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October 11, 1954, Doncourt-Village, Meurthe-et-Moselle:

Reference for this case: 11-oct-54-Doncourt.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


On October 12, 1954, the regional newspapers L'Est Républicain and Le Républicain Lorrain published an identical article on an alleged sighting on October 11, 1954, at "Doncourt-Village", in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department.

That Sunday, around 1:30 a.m., when everything was quiet in the countryside around Doncourt-Village, a sizzling noise and an abnormal hiss had awakened the inhabitants of a farm located a few hundred meters from the country. The open shutters let see in the countryside a flat object, projecting a blinding glow, "three times as big as a setting sun", which was placed on the hillside, bordering the wood of Doncourt.

After a few moments, the "saucer" rose vertically and disappeared.

In the afternoon of October 12, 1954, searches in the vicinity of the place where the "craft" had landed, had revealed in the middle of a dirt road, a few meters from the edge of the forest, a trace of recent burn, of a circumference of about 1.50 meters. The stones of the road, particularly muddy at this place, had burned to a thickness of more than two centimeters, had become red like brick. The earth was reduced to ashes to a depth of three centimeters. No trace of grass or twigs remained in this place. Samples of stones had been taken and "will be delivered to a laboratory to try to find out the degree of heat reached there."

These newspapers ensured that the person who saw the machine, and who wished to remain anonymous, "cannot be called a joker or a visionary."

A shorter version, by the AFP, then appeared in the national Press. Several newspapers would write "Moncourt" instead of "Doncourt". Neither I nor anyone has found the slightest publication of results of an analysis of soil samples.

Jacques Vallée catalogued the case, sometimes writing "Doncourt-Village" and sometimes "Montcourt" for the place. He writes that the samples were taken by "officials" (what web catalogs will later translate as "the police"). Garreau and Lavier indicated in 1974 that they were Gendarmes.

In 1979, "skeptical" ufologists Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker noted the error of the place name in Le Figaro, copied by Jacques Vallée, and indicate that they contacted the witnesses of this phenomenon and that "generally speaking, their narrative corresponded to that of the Press at the time."

In 1997, Jean Sider added that the witnesses were Mrs. Jacques, farmer in Doncourt, and Mr. Félix André, that the object or luminous phenomenon was placed on the hillside on the edge of the wood of Doncourt, emitting sizzling and hissing sounds while diffusing a blinding glow.

He indicated that there was an LDLN group investigation, and that Barthel and Brucker's counter-investigation on the case is "imaginary."

In 1979, Michel Figuet was the first to give the name of the village as "Doncourt-lès-Longuyons". In this file, I explain why the correct village was quite likely: Doncourt-lès-Longuyon.




Crackle and hiss: a "saucer" landed

Longwy (from our newsroom). - Here's a new story to list in the saucers file, a story all the more disturbing that the person who saw the machine (and who wishes to remain anonymous), cannot be called a joker, or a visionary.

Sunday, around 1:30 a.m., when all was quiet in the countryside of Doncourt-Village (Meurthe et Moselle), a sizzling and abnormal whistling sound woke up the residents a farm located a few hundred meters in the country. The shutters opened, one could see in the country a flat object, throwing a blinding light, "three times as big as the setting sun", which was placed on the hill, near the wood of Doncourt.

After a while, the "saucer" rose vertically and disappeared. Research conducted yesterday afternoon near the place where the craft had landed, discovered in middle of a dirt road, a few meters from the edge of the forest, a recently scorched track 1m50 of circumference. The stones of the path, particularly muddy at this place, were burned on a thickness of more than two centimeters, were turned red like bricks. As for the earth, it is burnt down to a depth of three centimeters. No trace of grass or twigs is left at this place. Samples of stone were taken and will be delivered to a laboratory to try to determine the degree of heat reached there.


Noise and a whistling sound:
A "saucer" was landing

LONGWY (from our staff).

Here is a story to add to the saucers chapter, a puzzling story since the people who saw the machine (and who wishes to remained anonymous), cannot be called a prankster or a daydreamer.

