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October 26, 1954, Angoulême, Charente:

Reference for this case: 26-oct-54-Angouleme.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


In the regional newspaper Var-Matin - République for October 29, 1954, it was reported that a trucker from Tarbes, Mr. Vincent Casamajou, who was heading at approximately 6 a.m. with a load in the direction of Angoulême, with his wife, had seen in his rearview mirror, a strange white glow.

He had parked his truck on the road side, and both saw a craft that had just taken off a meadow, less than 50 meters away.

The craft had the shape of a huge cauldron, and rose at a great speed at a 45° angle, leaving behind a white trail, and it disappeared in the clouds.

Mr. Casamajou and his wife claimed that this "cauldron" was as big as a 5 ton truck and was flying noiselessly.

There was apparently a dispatch from the Agence France Presse (AFP) on this case as early as October 27, 1954, and an article in the national newspaper Le Parisien for October 28, 1954.

This is also one of the rare French cases of 1954 that had the honors of the foreign press, in the form: "a resident of Angouleme declared that he saw a 'flying cauldron' as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow."

In the 1970s, ufologists Charles Garreau and Raymond Lavier, without giving a source, gave more information, including the date of October 25, 1954, for the observation, saying that Mr. Vincent Casamajou was a truck driver in Tarbes, Place du Foirail, he was returning to Paris, with his young wife aboard his truck. It was 18 kilometers north of Angouleme, as the truck was climbing a hill in second gear, that he saw the strange white glow in his rearview mirror and stopped, puzzled, on the roadside. Garreau and Lavier give this quote:

"My wife and I, we realized at once that this gleam was emitted by a craft that had just taken off of a field, at approximately 50 meters of us. It had the volume of my 5 tons truck. It resembled an enormous cauldron. It rose at a 45° angle, leaving behind it a very clear white trail. We followed its trajectory during approximately thirty seconds. It disappeared in the clouds. The white trail quickly faded."


[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":


Saucers, cigars, etc.

The mayor of Châteauneuf-du
Pape forbids overflight
of his commune
"by the saucers"

Mr. Lucien Jeune, mayor of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, just made a bold decision, which was also approved by the prefect of Vaucluse and made enforceable on Wednesday.

The mayor of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, in fact, has the following decree posted:

"FIRST ART. -- The overflight, landing and take-off of aircraft, known as flying saucers or flying cigars of any nationality whatsoever, are prohibited on the territory of the municipality.

ART. 2. -- Any aircraft, known as a flying saucer or a flying cigar, which lands on the territory of the municipality will be immediately impounded.

ART. 3. -- The rural warden and the private warden are each responsible, as far as they are concerned, with the execution of this decree."

Let it be said in France and in the stratosphere!

Good luck to the rural warden!

A cultivator "blown away"
by a mysterious being

A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Aimé Bousard, 47, told the Aubusson gendarmes about the "strange encounter" he made on Tuesday evening, returning from the village of Alleyrat (Creuse).

"At a place called "La Madière", he stated, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stopped to observe the individual better. The latter, who was lowered, suddenly stood up, shining two powerful lamps at me, projecting a very dense clear blue light. He also had, on both sides of his head, a light green lamp, which emitted rays much weaker than the others. He appeared six feet tall, and at first I thought he was wearing a diving suit.

Suddenly, under the effect of a pressure comparable to a breath, I was thrown to the other side of the road, where I remained ten minutes without being able to scream or call for help. The light blue lamps remained pointed at me. They finally died out. The being crossed the road and suddenly disappeared. I felt and still feel pain in my legs and right hand.

At the place indicated by the farmer, the gendarmes noticed that the ground had been freshly stirred. The grass was torn up over an area of ??70 centimeters in diameter. No footstep trace was found.

Two motorists
see the take off
of a "cauldron"
as big as a five ton truck

A truck driver from Tarbes, Mr. Vincent Casamajou, who was heading the other morning, around 6 a.m., towards Angoulême, in the company of his wife, saw in his rearview mirror a strange white glow. Having parked his truck on the side of the road, he saw, as well as his wife, a craft which had just taken off from a meadow, less than 50 meters away. The craft, which had the shape of a huge cauldron, rose at a very high speed, at an angle of 45°, leaving a white trail behind.

