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October 14, 1954, Brottes, Haute-Marne:

Reference for this case: 14-Oct-54-Brottes.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The regional newspaper Le Bien Public, of Dijon, for October 16-17, 1954, reported that, "the day before yesterday", at 10:40 p.m. in Brottes, a bus employee, Mr. Taillandier, residing in Brottes, with his wife and their daughter, saw moving very quickly, an orange glow coming from Meuilly and heading towards Vignory, without making any noise.

The regional newspaper Le Nouveau Nord Maritime for October 17, 1954, gave the date as "Thursday", hence October 14, 1954.





False alert in Vaucluse

the observation of a luminous phenomenon
by two aviators from the Orange base

A big event faded yesterday on the front of the flying saucers.

The affair took place in the Vaucluse, in the limpid sky where Mount Ventoux dominates the relief, above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. At 6:30 p.m., witnesses said that they had just seen a white disk surmounted by a spherical cap. The craft had two powerful lights alternating from white to red and purple colors. The comments went very fast and in good faith, it seems, several people gave reports that confirmed most of the countless phenomena already observed around the world. The nearby Caritat air base was alerted while the craft was still visible. Two jet planes took off and one waited impatiently for the pilots' report.

However, imprudents people ventured to publish premature news: the pilots had spotted the craft they were hunting. But it escaped at a speed much greater than theirs.

In fact, this was not the case, and yesterday the Air Ministry denied these fanciful claims. "Contrary to the information published by some newspapers Friday morning, the two pilots sent in pursuit of the saucer overflew Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at different altitudes and observed no unknown apparatus during their searches. These are experienced officers and their report is formal."

It was therefore necessary to mourn the saucer of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. But in a field which in the autumn of 1954 offers a vast unknown in the world, that is not enough to conclude that flying saucers do not exist. There remain, alas, too many unexplained cases, and the enigma that remains hardly seems to be resolved.

On the other hand, Mr. Gauffredy, deputy mayor of Roussillon, saw, around 6 p.m., a saucer of greenish color which disappeared in a few seconds. Mr. Pierre Hector, entrepreneur, saw the same craft at the same time at Coustellet.


-- At 6:30 p.m. yesterday a score of people saw in the sky of Apt a craft in the shape of a cigar with a big white glow at the front. The craft disappeared suddenly leaving two green lights.

-- In Vaison, in Bollène, at the Ponet and L'Isle-sur-Sorgue, between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., various credible people saw either a luminous disc or a cigar moving at a dizzying speed.

-- A baker, Mr. Elie Théry, aged 43, living on the road from Saint-Omer to Calais, on his way home at around 3:30 a.m. in the morning, saw on the Dunkerque-Calais railway, near the level crossing of Saint-Pierre-Halte, 50 meters from him, a spherical luminous craft about 2 meters high and 4 meters wide. The object was extremely bright.

Mr. Thery, who passes for a very serious and conscientious man, has been deeply moved by this discovery.

-- In Vignory and in Brottes, villages of the Haute-Marne, an orange-colored object was seen by different witnesses.

In the first case, it rose at a vertiginous pace towards the sky; the second time, Mr. Taillandier, an employee of the Chaumont buses, his wife and daughter, living at Brottes, saw an identical gleam moving from Neuilly to Vignory, moving very quickly.

In both cases, no noise was perceived.



Saucer in Haute-Marne?

Chaumont (from our P.C.). -- Yesterday evening at 8:30 p.m., in Vignory, around 10:40 Brottes, village of Haute-Marne, an orange object and was seen by various witnesses.

In the first case, it rose at a dizzying pace towards the sky; the second time, an employee of the M. Taillandier buses, living in Brottes, his wife and his daughter, saw, moving very quickly, an identical light, coming from Neuilly and going towards Vignory.



Flying saucers...
... in the sky of France

Paris, 18. -- Mysterious craft continue to regularly frequent the skies of France. The testimonies accumulate, coming every day to bring some new details, either on the saucers, or on the flying cigars.

While on Saturday evening, several reliable people, including Mr. Béranger, mayor of Saint St-Laurent-du-Var, advisor general, had seen above Nice, an orange disc, last night, this time above Cannes, several people observed a luminous craft of yellow color with a green tail, but the more interesting testimony was to be brought by an employee of the municipal recipe of Antibes.

Mr. Casella, living in Bio [sic], returning home in the evening, found himself "face to face with a huge mechanical machine measuring 7 to 8 meters in diameter placed in the middle of the road." The witness who was on a bicycle approached the craft until almost touching it, but then it rose vertically and, with a slight hiss, disappeared into the sky.