Sunday, at about 1:30 A.M., whereas everything was quiet in the country surrounding Doncourt Village, a crisp noise and an anomalous whistling sound woke up the residents of a farm located at some several hundred meters of the country. The opened windows flaps let see in the country a flat object, casting a dazzling light, "three times bigger than the setting sun"; which was landed on the hill, near Doncourt's wood. After a while, the "saucer" rose vertically and disappeared. Searches made yesterday afternoon in the surroundings of the place where the object landed, allowed the discovery, in the middle of a dirt road, at a few meters near the edge of the wood, a recent burn trace, of a diameter of approximately 1 m 50. The stones of the dirt road, particularly muddy at this place, were burnt on a depth of more than two centimeters, and had become red as brick. As for the ground, it was reduced to ashes on a depth of three centimeters. No trace of grass or woods left at this place. Stones were sampled and will be delivered to a laboratory to determine the temperature of the heat at this place.



Calcined stone, grass burned under the saucer of Doncourt-Village

NANCY, October 13 ("France-soir" news brief). - At about 1:30 a.m., yesterday morning, when everything was asleep in Doncourt-Village (the Meurthe-et-Moselle), an abnormal whistling sound awoke the inhabitants of a farm, out in the country. Worried, the farmers went at the window and saw a flat object, "three times as big as a setting sun", they said, posed at the edge of the woods nearby. Soon the object rose with great speed to the vertical and disappeared. At the place indicated by the farmers, the gendarmes found that the stones had been calcined and had taken on a brick-red color on a circumference of 1 m. 50. The earth, everywhere else soaked by rain, was, within this circumference, reduced to ashes on a depth of three centimeters.

A luminous machine observed in Cameroon by credible witnesses

YAOUNDE (Cameroon), Oct. 12 ("France-soir" news brief). - An enormous illuminated disk was observed Sunday in Yaoundé by a group of trustworty people: Colonel Cauvin, director of the health and prophylaxis services of Cameroon; Dr. Menn, chief medical officer of the hospital; MM. Dumont, Director of the Security Services; Poileux, Councilor of the Territorial Assembly; Moreau, administrator and deputy mayor of Yaoundé. It was the dog of the house who, by barking, attracted the occupants. Under the disc hung a sort of oscillating cylinder. The machine, after a few seconds, disappeared quickly towards the east.

AN ORANGE DISC emitting bright lights was observed in Champagne-sur-Seine (the Seine-et-Marne) by M. T ..., a seasonal worker in Machault, who took pictures. A butcher at Seine-Port saw at Savigny-le-Temple a similar machine, as well as in Meaux, Mr. Lefranc, a bank clerk in Paris.

AN INCANDESCENT BARREL, two meters high, was seen in a pasture by two young girls from Heimersdorf (Haut-Rhin). The craft rose and disappeared quickly.



For 3 Hours


a sphere (50 m in diameter) hovering in the sky

If, for the past few days, we have refrained from discussing the "rush" of flying saucers on our planet, and more specifically on our country, it is because the reports we received seemed to stem more from fantasy or hallucination than from objective observation and would not have contributed in any way to shaping the opinion that every French person is currently trying to form about these mysterious occurrences.

On the contrary, a new report from Cairo (as Egypt has also been visited by flying globes) has called everything into question.

Scientists in that country asserted that the appearance of the so-called saucers corresponded to a luminous phenomenon caused by a magnetic storm that has been observed for several days. From there, can it be suggested that all the saucers might be explained this way... But last night, one of the most serious reports yet - the most serious to date - gave new hope to the "saucer believers." Here are the facts:

Captured in the beams of a military searchlight, a shimmering object was seen hovering for a full three hours over Metz.

During the Trade Fair, currently taking place in this city, the Army has set up a radar device and a powerful searchlight, which operate continuously from nightfall. On Monday evening, at around 8:10 p.m., the searchlight detected the presence of a stationary object in the sky. "It looked like a Christmas tree ornament," stated the radar station chief, Commander Cottel, who was soon joined by about fifteen military specialists.

At first, they suspected it might be a weather balloon, and several hypotheses were proposed.

The scientists, initially puzzled, cleaned the lenses and even replaced the carbon in the searchlight. As soon as the searchlight was turned back on, it once again illuminated the luminous globe, whose altitude was estimated to be over 10,000 meters. This globe had a diameter of more than 50 meters and remained visible for three hours.

During this time, the radar set was unable to detect the luminous object, as it did not respond to metallic waves [sic].

Finally, at 11 p.m., the strange globe moved eastward and disappeared.

