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October 1, 1954, Corbigny, Nièvre:

Reference for this case: 1-Oct-54-Corbigny.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In 1982, the ufology group ADRUP, of the Côte-d'Or, noted that the regional newspaper Le Bien Public for October 4, 1954, had reported an observation of October 1, 1954:

A representative and several inhabitants of Corbigny had seen a luminous disk of orange color moving in the sky "where it went down and up alternately from left to right."

These witnesses, "all of whom are trustworthy, observed the phenomenon for a long time and then the luminous disc disappeared vertically behind a hill."

In the regional newspaperL'Ardennais, France, pages 1,5, October 5, 1954, I read that a "representative of an insurance company in Clamecy, as well as several residents of Corbigny, said they saw an orange luminous disc moving in the sky and which, after having several times changed altitude, disappeared vertically."

In the regional newspaper La Bourgogne Républicaine for October 8, 1954, it was mentioned, without a precise date, that a woman of Corbigny in the Nièvre had declared to have seen, in broad daylight, while she was hanging out laundry in her garden, a luminous cigar-shaped craft, elongated, which moved at high speed, carrying two discs in its lower part. Rising vertically, "this cigar went out and disappeared."




"Flying saucers exist"
says a German specialist

Flying saucers exist and represent at least ten percent of the craft observed in the sky," said Professor Hermann Oberth, German rocket scientist and honorary president of the "German Astronautical Society", yesterday during a conference he gave in Hamburg.

Professor Oberth added that it was possible in his opinion, that these craft contain crews of creatures similar to humans, and proposed, to designate these unknown beings, the term "Uranids". The "Uranids", continued the German scientist, are probably thousands of years ahead of our time.

To explain why no "flying saucer" has yet crashed on earth, Professor Oberth suggests that pilots may have perfect control of their apparatuses, and that for some reason human intelligence cannot imagine, they may desire no contact with earthly creatures.

Considering another possibility, Professor Oberth recalled that the observed saucers could be considered as an improvement of the V-7, German rockets of the end of the war, of which several prototypes would have fallen, according to the scientist, between the hands of the Russians in 1945.

Latest appearances

In Vic-sur-Cère. -- Several people claimed to have




(Continued from the first page)

sighted, moving towards the South, a craft in the shape of a cigar, releasing a light plume of smoke.

A representative of an insurance company in Clamecy, as well as several residents of Corbigny, saw a bright orange disc moving in the sky and which, after having changed altitude several times, disappeared vertically.

An employee, Mr. Angelo Girardeau, 55, living in Breuil-Chaussée (Deux-Sèvres), said he saw on Sunday morning, on his way to work, a circular craft near which was a being who appeared to him dressed in a kind of diving suit. The being in question went to Mr. Girardo who, frightened, fled. Shortly thereafter, the circular craft departed at a very high speed.

Mrs widow Janiki, living in the village of Cerisier, commune of Levreux (Indre), told the gendarmerie that she had seen in the sky a luminous machine with a diameter of approximately 3 meters and which was at the height of the buildings.

Mrs. widow Lacotte, living about 200 meters from Mrs. Janiki's home, witnessed the same phenomenon.

A strange craft
- above -
Mont Blanc

Chamonix, 4. -- Many people, including officers from the High Mountain School, Chamonix gendarmes and the pilot Guiron, a flight specialist in the high mountains, who flew over the region at the time, said they saw for more than an hour a brilliant machine moving between Mont Lachat and Mont Blanc.

The pilot Guiron indicated that flying about 2,000 meters above Faverges, he saw a craft which, he said, had no resemblance to a normal plane. In addition, the direction followed at high speed by this craft excluded the hypothesis of a sounding balloon.



A wave of strange "objects" sweeps over France

Martians amateur
of darkness play
hide and seek

But all those who have
seen "saucers"
are not dreamers

By Gabriel Heres

An invasion of a flying saucer and other mysterious craft is sweeping over Europe, and the number of recorded testimonies shows that France seems to be particularly targeted. It has hardly been daylight for weeks that several of these demonstrations have not been reported from Vendée to Moselle and Quiévrain to Bidassoa.

The abundance of these strange appearances is such that fear eventually reigns.

In Limousin, in particular, where a farmer was embraced, on September 10, by a yet very peaceful stranger, terror installed, especially in the region of Roches (Creuse), where children no longer dare to go to school alone and where the shepherds no longer want to keep their flocks since a disturbing shadow has been reported hiding in the thickets. We fear that the amiable Martians have embarked leaving one of his companions on earth.

