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October 14, 1954, Biot, Alpes-Maritimes:

Reference for this case: 14-oct-54-Biot.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The regional newspaper Nice Matin for October 16, 1954, reported that the 15th in the afternoon, their correspondent in Antibes was able to discover, thanks to the complicity of its head of service, Mr. Courbey, municipal receiver of Antibes, the eyewitness of an observation in Biot that had disturbed the inhabitants of this village.

In Biot, there were numerous witnesses of the "maneuvers" of a "craft in the air, towards 6:15 pm", but only one of the witnesses had claimed he saw it taking off.

José Cassella, 19, a native of Biot, living with his parents on the fish market, his father working at the Compagnie des Eaux in the town, came back, like every evening, from his work at the Recette Municipale, boulevard d'Aguillon in Antibes, by the road from Antibes to Biot.

When the correspondent of the newspaper arrived at the Municipal Recipe, everyone was busy with his daily work and José Cassella, when the purpose of the visit was announced, did not even raise his head. After refusing to give his name, even refusing to give the slightest hint, for fear of "derogatory rumors" from his fellow citizens, he did make some comments, and then gave a complete description of the craft, or, at least of what he had time to see. He told:

"So it was 6:15 p.m., I was driving towards the village and going to take the turn of the Biot road, at the Chemin Neuf, following the wall fencing the former property of the sculptor Bourayne, and suddenly I was face to face with a oval mass, aluminum color... and instinctively, as I would have done in front of any other object or vehicle blocking the road, I braked."

"At this moment, without a sound, but at an indefinable speed, the saucer - because it had to be agreed, I had just seen one - the saucer rose vertically, then disappeared into the sky."

"I was then at six meters and I clearly distinguished the circular shape of the object, the upper part was slightly bulging, while the lower part resting on the ground was in the shape of a half-sphere. I saw nothing else, no asperity, no porthole, the object was totally smooth and shone under the last rays of the sunlight."

"According to the width of the road, the machine might have been 5 to 6 meters in diameter and a little over a meter in height."

"After its departure, no trace could be found on the road and when I returned from the village soon after, nothing could suggest that a flying saucer had landed there."

In the newspaper Le Patriote for October 17, 1954, it is said that one "is very reserved on the landing of the craft on the soil of Biot, especially at the place indicated by the young C..., place of the road not so wide and encased between two walls and what is more, just after the hairpin bend."

This newspaper said that two people had been there by 18:30 p.m. that night and saw nothing, and that the flying saucer "must like the difficulty, because even a helicopter would have been hard to land there, the ground being overhung by many electrical and telephone wires."

These reservations were ignored by the national press, and Paris Match published a photograph showing José Cassella tracing on the road at the alleged osbervation spot, the contours of the saucer, "which allowed him a fairly sure evaluation of the diameter of the craft":


The case then entered, always without any reservation, the ufological literature. In 1973, the INFO-UFO magazine did indicate but without details that the case was an invention; but without much echo. In 1979, "debunkers" Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker wrote that it was an invention "of the press" because Mr. Casella gave them a story very different from that of the newspapers: there was no object of aluminum color, no landing, "but maybe the spectacular passage of a great meteor that whistled while flying over the region." It was Mr. Casella who said that it was the local press who invented the story, and even did a reconstruction to give more weight to the case.

Barthel and Brucker do not comment on the fact that the Paris-Match photo proves that Mr. Casella was then an accommplice in this invention attributed to the Press...

Figuet and Ruchon ignore these explanations, then Jean Sider denied the thesis of the invention by arguing that there were "several witnesses"; without realizing that while there were indeed no lack of witnesses of the passage of the meteor, there was not even one to corroborate a saucer landing on the road.

People continued to publish the case in short summaries with a guarantee that the observation was "confirmed by several other people", the only exception being the "skeptic" Peter Rogerson who gave the explanation he had read in my file.




And here are the "flying saucers" in the sky of Midi!...

One of them is said to have landed Thursday at the fall of night, on the road to BIOT and is said to have taken off at the approach of a ciclyst...

Almost at the same time, a similar machine (the same one undoubtedly) was seen above Grasse, Saint Raphael, Opio, Gourdon, Bar-sur-Loup and Roquebrune-Cape-Martin.

On an improvized drawing board, José Cassella traces the shape of the saucer landed on the ground (drawing on the bottom), its shape seen from underneath (in the center) and its takeoff trajectory which he is pointing at. (Photo Biondo-Catch)

Now the "saucers" make their appearance in our sky, if one believes the very large number of testimonies - sometimes contradictory - about them that one can read below.

We will restrict ourselves to record them, we will not conclude in the "hot" debate which oppose the "pro-saucers" and the "anti-saucers."


Yesterday morning, in Biot on the place of the arcades, all the village spoke only saucers and appearances and, already, the two clans, now inevitable in such a case, were formed.

Indeed, in the current of the afternoon, our correspondent in Antibes had discovered, thanks to the complicity of his chief of service, Mr. Courbey, tax collector of Antibes, the eyewitness of this adventure who disturbed since Thursday evening the quietness of the village of Biot and its inhabitants.

Because, if in Biot the witnesses are numerous, who have seen a craft evolving in the air, at 06:15 P.M., only one had the chance to see it at the time of the "takeoff" whereas he was returning from work.

José Cassella is a 19 year old boy, native of Biot and remaining there with his parents, in street of the poissonerie, his father working with the Water-company of the city. Every day, morning and evening, he goes down the road from Antibes to Biot to go to his workplace, at the Town Receipt, boulevard of Aguillon in Antibes.

The event did not disturb the accounting department and when we entered in the buildings of the receipt yesterday afternoon, everyone was busy with his daily work. As for as of José Cassella, when we indicated the purpose of our visit, he did not even raise the head. However, after having refused to utter his name, refused even the least indication, of fear of "ridiculizing rumours" on behalf of his fellow-citizens, we led him to some confidences, then to a complete description of the craft, or, at least, of what it had had the time to see.

"So it was thus 06:15 P.M. I drove towards the village and I was going to take the turn of the road of Biot, at the chemin Neuf ["New driveway"], skirting the wall enclosing the old property of the sculptor Bourayne. Suddenly, I was face to face with an oval shaped mass, of aluminium color... and instinctively, as I would have done in front of any other object or vehicle barring me the road, I slowed down."

"A this precise moment, without a noise, but with an indefinable speed, the saucer - for I had to admit it, what I had just seen is one of those - the saucer rose vertically, then disappeared in the sky."

