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October 2, 1954, Gouesnach, Finistère:

Reference for this case: 2-Oct-54-Gouesnach.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The regional newspaper La Liberté du Morbihan for October 5, 1954 reported that five schoolchildren from Gouesnach, a small town located about fifteen km from Quimper, claimed to have seen in the sky, on October 2 October 1954 in the middle of the afternoon, "two mysterious apparatuses."

The schoolchildren were Annick and Yves Le Bris, Marc Gouesdec, Raymond Madec and J.C. Bellec, all aged 7 to 8.

The child who was most specific was Annick Le Bris, who said: "the two objects suddenly appeared in the sky, they looked like two upside-down 'bowls', with, between them, a long cigar. At times they moved and at times they stayed in place, only the "bowls" rotated when the objects moved."

She specified that when the craft moved, they no longer saw the middle part having the shape of a cigar.

The children had not told their parents until October 4, 1954, about what they had seen.

The newspaper found it all odd and disturbing, and added that none of the children except one boy had heard of flying saucers and that all five were visibly impressed by what they had seen. The newspaper also commented that the accuracy of their observations was impressive.

At their request to draw what she saw, Annick le Bris did not hesitate, she took her pencil case from her desk, took out a pencil, and in a few moments, made a sketch to which her younger brother only made a detail correction.

Other newspapers across France reported the fact, but very briefly: the Parisian magazine Radar published a photo of Annick Le Bris, presented as the daughter of the school director, in front of a drawing she was doing on her school's blackboard:


In the archives of a Brittany ufology group, the GEPSI, I was able to find a file on the case, obviously consisting of the transcription of an article from the local press, but without the name of the newspaper nor its date, which must have been noted on an additional page, which I did not get. The content is essentially:

Yesterday we collected a really curious testimony, that of five schoolchildren from the Gouesnac'h public school.

The children all are aged from 7 to 8 years and belong to the class of Mr. Cornic, teacher in Gouesnac'h. It is about Annick and Yves Le Bris (children of the school principal), Jean-Claude Bellec, Raymond Nader and Marc Gouézec.

The "apparition" is on Saturday October 2, about midday, but the children, although puzzled, did not speak about it immediately to their parents and it is yesterday morning only that young Annick, a very waked up and intelligent pupil, was to speak to her father about it while lunching. Mr. Le Bris, who had just read his newspaper, requested from his daughter many precise details that she provided him easily by the way. The other pupils, who played with the young girl, confirmed her remarks and recognized in a drawing that she made on the black board, the object that they had also seen in the sky.

We ourselves questioned the children and we are astonished like the teachers, of the precise details which they provide.

The five pupils left the canteen Saturday, where they had just finished their lunch, and had fun before returning in class. They were still alone in the playground, having been the first to finish lunching.

It is at this point in time that they suddenly saw in the sky, coming from the direction of Pleuven (i.e. the south), two objects which astonished them.

- We climbed on the wall of the court for better seeing, said young Annick.

The children are obviously too young to appreciate the dimensions of the objects and the time during which they saw them. However, it seems that it was a rather long time, about a few minutes. Here the description that young Annick Le Bris gave, in naive and amusing terms sometimes, often with gestures:

- It was, she told us, like two bowls "one against the other", bus separated by something longer, resembling a cigar. My brother believed initially that it was a helicopter, but there was no propeller.

- Were these two craft moving?

- Oh, yes. They seemed like wandering around the church, the school and the field. They did not fly very high. At moments, they remained stationary and only "one of the bowls" turned. Sometimes the bowls were not seen anymore, but only the cigar."

This would explain in particular why certain witnesses claim to have seen saucers, and others the cigars. Because the five children are formal on this point on which we insisted: per moment, the children [sic] had void shapes, and by moment that of a cigar.

- Did these two machines go quickly? we asked

- Quicker than a plane, but they were not so high.

- Which color did they have?

The children hesitate one moment and answer:

- Dark gray. Somehow like aluminum. But it did not shine much.