In Diges (Yonne), two women saw, each on herr side, a cigar placed in a meadow and its pilot leaning over, on what may have been its engine. The "being" was of normal height, dressed in khaki and wearing a cap, but they were so afraid that, by an identical reflex, they fled and locked themselves up.

The flying saucers
disturbed the Sunday rest
a certain number of French people

Chamonix. -- The chronicle of flying saucers and other "cigars" continues to be abundantly provided. During the last weekend, the witnesses who have, in fact, seen mysterious craft are no longer counted.

It seems that Chamonix should be given priority, given that, at the same time, High mountain school officers, gendarmes and the Guiron pilot who was flying over the region saw for more than an hour a brilliant craft moving between Mount Lachat and Mount Blanc.

Pilot Guiron indicated that flying about 2000 meters above Faverges, he saw a craft which, he said, had no resemblance to a normal aircraft. In addition, the direction followed at high speed by this craft excluded the hypothesis of a weather balloon.

In Corbigny (Nièvre), several inhabitants saw a luminous orange disc which moved in the sky and disappeared vertically after have changed altitude several times.

In Breuil-Chaussée, in the Deux-Sèvres, Mr. Girardeau, 55, was on his way to work when, on a detour from the road, he noticed a circular craft "near which there was a being who appeared to him like dressed in a sort of diving suit." The "being" went towards him and Mr. Girardeau fled, frightened. Shortly after, the circular craft set off again at high speed!

"It looked like a haystack"

It is also a weird craft around which hovered two strange individuals who is said to have been seen by two young people of Vron (Somme). "We approached, they told the gendarmes. It looked like a haystack. Suddenly the craft took off."

In the Indre, both in Levroux and in Vatan, about fifteen people followed the moves of a luminous yellowish ball which rose and fell in the sky and could have been three meters in diameter.

Eisenhower and Malenkov
shaking hands
around a "saucer" ...

A pseudo-literator, on the contrary very happy that these fantastic beings come to join his philosophical ramblings, likens the "anti-saucers" to troublemakers

[Image caption:] The United States is preparing to build a flying saucer, the design of which was drawn up by a British engineer, Mr. John C. M. FROST. The craft, represented above by an American designer, would be able to take off vertically and reach a speed of 3000 kilometers per hour. The pilot is installed in the center. To take off, it triggers 180 thrusters placed all around the saucer. Once it is at the desired height, to move forward he simply operates the thrusters placed at the rear of the craft. The flying saucer is inspired by the experiments made in 1930 by the French Henri LOANDA [sic, Coanda].



Says German rocket specialist

Unknown humans:


Hamburg, 4. -- Flying saucers exist and represent at least ten percent of the objects observed in the sky, said professor Hermann Oberth, German rocket scientist and honorary president of the "German Astronotical Society" last night, during a conference in Hamburg.

Professor Oberth added that it is possible in his opinion, that these craft contain crews of creatures similar to humans, and proposed, to designate these unknown beings, the term "Uranids". The "Uranids", continued the German scientist, are probably thousands of years ahead of our time.

To explain why no "flying saucer" has yet crashed on earth, Professor Oberth suggests that pilots may have perfect control of their machines and that, for some reason human intelligence cannot can imagine, they may not want any contact with terrestrial crops.

Considering another possibility, Professor Oberth recalled that the observed saucers could be considered as an improvement of the V-7, German rockets of the end of the war, of which several prototypes would have fallen, according to the scientist, in the hands of the Russians in 1945.

The National Assembly
will take care
of flying saucers

While, on all sides (Deux-Sèvres, Côtes-du-Nord, Finistère, Nord, Indre) people of very good faith declare having seen these days in the sky or on the ground flying saucers and cigars, the presence of these craft concerns parliamentarians.

Today, it is Mr. Rocher [sic, Nocher], deputy of the Loire, who expressed to the Secretary of State for Air the emotion aroused in the public by the many and diverse testimonies concerning the "flying saucers".

flying saucers
and cigars

No flying saucer near Melun

MELUN, 4. -- The road menders who claimed to have seen a flying saucer, near the Coulommiers-Meaux road, gave up on their statements and admitted that they had fabricated their story.

They will likely be charged with contempt of court.

However, the flying saucers have not finished haunting the sky and even the country, if we believe the following testimonies:

Vic-sur-Sère, 4. -- Several people affirmed having seen, going towards the south, a machine having the form a cigar giving off a slight plume of smoke.

Nevers, 4. -- The representative of a Clamecy Insurance Company declares to have seen an orange-colored luminous disc which was moving in the sky and which, after having changed altitude several times, disappeared vertically.

