for looking into unidentified aerospace phenomena. If during your Sunday walk the aliens say hi to you, you can contact them. Be careful though. In October 1954, workers at a construction site near Naples said loud and clear: seeing a saucer could be dangerous. The Pekingese dog who was with them at the time of the apparition looked at the saucer, barked... and fell dead.



This is a case of word against word. There are many possibilities:

Either the local witnesses did see the "disc" speeding away with the jet planes in pursuit, and in this case, we have an "unidentified" that may well be an extraterrestrial craft and the Air Ministry lied.

Either the Air Ministry was right, with two variants: the pilots really did not see anything, or they saw a balloon and preferred to say they saw "no unknown craft" than to admit that they chased a balloon.

For the moment, there is no official document to let me decide.

In support of the balloon thesis, there is the fact that it was evoked by pilots who had knowledge of a balloon seen a few hours before according to Le Méridional for October 15, 1954. There is also the fact that one might think that the "changing colors" would have been seen only in binoculars (chromatic aberration), except that the newspaper mentions that the colored lights were also visible to the naked eye.

As Le Provençal for October 15, 1954 asked: "So, who to believe?"

Update as of June 18, 2022:

With the official report of the Orange air base published in 1977 in Vaucluse Ufologie [vau1], there seems to be a solution to the question of the contradiction between the pilots who see no UFO and ground witnesses who see the pilots pursuing the UFO.

According to René Faudrin [vau1], the explanation would be that the pilots arrived five minutes after the departure of the UFO.

I am not sure this makes sense, since it doesn't resolve the contradiction; according to witnesses on the ground, the planes are chasing the UFO, which is therefore still there.

We learn from the official report that one of the planes was at 2:00 p.m. at 15,000 feet (4,500 meters), the other at 2:05 p.m. at 1,000 feet (300 meters). We also note that the base hears from the mayor altitudes for the craft. 300 meters then 400 meters. In short, for the pilots, it is a matter of looking down for one, at its approximate height for the other.

It is therefore possible, if we are willing to consider that the UFO was indeed the Italian high-altitude balloon, if we are willing to consider that the altitudes given by the mayor were false estimates, that the pilots could very well have looked for the UFO near the ground, 300 - 400 meters high, while the Italian balloon was in fact well above them, at the limit of the stratosphere (which extends, on average, from 12,000 meters to 50,000 meters above sea level).

All of this, of course, remains rather hypothetical...


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, Vaucluse, Armand Boudin, machine, craft, object, apparatus, multiple, Orange-Caritat, air force, pilots, lights, hovering, maneuver, fast, duration, official


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross July 5, 2007 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross March 30, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [hdt1], [goe1], [lcn1].
1.1 Patrick Gross February 11, 2010 Addition [jca1].
1.2 Patrick Gross June 29, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.3 Patrick Gross July 9, 2010 Additions [djn1], [uda1].
1.4 Patrick Gross July 28, 2010 Addition [lpl1].
1.5 Patrick Gross August 15, 2010 Addition [ler1].
1.6 Patrick Gross October 18, 2014 Addition [nip1].
1.7 Patrick Gross October 26, 2016 Addition [cmn1].
1.8 Patrick Gross December 5, 2016 Addition [ple1].
1.9 Patrick Gross February 23, 2017 Addition [ubk1].
2.0 Patrick Gross February 28, 2017 Addition [lrr1].
2.0 Patrick Gross September 22, 2017 Additions [ajl1], [tdc1], [sdt1], [ldc1].
2.1 Patrick Gross January 11, 2019 Additions [lgs1], [lhh1].
2.2 Patrick Gross July 18, 2019 Additions [lma1], [ldl2], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Possible high-altitude balloon."
2.3 Patrick Gross January 4, 2020 Addition [ppe2].
2.4 Patrick Gross January 9, 2020 Addition [cpd1].
2.5 Patrick Gross February 27, 2020 Addition [ppe1].
2.6 Patrick Gross April 5, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
2.7 Patrick Gross May 14, 2020 Addition [ipc1].
2.8 Patrick Gross May 16, 2020 Addition [nmn2].
2.9 Patrick Gross June 9, 2020 Addition [nll1].
3.0 Patrick Gross June 12, 2020 Addition [las1].
3.1 Patrick Gross June 15, 2020 Addition [ner1].
3.2 Patrick Gross November 6, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
3.3 Patrick Gross January 8, 2021 Additions [lcx1], [bre1].
3.4 Patrick Gross February 1, 2021 Additions [lcx1], [bre1].
3.4 Patrick Gross February 4, 2021 Addition [hct1].
3.5 Patrick Gross March 6, 2021 Addition [del1].
3.6 Patrick Gross March 17, 2021 Addition [lde2].
3.7 Patrick Gross May 13, 2021 Addition [lon1].
3.9 Patrick Gross March 11, 2022 Addition [jps1].
4.0 Patrick Gross May 19, 2022 Addition [vue1].
4.1 Patrick Gross June 5, 2022 Additions [amt1], [pmh1].
4.2 Patrick Gross June 18, 2022 Additions [jgu1], [vau1]. In the Summary, addition of the information from [vau1]. In the Explanations, addition of the "Update as of June 18, 2022" part.
4.3 Patrick Gross July 17, 2022 Additions [vau2], [vau3].

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This page was last updated on July 17, 2022.