The general commanding Metz has requested a full report from Commander Cottel.


NANCY. — On the night from Sunday to Monday, the inhabitants of a farm located a few hundred meters from the village of Moncourt

(See continuation on page 5)


The Metz Radar...

(Continued from the first page)

(Meurthe-et-Moselle) were alarmed by an unusual whistling sound outside. Through the shutters, they distinguished a blinding light that appeared to be fixed on the hillside and soon disappeared, ascending vertically.

On Monday afternoon, searches conducted in the direction indicated by the witnesses led to the discovery of traces of intense scorching on a dirt path. Samples of stones and soil were collected to be analyzed by experts.

[Ref. lhe1:] NEWSPAPER "LE HAVRE":



(4) Continued from the first page

above Machault a circular craft emitting a fairly bright light, of orange color. The disc, which was about the diameter of a full moon, was moving at relatively slow pace, crossing the sky horizontally.

MELUN. -- Mr. Demarchy, butcher in Seine-Port, and one of his friends, who were traveling by car in Nandy, reported seeing a luminous disc flying at an altitude of about 800 meters. The two butchers left their car and followed the evolution of the craft for about a minute.

QUIMPER. -- Mr. Correntin Couarch, 58-year-old, resident of the village of Elliant (the Finistère), farm worker, saw in the sky, at 200 meters above sea level, a luminous craft which he can not specify the shape and size. He said that, frightened, he had turned off the lantern of his bicycle to avoid attracting attention and walked away quickly. At one kilometer, he said, he looked back and saw the light stopped at ground level.

TOULOUSE. -- In the night from Saturday to Sunday, a baker from Bompas (Pyrénées-Orientales), Mr. Sebelli saw, landed in a street of this village a cigar-shaped object about two feet long, surrounded by iridescent glow.

Mr. Sebelli woke up neighbors who witnessed the fast departure of the craft.

Elsewhere, three young hunters yesterday saw the moves above Gaillac (Aveyron), at high altitude, of a cigar-shaped object in the sky which followed a series of large "S". Each course was accompanied by a noise comparable to a jet of pressurized steam. The craft disappeared suddenly towards the North.

Lastly, in Pont-de-Salars (Aveyron), a person saw in the sky, toward the Couhant, a disc surrounded by a wide luminous circle of an unsustainable shine. Slowly descended toward the horizon, the disc disappeared at breakneck speed.

RIOM. -- During the last night, the police officers Roger Thévenin and Albert Daury, of the Riom urban squad, who were on patrol saw in the sky a cigar-shaped craft that was heading from South to North. Three balls of red fire detached and illuminated for a few moments a part of the sky. The cigar was of a metallic appearance, similar to duralumin.

NANCY. -- During the night from Sunday to Monday, the residents of a farm located a few hundred meters from the village of Moncourt (the Meurthe-et-Moselle), have been excited by an abnormal whistling sound outside. Through the shutters, they distinguished a blinding light that seemed set on a hillside and disappeared soon after by rising vertically. This afternoon, the research undertaken towards the place indicated by the witnesses discovered on a dirt road, traces of intense burn. Samples of rock and dirt were taken to be submitted to experts.

LA ROCHELLE. -- A colonial teacher currently on vacation in the Oléron Island, Mr. Martin, claims to have met two lovely Martian, measuring about 1 m. 70, booted, gloved and helmeted of leather. Both Martians seized Mr. Martin's pend and traced incomprehensible signs in his notebook while trying to make themselves understood. Mr. Martin reportedly carefully kept this manuscript.


"In the night of Sunday to Monday, the inhabitants of a farm, located at a few hundreds of meters of the village of Moncourt (the Meurthe-et-Moselle), went into a commotion due to an abnormal outside whistling sound. Through the windows shutters, they distinguished a dazzling gleam which seemed fixed at a hillside and which disappeared shortly afterwards while rising vertically. This afternoon, the search undertaken in the direction of the location indicated by the witnesses allowed the discovery, on a dirt track, traces of intense calcination. Samples of stones and ground were taken to be submitted to experts.




... and even Martians and Martians girls

Three red fireballs

Riom, 12. -- During the night from Sunday to Monday, the peacekeepers Roger Thévenin and Albert Daury, of Riom's urban corps, who were doing a round, saw in the sky a cigar-shaped craft which went from South to North. Three balls of red light detached from it and illuminated for a few moments part of the sky. The cigar was metallic in appearance, similar to duralumin.