Mr. Casamajou and his wife claimed that this cauldron was as big as a 5 t truck. and flew silently.




Drunk saucer and candy pink cigar in the Italian sky

Rome, October 28.

THREE employees of the Modena prefecture of police made statements about the appearance of a strange "craft" in the sky of this city. They claimed that the craft, after having traveled several kilometers in zigzags, would have stopped just above the airfield by launching luminous rockets in all directions, after which it would have gone vertiginously towards the Apennines.

In Florence, hundreds of people who attended a training session of the local soccer team, as well as the players of this team, claimed that several "imprecise objects", of an absolute white crossed the sky in formation, moving from north to south. These "craft" included "cigars" and "discs."

Another machine, of cylindrical shape and of a very marked pink color, crossed, according to three witnesses, the sky of Verola at high speed, in direction of the northwest.


Guéret, October 28.

A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Aimé Bousard, 47 years old, told the gendarmes of Aubusson "the strange encounter" which he had on Tuesday evening when he came back from the village of Alleyrat (Creuse).

At a place called "La Madrière", he said, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stopped to better observe the individual. The latter, who was lowered, suddenly stood up, pointing at me two powerful lamps projecting a very dense light blue light. He also had on each side of his head a light green lamp which emitted much weaker rays than the others. It appeared to be 1.60 m tall and I first thought he was dressed in a diving suit.

Suddenly, under the effect of a pressure comparable to a breath, I was thrown across the road where I stayed for ten minutes without being able to shout or call for help. The light blue lamps were still on me. They finally died out. The being crossed the road and suddenly disappeared. I felt and still feel pain in my legs and my right hand.

At the place indicated by the cultivator, the gendarmes noted that the earth had been freshly moved. The grass had been uprooted over an area of ??70 centimeters in diameter. No footprints were found.


Tarbes, October 28.

A truck driver from Tarbes, Mr. Vincent Casamajou, who was heading in the morning around 6 a.m., with a load in the direction of Angoulème, in the company of his wife, saw in his rear view mirror a strange white glow. Having parked his truck on the side of the road, he saw, like his wife, a craft that had just taken off from a meadow, less than 50 meters away. The craft, which had the shape of a huge cauldron, rose at a high speed at an angle of 45°. It left behind a white trail, it disappeared in the clouds.

Mr. Casamajou and his wife claimed that this "cauldron" was as big as a 5-ton truck, and was flying without noise.



False Martian and
saucer in Creil

New craft appearances
in France and Italy

The saucers seem to be becoming increasingly rare in the skies of France, that they desert, if we are to believe the witnesses, for Italy. The reports also allude to two stories of "Martians", one occurring in the Creuse, the second, that of Creil, not being than a prank imagined by a railway worker.

This one had made, using an old oil can and a transparent raincoat, a diving suit, to which he had even added, to make it better, a lamp projecting a green glow.

In the evening, he rushed towards twenty of his comrades who not only were panicked, but also apparently found the source of information which quickly reached the North of France and announcing an invasion of Martians in Creil.

It all ended in a general burst of laughter, even as regards the administration, because the railway worker had carried out this mistification [sic] outside of his working hours.

Continued on page 10



Continued from the 1st page

However, our region had the visit of one of these craft. This is at least what several residents of the rue Jean-Jaurès in Creil think, who declared to have noticed on Tuesday, an "abnormal glow" in the sky, in the middle of the afternoon.

It is also a "strange white glow" that declared to have seen a truck driver of Tarbes, Mr. Vincent Casamajou, while he was heading, in the morning around 6 a.m., with a load towards Angoulême, in the company of his wife.

