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UFO photographs:

Timber Lake, Maine, USA, July 7, 1958:

On July 7, 1958, a troop of a score of boy scouts accompanied by their six adult chiefs had established their camp at Timber Lake in Maine, USA.

They saw above a wooden area a disc appearing in the sky. It oscillated, had bronze reflections, and emitted a low tone huming sound.

Two photographs were taken by one of the chiefs, Phil Johnson, just before the UFO bent, went up, and fled at very high speed.

The photographs were then received by one of the important ufology groups of that time, Ground Saucer Watch, which tried to find a possible faking, in vain.

The case then drowned into oblivion.

The first photograph:

Enlargement of the object in the second photograph:

Micrometric enlargement of objext in the first photographie, by S.D.S California:

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This page was last updated on May 15, 2005.