A brightly lit balloon

Melun, 12. -- Mr. Jules Lefranc, a bank employee living in Paris, saw in the sky, near the François de Tessart stadium in Meaux, for about three minutes, an object brightly lit from the inside which, he stated, had the shape of a small soccer ball. The object disappeared, leaving behind, said the witness, a luminous trail the size of a stove pipe.

Residents of Trilport reportedly saw an identical stationary apparatus.

A landing

Limoges, 12. -- In Saillat-sur-Vienne, Sunday evening at dusk, Mr. Roger Gayout, transporter at Limoges, his wife and relatives saw in the sky a very brilliant mysterious machine which, after having moved for a few minutes, seemed to land a few kilometers further.

A blinding glow

Nancy, 12. -- In the night from Sunday to Monday, inhabitants of a farm located a few hundred meters from the village de Moncours (Meurthe-et-Moselle), were stirred by an abnormal whistling sound, through the shutters they distinguished a blinding glow which seemed fixed on the side of a hill and which disappeared shortly after while rising vertically. In the afternoon, research undertaken towards the place indicated by the witnesses revealed traces of intense calcination on a dirt road. Stone and earth samples were taken to be submitted to experts.

A luminous disc

Melun, 12. -- Mr. Demarcy, a butcher at Seine-Port, and one of his friends, who were traveling by car in Nandy, said they saw a luminous disc moving at an altitude of around 800 meters. The two butchers got out of their car and followed the move of the craft for about a minute.

A flaming craft

Mulhouse, 12. -- Having seen a light in a pasture on Sunday evening, two young girls from Heimersdorf, Anny and Roselyne Pracht, 22 and 18 years old, approached thinking it was a fire lit by a shepherd. They then saw, they claim, a machine about 2 meters high. At their approach, the barrel-shaped object, turned to glowing red, rose in the air and disappeared on the horizon. The same phenomenon was seen by two other people.

At an altitude of 200 meters

Quimper, 12. -- Mr. Corentin Couarch, 38 years old, living in the village of Elliant (Finistère), agricultural worker, saw in the sky, at 200 meters above sea level, a luminous craft whose shape and size he could not specify. He said that in fright he had turned off the lantern of his bicycle so as not to attract attention and moved away quickly. At 1 km, he said, he looked back and saw the light stopped at ground level.

"Cigars" in the Midi

Toulouse, 12. -- In the night from Saturday to Sunday, a baker from Bompas (Pyrénées-Orientales), Mr. Sebelli, saw, posed in a street in this village, a cigar-shaped object about two meters in length, surrounded by iridescent lights.

Mr. Sebelli woke up neighbors who witnessed the rapid departure of the apparatus.

Also, three young hunters saw moving yesterday above Gaillac (Aveyron), at a high altitude, an object in the shape of a cigar which described in the sky a series of large "S". Each maneuver was accompanied by a noise comparable to a jet of pressurized steam. The craft suddenly disappeared towards the North.

Finally, in Pont de Salars (Aveyron), a person saw last night u the sky, towards the sunset location, a disc surrunded of a large luminous circle with an unbearable brightness. Descended slowly toward the horizon, the disc disappeared at breakneck speed.

An orange glow

Melun, 12. -- A resident of Fontainebleau said he saw above Machault, a circular craft emitting a fairly bright glow, orange in color. The disc, which was about the diameter of a full moon, was moving at a fairly slow pace, crossing the sky horizontally.

Two pretty Martians!

La Rochelle, 12. -- A colonial teacher, currently on leave on the island of Oléron, Mr. Martin, claims to have met on the island of Oléron two pretty Martian women measuring approximately 1 m. 70, in boots, gloves and leather helmets. The two Martians took hold of Mr. Martin's pen and traced incomprehensible signs on his notebook, while trying to make themselves understood. Mr. Martin is said to have taken great care of this manuscript.

A saucer makes a forced landing in Westphalia

The "Martians" (broad shouldered) repair on the spot and take back the air

Munster, 12. -- Mr. Hoge, a film operator, was near Münster (Westphalia) when he saw in a field four "men" in rubber suits who were busy under an object in the shape of cigar. Mr. Hoge watched them work for ten minutes, without approaching, and, finally, the four men entered by a sort of ladder into the cigar which, after taking off, took the form of a saucer projecting a dazzling light.