With regard to the noise, none of the children is able to define it exactly.

- It was not like a motor, not like a plane, they say. It was not a whistle either.

According to what we understood, it was a kind of "hush".

- How did the two saucers disappear?

On this point still, all the five are also precise:

- one zoomed away and the other caught up.



Flying saucer in the sky of Britanny

QUIMPER -. Five schoolkids of Gouesnach, a small community located at about fifteen Kms of Quimper, claim to have seen this latest Saturday in full after midday, two mysterious machines in the sky.

Annick and Yves Le bris, Marc Gouesdec, Raymond Madec and J. C. Bellec, are all aged 7 to 8. The child who was the most precise is young Annick Le Bris, who stated: "the two objects appeared suddenly in the sky, one would have said two "bowls" upside down, with, between them, a long cigar. At some moments they moved and at some moment they remained still, only the "bowls" turned when the objects moved."

The young girl also specified that when the machines moved, one did not see the median part having the shape of a cigar anymore.

The children spoke to their parents only yesterday morning about what they had seen Saturday in the sky.

All that is odd and disconcerting. None of the children (except one boy) had ever heard about flying saucers. They are besides too young to have paid attention. All the five were obviously impressed by what they saw. As for us, we were astonished by the precision by their observations. For example, at our request to draw what she saw, youg Annick Le Bris did not hesitate. Seizing her pencil box in her desk, she took out a pencil, and in a few moments, made a sketch to which her young brother made only one correction of detail.

[Ref. lae1:] NEWSPAPER "L'ALSACE":

The newspaper reports on October 6, 1954, with no other information, that there was a sighting in "Gouesnach, near Quimper". The date is not given but the sighting is mentioned among others that took place on October 2 and 3, 1954.

See the article here.


The flying objects saraband

(Continued from the first page)


Saucers, cigars, discs, balls and other "flying" objects were seen at Chancelade (Haute-Vienne), Willer (Haut-Rhin) [Sep. 30.], Gouesnach, near Quimper, Beutignecourt, Ambazac (Haute-Vienne) [Oct. 1], Dijon [Oct. 2], Marcoing near Cambrai [Oct. 3], Pommier (Indre) [Oct. 3], Rouen [Oct. 3], Ajaccio, la Rochelle [Oct. 2], Quimper [Oct. 2], Cholet [Oct. 2] and Vannes [Oct. 2].


[Ref. rdr1:] "RADAR" MAGAZINE:


FINISTERE Annick le Bris, daughter of the Gouesnach school director: "the saucer was like this!"




Groupe d'Etude des Phénomènes Spatiaux Inexpliqués [Unexplained Space Phenomena Study Group]



Type of testimony: DD

Date: October 2, 1954

Time: About 12:00


Number of witnesses: 5



Case summary


A schoolgirl of Gouesnac'h drew on the blackboard the machines which she saw in the sky.

Everyone can think of the flying saucers what he wants. All the assumptions with regard to their exact nature are allowed for the moment and the most various testimonys abound on their subject.

The first question is obviously to know if they exist or not. It should well be recognized that in the whole one remains skeptic although "honourable and worthy of faith" the witnesses who speak about it are. And yet this scepticism is sometimes shaken, so much are the descriptions which are given precise and concordant. We collected a really curious testimony yesterday, that of five schoolcildren of the public school of Gouesnac'h.

The children all are aged from 7 to 8 years and belong to the class of Mr. Cornic, teacher in Gouesnac'h. It is about Annick and Yves Le Bris (children of the school principal), Jean-Claude Bellec, Raymond Nader and Marc Gouézec.



The "apparition" is on Saturday October 2, about midday, but the children, although puzzled, did not speak about it immediately to their parents and it is yesterday morning only that young Annick, a very waked up and intelligent pupil, was to speak to her father about it while lunching. Mr. Le Bris, who had just read his newspaper, requested from his daughter many precise details that she provided him easily by the way. The other pupils, who played with the young girl, confirmed her remarks and recognized in a drawing that she made on the black board, the object that they had also seen in the sky.