"I was then within six meters and I perfectly distinguished the circular shape of the object, of which the higher part was slightly reinflated, while the lower part resting on the ground was the shape of a half-sphere. I din not see anything else, no asperity, no porthole, the object was completely smooth and shone under the last luminous rays."

"Based on the width of the road, the machine may have had 5 to 6 meters in diameter and a little more than a one meter height."

"After its departure, no trace could be found on the road and when I returned from the village a little later nothing could let anyone find out that a flying saucer had landed there."




Saucers flew over Provence and Italy

Do saucers fear the cold? We cannot answer this question, but, in any case, the accounts of the mysterious apparitions are becoming scarce north of Lyon and increase in the South of France and northern Italy.

Indeed, many mysterious craft were seen Friday in the sky of Italy.

Near Rovigo, several people were able to observe a circular craft which, after slowly hovering, landed silently on the ground. After a few minutes of immobility, it resumed its silent flight vertically. At the place of takeoff, witnesses noticed a fairly deep crater six meters in diameter. Six poplars in the area had also been charred.

Authorities will visit the scene to verify the authenticity of the witnesses' accounts.

In the Modano region, a trader saw an incandescent "flying cigar" flying over the country at an altitude of around two hundred meters. After a brief stop, the craft would have headed for

Continued on the last page
under the title: SAUCERS



the northwest. This observation was confirmed by other witnesses.

Finally, a flying saucer with silver reflections flew over Luino, near the Swiss border. Many witnesses said they saw it.


Mr. Bérenger, mayor of Saint-Laurent-du-Var, general councilor and many people saw an orange disc over Nice on Friday.

Several residents also observed, above Cannes, a luminous machine of yellow color with a green tail. The most interesting testimony was brought by an employee of the municipal recipe of Antibes, Mr. Casella, who, returning home, found himself "nose to nose with a huge mechanical machine measuring 7 to 8 meters in diameter and posed in the middle of the road."

The witness approached the craft. He was going to touch it when it rose vertically and disappeared into the sky with a slight hissing sound.

In Venergues, several grape pickers saw "a cigar of white and blue color", which emitted luminous rays.

In Le Puy, a bright object was observed for almost an hour, by the weather station of Puy Chadrac.

The craft appeared like a straight olive with a black antenna at the top. The station chief said he believed he was in the presence of the planet Jupiter, but the sudden disappearance of the object showed that he had made a mistake. The same phenomenon was seen by the meteorological center of Ruyeres (Cantal). Thousands of residents of Tulle saw a big shiny and transparent dot in the sky. Some believe it was a weather balloon.



"Flying Things"


Mysterious landing in a meadow of the Var:



And the saucer flew away (!)

The "flying saucers", the "crypto-saucers", their substitutes, assimilated, etc., become day by day more familiar to the inhabitants of the Alpes-Maritimes. Each commune wants its own. We are still far from the 165! ... But we will probably get there soon. There is no reason for jealousy.

If Prévert repeated his famous prayer "Our Father who are in heaven, stay there, etc." we would not fail to add now "give us our daily flying saucer..."

Enough with the jokes! Let's talk about serious things. Here is the menu of the last days (because there are saucers to content).

First the small bits.

BLAUSASC - Several inhabitants of Blausasc saw yesterday, around 10 a.m., above the village, three luminous discs, very visible...

But, says the reader with a scientific mind, what are these three disks doing in the saucers? Bah! You will see many more... In doubt, we note everything. One does not risk thus to let miss a "truly true" saucer.

Let's change the disc. We lost the ball in Monaco.

Or rather we found it. Monaco now has its flying ball, very bright, with the appearance of "molten metal". It was plumbers who spoke: Mssrs. Henri Palinelli and Dominique Selotti, residing in Monaco, who saw the thing in question on Thursday at 6:07 p.m. exactly, above the place called "Visiaero" (Now that's a viewing spot!)

Here are some details: the colors were bright, like a fireworks' flare... The sphere was heading horizontally towards Italy. We only saw it for a few seconds.

Finally, one of the witnesses said: "Before I saw this luminous ball, I have always been a great skeptic" (so great, really?).

REVEST. It is a hunter who saw a luminous machine of about one meter at Revest." Having seen it fall at 60 meters from where he was, he ran to the probable point of fall but could not find any trace.

So, the flying saucers, we repeat to the serious (?) reader: "It's old-fashioned now, we do not say saucer anymore, we come back to the summary and pictorial description, have patience!"

Finally, outside the Alpes-Maritimes, things are done better.

Between Toulon and Hyères, two Toulon motorcyclists met on Thursday at 6:45 p.m. a flying saucer (At last! our reader says).

The craft was posed in a

(Read more on page 7)


meadow near the place known as "Chemin Long". Stunned, the two motorcyclists, Mr. Repellini, restaurant owner, and Mr. Ottaviani, a merchant navy engineer, approached the machine, which had the shape of a disk swelled on top with two crutches put on the ground. It was equipped with two ear-shaped fins on the sides.

One man (the two motorcyclists had the impression that there was another man inside the craft), measuring 1.60 meters, dressed in a gray-white suit made of strange cloth, probably made of asbestos or glass-wool, looked at the two residents of Toulon.

Mr. Repellini questioned him:

- Are you Martian?

The man replied, pointing to the apparatus:

- No I am French.

The unknown questioned in his turn:

- Where am I?

Repellini replied,

- In Provence. Do you want to go to the base of the Palivette?

And the restaurant owner pointed his finger in the direction of Hyeres. But the individual did not seem satisfied. Repellini continued:

"You are here between Toulon and Hyeres."

At these words the mysterious individual nodded his head and walked into the apparatus through the triangular-shaped porthole.

At once the machine, which had not ceased to vibrate, began to vibrate louder. The two Toulonians clearly perceived a sound of steam as before the stop of a locomotive and the apparatus rose from the ground slowly, heavily, vertically, as if it was sucked up. This resembled the flight of a woodcock.

Having reached 50 meters in altitude, the disc stopped for a moment, then resumed its flight at full speed towards Hyères while letting orange gleams escape and making a noise like that of the jet of a percolator.

Mr. Ottaviani had time, during the discussion between the mysterious individual and Mr. Repellini, to make a sketch in profile and elevation of the apparatus. These sketches were shown yesterday to the journalists in front of whom he maintained his statements, as well as he did in front of the naval security and police services.


Since the statement of the young José C... who says he saw a flying saucer in Biot, the people who saw the mysterious machine are more and more numerous.

