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October 13, 1954, Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées:

Reference for this case: 13-oct-54-Toulouse.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.





... are they the pilots
of the flying saucers?

According to the latest reports of witnesses who came yesterday to enlarge, in a way that has become usual, the "flying saucers" file, these are:

- 1. Phosphorescent and piloted by tiny beings who plant mysterious seeds on earth;

- 2. Four-meter torpedoes containing hairy beings;

- 3. Luminous spheres from which small space divers descend;

- 4. Craft capable of 300,000 kilometers per second and piloted by intelligent plants monitoring the progress of humanity.

It is several hunters from the commune of Saint-Ambroix, in the Gard, who advance the theory of the mysterious planters. The hunters told reporters that they recently saw seven tiny beings "vaguely shaped like a human body."

When the hunters tried to approach these beings, they say, they rushed towards a phosphorescent craft; which flew away.

The hunters do not specify the shape of the craft; they affirm, on the other hand, that they discovered, at the place of the take off of the latter, a certain number of seeds of strange aspect, which they made examine by seedmen. These found it impossible to classify them in a known species.

Night encounter

It is with a "mysterious hairy individual" emerging from a torpedo that an employee of the station of Montluçon, Mr. Laugère, made, he said, a weird encounter, Sunday evening.

Mr. Laugère specified that he was leaving his workplace and crossing the tracks near the S.N.C.F. bridge, when he saw, he declared, a metal craft posed at a short distance from a diesel tank intended for the supply of railcars. Beside the apparatus, which had the shape of a torpedo and could have been four meters long, was, added Mr. Laugère, a man all covered with hair "unless he was dressed in a coat with rather long hair."

Surprised I asked him what he was doing but he answered me in intelligible terms where it seems to me to distinguish however the words "gas oil", stated in substance the railwayman.

A small-sized diver, with a large head in relation to the body, two huge eyes. This is the description given the day before last night by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character descended, he says, towards 7:35 p.m., from a spherical craft which had just landed on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, an industrialist, was, he said, accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen when the craft, luminous and reddish in color, landed. The witnesses then saw, they say, come towards them the character whose diving-suit shone like glass.

are watching us? ...

Finally, for the scientist Hermann Oberth, builder of the infamous "V-2", "saucer pilots are plants endowed with reason."

According to Oberth, who exposed this theory the day before yesterday to an A.F.P. correspondent, the "Uranids" - the name with which he baptized these plants - are thousands of years ahead of Earthmen both in regarding their spiritual evolution than their technique.

The "Uranids", says Oberth, move in "saucers" capable of reaching a speed close to that of light: 300,000 kilometers per second.

They fly over the earth, concludes the scientist, to monitor the progress of humanity in the atomic sciences because these advances "represent, he says, a danger for the whole cosmos."



The Chronicle of the Saucers

(Continued from the first page)

NIMES. -- Several hunters from the commune of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) recently claimed to have seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely resembled that of a human body. When they attempted to approach, the beings rushed toward a phosphorescent craft, which immediately took off.

At the spot where the pilots of the flying saucer had stood, the hunters discovered a number of strange-looking seeds on the ground, which they had examined by seed specialists. The experts were unable to classify them into any known species.

MONTLUÇON. -- A Montluçon railway station employee, Mr. Laugère, claims to have made contact on Sunday night with a mysterious individual who emerged from a torpedo-shaped craft.

Mr. Laugère was leaving work and crossing the tracks near the S.N.C.F. bridge when he saw a metallic craft resting a short distance from a diesel fuel reservoir used for supplying railcars.

Next to the craft, which was torpedo-shaped and about four meters long, stood a man entirely covered in hair - unless he was wearing a coat with long fur. Taken aback, Mr. Laugère asked him what he was doing. The stranger responded in unintelligible terms, but the railway worker thought he distinguished the words "Gas-Oil." Mr. Laugère did not question him further and instead went to alert his colleagues.

He had barely walked a hundred meters when he saw the craft ascend vertically without any noise. It soon vanished from sight. Only fear of his colleagues' ridicule had prevented him from sharing his experience until now.

TOULOUSE. -- A short-sized diver with a disproportionately large head and enormous eyes - this is the description given by a Toulousain, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious figure who emerged from a spherical craft that had just landed at 7:35 PM on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel Neto establishments on Rue des Fontaines in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy about fifteen years old.

All three saw the luminous craft, which was spherical and reddish in color, land. Then they noticed the figure approaching them, wearing a diving suit that, according to the witnesses, shone like glass. Later, Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, made a striking chalk drawing of the diver on a door. "I didn't believe in these things," added Mr. Perano, "but I saw it as clearly as I see you. It was quite a shock."

After a very brief period - about a minute - the diver returned to the luminous sphere, which took off vertically without making a sound and disappeared into the sky at an astonishing speed, leaving behind a trail of fire. The following morning, oily traces were found in several spots on the vacant lot.

The air police questioned the three witnesses, who maintained their statements, specifying that the mysterious individual, about 1.20 meters tall, was taller than the craft by a head and thus had to bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses stated that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted a slight mist around it. He added that when he tried to approach, he was stopped about twenty meters away by a paralyzing force and that when the craft ascended into the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.



The daily (and varied) chronicle of the saucers

The Martian spy's secret papers
were just leaflets
abandoned in the wind

Paris. -- The flying saucer file has been further augmented by several testimonies, one of which comes from an inhabitant of Leguevin (Haute-Garonne) made the gendarmes and military authorities think for a few hours that they were in the presence of no more and no less than a case of espionage!

Mr. Jean Marty, 42, rushed to the gendarmerie brigade on Wednesday morning to tell law enforcement officials about his strange discovery.

"I was working yesterday evening in my workshop, on the edge of the road to Toulouse, when I saw, not far from Leguevin, a kind of luminous disc which seemed to float in the air. I then ran towards it because it was no more than 5 meters from the ground, but as soon as I approached it rose silently, vertically and disappeared.

"Intrigued, I approached the place where it must have landed and my attention was suddenly drawn in the middle of the fields by two sheets of white glossy paper covered with printing letters. I picked them up carefully: here they are."

"But, it's Chinese!"

The gendarmes leaned, intrigued, on the pieces of evidence. The business-size sheets were neither soiled, nor damp, nor wrinkled, but of absolute neatness, as if they had just been torn from a new brochure.

"But it's Chinese!" exclaimed one of the gendarmes. Fortunately, Leguevin counts among its inhabitants a brave retired soldier and polyglot, Mr. Maggy. One went to consult him, he was formal: "It is a text written in an Annamese dialect, Kug-No. The pages are numbered 9-10 and 59-60: they come from a brochure reproducing in off-set a typewritten document. But beware, concludes Mr. Maggy gravely, I do not understand everything: it is about the Vietminh and Vietnam".

This peremptory assertion was enough to trigger a real investigation, the gendarmerie entrusting to the military authority the two sheets revealing undoubtedly an important case of espionage between the Martians, the Indochinese and the French.

Don't leave your papers lying around

Air security took charge and ran it smoothly. A duly qualified translator was summoned who, after a few moments of scrutiny, barely suppressed an irresistible urge to laugh. "These sheets come from a brochure published by the services of Prince Buu-Loc; they were undoubtedly left in Leguevin by Vietnamese who came there for a picnic!..."

Vietnamese students are, in fact, particularly numerous in Toulouse, and Leguevin, located about twenty kilometers and close to the regions [?] of the Gers, offers Toulouse residents a sought-after destination for a walk during the weekend.

As for the ultra-secret text, it deals with the arrival of fish in Indochinese ports!

Morality: don't leave your papers lying around!

The shock of a Toulouse industrialist

The Toulouse region seems, moreover, to be a favorite terrain for saucer pilots, because this espionage affair had barely been closed when Mr. Olivier, an industrialist in Toulouse, once again stirred up the authorities.

Wednesday, at 7:35 p.m., in a suburb of the city, Mr. Olivier saw a scuba diver of about 1 meter with a big head and two huge eyes which descended from a spherical craft in a wasteland. The figure came towards him and his suit shone like glass. After a minute he returned to his craft and had to bend over to climb into it. It disappeared into the sky at prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire.

"It's been a shock," concluded Mr. Olivier, still under the influence of emotion.

The Martian of Montluçon only knows one expression: gas-oil!

Mr. Laugère, a railway worker at the Montluçon station, waited several days to tell his story because he was afraid that his comrades would make fun of him. But as he saw in the newspapers that an encounter with a Martian was no longer so exceptional, he decided to speak.

His story goes back to Sunday night. Mr. Laugère was crossing the tracks near the S.N.C.F. bridge, on the "Le Cher" river, when he saw a metallic craft placed a short distance from a diesel tank intended to supply the railcars. Next to the craft which had the shape of a torpedo and could be four meters long was a man all covered with hair unless he was wearing a rather long hairy coat.

Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The stranger replied in unintelligible terms, but the railway worker seemed to make out the words "diesel".

The railwayman wanted to return to the station to raise the alarm, but barely had he gone a hundred meters when he saw the craft rise vertically without noise.



Toulouse, in turn
is passionate about
the flying saucers

Toulouse, 14. (A.P.). - Yesterday, in Toulouse, an event occurred, so extraordinary that the whole city talks about it.

The one who witnessed it, Mr. Olivier, is not an illuminated man. He owns the Javel Neto establishment, as well as a house, located at 102 rue des Fontaines. It was while crossing his garden, as he was returning home, around 7:30 p.m., that he saw at about 80 meters, a kind of luminous ball, of reddish color, posed on the ground, in front of a tree trunk, near a bordering soccer field.

He soon went to alert a neighbor, Mr. Pérano, to let him notice the phenomenon. But great was the amazement of the two men when they saw moving, near the luminous ball, a human form which, although not measuring more than one meter twenty approximately, exceeded the machine by the height of a head. The mysterious figure was dressed in a sort of orange diving suit.

Mr. Olivier hastened to draw on a nearby door the silhouette of the "Martian", believing, not without reason, that this was the surest way to engrave it in memory. A camera would certainly have been better, but Mr. Olivier did not have one on hand - nor did Mr. Pérano - and the weird stranger would not have left him with time to go get one. Either to escape the curiosity of which he was the subject, or for any other reason known to him alone, he bent down to enter his ball. It immediately rose in the sky at a pace that the two witnesses of the scene did not hesitate to describe as dizzying, leaving behind a trail of sparks of a striking effect.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around it a light mist. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he had been violently thrown to the ground.

An investigation is underway to try to elucidate certain still obscure aspects of this appearance.