Bressuire, 4. -- An employee of the Slaughter Center, Mr. Angelo Girardo, 55, living in Breuil-Chaussée (Deux-Sèvres), declared having seen Sunday morning, on his way to work, a circular machine near which was a being who appeared to him dressed in a kind of diving suit. The being in question went to Mr. Girardo who, frightened, fled. Shortly after, the circular machine set off again at a very high speed.

Abbeville, 4. -- Two young men from Vron (Somme) said they had seen on the Route Nationale, between Crécy and Ligescourt, a curious machine around which individuals of odd shape prowled. They approached the craft, which they say looked like a haystack, but it took off.

Châteauroux, 4. -- Mrs. widow Janiki, living in the village of Cerisier, commune of Levreux (Indre), told the gendarmerie that she had seen in the sky a luminous machine with a diameter of about 3 meters and which was at the level of the buildings.

Mrs. widow Barotte, living about 200 meters from Mrs. Janiki's home, said she had witnessed the same phenomenon.

Châteauroux, 4. -- Mrs. Baron, resident of Vatan (Indre), said that on Saturday evening he saw a luminous ball in the sky.

She alerted her husband as well as fifteen people from her neighborhood, all of whom saw aat a very high altitude, the yellow "greenish" craft moving up and down in the sky.

Saint-Brieuc, 4. -- Several people claimed to have seen, 400 or 500 meters from them, last night, around 10:15 p.m., a "flying cigar", at an altitude of about 50 meters. The craft, they said, could be 15 meters in length and intermittently lit with pink gleams. It moved silently.

Brest, 4. -- Mrs. Henry, farmer in Guesnou (Finistère) said she saw Thursday, then Friday, in the evening at the same hour in the sky, a purple cylindrical craft which moved silently from West to East.

Lille, 4. -- Mr. Anicet Corneille, agricultural worker, said he saw on Saturday evening, in Comines, a machine in the shape of a cigar from 8 to 15 meters wide, which was moving at forty meters in height and produced a vivid purple glow. After flying over the city for a few seconds, the craft reportedly disappeared in the sky.

The statements made by Mr. Corneille were confirmed by a Tourcoing driver passing through Comines.



CHAMONIX. -- A very large number of people, among whom were officers from the High Mountain School, gendarmes from Chamonix and pilot Guiron, a specialist in high mountain flying who flew over the area at that time, said to have seen for more than one hour a craft move between Mount Lachat and Mont Blanc.

Pilot Guiron reported that flying about 2,000 meters above Faverges, he saw a craft which, he said, bore no resemblance to a normal aircraft. In addition the direction followed at high speed by this craft excluded the hypothesis of a sounding balloon.

A Saucers Invasion

Moreover, one continues - jokes, hallucinations or trustworthy testimonies - to report everywhere the manifestation in the sky of saucers or other cigars.

VIC-SUR-CERE. -- Several people have said that they have seen a cigar-shaped craft heading south, with a slight smoke plume.

NEVERS. -- A representative of an insurance company in Clamecy, as well as several residents of Corbigny, said they saw an orange luminous disc moving in the sky and which, after having several times changed altitude, disappeared vertically.

BRESSUIRE. -- Slaughter center employee, Mr. Angelo Girardeau, 55-year-old, residing in Breuil-Chaussée (Deux Sèvres), said he had seen Sunday morning, on his way to work, a circular machine near which was a being who appeared to him dressed in a kind of scuba. That character went to Mr. Girardeau who, frightened, fled. Shortly after the circular craft departed at very high speed.

ABBEVILLE. -- Two young men from Vron (Somme) said they saw on the national road, between Crécy and Ligescourt, a curious craft around which bizarre individuals roamed. They approached the craft, who, they say, looked like a haystack, but it took off. The two young people told their adventure to the gendarmes.

CHATEAUROUX. -- Mrs widow Janiki, residing at the Bourg du Ceris1er, commune of Levroux (Indre), told the police that she had seen in the sky a luminous craft of a diameter of about 8 meters and which was at the level of buildings. Mrs. widow Lacotte, who lives about 800 meters from Mrs. Janiki, said she witnessed the same phenomenon.

(See more on page 5)

A strange craft is moving...

(Continued from the first page.)

CHATEAUROUX. -- Mrs. Baron, living in Vatan (Indre), said she saw a luminous ball in the sky Sunday evening. She alerted her husband and about fifteen people from her neighborhood who, all, saw moving, at a very high altitude, the greenish yellow machine that went up and down in the sky.