We ourselves questioned the children and we are astonished like the teachers, of the precise details which they provide.


The five pupils left the canteen Saturday, where they had just finished their lunch, and had fun before returning in class. They were still alone in the playground, having been the first to finish lunching.

It is at this point in time that they suddenly saw in the sky, coming from the direction of Pleuven (i.e. the south), two objects which astonished them.

- we climbed on the wall of the court for better seeing, said young Annick.

The children are obviously too young to appreciate the dimensions of the objects and the time during which they saw them. However, it seems that it was a rather long time, about a few minutes. Here the description that young Annick Le Bris gave, in naive and amusing terms sometimes, often with gestures:

- it was, she told us, like two bowls "one against the other", bus separated by something longer, resembling a cigar. My brother believed initially that it was a helicopter, but there was no propeller.

- Were these two craft moving?

- Oh, yes. They seemed like wandering around the church, the school and the field. They did not fly very high. At moments, they remained stationary and only "one of the bowls" turned. Sometimes the bowls were not seen anymore, but only the cigar."

This would explain in particular why certain witnesses claim to have seen saucers, and others the cigars. Because the five children are formal on this point on which we insisted: per moment, the children [sic] had void shapes, and by moment that of a cigar.

- did these two machines go quickly? we asked

- quicker than a plane, but they were not so high.

- which color did they have?

The children hesitate one moment and answer:

- dark gray. Somehow like aluminum. But it did not shine much.

With regard to the noise, none of the children is able to define it exactly.

- it was not like a motor, not like a plane, they say. It was not a whistle either.

According to what we understood, it was a kind of "hush".

- How did the two saucers disappear?

On this point still, all the five are also precise:

- one zoomed away and the other caught up.


Note: The GEPSI casefile above is obviously the reproduction of an article from the Press of that time; which references are unfortunately not indicated.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


2 octobre [1954]

[... Other cases...]

12 h 30: Gouesnach (Finistère): bi-convex lens

[... Other cases...]

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates in his database that in the Finistère in Gouesnach on October 2, 1954 at an unknown hour, "Five schoolboys affirm to have seen in the sky in full afternoon, two mysterious craft."

"They all are 7 to 8 years old. The most precise description is the following one: 'the two objects appeared suddenly in the sky, one would have said two bowls back to back, with, between them, a long cigar. At times they moved and ant times they remained motionless, only the bowls turned when the objects moved.'"

"The witness also specified that when the craft moved, one did not see any more the median part having the shape of a cigar. Only one child had heard talks about flying saucers before the observation, but without paying attention to that. All the five were obviously impressed by what they saw."

The source is indicated as being my website at "".

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541002 02.10.1954 Gouesnach France

[Ref. voi1:] "ARCHIVES VIGIE OVNI 29":

Gouesnac ( 29 950 ), 02 October 1954, 12 h 00 ...

Testimony nr. FR 29 950 1954 10 02 12 00

Available documents:



Not looked for yet.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Gouesnach, Finistère, children, child, multiple, two, bowls, disc, cigar, balance, manoeuvre, rotation, daylight, Annick Le Bris, Yves Le Bris, Marc Gouesdec, Raymond Madec, J.C. Bellec


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross December 2, 2005 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross February 27, 2009 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Addition [lcn1].
1.1 Patrick Gross June 3, 2010 Addition [lae1].
1.2 Patrick Gross June 28, 2010 Addition [rdr1].
1.3 Patrick Gross December 22, 2016 Addition [ubk1].
1.4 Patrick Gross February 7, 2017 Addition [voi1].
1.5 Patrick Gross February 17, 2021 Addition [ads1].
1.6 Patrick Gross November 29, 2021 Addition [gqy1].
1.7 Patrick Gross July 4, 2022 Addition of the Summary.

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