Having parked my truck on the side of the road, I saw, as well as my wife, he said, a craft which had just taken off from a meadow, less than 50 meters away. The craft, which was of the shape of a huge cauldron, rose at a very high speed, at an angle of 45°. It left behind a white trail, it disappeared in the clouds.

Mr. Casamajou and his wife claimed that this "cauldron" was as big as a 5-ton truck and flew noiselessly.

The "paralyzing" Martian

For his part, a farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Aimé Bousard, 47, told the gendarmes of Aubusson "the strange encounter" he lived on his return from the village of Alleyrat (Creuse).

At the place called "La Madière", he declared, I saw a shape which was on the side of the road. I stopped to better observe the individual. The latter, who was lowered, rose abruptly, shining two powerful lamps on me, projecting a very dense light blue light. He also had, on each side of his head, a light green colored lamp which emitted much weaker rays than the others. He appeared to be 1.60 m high and at first I thought he was wearing a diving suit.

Suddenly, under the effect of a pressure comparable to a breath I was thrown to the other side of the road where I remained ten minutes without being able to scream or call for help. The light blue lamps remained pointed at me. They finally died out. The being crossed the road and suddenly disappeared. I felt and still feel pain in my legs and right hand.

At the place indicated by the farmer, the gendarmes noticed that the earth had been freshly stirred up. The grass had been pulled up over an area of 70 cm. of diameter. No footsteps were found.

Italian saucers

Three employees of the Modena police headquarters have made statements concerning the appearance of a strange "craft" in the sky of this city.

In Florence, hundreds of people who attended a training session of the local football team, as well as the players of this team claimed that several "imprecise objects", of an absolute white color, crossed the sky in formation moving from north to south. These "objects" included "cigars" and "discs."


Saucer here,
Saucer there,
A farmer blown away!

Guéret. -- A farmer of the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Aimé Bousard, 47 years old, told to the gendarmes of Aubusson, the "strange encounter" he it made while returning from the village of Alleyrat (the Creuse). "At the locality "La Madière", he stated, I saw a form moving on the side of the road. I stopped to better observe the individual. The latter, who was bending down, suddenly stood up, directing on me two powerful projectors, lamps projecting a very dense light blue light. He also had, on each side of the head, a light green lamp very dense which emitted rays much weaker than the others. He seemed to be one meter sixty tall and I believed initially that he was dressed of a diving-suit."

"Suddenly, under the effect of a pressure comparable to a blow, I was thrown to the other side of the road where I remained ten minutes without being able to shout or call for help. The light blue lamps remained directed on me. I felt and I still feel pains in the legs and in the right hand."

At the place indicated by the farmer, the gendarmes noted that the ground had been freshly stirred up. The grass had been torn off on a surface of 70 cm in diameter. No trace of footstep was found.

Flying cauldron

Tarbes. -- A truck-driver of Tarbes, Mr. Vincent Casamajou, who was going in the morning towards 6 o'clock, with a loading in direction of Angoulème, in company of his wife, saw in his rear view mirror, a strange white gleam. Having parked his truck on the low side of the road, he saw, and his wife too, a machine which had just taken off from a meadow, at less than 50 meters. The apparatus, which had the shape of a huge cauldron, rose at a high speed, following a 45° angle. It left behind a white trail, it disappeared in the clouds.

Mr. Casamajou and his wife affirmed that this "cauldron" was large like a 5-ton truck and flew without noise.

Drunken saucer and candy-pink cigar

Rome. -- Three employees of the prefecture of police force of Modena made statements about the appearance of a foreign "machine" in the sky of this city. They affirmed that the apparatus after having crossed several kilometers in zigzag stopped just above the airfield while launching flares in all the directions, after that, it reportedly moved away vertiginously towards the Apennines.

In Florence, hundreds of people who attended a local training session of the soccer team, as well as the players of this team affirmed that several "unfathomable objects" of an absolute white crossed the sky in formation, moving from the north towards the south. These "objects" included "cigars" and "discs".

Another machine, of cylindrical form and a very marked pink color, crossed, according to three witnesses, the sky of Verola at a fast pace, in direction of the North-West.