An official report

Whereas these different appearances can make the skeptics smile, the information coming from Africa appears more serious. Because, probably not wanting to disdain any continent, flying saucers were seen in Côte d'Ivoire. The news came from an official report to the governor of Côte d'Ivoire by Mr. Vernhet, chief administrator of the Danane subdivision, a town 500 kilometers northwest of Abijan. The facts date back to September 19, but have only been made official today through specific inquiries and investigations.

In addition to the population, the head of the gendarmerie station, the chief medical officer of the medical center, the Reverend Father Vyard, of the Lyon missions, head of the subdivision, and his wife, gathered in the courtyard of the residence, and saw on September 19, from 8:30 p.m. zo 9:05 p.m., a craft exactly corresponding to those observed in France, but which did not land.

It was a luminous dot, surrounded by a halo that first grew rapidly, moving closer to or away from the horizon. The witnesses saw the craft light a powerful headlight, sometimes directed upwards, sometimes downwards. The craft, of ovoid shape, was surmounted by a dome and luminous beams seemed to be detached on each side.

When it disappeared, after having moved for half an hour, the witnesses saw very clearly two luminous halos of oval shape, to be formed on the presumed location of the craft. The latter moved without any noise. Administrator Vernhet has attached to his report a detailed sketch of the different phases observed, as well as of the shape of the craft.

On the same day, in Soubre, 250 kilometers north-west of Abidjan, and in the same direction, similar phenomena were observed. The head of the subdivision of Soubre confirmed the existence of the phenomenon he attended.

"The Uranids"

Moreover, the scientists who until now had remained silent on the flying saucers affairs, will they leave their prudent reserve?

"Flying saucers exist and account for at least ten percent of the craft observed in the sky," said Professor Oberth, German rocket scientist and honorary president of the "German Astronautical Society", during a conference in Hamburg.

Professor Oberth added that it is possible, in his opinion, that these craft contain crews of creatures similar to humans, and proposed, to designate these unknown beings, the term "URANIDS". The Uranids, the German scholar continued, are probably thousands of years ahead of our time.

To explain why no "flying saucer" crashed on Earth so far, Professor Oberth suggests that pilots may have perfect control of their craft and that, for some reason that human intelligence cannot imagine, they may not desire any contact with terrestrial creatures.

Looking at another possibility, Professor Oberth recalled that the saucers observed could be considered as a perfecting of the V7, German rockets of the end of World War II, of which several prototypes would have fallen, according to the scientist, in Russian hands in 1945.



The flying saucers (continued)
do not spare the Châlon region

Chalon-sur-Saône (from our P.C.). -- As one might expect, and one is even astonished to have waited so long, Châlons and its region are adding today a chapter to the novels of saucers and other flying cigars.

It is a resident of Saint-Marcel-les-Chalon who saw, in the sky above this locality, a object "like I have never seen" (sic), surrounded by "smaller objects that looked like birds and had silvery highlights."

A resident of Mercurey is much more categorical and lavish of explanation, who saw "two flying tops lying at an altitude of approximately 300 meters, with a diameter of 5 to 6 meters, the top slightly domed, throwing purple and yellow-red gleams, and seeming to move towards Le Creusot.

Other very fleeting appearances are also reported on the Bresse, homeland of the chicken and the "noa."

... nor the Nièvre

Nevers (from our P.C.). -- A resident of Corbigny (Nièvre) declared to have seen, in broad daylight, while she was hanging laundry in her garden, a luminous cigar-shaped craft, elongated, moving at high speed. It carried two discs in its lower part. Rising vertically, this cigar went out and disappeared.

An employee of a state administration also claimed to have observed, at the place called "Les Chaumes", a luminous disc of large dimensions, yellow-orange in color, walking at breakneck speed. This craft left behind a dazzling white light.

Finally, a craftsman-carpenter saw a cylindrical-shaped craft, flying at very high altitude. It emitted orange-red glows, was heading northeast.



In the Oise and elsewhere


The source which feeds the file of the flying saucers for several weeks, at a rate whose regularity does not fail to surprise, does not dry up. This as well as half a dozen unknown craft were reported across France, ranging from the "flying cigar" to the now classic saucer.

In Corigny [sic], in the Nièvre, first of all, several residents said they saw in the sky, in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, a luminous object in the shape of a cigar, bearing in its lower part two discs. The craft, they say, was moving at high speed.

For his part, an office worker claimed to have observed a large luminous disc, yellow-orange in color, and giving off a dazzling clarity at the back.

For their part, two residentts of Montlevicq, near Châteauroux, declared to have seen a flying saucer moving slowly in the sky, above the Bois de Boulaise. About thirty kilometers away, in Saint-Plantaire, other people also said they saw a luminous craft the size of a soccer ball.