In Antibes, Thursday evening, around 6:30 p.m., the luminous apparatus has been seen from several parts of the city, for example on the side of the Remparts and the National Road. In the surroundings, some people saw "something"; in Juan-les-Pins, on the other hand, we received only two testimonies.

If everyone is unanimous about the hour of the apparition, it must be pointed out that opinions differ about the shape of the thing: flying saucer, cigar, luminous trail, comet. On the other hand, the opinion is the same on the very high speed of the phenomenon.

Of course, everywhere, one talks about the famous flying saucer. Conversations are going on at both the Café de la Poste and the Chasseurs restaurant, on the Place des Arcades, opposite the church and everywhere. There, too, several people saw, Thursday evening, something luminous that crossed the sky very quickly. But one is very skeptical about the landing of the craft on the ground of Biot, especially at the place indicated by the young C..., location on a not-so-wide road between two walls and moreover, just after the hairpin bend.

Two people went by there at 6:30 p.m. that famous evening, and saw nothing, the flying saucer must like the difficulty, since even a helicopter "pou du ciel" would have had great difficulty to land, the ground being overhung by numerous power and telephone wires.



A cyclist from Antibes
almost crushed
a flying cigar

A cyclist from Biot, near Antibes, bordered on a disaster: he almost collided with a flying cigar that was parked on the road.

- I had, he said, just the time to brake.. In front of me: a kind of cylinder, terminated by a metallic tail in gray color. The craft went to the vertical with a slight hissind sound.

"Above all, do not reveal my name, I would not like to be taken for a crackpot," asked the witness, telling his story to the first deputy of the town hall of Antibes.

A few hours later, workers announced that they too had seen the cigar. Antibes newspaper "L'Indépendant" has published a special edition.

The Midi, currently, is invaded by saucers. Martians must fear the cold...

One saw above Nice an orange disc, above Cannes a "green tailed yellow craft"; grape pickers from the Var saw a white and blue flying cigar. A pensioner met, near the swimming pool of Perpignan, a Martian dressed in a diving suit, descended from a large reddish sphere, which flew away without a trace.

As for the flying cigar of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, it turned out, after investigation, that it was only a saucer ghost. Local residents, mayor first, say they saw it. But the two fighter pilots sent to chase it vainly sought it in the sky. They did not even distinguish the slightest weather balloon. One reported another cigar a little later at the Italian border, but this time no one bothered.

Moreover, many cigars were seen yesterday in Italy. The most curious information concerns one who would have landed near Rovigo: at the place where the locals claim to have seen it take off, a crater, six meters in diameter opens, and six poplars trees which stood nearby were half charred.

Finally yesterday afternoon, the residents of Tulle and Brive examined under the binocular a gigantic "elongated drug drop container" which flew over the region until nightfall. It was also seen from the weather station of Puy-Chadrac and from that of Rueyres (Cantal), but observers compare it to an olive surmounted by an antenna...

MONDAY, the continuation of our investigation:

"What you need to know about flying saucers"



Thousands of residents
of Tulle saw
the meteorologists saucer

Mysterious craft continue to haunt the sky of France, The testimonies accumulate, coming every day, bringing some new details, either on the saucers, or on the flying cigars.

In Le Puy, a bright object was observed between 5:50 p.m. and 6:35 p.m. by the Chadrac weather station. The craft appeared like a straight olive with a sort of black antenna at the top. The station chief said he thought he was in the presence of the planet Jupiter, but the sudden disappearance of the object showed that he had made a mistake. The same phenomenon was seen by the meteorological center of Rueyres (Cantal). We can compare these testimonies to that of thousands of residents of Tulle who at around 3:30 p.m., saw in the sky, in a South-South-East direction, a big bright and motionless dot. It appeared transparent and had the shape of a cylinder whose two ends were conical.

A witness claims to have
almost hit "the craft"

Above Cannes, several people observed a luminous apparatus of yellow color with a green tail. But the most interesting testimony was brought by an employee of the municipal recipe of Antibes, Mr. Casella, living in Bio [sic] who, returning home in the evening, found himself "nose to nose with a huge mechanical machine measuring 7 to 8 meters in diameters [sic] posed in the middle of the road". The witness who was on a bicycle approached the craft until almost touching it, but then it rose vertically and disappeared in the sky with a slight hissing sound.

In the Provence sky, in Venergues, several grape pickers have seen a craft elongated like a cigar, said one of them, and white and blue, said a second. A third picker said the rocket appeared to be emitting luminous rays.

A saucer lands in Italy

Many mysterious craft were also seen in the sky of Italy. One of these machines landed near Rovigo, in the Po Di Gnocca area, where several people observed it. The craft of circular shape after having slowly hovered, landed on the ground without noise, after a few minutes of immobility, it resumed vertically its silent flight, but at the place where it took off, there is now a fairly deep crater six meters in diameter. Six poplars that stood nearby were also charred. Authorities will travel to the place to verify the authenticity of the witnesses' accounts.

In the Modane region, a trader saw an incandescent "flying cigar" flying over the countryside at an altitude of around two hundred meters. After a short stop, the craft reportedly headed to the northwest. This observation was confirmed by other witnesses.

The Mont Ventoux observatory
spots a saucer

The Mont Ventoux observatory reports that since yesterday morning 7:30 a.m., East-North-East, in the direction of Orange, an unknown object hovers in the sky.

This object of ovoid shape has two superimposed cones connected by a kind of antenna.

The size of an egg

A resident of Pont-à-Marcq, who wishes to remain anonymous, told our reporter:

"Thursday evening at 10.45 p.m., I saw, in a westerly direction, going horizontally towards a very bright star, a luminous object the size of an egg moving quickly and fading at the very moment when I recorded, in the vertical direction, a trail drawing on pink by describing several curves; I do not believe in flying saucers coming from another planet, but from what I saw at such a high height, I am convinced that somewhere on our globe, tests of launching of long-range rockets are under way."

A red-orange disc
in Wignehies

Friday evening around 9 p.m. Mr. Paul Caulier, living in Hirson, was coming to visit his parents on rue F. Boussus in Wignehies, when, arriving near Quatre Bras, road from La Capelle to Hirson, a crowd made him decide to get out of the car. Several people were watching the move of a flying saucer which was visible at a distance estimated at approximately 800 m. of height. This saucer appeared in the usual red-orange disc shape. Mr. Paul Caulier then headed for Wignehies where on the road from Fourmies to Wignehies, at the place called Le Pont Pagnier, he was still able to see this saucer in the sky.



Flying saucers...
... in the sky of France

Paris, 18. -- Mysterious craft continue to regularly frequent the skies of France. The testimonies accumulate, coming every day to bring some new details, either on the saucers, or on the flying cigars.