Oily traces were reported this morning at the place indicated by the witnesses.



with huge eyes,
came down of a mysterious
craft that appeared
to three Toulouse residents

Toulouse, 14. -- A diver of small size and, with a large head relative to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description just made by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character, descended from a spherical craft which had just landed on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel-Meto establishments, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw the luminous craft land, spherical in shape and reddish in color. Then they saw a figure approaching them whose spacesuit, according to witnesses, shone like glass.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, drew in chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver.

"I couldn't believe it," added Mr. Perano, "but I saw him as I see you. It comes as a shock."

After a very short time, about a minute, the diver regained the luminous sphere which flew off vertically, silently and disappeared in the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire.

Oily traces were noted this morning in several places of the vacant lot, located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, the mysterious craft, piloted by a character dressed in a diving suit, would have landed on this ground yesterday, at 7:25 p.m.

The Air Police questioned these three people, who maintained their statement by specifying that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 meters, protruded from the head and therefore had to bend to enter.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted a light mist around it. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held back at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the craft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.



The saucers

(Continued from first page)


Nîmes. -- Several hunters from the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body . When they tried to approach the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent craft which flew away immediately.

At the location of the flying saucer pilots, the hunters discovered a number of odd-looking seeds on the ground, which they had examined by seedmen. These were unable to classify them in a known species.


Hamburg. -- "The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason" - such is the theory that exposed to a correspondent of Agence France Presse Professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and manufacturer of the famous V-2 rocket.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (such is the name with which he baptizes these plants) are thousands of years ahead of Earthmen, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. The homeland of the "Uranids" would be a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state, which prohibits the development of animal life. Plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

The planet in question would be outside the solar system [...] of that of light (300,000 kms per second).

Those of these craft seen above the earth would be tasked with monitoring the progress of Earth mankind in atomic sciences because such progress "represents a danger to the entire cosmos".



are moving
in the South of France now

and "Martians" were seen
in Toulouse and in the Gard

TOULOUSE, October 14. - Mr. Jean Marty, 42, resident of Leguevin (Haute-Garonne), said that he had seen in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, a luminous disc measuring 6 to 7 meters in diameter and 2 m. 50 in height land in the middle of a field, the disc was orange.

Mr. Marty worked around 10:30 p.m., in his workshop located on the road to Toulouse, in front of a field, 1,300 km from Leguevin. Looking up, he saw a light jet.

Intrigued, he went out, crossed the road and went towards the disc which then rose in the air, noiselessly, vertically, and disappeared at a prodigious speed.

Mr. Marty went to the middle of the field to check the place where the object had landed. He did not find any trace there but found, posed on the grass, two sheets of glossy paper, white, covered with printed letters.

The sheets were neither soiled, mor damp, nor crumpled, but absolutely clean as if they had just been torn from a new brochure. Mr. Marty handed them over to the gendarmerie. They were examined by a former soldier who spent many years in Indochina and who lives in retirement in Leguevin, Mr. Maggy. He declared that it was a text in kuoc-nu, Annamite dialect, and that this text dealt with questions concerning Vietminh and Vietnam. It was later established that they were extracts from a Vietnamese newspaper, probably deposited there by Indochinese who camped there. There are, indeed, in the region of Toulouse, many Indochinese.

Continuation in 2nd page under the title




(Continued from the 1st page)

On the other hand, oily traces were found this morning in several places on a vacant lot located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, a mysterious craft piloted by a character dressed in a diving suit, would have landed on this ground yesterday at 10:35.

The Air police questioned these three people, including an industrialist, who maintained their statements by specifying that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1 meter 20 exceeded the craft of the head and must have, consequently, bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the "saucer" was surrounded by iridescent reflection and emitted around it a slight mist. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held at twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.

"Martians" in the Gard

NIMES, October 14. - Several hunters in the town of St-Ambroix (Gard), recently saw seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a body human. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent machine, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the occupants of the "saucer" were, the hunters discovered on the ground a certain number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed producers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.




Mr. Jean Marty, 42 years old, a mechanic living in Leguevin (Haute-Garonne), stated that on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, he saw a luminous disc land in the middle of a field. The disc measured between 6 and 7 meters in diameter and was 2.5 meters high. It was orange in color. When Mr. Marty approached, the disc rose into the air silently, vertically, and disappeared at an astonishing speed. Mr. Marty went to the middle of the field to examine the spot where the object had landed. He found no traces but did discover two sheets of glossy white paper covered with printed letters lying on the grass.

Explanation of the "mystery"
Vietnamese people had a picnic there

The investigation, entrusted to Air Security, quickly revealed that the sheets simply came from a brochure published by the services of Prince Buu Loc and had probably been left in Leguevin by Vietnamese people who had come there for a picnic.

Vietnamese students are particularly numerous in Toulouse, and Leguevin, located about twenty kilometers away and near the wooded areas of Gers, is a popular getaway spot for people from Toulouse.

The document's text was harmless: it merely mentioned the arrival of ships in Indochinese ports and fish shipments.

Hairy Martian or a long-haired coat?

Two other witnesses "saw" a flying saucer passenger. The first, Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel Neto establishments in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw a luminous, reddish, spherical-shaped craft land. Then they saw a figure approaching them, whose suit, according to the witnesses, shone like glass. Its eyes were enormous. It left just as it had arrived. The traveler who encountered Mr. Laugère, a railway employee in Montluçon, was more talkative.

Mr. Laugère was crossing the tracks near the SNCF bridge when he saw a metallic craft landed a short distance from a diesel fuel reservoir used for railcars. Next to the craft, which was torpedo-shaped and about four meters long, stood a man completely covered in hair - or perhaps wearing a long-haired coat.

Like in the story of Snow White

Nîmes, 14th. - Several hunters from the commune of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) reported seeing seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely resembled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the dwarfs rushed toward a glowing craft, which immediately took off.

At the spot where the pilots of the flying saucer had been, the hunters found a number of strange-looking seeds on the ground. When they had the seeds examined by seed specialists, the experts were unable to classify them into any known species.



A "flying saucer" lands in Toulouse and three witnesses see a strange being emerge

In Montluçon, a railwayman calls a "Martian"

Toulouse, October 14 (A.F.P.). -- A small diver with a large head compared to the body, huge eyes, such is the description just made by a resident of Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious personage who descended from a strange machine that he saw yesterday at 7:15 p.m., on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, who owns the Javel Netto establishments in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw the luminous apparatus, of spherical shape and reddish color, and then perceived coming to them this "personage" whose scuba, the witnesses said, shone like glass.

Subsequently, M. Olivier drew with a chalk, in an approximate manner, on a door, the diver. "I did not believe in it," Perano said, "but I saw it just as I see you. It's a shock."

After a very short time, about a minute, the diver returned to his flying saucer, which flew vertically without noise into the sky at a prodigious speed, throwing a wake of fire.

Due to the night no finding could be made at the place where the machine was said to have landed.

Near the Cher in Montluçon

The flying saucers file has been increased with several testimonies, the most important being that of an employee at the Montluçon railway station, Mr. Laugère, who made contact on Sunday evening with an individual from a craft in the form of a torpedo.

Mr. Laugere left his work and crossed the tracks near the bridge of the S.N.C.F. on the road "Le Cher" when he saw a metallic machine posed at a short distance from the gas oil tank intended for the fueling of railcars. By the side of the apparatus, which had the shape of a torpedo, and could be four meters in diameter, there was a man, all covered with hair, unless he were dressed in a long-haired coat.

Mr. Laugere, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The unknown replied in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman thought he distinguished the words "gas oil".

Mr. Laugere did not ask him for anything more, and went to alert his comrades. As soon as he had gone a hundred yards, he saw the apparatus rise vertically without any noise. It soon disappeared before his eyes. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him, till today, from telling his adventure.

A "saucer" in the Corrèze

Mr. Jean-Pierre Bartarange, a farmer in La Roche-de-Vic, in the commune of Albussac (Correze) saw a flying saucer throwing fires of several colors. It was flying at low altitude.



Descended from a mysterious craft
a diver,
with huge, small eyes,
appeared to a
former Toulouse aviator

Toulouse. -- A small diver with a big head compared to the body, huge eyes, such is the description given by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character, coming down from a spherical object which had just landed at 7:35 p.m., on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel-Neto establishments, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a young boy of about fifteen. All three saw the luminous object, spherical in shape and reddish in color. Then, [they] saw the figure coming towards them, whose suit, according to witnesses, shone like glass.

The mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 m., protruded by the head and therefore had to bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around it a light mist. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been held at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, drew in chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver. "I didn't believe it," added Mr. Perano, "but I saw it like I see you. It is quite a shock."

After a very short time, about a minute, the diver returned to the luminous sphere, which flew away vertically, silently, and disappeared into the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire.

A torpedo in Montluçon

For his part, Mr. Laugère, from Montluçon, was leaving his work and crossing the tracks near a S.N.C.F. bridge, when he saw a metallic object placed a short distance from a diesel tank intended for the railcar supply. Beside the apparatus, which was in the shape of a torpedo and could be four meters long, was a man covered in hair, unless he was dressed in a long-hait

Read more on the last page under the title:



coat. Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The stranger replied in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman though he distinguished the words "diesel", however.

Mr. Laugère did not ask for more and went to alert his comrades. No sooner had they made 100 meters than he saw the craft rise vertically, without any noise. It soon disappeared from view. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him from telling his adventure; which dates back to Sunday evening.

Seven tiny beings
and weird seeds

Several hunters in the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely recalled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent object, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed makers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.

The army says "No"

As a result of the investigation which had been opened by the military authority, after the publication of information announcing that the soldiers charged of the handling of a headlight installed at the Metz fair, had seen, and Sunday evening, a mysterious luminous circle, the military governor published the following press release:

"It is reported in the press about the observation of unknown craft by a post of the antiaircraft forces deployed at the Fair-Exhibition of Metz. It is not necessary to take into account this information in this particular case."

Note that the military authorities rarely recognized the existence of these saucers, even if the testimony of many and often serious people are sometimes very disturbing.

Plants endowed with reason

"The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason" - such is the theory which exposed to a correspondent of Agence France-Presse professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and builder of the famous "V 2" rocket.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (this is the name he named these plants with) are thousands of years ahead of Earth men, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. The homeland of Uranids is a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state; which prohibits the development of animal life. Plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

This planet would be outside the solar system, but the mysterious craft in which intelligent plants travel could move at a speed close to that of light (200,000 km per second).