The four "men" whose height was about 1.20 m. had, according to Mr. Hoge, a rather large torso, a head proportionally too large for their body and slender legs.

A "Martian" in a cassock calls out to 3 children

Three children from Pournoy-la-Chétive, near Verny (Moselle) claim that they saw a saucer and its passenger. They told their story to their parents, repeated it to the teacher, and confirmed it to the Mayor. All three were roller-skating on Friday afternoon near the cemetery. There was Gilbert Calba, 12 years old; Daniel Hirsch, 9, and his brother Jean-Pierre, 5.

"At around [?]:30, said Gilbert, we saw a luminous and round machine landing, about 2.30 meters in diameter. The craft landed very close to us. It had yellow and white stripes and landed on three feet.

"Soon a man came out, holding an electric lamp in his hand.

"He was very small (about 1.20 m), had large eyes, a hairy face and wore a sort of black cassock like the priest. The man came to speak to us in incomprehensible language and we fled, frightened.

"We looked back a little further. The very bright object rose very high and very quickly in the sky."

This story is partially confirmed by another resident of Pournoy-la-Chétive, Robert Maguin, 16, who said he also saw around the same time a mysterious machine, but he was not close enough to distinguish the details.

A motorist meets two "Martians"

Albi, 12. -- A motorist from Briatexte (Tarn), Mr. Jean-Pierre Mitto, technical agent in a company currently exhibiting at the "Household Arts" of Toulouse, claims to have met, at nightfall, on the National Road Nr 631, the passengers of a flying saucer.

"Coming back from Toulouse, in the company of two relatives, he said, I suddenly distinguished in the beam of my headlights two little characters who crossed the road, barely a few meters from my car. I stopped immediately and, to our great astonishment, we then saw flying away from a neighboring meadow a large red disc with a diameter of six meters. Climbing vertically, the craft disappeared in the sky in a few seconds."



military specialists
50 meters diameter globe

During the Metz fair-exhibition, the army stand installed a radar device and a powerful projector for visitors; which works non-stop after dark. Sunday, around 8:10 p.m., the projector spotted, in its beam, the presence of a motionless globe in the sky: "It looked like a Christmas tree ball," said the head of the radar station, Commander Cotel, who was soon surrounded by fifteen military specialists.

It was first believed that it was a sounding balloon, then all kinds of assumptions were made. The servants of the projector, at first incredulous, cleaned the windows then even changed the coals of the device. But immediately when turned on again, the projector found the luminous globe whose altitude was evaluated at more than 10,000 meters. This globe had a diameter of 50 meters and remained visible for three hours. It was impossible, on radar, to detect the mysterious craft, since it was not sensitive to metallic waves. Finally, at 11:00 p.m., the strange globe moved east and disappeared. The General Governor of Metz asked Commander Cottel for a full report.


Near Albi, a technical agent from a company exhibiting in the Household Arts of Toulouse, Mr. Jean-Pierre Mitto, returned to his home at the end of the working day. Suddenly, he saw in the beam of his headlights, and the two parents who accompanied him also affirm it, little figures crossing the road. He stopped immediately and saw a large red disc with a diameter of about six meters rising vertically from a neighboring meadow.

A colonial teacher on leave on the island of Oléron does not hesitate to associate his name with an incredible adventure. Mr. Martin was walking on the island when he encountered pretty "Martian" girls, measuring about 1.70 m., booted, gloved and with leather helmets. The two "Martians" grabbed Mr. Martin's pen and traced incomprehensible signs on his notebook, trying to make themselves understood.

The teacher keeps the manuscript preciously.

At Riom, peacekeepers who were doing a round saw in the sky a cigar going up to the north. Three fireballs detached themselves and lit up part of the sky for a few moments. Similar phenomena were seen in Bompas, in the Pyrénées-Orientales, in Quimper (Finistère), in Limoges, in Fontainebleau, in Melun and Mulhouse while in Moncourt (Meurthe-et-Moselle) the inhabitants of a farm were dazzled by a blinding light passing through their shutters. The light disappeared vertically.