While on Saturday evening, several reliable people, including Mr. Béranger, mayor of Saint St-Laurent-du-Var, advisor general, had seen above Nice, an orange disc, last night, this time above Cannes, several people observed a luminous craft of yellow color with a green tail, but the more interesting testimony was to be brought by an employee of the municipal recipe of Antibes.

Mr. Casella, living in Bio [sic], returning home in the evening, found himself "face to face with a huge mechanical machine measuring 7 to 8 meters in diameter placed in the middle of the road." The witness who was on a bicycle approached the craft until almost touching it, but then it rose vertically and, with a slight hiss, disappeared into the sky.

In the Provence sky, in Venergues, several grape pickers saw, Friday afternoon, a craft of elongated shape like a cigar, one said, white and blue, said a second. A third picker said the rocket appeared to be emitting luminous rays.

In Le Puy, a luminous object was observed between 5:50 p.m. and 6:36 p.m., by the Puy Chadrac weather station. The craft appeared like a straight olive with a sort of black antenna at the top. The station chief said he believed he was in the presence of the planet Jupiter. Mr. Casella, a resident of Bio who piter, but the sudden disappearance of the object demonstrated that he had been mistaken.

The same phenomenon was seen by the meteorological center of Ruyères (Cantal). One can compare these testimonies to that of thousands of inhabitants of Tulle who, around 3:35 p.m., saw in the sky, in a south-southeast direction, a big bright and motionless point. It appeared transparent and showed the shape of a cylinder whose two ends were conical.

In Murat (Cantal), an object also shiny and ovoid in shape, was to be observed for an hour. In this case, it seems to be a strongly lit balloon.

In two villages in the Haute-Marne, Vignory and Brottes, orange-colored objects were seen on Thursday evening. These objects rose vertiginously but without noise.

Finally, in the Finistère, Mr. René le Viol, transporter at Fouesnant, saw Thursday evening, behind a curtain of trees, a flat-shaped craft with the appearance of an overturned plate and surrounded by a reddish glow, this first disc was then followed by a second and both disappeared towards the sea.


Rome, 15. -- Many mysterious craft were seen yesterday in the sky of Italy. One of these machines landed near Rovigo in the area known as Po Di Gnocca, where several people observed it. The circular craft, after having slowly hovered, landed on the ground without noise. After a few minutes of immobility, it resumed its silent vertical flight, but at the place where it took off, there is now a fairly deep crater six meters in diameter. Six poplars that stood nearby were also charred. Authorities will travel to the scene to verify the authenticity of the witnesses' accounts.

In the Modena region, a trader saw an incandescent "flying cigar" flying over the countryside at an altitude of around two hundred meters. After a brief stop, the craft reportedly headed to the northwest. This observation was confirmed by other witnesses.

Finally a flying saucer with silver reflections is reported to have flown over the Loino area at 5.000 meters. Witnesses to this observation stated that the saucer did not emit any noise and did not release any smoke. It disappeared in the direction of Switzerland.

Martians in single line

Amiens, 16. -- Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle dealers in Domart-en-Ponthieu, and Mr. Lourdel, cattle broker in Condé-Folie, who, on Thursday, around 9:00 p.m., were traveling by automobile truck on the road to Domart in Condé-Folie, said they saw a very bright glow not far from La Folie farms, which seemed to land in a meadow not far from the road.

Mr. Dumeige, who was driving, stopped his vehicle and got out with his wife and Mr. Lourdel. It was then that they saw clearly, near the light, six or seven small beings advancing in line. They were so frightened that they immediately set off again, leaving the craft and its occupants there.



continue to attend with assiduity the French sky

Testimonys accumulate, coming each day to bring some new details either about the saucers, or about the flying cigars.

Whereas Saturday evening, several people worthy of faith, including Mr. Bérenger, mayor of Saint-Laurent-du-Var, general adviser, had seen above Nice, a disc of orange color, this time above Cannes, several people observed a luminous machine of yellow color with a green tail. But the most interesting witness was to be brought by an employee of the municipal receipt of Antibes, Mr. Casella, Bio resident, who, returning home in the evening, found himself face to face with an enormous mechanical machine measuring 7 to 8 meters in diameter posed in the middle of the road. The witness who was on a bicycle approached the machine until almost touching it but the latter then rose vertically and disappeared in the sky with a slight whistling sound.

In the sky of Provence, in Venergues, several vintagers saw a machine of lengthened form like a cigar, stated one of them and of white and blue color a second one specified. A third vintager indicated that the rocket appeared to emit luminous rays.

In Le Puy, a brilliant object was observed between 05:30 p.m. and 18:35 p.m. by the weather station of Puy-Chadrac. The machine looked like a straight olive with at the top, a kind of black antenna. The chief of the station specified that he believes to be in the presence of planet Jupiter, but the sudden disappearance of the object showed that he was wrong. The same phenomenon was seen by the center of meteorology of Ruyères (the Cantal). One can connect these testimonies to that of thousands of Tulle residents who around 03:30 p.m. saw in the sky, in the south-eastern southern direction, a large shining and motionless spot. It seemed transparent and had the shape of a cylinder whose two ends were conical.

Attack missed against a false Martian

Mr. Maurice Ruant, farmer with Sinceny, close to Chauny (the Aisne) was almost the victim of the panic which the appearance of the flying saucers or other flying objects causes to some people. He was busy repairing his car, in a meadow near his home, when two gun shots were fired to his direction. The bullets crushed on the body of the vehicle, not far from his head. Mr. Maurice Ruant pressed charges and the investigation at once open made it possible to quickly find the author of the two shots, who was a neighbor to Mr. Ruant, Mr. Faisan.

The latter told the police force:

"I believed, by seeing a silhouette moving in the light of two headlights, to be in the presence of a Martian repairing his flying saucer. I went to get my rifle and I shot".

In spite of his good faith, Mr. Faisan will be prosecuted.

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


Saucers, cigars, etc.

From Cannes to Ruyères
"cigars" and "olives"
wander in the sky
of France

It becomes a permanent display and a real interplanetary carousel.

In Cannes, several people observed a luminous yellow craft with a green tail.

Mr. Casella, employee at the municipal tax office in Antibes, returning home to Biot, found himself "nose to nose" with "an enormous mechanical machine, measuring 7 to 8 meters in diameter, posed in the middle of the road." The witness, who was on a bicycle, approached the craft until he almost touched it, but then it rose vertically and, with a slight whistling sound, disappeared into the sky.