Drunk saucer and candy pink cigar in the Italian sky

Rome, 28. -- Three employees of the Modena Police Headquarters made statements about the apparition of a strange "machine" in the sky of this city. They claimed that the craft, after having traveled several kilometers in zigzags, would have stopped just above the airfield while launching luminous rockets in all directions. After which, it would have moved away vertiginously towards the Apennines mountains.

In Florence, hundreds of people who attended a training session for the local soccer team, as well as the players of this team, claimed that several absolutely "undefinable objects" of absolute white crossed the sky in formation by heading from north to south. These "objects" comprized "cigars" and "disks."

Another machine, of cylindrical shape and of a very marked pink color, crossed, according to three witnesses, the sky of Verola at high speed, in northwesterly direction.

The strange encounter
of a farmer
of the Creuse

Guéret, 28. -- A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. André Bousard, 47, told the gendarmes of Aubusson "the strange encounter" that he made while returning from the village of Alleyrat (Creuse).

At the location called "La Madière", he said, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stopped to better observe the character. The latter, who was lowered, stood up suddenly, pointing at me two powerful lamps projecting a very dense light blue light. He also had on each side of his head a light green lamp which emitted much weaker rays than the others. It appeared to be 1 m. 80 high and I thought he was dressed in a spacesuit.

Suddenly, under the effect of a pressure comparable to a blow, I was thrown across the road where I stayed for ten minutes without being able to shout or call for help. The light blue lamps were still on me. They finally died. The being crossed the road and suddenly disappeared. I felt and I still feel pain in my legs and my right hand.

At the place indicated by the farmer, the gendarmes noted that the ground had been freshly moved. The grass had been uprooted over an area of 70 cm in diameter. No trace was found.

A flying cauldron

Tarbes, 28. -- A trucker from Tarbes, Mr. Vincent Casamajou, who was heading in the morning around 6 a.m. with a load in the direction of Angoulême, in the company of his wife, saw in his rearview mirror a strange white glow. Having parked his truck on the side of the road, he saw, like his wife, a craft that had just taken off from a meadow, less than 50 meters away. The craft, which was in the shape of a huge cauldron, rose at a very high speed at an angle of 45 degrees. It left behind a white trail. It disappeared into the clouds.

Mr. Casamajou and his wife claimed that the "cauldron" was as big as a 5-ton truck and flew without noise.



Drunk saucer and candy pink cigar in Italy

Harms of a Martian in the Creuse
Near Tarbes, a "flying cauldron"
was big as a 5 ton truck

ROME, October 28. - Three employees of the Modena Prefecture of Police made statements regarding the appearance of a strange "craft" in the sky of this city. They claimed that the craft, after having traveled several kilometers in zigzags, would have stopped just above the airfield by launching luminous rockets in all directions, after which it would have gone vertiginously towards the Apennines.

In Florence, hundreds of people who attended a training session for the local football team, as well as the players of this team, claimed that several "imprecise objects", of an absolute white, crossed the sky, in formation and moving from north to south.

Another machine, of cylindrical shape and of a candy pink color crossed, according to three witnesses, the sky of Verola at high speed, in north-south direction.


A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. André Bousard, 47, told the gendarmes of Aubusson "the strange encounter" he made when he came back from the village of Alleyrat (Creuse).

At the place called "La Madière", he said, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stopped to better observe the individual. The latter, who was lowered, rose suddenly, pointing at me two powerful lamps projecting a very dense light blue light.

Two lamps on each side of the head

He had a light green lamp on each side of his head which emitted much weaker rays than the others. It appeared to be 1.60 m high and I first thought he was dressed in a spacesuit.

Suddenly, under the pressure of an air gush, I was thrown across the road where I stayed for ten minutes without being able to shout or call for help. The light blue lamps were still on me. They finally died out. The being crossed the road and suddenly disappeared. I felt and I still feel pain in my legs and my right hand.