Something new on the 'saucer' side
The "Martian girls" are tall and pretty

La Rochelle, 12. -- A colonial teacher, currently on leave on the island of Oléron, Mr. Martin, claims to have encountered on the island two pretty Martian women measuring approximately 1.70 m., booted, gloved and with leather helmets.

The two Martians grabbed Mr. Martin's pen and traced incomprehensible signs on his notebook, while trying to make themselves understood. Mr. Martin is said to have treasured this manuscript.

Albi. -- A motorist from Briatexte (Tarn), Mr. Jean-Pierre Mitto, technical agent in a company currently exhibiting at the "Household Arts" in Toulouse, stated having met the passengers of a flying saucer at nightfall on national road 631.

"Coming back from Toulouse, in the company of two parents, he said, I suddenly distinguished in the beam of my headlights two little characters who crossed the road, barely a few meters from my car. I stopped immediately and, to our great astonishment, we then saw flying away from a neighboring meadow a large red disc with a diame-


[Photo caption:] This photographer, installed on the roof of a Parisian building, armed with a telephoto lens, a pair of spotting scopes and a lot of patience, does he hope to photograph a flying saucer, a "cigar" or simply... the moon? Obviously the last objective is the easiest, but is it not currently the most ambitious dream of all image hunters. An authentic photo of the famous "saucer" or of a Martian, well, this is glory and fortune. (Keystone)


ter of about 4 meters, rising vertically. The object disappeared in the sky in a few seconds."

Nancy. -- The inhabitants of a farm located a few hundred meters from the village of Moncourt (Meurthe-et-Moselle) were disturned by an abnormal whistling sound. Through the shutters, they saw a blinding glow which seemed to be fixed on the hillside and which disappeared soon after, rising vertically.

This afternoon, research undertaken towards the place indicated by the witnesses, revealed, on a dirt road, traces of intense calcination. Stone and earth samples were taken to be submitted to experts.

Quimper. -- Mr. Corentin Couarch, 58, domiciled in the village of Elliant (Finistère), agricultural worker, saw in the sky, at 200 meters of height, a luminous craft whose shape and size he could not specify. Frightened, he put out his bicycle's light so as not to attract attention and moved away quickly. 1 kilometer away, he said, he looked back and saw the light stopped at ground level.

Toulouse. -- A baker from Bompas (Pyrénées-Orientales), Mr. Sebelli, saw an object in the shape of a cigar about two meters in length, surrounded by an iridescent glow.

Mr. Sebelli woke up neighbors who witnessed the rapid departure of the craft.

Also, three young hunters saw moving above Gaillac (Aveyron), at a high altitude an object shaped like a cigar which flew in the sky in a series of big "S".

Each evolution was accompanied by a noise comparable to a jet of pressurized steam. The craft suddenly disappeared towards the north.

Finally, in Pont de Salars (Aveyron), a person saw in the sky, towards sunset, a disc surrounded by a large luminous circle with unbearable shine. Descended slowly toward the horizon, the disc disappeared at breakneck speed.

Mulhouse. -- Having seen a light in a pasture, two young girls from Heimersdorf, Anny and Roselyne Pracht, aged 22 and 18, approach thinking it was a fire lit by a shepherd. They then saw, they claim, a craft about 2 meters high. As they approached, the barrel-shaped object turned glowing red, rose in the air and disappeared on the horizon. The same phenomenon was observed by two other people.



Traces of intense burn

In the night of Sunday to Monday, the residents of a farm located at a few hundreds of meters of the village of Montcourt (Meurthe-et-Moselle) were put in agitation by an anomalous whistling sound outside. Through the shutters, they distinguished a dazzling gleam which appeared fixed at a hillside and which disappeared little after, rising vertically. The research undertaken in direction of the locations indicated by the witnesses allowed the discovery, on a dirt track, of traces of intense burn. Samples of stones and ground were taken to be submitted to experts.


Full article here.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


Night of October 10 to 11[, 1954]

? [=unknown hour]: Moncourt (12 km SSW.Dieuze--Moselle): gleam on the ground + traces

[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:


[... other cases...]

October 10, 1954: Moncourt(12 km ISL in the SSW Dieuze--Moselle):(luminous obj. + traces on the ground)

[... other cases...]