Those of these craft seen above the Earth would be responsible for monitoring the progress of Earth's humanity in the atomic sciences, because these advances "represent a danger for the whole Cosmos."

Two jet planes
are chasing
a saucer

MARSEILLE. - In the sky of Vaucluse, two jet planes chased a flying saucer.

Around 2 p.m., in Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, yesterday afternoon, two children signaled in the sky a white disc surmounted by a spherical cap. This craft that part of the population was able to see for a long time launched two powerful fires, varying from white to purplish.

Alerted, the Caritat air base sent two jet planes. Shortly after, the airmen announced by radio: "We spotted the craft which escaped at a speed higher than that of our aircraft."

The vision of the craft lasted nearly ten minutes above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.




The "saucers" leave
oily stains
and unknown seeds

Saucers are no longer happy to appear and disappear. They also abandon, on takeoff, suspicious traces that intrigue the official investigators.

In Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, industrialist, accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and a fifteen years old young boy, saw, Wednesday evening, a luminous machine, of spherical shape and reddish color, land. Then they saw a small scuba diver with a disproportionate head with huge eyes coming towards them.

Subsequently, Mr. Olivier, a former pilot, drew with chalk, in a striking manner, on a door, the diver. "I didn't believe in it," added Mr. Pernao, "but I saw it as I see you. It is quite a shock."

The diver returned to the luminous sphere, which flew off vertically, silently, and disappeared into the sky at a prodigious pace, leaving a trail of fire.

Yesterday morning, oily traces were found in several places.

The air police questioned the three witnesses, who maintained their statements and clarified that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20, was one hed higher than the craft.

One of them even added that having wanted to approach, he had been stopped at twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that, when the spacecraft rose in the sky, he had been violently thrown to the ground.

Several hunters from the town of Saint-Ambroix (Gard), reportedly saw seven tiny beings who rushed towards a phosphorescent craft, which took off when they approached.

Near the landing site were seeds of an unknown species.

"Intelligent plants"

According to Professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and builder of the famous "V-2" rocket, the pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants endowed with reason and which would be thousands of years ahead of the Earth, both in terms of their spiritual development and their technique. Their homeland of origin would be a planet where there is no oxygen in the gaseous state, which prohibits the development of animal life. But plants, on the other hand, get the oxygen they need from the oxides in the soil.

This planet would be outside the solar system. The mysterious craft, in which intelligent plants travel, could move at a speed close to that of light (300,000 kilometers per second).

They would be responsible for monitoring the progress of mankind in the atomic sciences, because this progress "represents a danger to the whole cosmos."



The daily (and varied) chronicle of the saucers

The secret papers of the Martian spy were only flying leaves abandoned to the wind

Paris. -- The record of flying saucers was further increased by several testimonies, one from a mechanic from Léguevin (the Haute-Garonne), let the gendarmes and the military authorities think for a few hours that they were in presence neither more nor less of a case of espionage!

Jean Marty, 42, rushed Wednesday morning to the gendarmerie brigade to inform the representatives of the law of his strange discovery.

"I was working last night in my studio, on the roadside of Toulouse, when I noticed near Léguevin a kind of luminous disk that seemed to float in the air. It Was not more than 5 meters from the ground, but as soon as I approached, it rose noiselessly to the vertical and disappeared."

"Intrigued, I approached the place where it had to land and my attention was suddenly drawn to the middle of the field by two sheets of white glossy paper covered with printed letters, and I picked them up carefully."

"But, it's Chinese!"

The gendarmes leaned over, intrigued, onto the pieces of evidence. The sheets, commercial-type, were neither stained, nor damp, nor wrinkled, but of absolute clarity, as if they had just been torn from a new brochure.

"But it's Chinese!" exclaimed one of the gendarmes. Fortunately Léguevin counts among its residents a brave soldier in retirement and polyglot, Mr. Maggy. It was a text written in an Annamese dialect, the Kuoc-Nn. The sheets are numbered 9-10 and 59-60, they come from a brochure reproducing an off-set, A typewritten document, but be careful, Mr. Maggy concludes gravely, "I do not understand everything, it's about Vietminh and Vietnam."

This peremptory statement was enough to trigger a genuine investigation, the gendarmerie handing the two sheets revealing no doubt of an important espionage affair between the Martians, the Indochinese and the French, to military authorities.

Do not lose your papers

It was air safety that took the matter into its own hands and did it fast. A duly qualified translator was summoned, who, after a few moments of examination, made it difficult to find an irresistible desire to laugh. "These leaves come from a brochure published by the services of Prince Buu-Loc, they were undoubtedly left in Leguevin by Vietnamese who came... to picnic!" The Vietnamese students are particularly numerous in Toulouse, and Léguevin, located about twenty kilometers away and close to the wooded areas of the Gers, offers to Toulouse a sought after walking area during their weekends. As for the ultra secret text, it deals with fish arrivals in the Indochinese harbors! Morality: do not let your papers around!

The shock of a Toulouse industrialist

The region of Toulouse seems, moreover, to be a ground of predilection for the saucers pilots, because this "case of espionage" was scarcely classified that Mr. Olivier, industrialist in Toulouse, put again the authorities on the move. Wednesday, at 7:35 p.m., in a suburb of the city, Mr. Olivier saw a diaphragm of about 1m20, with a big head and two enormous eyes, which descended from a spherical gear posed in a vacant lot. The character came to him and his diving suit shone like glass. After a minute, he returned to his apparatus and had to bend to climb into it. He disappeared into the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a trail of fire. "This is quite a shock," concluded Mr. Olivier, still under the thrill of emotion.

The Martian of Montluçon knows only one expression: diesel!

M. Laugere, a railwayman at the station of Montlucon, waited several days to tell his adventure, for he was afraid that his comrades would laugh at him. But as he saw in the newspapers that an ecnounter with a Martian was not so exceptional, he decided to speak. His story dates back to Sunday evening, Mr. Laugère crossed the tracks near the bridge of the S.N.C.F. on the river "Le Cher", when he saw a metal machine placed at a short distance from a reservoir of gas oil intended for the feeding of railcars. By the side of the apparatus, which had the form of a torpedo, and might have measured four meters, stood a man entirely covered with hair, unless he were dressed in a coat with long hair! Mr. Laugere, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The unknown replied in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman seemed to distinguish the words "diesel". The railwayman wished to return to the station to give the alarm, but scarcely had he made a hundred yards when he saw the apparatus rise vertically without noise.

[Ref. lae1:] NEWSPAPER "L'ALSACE":


In the flying saucers file

A Toulouse industrialist makes a sketch of a "Martian" before it disappears

Toulouse, October 14. -- Yesterday in Toulouse an event so extraordinary occurred, that all the city talks about it.

The witness, Mr. Olivier, one is not a crackpot. He is the owner of a factory, and a former plane pilot.

It is while crossing a garden, as he returned home, that he saw at approximately 80 meters, a kind of luminous ball, of reddish color, posed on the ground, in front of a tree trunk, near a bordering soccer field.

He at once alerted a neighbor, Mr. Perano, to make him note the phenomenon. But the two men's surprise was great, when they saw a being, moving close to the luminous ball, a human form, of small size and dressed of a kind of diving-suit of orange color. Another witness joined the two men then.

Without losing his head, Mr. Olivier hastened to draw on a nearby door the silhouette of the "Martian", estimating, not without reason, that it was the surest means to engrave it in his memory. A camera would have made the deal certainly better, but Mr. Olivier did not have any at hand - neither did Mr. Perano - and the strange unknown had not left him time to get one.

Either to escape the curiosity of which he was the object, or for any other reason known only of him, he penetrated in his ball, and the latter rose immediately in the sky at a pace that the two witnesses did not hesitate to qualify as a vertiginous one, leaving behind a trail of sparks of a striking effect.

An investigation is started to try to elucidate certain still obscure aspects of this new manifestation of the interplanetary relations.

The air police force interrogated these three people. One of the witnesses has

(Continued on page 3)


In the flying saucers file

(Continued from page 1)

stated that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted a slight fog around it. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been stopped at about twenty meters by a paralyzing force and that when the machine had risen in the sky, he was violently thrown at the ground.

According to professor Oberth:

The "pilots" of the saucers would be plants gifted of reason

Hamburg, October 13. -- "The "flying saucers" pilots are plants gifted of reason". Such is the theory that professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and manufacturer of the famous "V-2" rocket exposed to a correspondent of the France-Presse Agency.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranides" (such is the name with which he baptizes these plants) have thousands of years in advance on the earth men as well with regard to their spiritual evolution as their technology.The fatherland of the Uranides would be a planet where oxygen in a gas state does not exist, which prohibits the development of animal life. The plants, on the other hand, draw the oxygen they need from oxides contained in the ground.

The said planet would be apart from the solar system, but the mysterious machines in which the intelligent plants move might travel at a speed close to that of the light (300.000 kilometers per second).

Those of these machines seen above the earth would have a mission to watch progresses of earth's humanity in atomic sciences because this progress "represents a danger to the entire cosmos".

Official "case withdrawal" in the Metz affair

Metz, October 14. -- In reference to the investigation which had been opened by the military authority after the publication of information announcing that the soldiers in charge of the handling of a headlight installed at the fair of Metz had seen Sunday evening a mysterious luminous circle, the military autorities publishes the following official statement:

"The observation of unknown machines by a station of the anti-aircraft forces deployed at the Metz fair is noted in the Press. It is not necessary to take into consideration


Coming down from a mysterious machine, a diver of small size, but with enormous eyes, appears to three Toulouse residents

The pilots of the saucers are plants gifted of reason" the V2 manufacturer says.

Toulouse, October 14. -- A diver of small size with a large head compared to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description that was just made this evening, by a resident of Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious figure, who came down of a spherical craft which had just landed on a vacant site.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Jaret Netis establishments, rue des Fontaines in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano and a young boy about fifteen years old.

All three saw the mysterious craft of spherical form and reddish color land. Then they saw come towards them, the figure, whose diving-suit, according to the statements of the witnesses, shone like glass. Thereafter, Mr. Olivier, former aviation pilot, drew with a chalk, in a dramatic manner, on a door, the diver. "I did not believe in it, says Mr. Perano, but I saw it as I see you, it was quite a shock".

After a rather short time, one minute, the diver reinstated the luminous sphere, which went away vertically in the sky, without noise, at an extraordinary speed while launching a wake of fire.


Oily traces were noticed this morning in several places of the ground, according to the witnesses statements, the machine would have landed the day before on this place at 07:35 p.m..