In the Provence sky, in Venergues, several grape pickers saw an elongated craft, like a cigar, said one of them, and white and blue, said a second. A third harvester said the rocket appeared to emit light rays.

In Le Puy, a shiny object was observed by the Puy-Chadrac weather station. The craft appeared like a straight olive with, at the top, a sort of black antenna. The station chief specified that he believed to be in the presence of the planet Jupiter, but the sudden disappearance of the object showed that he had made a mistake. The same phenomenon was seen by the center of Ruyères (Aveyron).

We can compare these testimonies to that of several residents of Tulle who saw in the sky, in a South-South-East direction, a big bright and still point; it seemed transparent and took the shape of a cylinder with both ends conical.

Similar observations were made in Murat.

Finally, in the Finistère, Mr. René Le Viol, transporter in Fouesnant, saw a craft appear behind a curtain of trees of flat shape "looking like an upturned plate", surrounded by a reddish glow. This first disc was then followed by a second; both disappeared towards the sea.

They land
in the Siamese jungle...

France does not have a monopoly on these now incessant sarabandes.

In the Siamese capital, several hundred people saw a glittering disc, apparently one-third the diameter of the full moon, which seemed to be traversed by a wave progressively pacing its surface from left to right, exactly like some neon billboards.

The saucer, after drifting slowly from north to south for about a quarter of an hour, disappeared.

... where a mysterious ray
had charred
several villagers

On the other hand, a Thai weekly reported this week "multiple appearances of flying saucers over the border regions of Siam and Burma." Some of these craft reportedly landed in the jungle.

Finally, according to the same weekly, a "mysterious ray" charred several villagers.

In Italy, a craft landed
and charred six poplars

Italy, too, sees numerous and mysterious craft sailing in its sky.

One of them landed near Rovigo, in the area known as Po Di Gnocca, where several people observed it. The craft, circular in shape, after having slowly glided, landed silently on the ground. After a few minutes of stillness, it resumed its silent flight vertically, but where it took off, there is now a fairly deep crater six meters in diameter. Six poplars that stood around there were also charred. The authorities went to the scene to verify the authenticity of the witnesses accounts.


In a report on the flying saucers phenomenon, Paris Match published this photography showing the witness, José Cassella, tracing the projection of the contours of the saucer on the road, at the sighting's location, which allowed him a rather sure evaluation of the diameter of the craft:




Finally, on October 14, in Biot, in the Alpes-Maritimes, a nineteen-year-old young man, José Casella, said he found himself "nose to nose" with an oval-shaped mass, the color of aluminum. He was about ten meters from the craft when it rose vertically at breakneck speed, without making any noise. According to the width of the road, José Casella estimates the diameter of the saucer at 5 or 6 meters. Invited to sign his deposition, he complied without difficulty.

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

The author indicates that a flying saucer landed on a road of the Alpes-Maritimes close to Biot on October 14, 1954 at 06:15 p.m., seen by José Casella, 19-year-old, employee with the Water-Company in Antibes, who stated:

"It was 18 h 15. I rode towards the village and was going to take the turn of the road of Biot to the Chemin Neuf skirting the wall of the old property of the sculptor Bourayne. Suddenly, I was face to face with a mass, of oval form, aluminum color... and instinctively, as I would have done in front of any other object or vehicle barring the road to me, I slowed down. At this precise moment, without a noise but with an indefinable speed, the saucer - as it was necessary to amit it was a saucer, I had just seen one, I who did not believe in it! - the saucer rose vertically then disappeared in the sky."

"I was then within 6 meters and I perfectly distinguished the circular form from the object whose upper surface was slightly inflated whereas the lower part resting on the ground was hemispherical; I saw nothing else, no screw, no asperity, no port-hole, the object was completely smooth and shining under the last luminous rays."

"According to the width of the road, the machine could have been five to six meters in diameter and a little more than one meter in height. After its departure, no trace could be found on the road and when I returned to the village, a little later, nothing could let suppose that a flying saucer had landed there. And yet I saw it, I was not the victim of an hallucination... no more the victim of any mirage!"

Jimmy Guieu indicates that it was indirectly confirmed by a crowd of people who saw the craft firrow the skies little after its takeoff, in Grasse, Saint-Raphael, Opio, Séranon, Gourdon, Bar-sur-Loup, and Roquebrune-Cape-Martin.

[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:


[... other cases...]

October 14, 1954: Biot (near of,5 km NNW.ISL of Antibes(Alpes-Maritimes): Mr. José Casella, 19, employee at the Waters company of Antibes (disc with dome 6 m long x 1,10 m high)

[... other cases...]


Michel Carrouges reports that on October 14, 1954 at approximately 06:15 p.m., José Cassella, aged 19, rides his bicycle on a road close to Biot in the Alpes-Maritimes. He starts a turn, and, in his own words:

"Suddenly I was face to face with a mass of oval shape, aluminium color ... and instinctively as I would have done in front of any other object across the road, I slowed down. At this very moment, without a noise, but with an indefinable speed, the saucer - because it had to be ackowledged, I had just seen one, me, who did not believe in that! - the saucer rose vertically, then disappeared in the sky."

Michel Carrouges specifies that Cassella had stopped within six meters of the saucer, which measured 5 to 6 meters in diameter and a little more than 1 meter in height. Its circular shape, hemispherical below, was reinflated above. It was completely smooth and shining under the last rays of the sun and did not have any port-hole.


The category of 34 landings (1/3 of the cases) in full traffic lane, or even just on the side of the road, raises a curious problem.

Even on the side of the road, the saucer is easily identifiable, it can be observed closely, by the way, and surprised by the arrival of a silent vehicle like the bicycle, or fast like a car. But the top is the case of these many saucers parked in the middle of a road. Each time, the witness is face to face with the craft. But each time also the saucer risks the very terrestrial of accident.

It is so true that the witness Cassella [sic], on October 14, 1954, riding a bicycle, suddenly found himself in front of a saucer in a bend; he had to brake so hard that at the nearest 6 meters, the accident would have occurred. But he just had time to stop and he saw the saucer flying up vertically.

In fact, the risk of an accident never came true, either that the "Terran" had slowed down in time, or that the "Martian" flew away, or used a paralyzing force to stop the "Terran" and his vehicle (see below).