[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:

289 006.17130 54.57000 10 10 1954 21 10 199 MONCOURT SSW DIEUZE F 001 22 I

[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:

October 11, 1954, 01:30. Doncourt-Village (France):

Farmers awakened by a whistling sound saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon rose very fast, vertically, and flew away. The ground was found calcined. Samples were taken by police officials for analysis. (Le Figaro, 13 oct 1954).

[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:

The author indicates that on October 11, 1954, farmers close to Doncourt-Village in the Meurthe-et-Moselle were awaken by a strange whistle. They saw that a flat object had landed close to the forest. It soon rose very quickly, vertically, and flew away. The ground was found burnt. Samples were taken by officials for analysis.

[Ref. tps1:] TED PHILLIPS:


Oct 11, 1954

080 0130

FRANCE, Doncourt-Village. Several people reported seeing and hearing a disc as it landed nearby. After a short time it ascended vertically and disappeared. The ground was powdered, samples were taken by police. (Vallee III)


The two ufologists mention an observation in Moncourt in the Moselle in the night between the 10th and the 11th of October 1954, with a news brief by the Agence France Presse and their personal file as source:

In the night, the inhabitants of an isolated farm located a few hundreds meters of the village were awaken by an abnormal whistling sound. Through their shutters, they distinguish a dazzling gleam, which seem to be motionless on a side of a hill. A few minutes later, they see a luminous ball rising vertically and disappearing quickly.

On the next day's afternoon, police officers came to inquire on location and discovered at the alleged place of the landing of the intense traces of burn on the dirt track.

The two authors indicate that sampling of stones and ground occurred, but that the result of the analysis was never made public.


Editor's note. - There was a landing in Doncourt-lès-Conflans, at 8 km in the S.W., on 10/1154, [...]

[Ref. rsd1:] RAY STANFORD:

In his book about the famous UFO landing in Socorro, Ray Stanford indicates a number of other sightings of egg-shaped craft that may be significant in this regard.

Among those cases, he indicates that on October 11, 1954, near Dancourt Village in the Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, farmers were aroused from sleep by a strange whistling noise, and they then they noticed that a flat object had landed close to the woods nearby.

The object took off vertically at high speed. Officials found that the ground underneath was calcined.


405 11 October 1954 0130 hrs

DONCOURT-VILLAGE (FRANCE) Farmers awakened by a whistling sound saw a flat object land near woods. It soon rose very fast, vertically, and flew away. The ground was found calcinated. Samples were taken by police officials for analysis. (M230; Figaro, 13 Oct 54)


The two authors say that the newspapers, sometimes, do not distort UFO stories, but then they are distorted by the ufologists. They give this case as example, reproducing the summary by Jacques Vallée who comprises errors that we are to notice by comparing with the account in the newspaper "Le Figaro" for October 13, 1954, that they reproduce as underneath, with capital letters to indicate the alleged errors:

"In the night of Sunday to Monday, the inhabitants of a farm, located at a few hundreds of meters of the village of MONCOURT (the Meurthe-et-Moselle), went into a commotion due to an abnormal outside whistling sound. Through the windows shutters, they distinguished a dazzling gleam which SEEMED fixed at a hillside and which disappeared shortly afterwards while rising vertically. This afternoon, the search undertaken in the direction of the location indicated by the witnesses allowed the discovery, on a dirt track, traces of intense calcination. Samples of stones and ground were taken to be submitted to experts."

They add that they contacted "the witnesses of this phenomenon" and that "globally, their account correspond with that of the press of the time."


The authors indicate that in Montcourt, on October 11, 1954, at approximately 01:30, farmers living an isolated farm, at some hundreds meters from Montcourt, were awaked by an abnormal whistling sound.

Through the shutters, they distinguished a dazzling gleam which seemed fixed at a hillside. The object soon rose vertically and very quickly and quickly disappeared.

Research in the afternoon at the place indicated by the witnesses resulted in the discovery of traces of intense calcination on a dirt track. Samples of stones and earth were taken for analysis but no result came to the knowledge of the authors.

The authors say that Vallée had indicated Doncourt as location but it is an error and that it is indeed Montcourt in the Moselle.

The sources are indicated as case 230 of the Vallée catalogue; C. Garreau and R. Lavier in "Face aux ET" pages 215-216; and Le Figaro for 10/13/1954.

[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":

10/11/54 -1h 1/2 Doncourt (?) 000XC

[Ref. cme1:] CLAUDE MAUGE:


Doncourt-lès-Longuyon (and not Moncourt) Meurthe-et-Mos.