Continuation in 2nd page under the title:




(Continuation of the 1st page)

At the place indicated by the farmer, the gendarmes noted that the earth had been freshly moved. The grass had been uprooted from an area 70 centimeters in diameter. No footprints were found.

On the other hand, a truck driver from Tarbes, Mr. Vincent Casamajou, who was heading in the morning around 6 a.m. with a load, towards Angoulême, in the company of his wife, saw in his rear view mirror a strange white glow.

Having parked his truck on the side of the road, he saw, like his wife, a craft which had just taken off from a meadow, at less than fifty meters away.

The craft, which had the shape of a huge cauldron, rose at a very high speed at an angle of 45 degrees. Leaving behind a white trail, it disappeared into the clouds.

Mr. Casamajou and his wife claimed that this "cauldron" was as big as a 5-ton truck, and flew without noise.



MARTIAN -- Aime Bousard, 47, a farmer, reported to police at Aubusson, France, that he encountered a Martian creature on a country road and was paralyzed by the "thing" for 10 minutes. He said the Martian left in a space ship looking like a "flying cauldron."



They're Seeing Those Saucers In France!

Paris -- INS -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson claimed that he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow.



Flying Saucers Back In France

Paris (INS) -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson claimed that he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow.



More 'Flying Saucers' Reported in France

Paris, Oct. 30. (INS) -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson claimed that he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow.



France Reports Two More Flying Saucers

PARIS, Oct. 30 (INS) -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson claimed that he was paralyszed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow.



France Reports More 'Saucers'

Paris (INS) -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson claimed that he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck.



French Saucer Tales On Rise; Ray Added

Paris, Oct 30. INS -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson claimed that he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck.



Flights Of Fancy

PARIS (INS) -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson declared he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow.



Two Report Seeing Saucers In France

PARIS (INS) -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson declared he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow.



Flying Saucers Back In France

Paris (INS) -- France, which has had more than its share of flying saucers recently, has two more reports to add to the list.

A 47-year-old farmer in Aubusson claimed that he was paralyzed for 10 minutes by "blue lights" pointed at him by "a creature in a sort of diving suit." And a resident of Angouleme said he saw a "flying cauldron" as big as a five-ton truck taking off from a meadow.

[Ref. mcs1:] "MICHEL CARROUGES":

The author lists cases with emissions, and evokes that with the Casamajou testimony, there were white trails, and that the observation was made at less than 50 meters. He notes that the source is the A.F.P., for October 27, 1954.

[Ref. mcs2:] "MICHEL CARROUGES":

Discussin observation distances for the saucer landing cases in France for September and October 1954, "Michel Carrouges" indicates:

"Less than 50 m: 1 case (Casamajou)"

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

395 26 10 1954 06 00 1 ANGOULEME.18.KM. F 001 3A


The ufologist Fernand Lagarde believed he found a connection between the locations of UFO sightings and the locations of earthquakes or geological faults.

He published a map centered on the Charente-Maritime department, with parts of the surrounding departments, with these cases (his list is incomplete) represented, all dates October 1954:

"N 150 between Saintes and Royan 10.54"
"Taupignac 10.54"
"Pont L'Abbé 10.54"
"St Savinien 10.54"
"Birac 10.54"
"Soudran 10.54"
"Tourriers 10.54"
"Angouleme 10.54"
"Puymoyen 10.54"
"Marcillac 10.54"
"Nessier 10.54"
"Béruge 10.54"
"Lusignan 10.54"
"St Maixent 10.54"
"Niort 10.54"
"La Rochelle 10.54"
"Angles 10.54"
"Luçon 10.54"

Map by Fernand Lagarde

[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:


310) October 26, 1954, 06:00, Angouleme (France):

Vincent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron-shaped craft, the size of a truck (about 7 m) at 50 m distance, near the road, 18 km from this town, going toward Paris. It took off without noise, leaving a white trail. (9Z) (Le Parisien, 28 oct 1954).