The police force of the Air questioned these three people who confirmed their statements. While specifying that the mysterious individual measuring approximately 1,20 m, exceeded the craft by the head, consequently bending to enter in it.

One of the witnesses ensured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflection and emitted around a slight fog around it.

He added that having wanted to approach, he had been stopped at about twenty meters by a paralysing force. When the craft rose in the sky, he was violently thrown at the ground.

Strange contact near the Montluçon station

The flying saucers file increased of several testimonys of which the most important seems to be that of an employee of the station of Montlucon, Mr. Laugère, who made contact Sunday evening, with an individual who came out of an apparatus in the shape of a torpedo.

Mr. Laugère left his work and crossed the ways near the bridge of the SNCF [national railway co], when he saw a metallic machine posed at little distance from the fuel oil tank intended for the rail-car supply. At side of the apparatus which had the shape of a torpedo and could have been four meters in diameter, was a man, all covered of hair, unless he was dressed of a coat with quite long hair.

Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The unknown answered him in inintelligibles terms, but the railwayman however seemed to distinguish the words "Fuel oil".

Mr. Laugère did not ask him for more and went away to alert his comrades. He had hardly gone a hundred meters, when he saw the apparatus rising vertically without any noise. It soon disappeared from his view. Only the fear of the irony of his comrades had prevented him, until today, from telling his adventure.

The disc did not land...

A second testimony was collected: that of a 17-year-old young man, Marc German, resident of Pontault, who declared at the police station of this locality, that he had seen in the night, during approximately half an hour, a machine which was in his opinion, a flying saucer. This machine was in the sky within 200 or 300 meters of altitude and had the shape of a very shining disc. Ir remained thirty minutes motionless then left at a vertiginous speed, leaving a trail of fire behind. The young man stated that he had not alerted the police station earlier for he had made a point of remaining on the spot in case the saucer would have landed.

A ball in the sky of the Creuse

In St Marc-de-Lombaud (the Creuse), residents of Vallières saw, in the night from Monday to Tuesday, a white ball which moved in the sky. The ball changed color, disappeared and reappeared before disappearing definitively.

A simple balloon

On the other hand, a development was just made today by a person, about the "saucer" which was seen above the area of St Andre, at the limit of the department of the Eure and the Eure-et-Loire, Saturday towards 06:30 p.m.

Mrs. Amonts from Groth-Soret affirmed that the object was only a simple balloon. "A sketch, she said, appeared painted in red color on the top of the balloon and the ropes maintaining the nacelle".

Seven tiny beings seen in the Gard...

Several hunters of the commune of St Ambroise (the Gard) allegedly saw recently seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely resembled that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent apparatus which flew away at once.

On the site where the pilots of the flying saucer had been, the hunters discovered on the ground a certain number of seeds of odd appearance; which they had examined by seed resellers. The latter were unable to classify them into a known species.

The "pilots" are plants:

Hamburg. -- "The pilots of the "flying saucers" are plants gifted of reason". Such is the theory that Professor Hermann Oberth, inventor and manufacturer of the famous "V.2" rocket, exposed to a correspondent of Agence France Presse.

According to the German scientist, the "Uranids" (this is the name he baptizes these plants with) are thousands years more advanced than Earth as well with regard to their spiritual evolution and their technique. The fatherland of origin of Uranides would be a planet where there is not oxygen in a gas state, which prohibits the development of a animal life. The plants on the other hand, draw the necessary oxygen from oxides contained in the soil.

That planet would be outside the solar system, but the mysterious machines in which the intelligent plants move could travel a speed close to that of the light (300 000 km/s). Those of these machines seen above the earth would be in charge of watching progress of earth's humanity in the atomic sciences because this progress "is a danger to the entire cosmos".




Seven dwarfs

Nîmes, 14. -- Several hunters in the town of St-Ambroix (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny beings whose shape vaguely reminded that of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent object, which flew away immediately.

At the place where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a number of seeds of bizarre appearance, which they had examined by seed makers. The latter were unable to classify them in a known species.

A paralyzing force

Toulouse, 14. -- Oily traces were found this morning in several places on a vacant lot located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, the mysterious machine, piloted by a character dressed in a diving suit, would have landed on this ground, yesterday at 7:35 p.m.

The Air police questioned these three people, including an industrialist, who maintained their statement by specifying that the mysterious individual, measuring approximately 1.20 m. protruded from the craft by the head and therefore must have had to bend to enter it.

One of the witnesses assured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around it a light mist. He added that, having wanted to approach, he had been held at a distance of 20 meters by a paralyzing force and that when the object rose into the sky, he had been violently thrown to the ground.



Near Toulouse, in a meadow

A "Martian" deposits
two printed sheets
in Annamese dialect

THE German professor Oberth, rocket specialist, affirms that Martians or Uranides are "plants endowed with reason". It's possible. But if their appearances multiply, it is humans who will lose their heads.

Mr. Olivier, a former aviation pilot, attended, yesterday evening, he said, the landing of a saucer, in a vacant lot, near his home, rue des Sontaines, in Toulouse.

- It was a spherical, reddish colored object. It came out of it a sort of diver, small, with a very large head and huge eyes.

"I saw him like that," he added, drawing the mysterious visitor with chalk on his door. He was shining like glass...

"I did not believe in it, specifies Mr. Perano, who accompanied Mr. Olivier, but I saw it like I see you..."

After a minute, the diver returned to his saucer which took off vertically without noise and quickly disappeared.

It is a few kilometers from Toulouse, too, in Léguevin, that a mechanic, Mr. Jean Marcy, saw, in a meadow, a luminous disc, orange yellow in color, which took off on its approach.

At the place where it had landed, he discovered, on the grass... two sheets of glossy paper, which he gave to the gendarmerie. The two sheets are written in KuocNu, an Annamite dialect. We read the words of Vietminh, Vietnam, Prince Buu Loc. It also talks about an arrival in Marseille on January 12, 1954. The two sheets paginated 9-10 and 59-60 looked not to have stayed on the grass for long. A translator will examine them more closely.

"Look, but don't touch"

This is all very strange. Much stranger than the appearance, near Châteaubriant (Loire-Inferieure) of a Martian with a soft, full gray hat, descended from a phosphorescent cigar in front of little Gilbert Lelay (13 years old) to whom he reportedly told in French: "Look, but don't touch..." According to the child, he held in his hand "a ball which launched purple fires" and climbed back into his machine, slamming the door. In the past, those under the age of fifteen were content to see fairies or ghosts.

But in Montluçon, an employee of the station who is well over the age of belief in fairy tales, says that he saw a metallic object placed a short distance from a diesel tank intended for the supply of railcars. Next to the torpedo-shaped craft, which could be four meters long, was a man covered in hair. Unless he was wearing a rather long coat. Mr. Laugère, surprised, asked him what he was doing. The stranger replied in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman seemed to distinguish the words "diesel", however.

Mr. Laugère did not want to listen to more. While he was going to get his comrades, the craft took off and disappeared.

[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":



The pilots of a mysterious machine were interested
in Vietnamese matters

Mr. Jean Marty, 42, mechanic, resident of Léguevin, declared that he had seen, on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, land in the middle of a field, an orange disc measuring 6 to 7 meters of diameter and 2.50 m. high.

Mr. Marty was working around 10:30 p.m. in his workshop, located on the road to Toulouse, in front of a field, 1.5 km away from Lèguevin. Looking up he saw the luminous object. Intrigued, he got out, crossed the road, and headed for the disc, which rose into the air, silently, vertically and disappeared at a prodigious speed. Mr. Marty then went to the middle of the field to check the place where the craft had landed. He did not notice any trace but found there, lying on the grass, two sheets of glossy paper, white, covered with block letters.

The pages, commercial size type, were not soiled, nor damp, nor wrinkled, but absolutely crisp, as if they had just been torn from a new brochure. Mr. Marty handed them over to the gendarmerie. They were examined by a former soldier who spent many years in Indochina and who lives in retirement in Lèguevin, Mr. Maggy. He stated that it was a text in Kuoe-Nu, an Annamese dialect, and that this text dealt with issues of interest to Viet-Minh and Viet-Nam.

The text would be recent, but could only be imperfectly translated. It was specified that these were pages numbered 9-10 and 59-60 of a brochure reproducing in offset a typewritten document. The sheets were entrusted to the military authority. Previously, one was able to take pictures which will be entrusted to a translator.

The investigation opened by air security, following this discovery revealed that it was simply two sheets from a brochure published by the services of Prince Buu Loc and probably left in Léguevin by the Vietnamese who came to have a picnic.

Vietnamese students are in fact particularly numerous in Toulouse, and Léguevin, located about twenty kilometers away and near the wooded regions of the Gers, offers Toulouse residents a sought-after destination for a walk during the weekend.

The brochure in question dated January 12, and the information it contains, underlines the military authority, does not present any character likely to lead to new developments in this affair. In fact, it is about the entry of ships into Indochinese ports and the arrival of fish!

Landing of a spherical
craft in Toulouse

A small-sized diver, with a large head in relation to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description just made by a Toulouse resident, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character, descended from a spherical craft that had just landed at 7:35 p.m. on a vacant lot.

Mr. Olivier, owner of the Javel Neto establishments, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Pérano, and a young boy about 15-year-old. All three saw the luminous craft of spherical shape and reddish color land, then saw the character coming towards them whose diving-suit, according to witnesses, shone like glass.

"I did not believe it, adds Mr. Pérano, but I saw it as I see you. It comes as a shock."

In a very short time, about a minute, the diver regained the luminous sphere which flew vertically silently and disappeared in the sky at a prodigious speed, leaving a fire trail.

The pilot covered in hair
demanded gasoil

An employee of the station of Montluçon, Mr. Langère, allegedly made contact Sunday evening with a mystery individual coming out of a torpedo-shaped craft.

Mr. Langère left his job and crossed the S.N.C.F. railway when he saw a metal craft posed at a short distance from a gasoil tank, intended to supply railcars. Next to the craft was a man all covered in hair, unless he was wearing a very long-haired coat. M. Laugère, surprised, asks him what he was doing. The stranger answered him in unintelligible terms, but the railwayman seemed to distinguish the words "gasoil."

Mr. Langère asked him nothing more and went to alert his comrades.

A "cigar" in the Marne

Going to a music rehearsal, in Sainte-Menehould (Marne), young André Léger, 18, saw on the road a dark mass resting on skis which took off as he approached, making a humming sound.

The "flying cigar" was about 1.30 m high and 3 meters in diameter.