In the Provence sky, in Venergues, several grape pickers saw, Friday afternoon, a craft of elongated shape like a cigar, one said, white and blue, said a second. A third picker said the rocket appeared to be emitting luminous rays.

In Le Puy, a luminous object was observed between 5:50 p.m. and 6:36 p.m., by the Puy Chadrac weather station. The craft appeared like a straight olive with a sort of black antenna at the top. The station chief said he believed he was in the presence of the planet Jupiter. Mr. Casella, a resident of Bio who piter, but the sudden disappearance of the object demonstrated that he had been mistaken.

The same phenomenon was seen by the meteorological center of Ruyères (Cantal). One can compare these testimonies to that of thousands of inhabitants of Tulle who, around 3:35 p.m., saw in the sky, in a south-southeast direction, a big bright and motionless point. It appeared transparent and showed the shape of a cylinder whose two ends were conical.

In Murat (Cantal), an object also shiny and ovoid in shape, was to be observed for an hour. In this case, it seems to be a strongly lit balloon.

In two villages in the Haute-Marne, Vignory and Brottes, orange-colored objects were seen on Thursday evening. These objects rose vertiginously but without noise.

Finally, in the Finistère, Mr. René le Viol, transporter at Fouesnant, saw Thursday evening, behind a curtain of trees, a flat-shaped craft with the appearance of an overturned plate and surrounded by a reddish glow, this first disc was then followed by a second and both disappeared towards the sea.


Rome, 15. -- Many mysterious craft were seen yesterday in the sky of Italy. One of these machines landed near Rovigo in the area known as Po Di Gnocca, where several people observed it. The circular craft, after having slowly hovered, landed on the ground without noise. After a few minutes of immobility, it resumed its silent vertical flight, but at the place where it took off, there is now a fairly deep crater six meters in diameter. Six poplars that stood nearby were also charred. Authorities will travel to the scene to verify the authenticity of the witnesses' accounts.

In the Modena region, a trader saw an incandescent "flying cigar" flying over the countryside at an altitude of around two hundred meters. After a brief stop, the craft reportedly headed to the northwest. This observation was confirmed by other witnesses.

Finally a flying saucer with silver reflections is reported to have flown over the Loino area at 5.000 meters. Witnesses to this observation stated that the saucer did not emit any noise and did not release any smoke. It disappeared in the direction of Switzerland.

Martians in single line

Amiens, 16. -- Mr. and Mrs. Dumeige, cattle dealers in Domart-en-Ponthieu, and Mr. Lourdel, cattle broker in Condé-Folie, who, on Thursday, around 9:00 p.m., were traveling by automobile truck on the road to Domart in Condé-Folie, said they saw a very bright glow not far from La Folie farms, which seemed to land in a meadow not far from the road.

Mr. Dumeige, who was driving, stopped his vehicle and got out with his wife and Mr. Lourdel. It was then that they saw clearly, near the light, six or seven small beings advancing in line. They were so frightened that they immediately set off again, leaving the craft and its occupants there.



Chaumont - The day before yesterday in the evening, at 8:10 p.m., in Vignory and at 10:40 p.m. in Brottes>, villages of the Haute Marne, an object of orange color was seen by different witnesses. In the first case, the object rose at a vertiginous pace towards the sky. The second time, it was a bus employee Mr. Taillandier, living in Brottes who, with his wife and their daughter, saw moving very quickly, an identical light coming from Meuilly and heading towards Vignory. In both cases, no noise was perceived.

And what a shame! no martian with hairy face and raven eye has been reported!

Miss Aurélie Bolnot, of Avot said that leaving her home on Wednesday around 06:30 p.m., she saw a flying saucer passing at the height of the forest on the mountain coming from the west and heading south. The spherical shape had an orange glow leaving a trail on its course.

The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.



Possible meteor.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Brottes, Haute-Marne, orange, object, evening


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross December 5, 2016 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross June 19, 2019 Additions [via2], Summary. Explanations changed, were "Possibly the 06:10 p.m. meteor of October 14, 1954."
1.2 Patrick Gross May 17, 2020 Addition [nnm1]. Cae date changed from October 1954 to October 14, 1954. In the Summary, addition of the paragraph "The regional newspaper Le Nouveau Nord Maritime..."
1.3 Patrick Gross March 3, 2021 Addition [lbr1].

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