In a list of cases that the magazine called for investigation or re-investigation, there was:

310 10/26/54 Angoulême


The authors note that on October 25, 1954, Vincent Casamajou, conveyor from Tarbes, Place du Foirail, returns to Paris, with his young wife on board his truck, on the 25 [sic] of October 1954. While arriving at 18 kilometers at the north of Angouleme, whereas the heavy truck is engaged in climbing a hill in second gear, Mr. Casamajou sees a strange white gleam in his rear view mirror. Intrigued, he pulls down on the roadside. The following account is then given:

"My wife and I, we realized at once that this gleam was emitted by a craft that had just taken off of a field, at approximately 50 meters of us. It had the volume of my 5 tons truck. It resembled an enormous cauldron. It rose at a 45° angle, leaving behind it a very clear white trail. We followed its trajectory during approximately thirty seconds. It disappeared in the clouds. The white trail quickly faded."


490 26 October 1954 0600 hrs

ANGOULEME (FRANCE) Vincent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron shaped object the size of a truck (about 7m) at 50m distance near the road 18km from this town, going towards Paris. It took off vithou noise leaving a white trail. (M310; Le Parisien 28 Oct 54)

[Ref. hjn1:] HENRI JULIEN:

The author indicates that Vincent Casamajou, close to Angouleme, spotted an enormous "flying cauldron" leaving a vapor cloud behind, about October 1954.


The two authors indicate that on October 26, 1954, at 6 o'clock in the morning in Tourriers in the department of the Charente, a road conveyor from Tarbes, Vincent Casamajou, was at the steering wheel of his truck in company of his wife, and was driving on National Road RN10 while coming from Paris, climbing a hill in second gear.

Suddenly, they observed a gleam in the shape of a cauldron which had just taken off of a meadow. The driver saw in his rear view mirror and stopped the truck on the side of the road.

The object, which volume he compared with that of a five tons truck, rose at an angle of 45°, leaving behind itself a very clear white trail.

The witnesses followed with the eyes the object gaining distance during about thirty seconds before its disappearance in the sky. The white trail disappeared very quickly.

They indicate as sources the catalogue by Jacques Vallée, the book by Garreau and Lavier, and the newspaper "Le Parisien" for October 28, 1954.

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

October 26th. Angouleme, France. (6:00 a.m.)

Another strange object was seen next to a road 18 kilometers from the city of Angouleme by a French couple, a M. Vincent Casamajou and his wife. This object was larger than the one reported by M. Mabou near Arraye-Et-Han. The thing was estimated to be the size of a truck and had the appearance of what the witness said was a "large cauldron." The UFO vaulted skyward soundlessly, leaving a white trail behind. 206.


4283: 1954/10/26 06:00 5 0:09:00 E 45:30:00 N 3333 WEU FRN CHN 7:7


Ref#197 WEINSTEIN, D: French Newsclips 1954 Page No. 30 : FARMLANDS


The Belgian ufologist indicates in her catalogue that in 1954, on October 26 in France, at 18 km in the north of Angouleme, "At 06:00 Vincent Casamajou and his wife saw a large apparatus in the shape of a cauldron, the size of a truck 50 away m. It rose without noise, leaving a white trail."

The sources are noted "Le Parisien, 28 oct 1954" and "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 289".

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

Encounters with Aliens On this Day

October 26


1954 - At six o'clock in the morning Vincent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron-shaped craft, the size of a truck (about seven meters long) at 50 meters distance. It was near the road to Paris, 18 kilometers from the town of Angouleme, Charente, France. It took off without a sound, leaving a white trail. (Sources: Le Parisien, October 28, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 238, case 310).


[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

Tuesday, October 26, 1954

06:00 In Angouleme (France), Vincent Casamajou and his wife see 1 large apparatus in the shape of a cauldron, of the size of a truck, approximately 7 m, 50 m away, close to the road for Paris at 18 km of this city. It rises without noise, leaving a white trail.


The source is indicated as "Le Parisien, October 28, 1954".