This vision left a strong impression on the young man.


A flying being in diving suit is said to have landed in Toulouse
... where his saucer left oil traces

Toulouse. -- A small being wearing a diving suit, with large head in comparison to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description that Mr. Olivier gave Wednesday evening in Toulouse, of a mysterious character descended from a spherical machine which had been just landed at 07:30 P.M., on a vacant site.

Mr. Olivier, owner of Establishments Javel Neto, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and of a young boy aged about fifteen years. All three saw the luminous craft land, it had a spherical shape and a reddish color. Then, they saw the character whose diving-suit according to the witnesses statement shone like glass, come towards them.

Thereafter, Mr. Olivier drew the diving suit equipped being in an impressive manner, with chalk, on a door. "I did not believe in it, added Mr. Perano, but I saw it as I see you. That was quite a shock."

After a very short time, approximately a minute, the diver regained the luminous sphere which flew away vertically, without noise, and disappeared in the sky at an extraordinary speed leaving a trail of fire.

Because of the night, no observation could be done at the place where the machine is said to have landed.

Oily traces were noted Thursday morning in several place of a vacant site located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to declarations of the three witnesses, the mysterious craft, piloted by a character wearing a diving suite had landed on this location yesterday at 07:35 P.M.

The Air Police Force interrogated these three people, among whom figure an industrialist, they maintained their statement, specifying that the mysterious individual measured approximately 1 m 20, exceeded the machine with his head and had, consequently, to bend to penetrate there.

One of the witnesses insisted that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted a light fog around it. He added that having wanted to get closer, he had been retained at about 20 meters of it by a paralysing force and that, when the craft rose in the sky, he had been violently thrown to ground.



A diver with enormous eyes

TOULOUSE, 14. -- A small being wearing a diving suit, with large head in comparison to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description that Mr. Olivier gave Wednesday evening in Toulouse, of a mysterious character descended from a spherical machine which had been just landed at 07:30 P.M., on a vacant site.

Mr. Olivier, owner of Establishments Javel Neto, in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano, and of a young boy aged about fifteen years. All three saw the luminous craft land, it had a spherical shape and a reddish color. Then, they saw the character whose diving-suit according to the witnesses statement shone like glass, come towards them.

Thereafter, Mr. Olivier drew the diving suit equipped being in an impressive manner, with chalk, on a door. "I did not believe in it, added Mr. Perano, but I saw it as I see you. That was quite a shock."

After a very short time, approximately a minute, the diver regained the luminous sphere which flew away vertically, without noise, and disappeared in the sky at an extraordinary speed leaving a trail of fire.

Because of the night, no observation could be done at the place where the machine is said to have landed.

Oily traces were noted Thursday morning in several place of a vacant site located in a suburb of Toulouse.

One of the witnesses said that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted a light fog around it. He added that having wanted to get closer, he had been retained at about 20 meters of it by a paralysing force and that, when the craft rose in the sky, he had been violently thrown to ground.



Bad Days for the "Saucerists"

Unfortunate days for the "saucerists" - the reports that seemed the most credible regarding the appearance of celestial craft have proven to be unfounded in recent days. After the statement published by the military authorities in Metz, the most ardent believers in the Uranides refuse to give up, of course, and are trying to revive the investigation, but their ranks, as a fellow journalist from Lorraine told us yesterday, have thinned out.

Yesterday, another piece of news that at first appeared to be very serious was denied just a few hours later.

Here are the facts:

In the early afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine de Vaucluse was in turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" was slowly hovering over the small town, clearly visible with good binoculars.

This white disc was topped with a spherical dome of the same color.

The lower circular edge intermittently displayed two powerful lights, shifting from white to violet, passing through red. The airbase in Orange (Vaucluse) was alerted and immediately dispatched two jet planes, which soon appeared. After making two turns over Fontaine de Vaucluse, they gained altitude and dove toward the "disc" - at least, that is what "well-informed" individuals reported. Some even claimed that the radio onboard the planes, in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, was being pursued, but was escaping because its speed was superior. From Vaucluse, people could clearly see the disc darting away, pursued by the two jet planes.

However, a few hours later, the State Secretariat for the Armed Forces (Air) clarified that the two pilots from the Orange airbase, who had flown over Fontaine de Vaucluse at different altitudes, had not observed any unknown craft during their search.

The two pilots are experienced officers, and their report is definitive.

Yesterday, we recounted the strange landing of a diver-suited figure and his machine on a vacant lot in Toulouse. Our photos show: At the top, the witnesses reproducing the silhouette of the nocturnal visitor on a fence. At the bottom, a lovely Martian photographed by a lucky witness. No! Just the latest fashion in ski attire.





A diver of small size, with a large head compared to the bodies, two enormous eyes, such is description that has just made a resident of Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, of a mysterious character that descended from a spherical machine which had been just landed on a vacant site. Mr. Olivier, owner of the establishments Javel Neto, street of the fontaines in Toulouse, was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Perano and a young boy of about fifteen years old. All three saw the luminous machine of spherical form and reddish color land, then saw coming towards them the character whose diving-suit, according to the statements of the witnesses, shone like glass. Thereafter, Mr. Olivier, former airplane pilot, drew with chalk in a stunning manner, on a door, the diver. "I did not believe in it", added Mr. Perano, "but I saw it as I see you. That does the hell of a shock to you". After a very short time, approximately a minute, the diver regained the luminous sphere which flew away vertically, without noise and disappeared in the sky at a vertiginous speed while leaving a wake of fire. One of the witnesses ensured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted around itself a light fog. He added that having wanted to approach, he had been retained at a score of meters by a paralysing force and that, when the machine rose in the sky, he had been violently thrown to the ground.


Full article here.

[Ref. lsr1:] "LE SOIR" NEWSPAPER:

When two journalists act as
"Martians" near Toulouse

Some witnesses did "see the saucer"...
... which was nothing else than a car!

Paris, October 21 (Agence France Presse). -- A Parisian weekly magazine tried a curious experiment. Wishing, according to THEIR OWN WORDS, to show the share of the individual or collective hallucination in the many "applications" [sic; appearances] of mysterious craft landing with their pilots in the French countryside, this weekly magazine sent two "Martians" in exploration in the south-west of France.

The accessories of the perfect "Martian"

Equipped with the perfect "Martian" disguize, as imagined by authors of certain books and films of scientific [sic] science fiction, two reporters, covered with rubber diving-suits, capped with enormous helmets of copper pierced with portholes, went on board a "saucer" which was nothing else than an honest car, to appear to the peaceful farmers of the area of Toulouse.

The two "Uranides" had carried in their luggage complete implements of fireworks experts: red, green and white Bengal lights, "Roman candles" - guns launching small green or red balls of fire at fifteen meters - flying rockets, going up up to fifty meters. Armed with these fireworks accessories, the two reporters approached, at night of course, in front of several insulated farms. The first Bengal light made the lights of the farm die out. With the second, a door squeaked, somebody carefully came out on the threshold, while the dog howled to death. This is the time that the fake "Martians" chose to launch a rocket and to promptly regain their car which they had dissimulated, all fires extinguished, behind a hedge. In front of one of the visited farms, the two jokers met a "terretrial" pushing her bicycle. "She threw her bicycle in the ditch and rushed towards the farm, they told."

"One of us barred the way to her. She sais: "Jesus, Mary, Joseph!"! We were not malicious "Martians." We left her there, a little sad, in the end, that we had not helped her to pick her bicycle up."

Where "terrestrials" become a menace

But the adventure of the reporters almost turned bad in a hamlet close to Montauban, in the honor of which eight rockets had been fired. A furious farmer advanced to confront the "Martians ", holding up a pickaxe above his head. This terrestrial was afraid of nothing, neither of the "paralyzing" ray of the flashlights of the invaders, nor of the incandescent bubbles. Other farmers joined him, ready to organize a hunt. Both reporters had only time to fly away on board their four wheels "saucer", the green rocket simulating the departure of the "spacecraft".

Giants or Pygmees?

To supplement the experiment, the two journalists have toured again, by day, and without disguise, the round which they had made as visitors of another world.

Naturally, the unterrogated people often made diverting answers. In the same farm, some "had seen" the "Martians", others saw only the "saucer." Some saw "giants," others saw small men of one meter twenty! Skeptics affirmed that they "did not believe in it," spoke of shooting stars, rockets or odd objects about which they avoided coming to a conclusion. The newspapers seized these various testimonys, presenting them generally admittedly with loads of question marks!

The weekly magazine stresses that the purpose of its experiment was not at all to ridicule the witnesses of strange phenomena, nor to question their good faith, but only to explain of fragile the testimonys of the "terrestrials" are.

[Ref. rdr1:] "RADAR" MAGAZINE:


OLIVIER: - That's my Martian!

With the accent of the country of Clemence Isaure, Olivier tells his big adventure. "I was not going to run the risk to forget the features of the Martian. Those who had the privilege to meet some of them are not so numerous. Immediately, on the door of the toilets, I drew mine with a chalk. In the district of Croix-Daurade, not far from the way of Lanusse, a gentle whistling sound caught my attention. Leaving behind it an intense luminous trail, a kind of giant rocket landed in a field masked by a nearby hangar. I ran and, there, I saw, I saw with my own eyes, a diving-suit of approximately 1 meter 20. It irradiated a slight fog and when I wanted to approach more, I was like paralysed".

[Caption of lower photo:] Panero [sic] (à g.) et Olivier ont vu le Martien de la rue [...]



de Cahors

En dénonçant la semaine dernière "la grande farce des Martiens", nous voulions surtout montrer la part de l'hallucination individuelle ou collective dans les trop nombreuses apparitions d'engins "extraterrestres" avec leurs pilotes sur la bonne terre de France.

[suite illisible]


In this ufology magazine of the 4th quarter of 1954, there is a bibliography of articles on recent flying saucers, including:

Radar, October 24: Observation of F.S., of "Ouranians" (Tous1ouse), [...]

[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:

Jimmy Guieu indicates that on October 13, 1954 a landing of flying disc took place on a vacant site located in a suburb of Toulouse, and that the police force of the Air questioned the three eyewitnesses, including an industrialist, former airplane pilot, and they firmly confirmed their statements.

At 19:35 they saw on the ground a discoid spacecraft 3.50 to 4 meters in diameter approximately, with a being, 1.20 meters tall approximately, dressed of a diving-suit, who stood next to the craft, its head exceeding the maximum height of the apparatus, the pilot thus having to bend to get inside.

The saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and generated around it a slight fog.

