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Pictures by amateurs in the US:

A collection of pictures by amateurs in the US.

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UFO picture

South Carolina 07.03.1973:

On their family farm, several witnesses sighted this strange object as it floated in the sky towards them. As it got closer, the craft emitted a high-pitched whine before disappearing into the clear blue sky.

UFO picture

Salt Lake City 08.03.1972:

Standing in a vacant lot near the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City, Utah, Mr. Roy Lauritson took several photographs of this hazy object hovering directly over the Temple. The negatives have been analyzed and found to be free of manipulation.

UFO picture

Las Lunas, New Mexico 09.24.1972:

A farmer in Las Lunas, Mexico, returning to town, spotted several small objects "fluttering" along a few dozen feet above the desert scrub. They were small, about three feet in diameter, silver in color and made a buzzing sound. Similar domed disc-shaped objects were seen and photographed in the same area about five years later.

UFO picture

Louisville, Kentucky, 03.10.1973:

"It was about 2:00pm I'd guess. I didn't hear anything. I had just seen two chipmunks scampering around the base of a Sycamore tree. Then I looked up and, by God, there it was... this round flying saucer. That's all I know to call it," reported this an electronics technician from Louisville. The man took six pictures in all, two of which were blurred because of the object's rapid departure. The pictures and negatives were examined by the COURIER-JOURNAL photo staff, and if the photos were faked, they were fakes of the highest quality. There were no other sightings in this area at this time.

UFO picture

Kapiolani Park, Hawaii, 05.25.1974:

Tourists, vacationing in Kapiolani Park, were surprised by this UFO when it shot over the island in broad daylight. The entire encounter occurred within seconds. No military aircraft were observed following the craft.

UFO picture

Las Lunas, New Mexico, May 1977:

A small object, about 12 to 18 inches in diameter, momentarily flew inside this tool shed and out again before it flew away. The photographer, a farmer, photographed a similar object on 09.24.1972. A larger picture is available.

UFO picture

Indianapolis, Indiana, 10.03.1977:

At 03:30 p.m. on March 10, 1977, young Ricky Brandenburg was on the porch in front of his house, watching his mother talk to a neighbor lady. She asked him to bring the dog's dish out, when he happened to look over towards a two-story house to his right on the far end of the row of houses. He saw a strange object in the sky beyond, it came around into an open space and he could see that what he initially thought was an airplane or helicopter was actually something quite unusual, so he got a camera and took pictures as soon as he returned out of the house with the camera. He took five snapshots out in front of the house as the object moved rapidly across his field of view. He thought it was gone and started telling his mother what had happened, when he thought perhaps it would be visible from the back yard. He ran through the house to look, and sure enough, it had come around and was out there, only much closer. He got three more pictures before it went around the house again, so he ran back through the house and out front once more, and saw it in time to get another picture, roll the film, and snap once more as it bobbed a couple of times and rose almost vertically out of sight.

UFO picture

Colfax, Wisconsin, 04.19.1978:

The photographer of this craft first noticed it when his transistor radio was overcome with static. The craft hung in the air for several minutes before speeding up into the atmosphere. More information and larger pictures here.

UFO picture

Colfax, Wisconsin, 04.19.1978:

At 1:30pm on April 19, 1978, a witness known only as Mr. S. and his friend saw and photographed a disc-shaped object with a dome on top. The object made a crackling sound as it passed around them. Mr. S. noticed an amber or orange-red light centered underneath in addition to several small lights that were blinking on and off erratically for different lengths of time. He also noticed four "pods" or landing gear under the outer rim of the ship.

UFO picture

Portland, Oregon, 1992:

Five photographs of this sighting were taken by a group of teenagers in Portland, Oregon in the spring of 1992. The teenagers were intimidated by local authorities who tried to stop their investigation of the phenomenon. One teenager had the courage to send the photographs to Anthony Dodd, a retired police inspector in England who also is an avid UFO investigator.

UFO picture

Timber Lake, Maine, 1958:

On July 7, 1958, a troop of a score of boy scouts accompanied by their six adult chiefs had established their camp at Timber Lake in Maine, USA. They saw above a wooden area a disc appearing in the sky. It oscillated, had bronze reflections, and emitted a low tone huming sound. Two photographs were taken by one of the chiefs, Phil Johnson, just before the UFO bent, went up, and fled at very high speed.

UFO picture

Yorba Linda, California, 1967:

On January 24, 1967, a 14 years old boy there saw a cylindrical object by his window on the second floor of his house and managed to take a picture of it.

UFO picture

St. George, Minnesota, October 21, 1965:

October 21, 1965, Deputy Sheriff Arthur Strauch and other witnesses observed a hovering and maneuvering UFO for several minutes, and Strauch managed to capture it on a color slide before it zoomed away.

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This page was last updated on October 1, 2007.