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Charente in Tourriers on October 26, 1954 to 06:00 hours "a truck driver is driving his truck in company of his wife. The truck in on the N10 coming from Paris, it climbs a hill in second gear. Suddenly the witnesses observe a gleam in the shape of a cauldron which has just taken off a meadow. The driver saw it in his rear view mirror and stops the truck on roadside. The object, whose volume is compared with that of a five tons truck, rises under an angle of 45° while leaving behind it a very clear white trail. The witnesses follow the object going away during about thirty sonds before its disappearance in the sky. The white trail fainted very quickly."

The source is noted as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 26 October 1954 in Angouleme, France "Cauldron-shaped craft, the size of a truck, seen at 50 meters distance" and "At six o'clock in the morning in Angouleme, France Vincent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron-shaped craft, the size of a truck (about seven meters long) at 50 meters distance. It was near the road to Paris, 18 km from the town. It took off without a sound, leaving a white trail."

And: "Vincent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron-shaped craft, the size of a truck (about seven m) at 50 meters distance, near the road, 18 kilometers from this town, going toward Paris. It took off without noise, leaving a white trail."

And: "An object was sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft."

And: "One object, about 10 feet across, was observed by two witnesses, a married couple, on a highway for a few seconds (Casamajou)."

The source is indicated as Vallee Magonia Database.

[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 26 October 1954 06:00 at 18 kilometers from Angouleme, France, "An object was sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. One object, about 10 feet across, was observed by two witnesses, a married couple, on a highway for a few seconds."

The sources are indicated as Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002.

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 26, 1954 - At six o'clock in the morning Vincent Casamajou and his wife saw a large cauldron-shaped craft, the size of a truck (about seven meters long) at 50 meters distance. It was near the road to Paris, 18 kilometers from the town of Angouleme, Charente, France. It took off without a sound, leaving a white trail. (Sources: Le Parisien, October 28, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 238, case 310).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 5 times instead of one time:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541026 26.10.1954 Angouleme France 06.00
19541026 26.10.1954 Angouleme France 06.00 CE I
19541026 26.10.1954 Angouleme France 06.00 CE I
19541026 26.10.1954 Angouleme France 06.00 CE I
19541026 26.10.1954 Angouleme France 06.00 CE I


October 26 1954. 0600hrs.


Vincente [sic] Casmajou [sic] was in his truck with his wife, climbing up a hill 18km north of Angouleme, when they saw a white light in their rear view mirror. They saw that this came from a sort of huge "cauldron", the size of a 5 ton truck (about 7m long), which had taken off from a meadow. It climbed at 45 degrees, leaving a trail.



Probable meteor.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Angoulême, Charente, Vincent Casamajou, multiple, cauldron-shaped, craft, object, road, silence, white, trail


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross April 18, 2006 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross February 20, 2010 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [mcs1], [goe1], [djn1], [jbu1], [lcn1], [uda1], [uda2].
1.1 Patrick Gross March 18, 2010 Addition [hjn1].
1.2 Patrick Gross June 7, 2010 Addition [vmr1].
1.3 Patrick Gross June 30, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.4 Patrick Gross October 25, 2014 Addition [nip1].
1.5 Patrick Gross December 14, 2016 Additions [lgs1], [ubk1].
1.6 Patrick Gross September 19, 2017 Additions [tcp1], [tdr1], [tis1], [tnj1], [tst1], [ttr1].
1.7 Patrick Gross May 3, 2018 Additions [tci1], [tdt1].
1.8 Patrick Gross December 19, 2018 Additions [prn1], [lhh1], [prn2].
1.9 Patrick Gross August 21, 2019 Additions [tty1], [tjh1], [mcs2], [fle1], Summary. Explanations changes, were "Not looked for yet."
2.0 Patrick Gross February 20, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.1 Patrick Gross March 4, 2020 Addition [cpd1].
2.2 Patrick Gross April 16, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
2.3 Patrick Gross January 24, 2021 Addition [lcx1].
2.4 Patrick Gross May 15, 2021 Addition [lon1].
2.5 Patrick Gross May 14, 2022 Addition [ldl1].

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