One of the witnesses had wanted to approach, but was stopped and paralysed at some 20 meters of the craft, and when it machine, and when it took off vertically, he was violently thrown to the ground.

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

323 001.40121 43.59600 13 10 1954 TOULOUSE HTE-GAR. F 0113 2G
326 13 10 1954 19 33 1 BOURRASOLE F 161 A


M. Olivier, an ex-pilot, and two others, saw a reddish disc about 12 feet in diameter with a small being close by. This incident took place on October 13, 1954, in Bourasole, near Toulouse, France. The three men were not together but all saw the same thing. They reported that a small being, about four feet in height, wearing a bright suit "like glass," with a large head and two enormous eyes, was near the craft, which was surrounded by a glow. One of the men approached the object, but was paralyzed. The object then took off, throwing the man to the ground.

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:


249 October 13, 1954, 07:35 p.m., Bourrasole (France):

Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a third man saw a reddish disk about 4 m diameter with a small being close by, about 1.2 rn tall, wearing a diving suit: "His head was large with respect to the rest of the body and he had two enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The craft was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the men came within 2O m of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast. (Paris-Presse, Libération, 15 oct 1954, La Croix, 16 oct 1954) (62, 63) (Personal)

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


October 13 [, 1954]

[... other cases...]

07:35 p.m.: Toulouse(suburb of) (Hte-Garonne): disc diameter 4 m on the ground + fog + being 1,20 m high + "blow" at take off (date and place not yet specified with certainty)

[... other cases...]

[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:


[... other cases...]

October 13, 1954: Toulouse (suburb of--Haute-Garonne): 3 men (disc diameter 4 m on the ground/fog/pilot in divving [sic] suit 1,20 m high/"blow" at the take offe) (date and place not yet specified with certainty/ possibility of identity with "Lardenne" (hamlet of the cne. of Toulouse, dated in principle of the night of 10/7/54?)

[... other cases...]


The author indicates that the incident "O and P." was the most clearly claimed of the pranks by the journalists of Samedi-Soir, and clearly appears to date from October 13, around 07:35 p.m..

He indicates that there were two A.F.P. news releases on October 13, and 14.

The sunset was at 05:05 p.m. there and the pranksters said that they wen to the suburbs of Toulouse when the sun was set for an hour; which coincidence rather well.

The journalists came by car, stopped it and at least one of the two came out in a diving-suit to make a rapid tour, close to the car, and fled after having launched two or three rockets.

According to the witnesses', a reddish spherical machine landed not far from them, in a vacant site, and they then saw "a diver of small size with a large head compared to the body, two enormous eyes... a diving-suit which shone like glass", according to the A.F.P. release for October 13, which also said:

"After a very short time, approximately a minute, the diving-suit got back into the luminous sphere which flew away vertically without noise and disappeared in the sky at an extraordinary speed, leaving a wake of fire."

Michel Carrouges quotes the A.F.P. release of the 14th:

"The mysterious individual (the diver) measuring approximately 1 m 20, was taller than the machine of one head and was, consequently, had to bend himself to go inside" and the saucer "emitted a light fog around it."

Having wanted to approach, one of the witnesses "was retained at some 20 meters by a paralysing force" and even adds that "when the machine rose in the sky, he was violently thrown to the ground."

[Ref. jve8:] JACQUES VALLEE:


<13 Oct., 1954/td> Toulouse France M. Olivier "diver's suit" with metallic reflections 1



In Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, a former pilot, witnessed the landing of a reddish sphere: "A sort of diver came out of it, small in size with a very large head and enormous eyes that shone like glass..."


These authors cite verbatiem what Michel Carrouges [mcs1] wrote about this case.

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

The author indicates that on October 13, 1954, in Bourrassole, close to Toulouse, Mr. Olivier, former pilot, Mr. Perano and a third witness, saw a reddish disc approximately 4 meters in diameter with a small being close to him. The individual had about 1 m 20 height and wore a diving suit.

The author quotes:

"Its head was large compared to the remainder of the body, and it had enormous eyes. Clothing was brilliant and shining like glass."

The apparatus was surrounded by a kind of gleam. One of the men approached with less than 20 meters, but was paralysed. The apparatus flew away, by rejecting it on the ground, then rose very quickly.


Three witnesses, among whom there was a former pilot, saw a disc 4 m in diameter and a small humanoid being. One of these men approached up to 20 m from the craft, where he was paralyzed, while the craft took off at high speed, throwing him on the ground (10/13/.1954, France: 21, 45).

The source "21" is detailed in the references as "Ch. Bowen: The Humanoids, a survey of world-wide reports, Regnery, 1969.


Toulouse, October 13 1954, at about 19:35. References: newsclipping, personal files.

While returning at his home, an industrialist, Mr. Olivier, sees a luminous ball landing close to a football field, at a hundred meters of him. Near it, he soon distinguishes a being from small size which seems to him clothed of a diving-suit. Mr. Olivier calls one of his neighbors, Mr. Perano. The two men then see the "diver" entering in the machine by bending themselves down. At this time a third witness arrives, who wants to approach the thing. He is stopped by a "paralysing force" when he comes to a score of meters. The machine takes off without noise and disappears in the sky leaving a trail of fire. The nearest to the three men is violently thrown to the ground at the time when the machine leaves the ground.


424 13 October 1954 1935 hrs

BOURRASOLES (FRANCE) Mssrs Olivier and Perano and a third man saw a reddish disc about 4m diameter with a small being close by about 1.2m tall, wearing a diving suit. "His head was large with respect to the rest of his body and he had two enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The craft was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the men went within 20m of it and was paralysed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast. (M249: La Croix, 16 Oct 54: Paris-Press, Liberation, 15 Oct 54)



One of the most significant hoaxes had as authors two journalists who narrated their joke in Samedi-Soir.

One night in October 1954, dressed in diving suits and armed with fireworks and other devices, they "landed" five times near the road along a Brive-Cahors-Montauban-Toulouse-Graulhet route.

Several people testified seeing "beings" armed with ray guns. "I perfectly saw a saucer like a big red ball, a witness said. Out came two 90 centimeters tall beings. The Martians ran to the saucer that flew under our noses like a big rocket."

In the same month of the same year (we were in a period of a great wave of saucers), a railwayman of Creil made a mask with a fake can and painted the bulb of a flashlight in green.

One night after his duty, he appeared at the station and lit his "green ray." His comrades were petrified. The next day, they told him the terrible apparition.

However, no doubt that if one had investigated the observers of the journalists-divers or the railroad green ray, we would have concluded in the sincerity and perfect balance of the witnesses.


The authors indicate that on October 13, 1954, in Bourasole, near Toulouse, France, Mr. Olivier, an ex-pilot, and two others, separately saw a reddish disc about 12 feet in diameter with a small being close by. The three men reported that the being was about 4-feet tall, wearing a bright suit "like glass", it had a large head and two enormous eyes. The craft was surrounded by a glow. One of the men approached but was paralyzed, and the object then took off, throwing the man to the ground.


The author indicates that on October 13, 1954, in Bourasole, near Toulouse, France, Mr. Olivier, an ex-pilot, and two others, separately saw a reddish disc about 12 feet in diameter with a small being close by. The three men reported that the being was about 4-feet tall, wearing a bright suit "like glass", it had a large head and two enormous eyes. The craft was surrounded by a glow. One of the men approached but was paralyzed, and the object then took off, throwing the man to the ground.

[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:


Case # Date Time Locality Department Witness(es) name
053 13/10/1954 19.35 Bourrasole. 31 Olivier and Perano

[Ref. hjn1:] HENRI JULIEN:

The author indicates that Mr. Olivier, a former plane pilot, in Bourrasole, close to Toulouse, ran up against a small being of 1,20 m wearing a clothing similar to a diving-suit. Two other witnesses confirmed his statements: "Its head was large compared to the rest of the body, and it had enormous eyes."


The American ufologist indicates that on October 13, 1954, in France, in Bourrasole, Messrs Olivier and Perano, and a third man, not identified, saw a reddish disc of approximately four meters in diameter with a small being of 1.20 approximately wearing a "diver's suit" standing near.

One of the witnesses said that "its head was large compared to the remainder of the body, and it had enormous eyes. The clothing was shining and reflecting like glass."

The machine was surrounded by a vaporous light. One of the witnesses went at some 20 meters and was paralysed. The machine left while throwing him at the ground.

The author indicates that this example of case of a close encounter of the third kind comes from the catalogue by Jacques Vallée who extracted it from Aimé Michel's book.

[Ref. gab1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "G.A.B.R.I.E.L.":

10/13/1954 Toulouse Bourrasole (Haute Garonne)

Around 7:35 p.m., three witnesses, including Messrs. Olier [sic] and Pérano, witnessed the landing of a disc-shaped craft 3.50 to 4m in diameter. Arrived on the scene, they discovered standing in front of the craft a being 1.20 m high wearing a diving suit. The being had a very large head compared to the rest of the body and its eyes were huge. (J. Giraud; "Centre Matin" for 10/15/54)



54-70 Oct. 13, 1954 1935 Bourrasole, France Type C

Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a 3d man saw a reddish disc about 12 ft in diameter, with a 4-foot being close by, wearing a "diving suit". "His head was large with respect to the body and he had 2 enormous eyes. The suit was bright & shiny like glass." The craft was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the men came within 20 yards of it & found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast.


Sources: Vallee, Magonia, p. 227; Life, ll/l/54 (sketch).


The authors indicate that the following observation took place in 1954 in the suburbs of Toulouse:

"A diver with enormous eyes gone down from a mysterious machine appears to three residents of Toulouse."

"A diver of small size with a too large head compared to the body, two enormous eyes, such is the description made the day before yesterday evening by Mr. Olivier of Toulouse, of a mysterious figure descended from a spherical machine which had just landed, at 07:35 p.m., on a vacant site located in a suburb of Toulouse."

Mr. Olivier, owner of the establishments Javel Neto, rue des Fontaines, in Toulouse was accompanied by an employee, Mr. Pérano and of a young boy of about fifteen years old. All three saw the landing of the luminous machine, of spherical shape and reddish color. Then they saw to come towards them the figure whose diving-suit, according to the statements of the witnesses, shone like glass."

Thereafter Mr. Olivier former aviation pilot, drew with a chalk, in a stunning manner, on a door, the diver. 'I did not believe in it, Mr. Pérano added, but I saw him like I see you. That was quite a shock'. After a very short time, approximately a minute, the diver regained the luminous sphere, which flew away vertically, without noise and disappeared in the sky at an extraordinary speed, leaving a wake of fire."