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

335 -007.10001 43.62660 14 10 1954 18 15 1 BIOT P.ANTIBES A.M. F 0011 3 I

[Ref. jve6:] JACQUES VALLEE:

Jacques Vallée says that on October 14, 1954, at 6:15 p.m., Jose Casella, working at Antibes, was riding his bicycle through the town of Biot, in the Maritime Alps, when he suddenly found in front of him on the road a massive oval aluminum-like object shaped like an egg, perfectly smooth and bright, 5 to 6 meters long and a little more than 1 meter high. Casella braked, ans simultaneously the object took off in silence at a very great speed. No traces were found. Several residents of Biot confirmed the reality of Casella's experience. Jacques Vallée says that descriptions of what he saw are in the newspapers France-soir, Paris-Presse, La Croix, for October 17, 1954.

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:

253) October 14, 1954, 06:15 p.m., Biot (France):

A municipal employee, Jose Casella, was riding home when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 m in diameter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high speed. Several persons confirmed the sighting. The disk was gray, supported a dome, and emitted a soft whistle. It took off when Casella was only 6 m away. (P. 65).

(Paris-Presse, France-Soir, 17 oct. 1954; 65).

[Ref. jve4:] JACQUES VALLEE:


253) October 14, 1954, 06:15 p.m., Biot (France):

A municipal employee, Jose Casella, was riding home when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 m in diameter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high speed. Several persons confirmed the sighting. The disk was gray, supported a dome, and emitted a soft whistle. It took off when Casella was only 6 m away. (P 65).

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

October 14, 1954, 06:15 p.m., Biot (France):

A municipal employee, Jose Casella, was riding home when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 m in diameter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high speed. Several persons confirmed the sighting. The disk was gray, supported a dome, and emitted a soft whistle. It took off when Casella was only 6 m away.

(Paris-Presse, France-Soir, 17 oct. 1954).

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

The author indicates that on October 14, 1954, José Casella, city worker, was returning to Biot when he was suddenly face to face, on the road, with an object of oval aluminium shape of approximately 5 to 6 meters diameter on 1 meter in height. He slowed down, the object flew away at a fantastic pace. Several people confirmed this vision.


The magazine lists cases of "approaches", including:

"10/14/1954 in Biot - José Casalla at 6 m."


We can also add that for the day of 10/14/1954, two cases that turned out to be, one an invention (that of Biot) and the other a hoax (St. Ambroix) are however perfectly orthotenized. In this regard, it should be noted that they do not appear in the book of Aimé Michel because he was not aware of all the observations of the day. We have revised the orthotenic network of today and it is included in the appendix for the day of 10/14/54.


Garreau and Lavier note that on October 14, 1954, at 06:15 P.M., according to newspaper cuttings and their personal files, José Casella, aged 19, employee with the Water Company in Antibes, regained his residence when coming out of a turn he saw an object blocking the road.

It was an object of aluminium of oval shape, approximately 6 meters in diameter and one meter in height. The object took off immediately and dazed away at a very high speed. Many witnesses, from Grasse to Cap-Martin, saw it after takeoff.


428 14 October 1954 1815 hrs

BIOT (FRANCE) Municipal employee Jose Casella was driving home when he saw in front of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminium like object about 5.5m diameter and 1m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high speed. Several people confirmed the sighting. The disc was grey, supporting a dome, and emitted a soft whistling sound. It took off when Casella was only 6m away. (M253: Paris-Presse, France-Soir, 17 Oct 54: Carrouges S, 99, 116; Guieu II)

[Ref. gab1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":

road network/p>

10/14//1954 Biot (Maritime Alps)

Around 6.15 p.m., Mr. José Caselle, who was riding his bicycle, suddenly found himself face to face with a rounded mass 5 to 6m in diameter and 1m to 1.50m high blocking the road. The craft of aluminum color took off without a sound. (Jimmy Guieu)

This randomly selected sighting is one of hundreds of other sightings of a road landing. We can now wonder about its meaning. One guess comes right away: the roads are plentiful and are areas of flat, solid terrain that can act as effective airstrips. This explanation would be perfectly plausible if there were not also advanced maneuvers. Indeed, one sometimes saw "Flying Saucers" move at ground level following very exactly the layout of a road. How can our road network be interesting?


The two authors note this case of October 14, 1954:

"Biot - 06 - 06:15 p.m.: investigation. Very fast luminous gleam. The landing is a mystification by the Press."

Elsewhere they add that the witness told of his sighting in Biot, the Alpes Maritimes, on October 14, 1954 at 06:15 p.m.:

"I drove towards the village and was going to take the turn of the road of Biot at the Chemin Neuf skirting the wall of the old property of sculptor Bourayne. Suddenly, I was face to face with a mass of oval form, aluminum color... and instinctively, as I would have done in front of any other object or vehicle barring the road to me, I slowed down. At this precise moment, without noise but at an indefinable speed, the saucer - for it was indeed necessary to admit it, I had just seen one, I who did not believe in it! - the saucer rose vertically, then disappeared in the sky."

"I was then within 6 meters and I perfectly distinguished the circular form of the object, whose upper surface was slightly reinflated, while the lower part, resting on the ground, was hemispherical; I saw nothing else, no life, no asperity, no port-hole, the object being completely smooth and shining under the last luminous rays."

"According to the width of the road, the apparatus might have had five or six meters in diameter and a little more than one meter in height. After its departure, no trace could be found on the road, and when I returned from the village, a little later nothing could let suppose that a flying saucer had landed there. And yet I saw it, I was not the victim of an hallucination... it was not some unspecified mirage either!"

The authors say that Mr. Casella however made a very different report to them: there was no object of aluminum color, no landing, but maybe the spectacular passing of a large meteor which whistled while flying above the region. The witness told the authors that it was the local Press who invented the story, and even made a reconstitution to give more weight to the case.

The authors say that as the witness said the object came down, the Press assumed that it had landed, and that when the witness says the object went up, the Press assumes that it took off.


The two authors indicate that in Biot, on October 14, 1945 at 06:15 p.m., José Casella, municipal employee, drove towards Biot and was going to take the turn of Chemin-Neuf when he suddenly found his road barred by a mass of oval form, aluminum color, 5 to 6 meters in diameter and a little more than 1 meter in height.

The higher part is slightly reinflated, the lower part resting on the ground is hemispherical, the object is completely smooth and shining under the last rays of the sun and is at 6 meters of the witness who slows down.

At this precise moment, the object takes off vertically without noise but at an indefinable speed and disappears in the sky. The authors note that according to Vallée the object took off while emitting a soft whistling sound.

The authors add that "numerous people" in Saint-Raphael, Seranon, Gourdon, Bar-sur-Loup, and Roquebrune-Cap-Martin, "saw the craft furrow the skies" little after the observation by Mr. Casella.