Variant of "saucers", these are "globes" which were seen in the sky by two traders from Saint-Bihy, near Quintin (Côtes-du-Nord), the consumers of a drinking establishment went out to observe the same phenomena.

Near Montargis, an employee of a Cholette company claimed to have seen a luminous craft of oval shape moving at great altitude.

Other people working in the vineyards reportedly also saw an identical machine.

In Dordives, not far from there, two residents stated they saw in the sky a craft of a "bizarre" shape, which flew at high altitude, rising rapidly. It disappeared in a westerly direction.

In the sky
of Crépy-en-Valois

As for the luminous craft which was seen Wednesday evening in the sky of Crépy by four people who declared to have observed its moves, it is specified that his appearance took place at exactly 8:30 p.m.. Mr. Detertigny son was returning at this time to his parents' home. "Come quickly and see," he said, "I saw a weird glow in the sky."

Immediately Mr. and Mrs. Detertigny and their daughter-in-law came outside.

Witnesses said they saw all in the sky, heading towards Duvy in the northwest, "a glow whose colors were changing and moving."

"It looked like a pendulum," said Mr. Detertigny senior.

The craft and the glow would then have changed places, heading north. The phenomenon had been going on, they say, for about thirty minutes, when Mrs. Detertigny, having already served the evening meal, suggested that it would be good to start it.

The witnesses then returned home. When they came out, a few minutes later, the vision was gone. At this hour, the night was total and the sky very pure, many stars were visible. The craft was, in comparison, say the witnesses, the size of the moon which was opposite the apparition.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:

About October 3 [, 1954]

[... other cases...]

?: Corbigny/Nevers (Nièvre)

[... other cases...]



Nevers - A representative and several residents of Corbigny saw Friday evening, around 7 p.m., a luminous disc of orange color that moved in the sky where it went down and up alternately from left to right. These witnesses, who are all trustworthy, observed the phenomenon for quite a long time and then the luminous disc disappeared vertically behind a hill.

The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.

[Ref. aln1:] ALAIN LEQUIEN:

The author indicates that on October 1, 1954, a salesman and several residents of Corbigny saw around 7 p.m., a luminous disc of orange color moving in the sky, descending and rising like a yo-yo, also moving from left to right.

Witnesses were able to observe it for quite a long time before it disappeared vertically behind a hill.

The author says that an investigation was carried out by the ADRUP ufology group of the Côte-d'Or, reported in Le Bien Public for October 4, 1954.

This indicated that the moon and the planet Mars were very present from the horizon [sic], hence the conclusion that the witnesses would have observed a red moon.

[Note:] The author is mistaken, ADRUP did not conduct any investigation, and no investigation by ADRUP, a ufology group created in the 1970s, could not have appeared in Le Bien Public for October 4, 1954. ADRUP only took the information from this newspaper, and my explanations on this page were mistaken by the author as coming from ADRUP.



We have a clear date, October 1, 1954, an approximate time, 7 p.m., a place, Corbigny. This makes it possible to check whether the thing would have been the red moon observed from a car on sinuous roads (because "disappears vertically behind a hill" implies a descent and not a climb, for example...)


The moon was in the sky, at the azimuth of 222 ° 37 ', and better, it was very close to the horizon, at only 7° 2' elevation, thus ready to disappear behind a hill.

This being noted, the Moon was crescent-shaped, with only 19% of its surface illuminated, not in disc shape. This is not a fatal objection, since it would be enough if it were partially hidden by a cloud to make it even more easily misinterpreted. But I want to add that the planet Mars, an orange luminous disc, was also present in the sky, at the azimuth 174° 16' and the rather low elevation of 17° 15', very bright with 85% of its surface illuminated.

More annoying are the details in L'Ardennais, about the several changes of altitude, and the disapeareance said to have occurred "vertically"; which suggest a rise.

So I would let this case "unidentified" for now.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Corbigny, Nièvre, multiple, salesman, disk, luminous, orange, ascent, descent, duration, maneuvers


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross February 6, 2019 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross July 20, 2019 Addition [ads1]. In the Summary, addition of "In the regional newspaper L'Ardennais..." In the Explanations, addition of "More annoying" and what follows.
1.2 Patrick Gross February 29 2020 Addition [nnm1].
1.3 Patrick Gross April 25, 2020 Addition [jps1].
1.4 Patrick Gross January 14, 2021 Addition [bre1].
1.5 Patrick Gross February 11, 2021 Addition [aln1].
1.6 Patrick Gross February 22, 2021 Addition [ler1].
1.7 Patrick Gross May 17, 2021 Addition [lon1].
1.8 Patrick Gross April 19, 2022 Addition [gqy1].

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