Oily traces were found yesterday morning in several places of the ground where the machine was posed."

The three people who saw this phenomenon, questioned by the police force of the air, maintained their statements. They specified that the mysterious individual, measuring 1,20 m, exceeded the apparatus by the and had consequently to bend to enter in it."

One of the witnesses ensured that the saucer was surrounded by iridescent reflections and emitted a light fog around itself, he added that having wanted to approach, he had been retained within some twenty meters by a paralysing force and that, when the apparatus rose in the sky, he was thrown violently to the ground."

The authors regret that Jacques Vallée makes brief summaries, and claims it happened in Toulouse whereas it happened in Bourrasol, that Vallée mispells Bourrasole, that Vallée might have changed the names so that the explanation cannot be found, that the case formed part of a series of mystifications by two journalists of the weekly magazine "Samedi-soir", Michel Agnellet and Pierre Laforêt. They say Laforêt confirmed this and that an article in Samedi-soir for the week of Pctober 21-27, 1954, with photographs, displayed the whole series of the journalists's hoaxes.

The latter used " two complete diver's equipments and some petty hardware", a panoply which they described as follows:

"We also took along in our luggage complete equipment of bomb disposal expert: eighteen Bengal fireworks, reds, greens and white, forty Roman candles, true Martians guns launching green or red small balls of fire at fifteen meters around... and in silence. We had also taken some twenty flying rockets, able to spring up to a hundred or hundred fifty meters, to explode in gigantic umbrella of fire. Prosaically we bought this material at the market of Brives-la-Gaillarde, where the local fireworks expert, Mr Forêt, had guaranteed to us the exceptional quality of these devices..."


The two authors indicate that on Tuesday, October 12, 1954 at 4 hours in the morning, two residents of the Toulouse suburbs saw a machine in the shape of giant rocket which rose from a field at a hundred meters of their house. It disappeared quickly in the sky, generating a clearness of a rare intensity.

The two witnesses went to the place where they located the starting point of the mysterious machine. They found that the grass had been packed on a circular surface of five meters in diameter.

In the center of this zone they discovered four prints in the ground appearing to have been left by the heavy apparatus. The grass was covered with droplets coming from a fatty vapor condensation and which released an oil odor. There was an investigation by the Air Police.

According to Michel Figuet et Jean-Louis Ruchon, journalists of "Samedi-Soir" who had faked a UFO earlier by launching a rochet in Graulhet, decided to ridicule the inhabitants of Toulouse. They put on diving suits, used a car disguized in spacecraft and used Bengal lights and fireworks.


The photo is captionned as "François Parrero and a friend, who allegedly saw strange beings" in Toulouse a moth after "Marius De Wilde".

The book indicates that the photo comes from the United Press International agency.

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

Nr of the J. C. Fumoux list Nr of Francat list Localization Date Class Credibility Sources Number of W
078 194 Toulouse "Bourrasole" 13/10 CE3 E canular voir 057 2-p. 669, 4 p.94 2 T

[Ref. mft3:] MICHEL FIGUET:


30 - ST-AMBROIX on 10/13/1954
31 - TOULOUSE LEGUEVIN night of 12 to 13

Is Snowy White a "Martian"?

Seven bizarre-looking dwarves fly away in a phosphorescent apparatus near Nîmes...

NIMES, 14 -- Several hunters from the Saint-Ambroix commune (Gard) have recently seen seven tiny creatures vaguely reminiscent of a human body. When they tried to approach, the beings rushed towards a phosphorescent machine, which flew away immediately.

At the location where the pilots of the flying saucer were, the hunters discovered on the ground a certain number of weird-looking seeds, which they had examined by seedlings. They found it impossible to classify them in a known species.


TOULOUSE, 14. -- Mr. Jean Marty, 42, a mechanic, living in Leguevin (Haute-Garonne), said he had seen, in the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, in the middle of a field, a luminous disk measuring from 6 to 7 meters in diameter and 2 m. 50 in height; the disc was orange colored.

Mr. Marty was working around 11 p.m. 30, in his workshop located on the road to Toulouse, in front of a field, 1 km. 500 of Lèguevin. Looking up, he saw the luminous object. Intrigued, he came out, crossed the road and headed for the disc, which then rose in the air, noiselessly, vertically, and disappeared at a prodigious speed. Mr. Marty reached the middle of the field to examine where the craft had landed. He found no trace, but found, on the grass, two sheets of white glossy paper, covered with Indochinese a printed characters.

The investigation launched by the Aviation Security showed that it was simply two pages from a brochure published by the services of Prince Buu Loc and probably left to Leguevin by Vietnamese who came to make a picnic.


Oily traces were found this morning in several areas of a vacant lot located in a suburb of Toulouse.

According to the statements of three witnesses, a mysterious machine, piloted by a character wearing a suit, reportedly landed on this ground yesterday at 19:35 p.m.

The air police questioned these three people, including an industrialist, who maintained


Francat No. 191 case 079 4-p.86

[Ref. mft4:] MICHEL FIGUET:

194 CE3 13 10 1954 T9. 50 Toulouse "Bourrasole" 31 000 B6 E (canular) OVNI


The authors indicate that on October 13, 1954, in Bourasote [sic], France, three people saw a reddish disc-shaped craft about 12 feet in diameter. Although the witnesses were not together, they all reported that the being wore a shiny suit and had a large head and enormous eyes. The man closest to the object claimed he was paralyzed, and when the craft finally took off, he was thrown to the ground.

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

This French ufologist and author explains, further on in his book, that did not believe that the case would have been journalists' prank. Referring to the witnesses reports in the local press, he raises some essential questions:

He notes then that the article in Le Soir indicates that the two journalists would have practised their art "in front of various isolated farms" while the case in question occurs in urban environment.

He notes that Radar magazine sent their journalists to the site and that according to them it is not Mr. Pérano but Mr. Panero.

Further on in his book, the author explains:

Let us now come to the alleged hoaxes of two Samedi-Soir journalists. Figuet mentions in his catalog the "provincial tour" of these two individuals, on an extraordinary special mission: to pose as Extraterrestrials to make fun of good people. Which leads him to eliminate the case of St. Alban (p. 667-668), that of Toulouse (p. 669), and finally a third, Briatexte (LDLN 249-250, p. 26 - when he was struck by the bpsychology virus), which he had first deemed credible in his book (p. 138-139). However, if we consult the book by Michel Carrouges, Les Apparitions de Martiens, p. 163-167, we see that these "hoaxes" are not necessarily hoaxes because:

- The alleged pranksters claim to have been only two to work. And in the St. Alban incident, there are three figures reported.

- In the three cases rejected by Figuet, all report small beings, and not human beings of normal size for adults as these two journalists should have been.

- In the same three cases, there is observation of a craft which landed, or which took off, or which landed then took off.

In the case of Toulouse, there are two effects on one of the witnesses: paralysis and projection on the ground (by a powerful blast?). See O.D. 72.

- Samedi-Soir for October 21 to 27, 1954, which reports the "provincial tour" of its two reporters, gives only a partial itinerary and above all no date. Carrouges even points out in his book that since no proof of the effective passage of the two journalists in the localities concerned is offered: "We would even be entitled to wonder wether the report was not fabricated from scratch!".

- Last but not least, Samedi-Soir specifies that the alleged pranks were staged in front of isolated farms. The case of Toulouse occurred in an urban setting; that of Briatexte on a busy road and a disc was seen performing a take-off; the St. Alban incident, perhaps the most dubious of the three, is about three little beings dressed in tight gray uniforms and wearing aviator helmets. However, the pranksters were only two, of normal size for adults, and each had put on a rubber diving suit, and wore an enormous copper helmet pierced with portholes (see a press clipping of the iconographic notebook which shows the text of Samedi-Soir - O.D. 73). [*]

All the elements gathered here indicate that the cases of Briatexte, Toulouse, and St. Alban are not (and far from it) hoaxes set up by these two gentlemen who thought they were very intelligent... And Figuet, once again, did not check the sources because he makes a totally inappropriate judgment.

[*] The mentioned Samedi-Soir document is actually not published in the iconographic notebook.

63 - October 13, 7:35 p.m., Toulouse, Haute-Garonne.

MM. Olivier, Pérano, and an anonymous 15-year-old child.

The witnesses saw a spherical craft emitting a reddish luminosity land on a vacant lot in the La Croix Daurade district. Then, a small diver of about 1.20 m is noticed heading towards them. Its head is large compared to the body and its eyes are huge. Its outfit shines like glass. The craft is surrounded by iridescent reflections and a light haze. One of the witnesses wants to approach it but he feels paralyzed. The being then reintegrates the craft and even has to bend down to go inside. Then, the object takes off without noise vertically in a wake of fire and after having projected the paralyzed witness on the ground. The next day, oily traces were discovered in various places on the vacant lot where the incident took place.

Local source: Centre-Matin, Montluçon, October 15, 1954, p. 8 (O.D. 72).

Note: As for the cases of Briatexte and St. Alban, this one is classified by Figuet as one of the hoaxes allegedly set up by two Parisian journalists. The reader is invited to refer to my clarification at the end of this chapter, which sheds a completely different light on a situation that must have deceived many researchers, starting with Figuet! Finally, I point out that Radar of October 24, 1954, p. 3, who sent a reporter to interview the witnesses, speaks of a Mr. Panero, and not Perano...

[Ref. jsc1:] JOHN F. SHUESSLER:


Source: Official UFO, Feb. 76

Three people saw a disk-shaped UFO with one small being. One person approached the object and was paralyzed. When the being entered the object and flew away, the immobilized person was thrown to the ground.

EFFECTS: Paralysis


The Belgian ufologist indicates that on October 13, 1954 in France in Toulouse, in Bourrassole, at 7:35 p.m., three witnesses, Misters Olivier, Pérano and another witness, saw a disc 4 m in diameter and a humanoid being of small size in a diver's suit. Compared to the body it had a large head and two enormous eyes. His clothing shone like glass. The craft was surrounded by a kind of misty brightness. One of the witnesses approached up to 20 m the machine where he was paralysed, while the apparatus took off at high speed, throwing him to the ground.

The sources are indicated as Paris-Presse, Libération, 15 oct 1954, La Croix, 16 oct 1954; and Jacques Vallée: "Chronique des apparitions ET" - Denoël 1972 - J'Ai Lu Coll. - p. 279; and Michel Bougard: "Des S.V. aux OVNI" SOBEPS 1976 - p. 211.