The authors indicate that the sources are case 253 of the Vallée catalogue; C. Garreau and R. Lavier in "Face aux ET" page 123; Jimmy Guieu in " Black-Out sur les S.V" page 219; Quincy; Paris-Presse and France-soir for October 17, 1954.





An orange disc has been seen in the Var sky by several reliable people. A resident of Antibes, returning home, found himself "face to face with a huge mechanical craft, measuring seven to eight meters in diameter, placed in the middle of the road. The witness who was on a bicycle approached the craft, almost touching it, but then it rose vertically and, with a slight hissing sound, disappeared into the sky.

In the Provence sky, several grape pickers saw an elongated craft "like a cigar, declares one of them, and white in color and blue," said the second one. A third picker reported that the rocket appeared to be emitting luminous rays.

A bright object was observed by the meteorological station of Puy-Chadrac (Puy de Dôme). The craft appeared as a straight olive, with, at the top, a kind of black antenna. The head of the station specifies that he believed to be in the presence of the planet Jupiter, but the sudden disappearance of the object demonstrates that he was mistaken. The same phenomenon was seen by the meteorological center of Rueyres (Cantal).

MIDI LIBRE for SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1954 — # 3 413 -

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

October 14th. Biot, France. (6:15 p.m.)

Pedaling down a street in the Maritime Alps town of Biot, M. Jose Cassella braked his bike to a stop when his way was blocked by a big, smooth-surfaced, metallic-looking, oval object. Like a huge aluminum egg 15 feet by 9 feet in size, the thing sat there for a moment and then silently took off at high speed. Others in Biot made independent observations of the object. 118.

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

Jean Sider indicates that the counter-investigation by Barthel and Brucker on the CE2 case in Biot in the Alpes Maritimes is "imaginary."

He indicates that on October 14, 1954 José Casella saw on the road of Antibes in Biot a saucer posed in the broad middle of the road.

He declares that Barthel and Brucker claim on pages 109 and 110 that during their discussion with the witness the latter denied to have described an object landed on the road and that it was perhaps the spectacular passage of a large meteorite [meteor], and that it was the local press that organized a false reconstitution to give more weight to the affair.

Jean Sider thinks that Barthel and Brucker did not speak to the witness, because Nice-Matin for October 16, 1954 indicates that the newspaper knew about the observation by the initiave of Mr. Courbey, principal receiver with the Municipal Receipt of Antibes and boss of Mr. Casella to whom the latter had told his adventure. The witness had not dared to inform the gendarmerie, perhaps by shyness or avoid "displeasant rumours". The witness had reluctantly testified when the reporters of this newspaper came at his workplace. He made for them a sketch on the wall, and a photograph showing him explaining his drawing in Nice-Matin proves that he did claim to have seen the object posed on the road.

There is also a second photograph showing Mr. Casella, on the place of the observation, published in "an important national weekly magazine established in Paris" [Paris Match].

Jean Sider adds that "moreover several people confirmed the testimony of Mr. Casella".

Jean Sider insists on the many other observations this same evening in the area and declares that Barthel and Brucker disguised the reality of the facts, that it are desired to standardize this observation to reduce all the others by writing that description that Casella gave them is in agreement with the others.

He notes that he tried to reach Mr. Casella through his family residing in Biot, but he never got a response although he attached a stamp to his mail for this.


4113: 1954/10/14 18:20 20 7:06:00 E 43:37:40 N 3333 WEU FRN AMR 6:A


Ref# 2 VALLEE:UFOS IN SPACE:Anatomy/phenon. Page No. 178 : ROAD+RAILS


Godelieve van Overmeire indicates that in 1954, on October 14, in France, in Biot, at 18:15 "José Casella returned at his place by bicycle when he suddenly saw on the road in front of him an oval object, 5,50 m in diameter approximately and a height of 1 m. The disc was gray overcome by a dome and it emitted a soft whistling sound. When Casella was no more than 6 m the object took off. Observation confirmed by other people."

The source is noted "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 280".

She indicates another version: "a city employee, José Casella, returned home by bicycle, when suddenly in front of him, on the road, there was an object made of aluminium of oval form, having approximately a diameter of 5,5 m and a height of 1 m. Whereas he slowed down, the object took off at very high speed. Several people confirm the observation. The gray disc was surmounted by a dome and it emitted a gentle whistling sound. It took off whereas Casella was only within 6 meters".

The sources are noted "Paris-Presse, France-Soir, 17 Oct 1954".

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

Thursday, October 14, 1954

18:15 In Biot (France), José Casella (city employee) returns home by bicycle, when it suddenly finds himself face to face, on the road, with 1 gray object, of aluminum aspect, oval shape, a diameter of 5,5 m approximately and a height of 1 m, overcome of a dome and it emitted a gentle whistling sound. While he slows down and that Casella is only at 6 m of it, the object takes off at very high speed. Several people confirm the observation.

Jérome Beau indicates as sources "Paris-Presse, France-Soir, October 17, 1954.".

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in the Alpes Maritime in Biot on October 14, 1954 at 18:15 hours "the witness returned home by bicycle when he suddenly saw on the road in front of him an oval object, 5,50 m in diameter approximately and a height of 1 m. The gray disc was topped by a dome and it emitted a gentle whistling sound. When the witness was not any more than 6 m the object took off. Observation confirmed by other people."

The sources are noted: "Mini catalogue chronologique des observations OVNI by Van Overmeire Godelieve **" and "Chroniques des apparitions E.T. byVallée Jacques ** DENOEL 1972 - J'AI L coll.".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 14 October 1954 at 18:15 in Biot, France, "An oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 meters in diameter". "A municipal employee, Jose Casella, was riding home when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 meters in diameter, one meter high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high speed. Several persons confirmed the sighting. The disk was gray, supported a dome, and emitted a soft whistle. It took off when Casella was only six meters away."

The website indicates that "An object was sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. One saucer, about 40 feet across, was observed by one male 19-year-old witness on a road (Jose Casella)."

The website indicates that the sources are Guieu, Jimmy, Flying Saucers Come from Another World, Citadel, New York, 1956; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1965; Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173).

[Ref. djn2:] DONALD JONHSON:

Donald Johnson indicates that on October 14, 1954, at 6:15 p.m. a municipal employee, Jose Casella, was riding home in Biot, Alpes-Maritimes, France when he suddenly found an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 meters in diameter in front of him on the road, one meter high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at a very high speed. Several persons confirmed the sighting. The object was described as a gray domed disc that emitted a soft whistling noise. When it took off the witness was only six meters away.