Godelieve van Overmeire indicates that the other version is that actually, returning from Graulhet, the journalists of "Samedi-Soir" decided to have fun at the expense of the Toulouse residents. Covered of their diving suits, they manoevered in front of a red firework and shot a a fireworks rocket.

The source for this other version is indicated as M. Figuet/ J.L. Ruchon: "Ovni, premier dossier complet..." - Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979, p. 669.


Keith Basterfield indicates that on 13 October 1954 in Bourrasole, France, 3 people, Perano, Olivier and one more, saw a 4m diameter disk-shaped UFO with one small being. This being was 1.2m tall, wore a diving suit. One person approached the object within 20m and was paralysed. When the being entered the object and flew away, the immobilised person was thrown to the ground, and the craft left.

The source is indicated as: Bowen, C. 1969. The Humanoids. Neville Spearman. London. pp44-45.

[Ref. lhh1:] LARRY HATCH:

and humanoid. A journalistic prank.

[Ref. sdn1:] STEVEN DUNN:

Bourasote, FR
13 Oct 54

Three people (not together) saw a reddish disc-shaped craft about 12' diameter. They all reported a being in a shiny silver suit with a large head & enormous eyes.

CE-3-102 Randle/Estes, FOV pg 268
Toulouse, FR
15 Oct 54

A witness reported that he saw a small creature with large eyes near a small disc-shaped craft.

CE-3-102 Randle/Estes, FOV pg 268

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

Donald Johnson indicates that on October 13, 1954, Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a third man in Bourrasole, France, saw a reddish disc about 4 meters in diameter with a small humanoid close by. The being stood about 1.2 meters (5 feet) tall, wearing a diving suit. "His head was large with respect to the rest of the body and he had two enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The Disc was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the witnesses came within 20 meters of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing the man who stood closest to the ground, and rose into the sky very fast.

The sources are indicated as La Croix, October 16, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 227.

[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:


Location. Bourrasole France

Date: October 13 1954

Time: 1935

Mr. Olivier and Perano and a 3rd man saw a reddish disc about 12 ft in diameter, with a 4 foot being close by, wearing a "diving suit." His head was large with respect to the body and he had 2 enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass. A sort of misty glow surrounded the craft. One of the men came within 20 yards of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast.

Humcat 1954-93

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia

Type: C

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

Jérôme Beau indicates that on October 13, 1954 at 19:35 in Bourrasole (France), Misters Olivier and Perano and one 3rd man see a reddish disc approximately 4 m in diameter with, nearby, 1 small being approximately 1,20 m in height, carrying a divers' suit. He has a large head, compared to the remainder of the body, and 2 enormous eyes. The clothing gltters and shines like glass. The apparatus is surrounded by a kind of misty brightness. One of the men approached at 20 m and is paralysed. The machine takes off, throwing him on the ground, and rises very quickly.

The sources are indicated as Paris-Presse, Libération, October 15, 1954, La Croix, October 16, 1954.


Michel Padrines indicates that on October 13, 1954, at 19:35 in Bourrasole, Misters Olivier and Perano and one 3rd man see a reddish disc approximately 4 m in diameter with, nearby, 1 small being approximately 1,20 m in height, carrying a divers' suit. He has a large head, compared to the remainder of the body, and 2 enormous eyes. The clothing gltters and shines like glass. The apparatus is surrounded by a kind of misty brightness. One of the men approached at 20 m and is paralysed. The machine takes off, throwing him on the ground, and rises very quickly.

[Note: the author simply cut and pasted the [jbu1] page for October 13, without giving credit.]

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 13 October 1954 19:35 in Bourrasole, France, there was a close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. The explanation is: Hoax.

"One luminous disc, about 20 feet across, was observed by three male experienced military witnesses in a city briefly. One 4-foot-tall dwarf, wearing a diver's suit, was seen."

The sources are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Lorenzen, Coral E., Flying Saucer Occupants, Signet T3205, New York, 1967; Lorenzen, Coral E., Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, New York, 1976, ISBN:425-03093-8; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Pereira, Jader U., Les Extra-Terrestres, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Paris, 1974; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Carrouges, Michel, Les Apparitions de Martiens, Fayard, Paris, 1963; Delaire, J. Bernard, UFO Register Volume 7 (1976), Data Research, Oxford, 1976; Newspaper Clippings; Civilian Saucer Intelligence-New York; Hatch, Larry, internet data; Stringfield, L

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 13 October 1954 at 19:35 in Bourrasole, France, Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a third man saw a reddish disk about four meters diameter with a small being close by, about 1.2 meters tall, wearing a diving suit: "His head was large with respect to the rest of the body and he had two enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The craft was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the men came within 20 meters of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast.

The website comments that "A flying disc was observed. Physiological effects were noted. Multiple independent witnesses. One red saucer, about 20 feet across, was observed by three male experienced military witnesses in a city briefly (Olivier; Ott). One 4-foot-tall dwarf, wearing a diver's suit, was seen."

The website further adds that "Mr. Olivier and Perano and a 3rd man saw a reddish disc about 12 ft in diameter, with a 4 foot being close by, wearing a "diving suit." His head was large with respect to the body and he had 2 enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass. A sort of misty glow surrounded the craft. One of the men came within 20 yards of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast."

The sources are indicated as Guieu, Jimmy, Flying Saucers Come from Another World, Citadel, New York, 1956; Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database.

[Ref. prn2:] PETER ROGERSON:

October 13 1954. 1935hrs


Messes Olivier and Perano, along with a third man, saw a reddish disc about 4m in diameter. Nearby was a small being, about 1.2m tall, wearing a bright, shiny, glass like, diving suit. Its head was large in comparison to the rest of its body and it had two enormous eyes. The object was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the men approached within 20m and was paralysed. The object took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast. Some researchers labelled the case a press hoax, others disagreed.

Vallee Case 249 citing La Croix 16 October 1954 + Paris Presse + Liberation 15 October 1954.
Samedi Soir 27 October 1954.
Alain Gamard.

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 13, 1954 - On that same night at 7:35 p.m. Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a third man in Bourrasole, France saw a reddish disc about 4 meters in diameter with a small humanoid close by. The being stood about 1.2 meters (5 feet) tall, and was wearing a diving suit. "His head was large with respect to the rest of the body and he had two enormous eyes. The suit was bright and shiny like glass." The Disc was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the witnesses came within 20 meters of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing the man who stood closest to the ground, and rose into the sky very fast. (Sources: La Croix, October 16, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 227, case # 249).


Location: Bourrasole France

Date: October 13 1954

Time: 1935

Mr. Olivier and Perano and a 3rd man saw a reddish disc about 12 ft in diameter, with a 4 foot being close by, wearing a "diving suit." His head was large with respect to the body and he had 2 enormous eyes. The suit was bright & shiny like glass. A sort of misty glow surrounded the craft. One of the men came within 20 yards of it & found himself paralyzed. The craft took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast.

Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 249

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded the case 15times instead of one!

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Toulouse France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France Night CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.45 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Toulouse France
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourrasole France 19.35 CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Toulouse France CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Bourasole France CE III


October 13 1954. 1935hrs.


Messes Olivier and Perano, along with a third man, saw a reddish disc about 4m in diameter. Nearby was a small being, about 1.2m tall, wearing a bright, shiny, glass like, diving suit. Its head was large in comparison to the rest of its body and it had two enormous eyes. The object was surrounded by a sort of misty glow. One of the men approached within 20m and was paralysed. The object took off, throwing him to the ground, and rose very fast.

Evaluation - Yet another hoax by the Samedi Soir journalists


The rare photograph below was taken just after the sighting. On the left, Mr. Perano, on the right, his boss Mr. Olivier; the third witness is the young man behind Mr. Olivier. As it was rather usual at the time, a drawing was made with chalk on some door for the Press photographer.

The photograph mostly appeared late in several magazines, such as Life Magazine [lie1]. I managed to get a better copy:



The Samedi-Soir journalists prank.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Bourrasole, Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, prank, hoax, multiple, Perrano, Olivier, diving suit, car, fireworks, fire, rockets


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross April 24, 2003 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross December 27, 2008 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Addition [jbu1].
1.1 Patrick Gross December 29, 2008 Addition [cln1], [goe1], [kbd1], [lhh1], [djn1], [mps1], [uda1], [uda2].
1.2 Patrick Gross April 23, 2009 Addition [bbr1].
1.3 Patrick Gross March 13, 2010 Addition [jgu1].
1.4 Patrick Gross March 18, 2010 Addition [hjn1].
1.5 Patrick Gross June 13, 2010 Addition [lae1].
1.6 Patrick Gross June 29, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.7 Patrick Gross August 17, 2010 Addition [vmr1].
1.8 Patrick Gross October 21, 2011 Addition [cln2].
1.9 Patrick Gross August 14, 2013 Addition [prn1].
2.0 Patrick Gross September 25, 2014 Additions [hia1], [nip1], [tai1].
2.1 Patrick Gross October 7, 2016 Addition [rdr1].
2.2 Patrick Gross December 6, 2016 Additions [ler1], [ubk1].
2.3 Patrick Gross January 7, 2017 Addition [cnd1].
2.4 Patrick Gross January 19, 2017 Addition [pce1].
2.5 Patrick Gross January 15, 2020 Addition [srd1], [ous1], [prn1], [cac1], [mft1], [mft3], [mtf4], [krs1], [prn3].
2.6 Patrick Gross February 24, 2020 Additions [nnm1], [ppe1].
2.7 Patrick Gross March 4, 2020 Additions [cpd1], [ner1].
2.8 Patrick Gross April 22, 2020 Addition [vdn1].
2.9 Patrick Gross May 16, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
3.0 Patrick Gross November 1, 2020 Addition [jps1].
3.1 Patrick Gross January 17, 2021 Addition [lcx1].
3.2 Patrick Gross May 11, 2021 Addition [lon1].
3.3 Patrick Gross September 21, 2021 Addition [tbw1].
3.4 Patrick Gross May 13, 2022 Additions [gqy1], [gqy2].
3.5 Patrick Gross May 20, 2022 Addition [ssr1].
3.6 Patrick Gross June 6, 2022 Addition [agd1].
3.7 Patrick Gross June 12, 2022 Addition [lln1].
3.8 Patrick Gross July 2, 2022 Additions [amn1], [jve8].
3.9 Patrick Gross July 12, 2022 Additions [hdl1], [gab1].
4.0 Patrick Gross March 12, 2022 Additions [ads1], [ads2].
4.1 Patrick Gross March 20, 2025 Addition [tdb1].

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