The sources are indicated as Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 253, citing Paris Presse, October 21, 1954; Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 160-161, citing Jimmy Guieu, Black-out sur les Soucoupes Volantes, p. 219.

[Ref. mip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 14, 1954 - At 6:15 p.m. a municipal employee, Jose Casella, was riding home in Biot, Alpes-Maritimes department, France when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an oval-shaped aluminum object about 5.5 m in diameter, 1 m high. As he applied the brakes, the object took off at very high speed. Sev- eral persons confirmed the sighting. The disk was gray, supported a dome, and emitted a soft whistle. It took off when Casella was only six meters away. (Sources: Paris Presse, October 21, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, case # 253; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 160-161, citing Jimmy Guieu, Black-out sur les Soucoupes Volantes, p. 219).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 8 times:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France 18.15 CE I
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France 18.15
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France 18.15
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France 18.15 CE I
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France 18.15 CE I
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France 18.15 CE I
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France 18.15 CE I
19541014 14.10.1954 Biot France


October 14 1954. 1815hrs.


Jose Cassella (19) was driving home from work in the municipal accounting department when he encountered an oval aluminium coloured object on the road ahead. As he braked 6m from the object, it rose up into the sky fast and silently and disappeared. The thing was circular with a swollen top, and its hemispherical bottom resting on the ground. It was 5-6m in diameter and just over 1m high. No traces were found.

Evaluation - Probably a hoax based on a meteor of that date

Note: "Gross 1954" is supposed to indicate my Web page on the case; but no link was provided, I was certainly not just "citing Nice Matin 16 October 1954" and the "evalation" is not credited to those who made it.



The summary by Jacques Vallée is afflicted with inaccuracies: a dome is added, the shape becomes simply oval, and a ambiguity can mislead the reader into thinking that several people saw the takeoff itself, and not simply the object in flight.

It is almost obvious that Jacques Vallée discovered the case in the national press he refers to, and that this national press made these inaccuracies. It seems almost obvious to me that the article of Nice Matin, comprising an interview of José Cassella, is more in conformity with his testimony.

Sider versus B&B

Jean Sider muddles the case. The "many other observations" are incontestably that of the meteor of 06:15 p.m., without any "landing" obviously. The Cassella report in the press, taken at face value, cannot be a meteor, of course. Barthel and Brucker say that Cassella described a meteor to them and that the press had invented the landing. To claim that the many other observation refute that Barthel and Brucker spoke to this witness, or that all that was not a meteor, does not make sens; in fact Jean Sider implicitely tries to deny that the other observations are that of a meteor.

One question is whether Cassella had or had not spoken of a landing on the road at the time. He absolutely did, Jean Sider is right on this matter whereas Barthel and Brucker, although they did exactly not deny this, were wrong to make believe that only the press is responsible: the participation of Cassella in the "landing" version is indeed undeniable.

It would have been consequently very useful to to really check whether Barthel and Brucker had or had not heard Cassella say it was only an object only in the sky, instead of just claiming he did not.

With no further information, only two possibilities remain.

Either Cassella had seen the meteor and had invented the landing for some reason, or, by a rather extraordinary coincidence, a rather doubtful coincidence in my opinion, dozens people saw a meteor passing (this is undeniable) at the very hour when Cassella saw a saucer posed on a road in the same area.

With the lack of certainty, I see a scenario reconciling the odd aspects of this case in which at the hour when dozens people independently sees a meteor passing from South to the East of France and beyond, that they call saucer or disc or apparatus but indeed describe like a meteor, luminous, fast, with its trail, a single witness among them claims to see a saucer taking off from the middle of a road.

It may be that Mr. Cassella also saw the meteor passing in the sky, but no takeoff. It may be that returned home he heard people talk about the passage in the sky of the "apparatus" which was in fact a meteor, and that he then seized the opportunity to invent that he saw it take off. Since people saw it in the sky, he could have thought that it would give credit to his more "spectacular" version, and that indeed was the case: it was believed, in the Press of the time and by certain ufologists still, that the other "numerous testimonys" "confirm" his. This is wrong twice since on the one hand absolutely nobody confirmed a takeoff, and that on the other hand these other testimonys are not really observations of a flying saucer or UFO, but of a meteor!

We are told that Mr. Cassella was shy, and this can explain that he seeked attention by unusual ways. Once his story came to the ears of journalists, he might have been forced to maintain his invention. Decades later, if he was indeed interviewed by Barthel and Brucker, it may be that he did not know that the latter had read the press of the time and the take-off story, so old, and that on this occasion he only told them what he had really seen, omitting the invention he claimed so long ago.

It could be argued that I am the one who makes up things here. But let's be serious: the fact is that people invent sometimes landings or takeoffs of saucers which do not have any reality. This happend, few ufologists would deny this and claim that any story is always true. Tgus, we should be certain that this takeoff is not invented. Are we certain it happened? No: there is no evidence, neither physics nor testimonial, of the reality of the takeoff told by Mr. Cassella. There are only reasons to doubt.

This is why I think that Mr. Cassella perhaps saw, like so many people, the 06:15 p.m. meteor that day in this area, and perhaps invented the takeoff episode.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Biot, Alpes Maritimes, José Cassella, Jose Cassella, multiple, landing, disc, metallic, takeoff, object, fast, close, road, circular, half-sphere, shiny


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross December 21, 2005 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross April 8, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [fru1], [goe1], [jbu1], [lcn1], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross April 24, 2009 Addition [bbr1].
1.2 Patrick Gross April 26, 2009 Addition [jve3], [jsr1], note "Sider versus B&B", Explanations.
1.3 Patrick Gross February 28, 2010 Addition [djn2].
1.4 Patrick Gross June 6, 2010 Addition [ler1].
1.5 Patrick Gross June 29, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.6 Patrick Gross October 15, 2014 Addition [mip1].
1.7 Patrick Gross January 10, 2017 Additions [lpe1], [ubk1].
1.8 Patrick Gross July 7, 2019 Additions [ous1], [ioi1], [prn1], [lhh1], [prn2].
1.9 Patrick Gross November 18, 2019 Addition [mcs2].
2.0 Patrick Gross January 4, 2020 Addition [ppe1].
2.1 Patrick Gross April 10, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
2.2 Patrick Gross May 17, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.3 Patrick Gross June 2, 2020 Addition [ner1].
2.4 Patrick Gross January 5, 2021 Addition [lcx1].
2.5 Patrick Gross May 10, 2022 Additions [gqy2], [lgs1].
2.6 Patrick Gross July 4, 2022 Addition [vau1].
2.7 Patrick Gross July 10 2022 Addition [gab1].

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