E [=Explained]: B. and . p 125.126 [=[bbr1]]; F. p. 146 [=[fru1]]; F4 who corrects the localization. Les Chrnoiques de la CLEU nr 24, p.23

The "F4" source is detailed as: "M. FIGUET, personal communication (I thank M. Figuet for the information given)."

[Ref. mft3:] MICHEL FIGUET:

This ufologist noted:

Nr of the J. C. Fumoux list Nr of Francat list Localization Date Class Credibility Sources Number of W
065 171 Doncourt-lès-Longuyons 54 et non Moncourt 57 11/10 CE3 TD 2-9. 667 1 T inc

[Ref. mft1:] MICHEL FIGUET:

This ufologist noted:

171 CE3 11 10 1854 [sic] 01.30 Doncourt lès Longuyons 54620 B2 D B-B p. 125, OVNI: p.146

[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:

17 - Case of Doncourt, Meurthe-et-Moselle.

Page 125, they [bbr1] repeat Vallée's version of the case of Doncourt-Village, then that of Le Figaro for October 13, which states: "Moncourt, Moselle". Comparing the two reports, they note that Vallée speaks of a flat object which was seen landing, whereas Le Figaro only mentions a blinding gleam which seemed fixed on the side of a hill.

Then our two cheaters claim to have contacted the witnesses of this phenomenon, and specify at the bottom of page 125, that the real name of the village concerned is Doncourt-les-Longugons (sic).

It is almost true, except that the real name is actually Doncourt-lès-Longuyon... Bad luck, gentlemen debunkers!

As for the local press, Le Lorrain of October 12, 1954, page 7, quotes Doncourt-Village, exactly as Vallée mentions it in his catalog, so we can't blame him, at least at this level.

But the last blunder is the fact that no source consulted by B & B, no more than Le Lorrain, nor any press organ, gives the names of witnesses, which makes their claim they found them just more than suspicious. As a result, investigators Olivier Rieffel and Roger Chéreau went to the site and were able to meet Mr. Félix André, who discovered the traces of the object when it landed on the ground. In addition, he directed my colleagues to the son of Mrs. Jacques, who confirmed to them the sighting of his parents, since deceased, who had testified to the landing of an object in 1954.

B& B affirm that the witnesses never spoke of a flat object, and that their account corresponds to that of the press of the time, implied: to the version of the Figaro. The trouble is that it was not Parisian journalists who came to question them, but a local reporter from Le Lorrain quoted earlier. And in his account there is mention of the following: "An abnormal crackling and hissing noise awoke the inhabitants of a farm located a few hundred meters from the country. The open shutters showed in the countryside a flat object, casting a blinding light "three times as big as a setting sun", which was placed on the hillside at the edge of Doncourt wood. After a few moments, the "saucer" was rising vertically and disappearing. A search yesterday afternoon... uncovered... a trace of recent calcination with a circumference of about 1m50... Stones turned brick red and the earth is reduced to ashes to a depth of 3cm. Samples have been taken... "

Page 126, B& B write: "It is therefore perfectly clear once again who deliberately distorted a testimony to introduce the term 'flat object' here. In this case, as in all the others,* moreover, it was never about an object".

This veiled accusation refers to Jacques Vallée, the reader easily understands. Unfortunately for our experts in lies, the press at the time, for the witnesses, was Le Lorrain, whose reporter only repeated what the Jacques couple had told him. Not only does the local version have the term "flat object", but also the word "saucer"! There was therefore no distortion by Vallée!

There again B & B misinterpret a situation out of ignorance of the original source of the information. It is in fact Le Figaro (or the editor of the AFP dispatch), who modified the basic version to the point of removing all the strangeness features. Note that in this specific case, they give unconditional credit to a Parisian newspaper, whereas in other pages, they do not hesitate to castigate the capital's press for its abuses!

As for these witnesses whom they say they have found and whose names they are careful not to give, I believe I know why they have never identified them. Certainly, first because they never contacted them (except for a meager handful of them); but above all for fear of seeing counter-investigators embarking on verifications of their alleged investigations... (In many cases, they could have been tempted to cite imaginary names, since their pseudo-research is imaginary too!).

* Let the readers appreciate...

[Ref. jsr2:] JEAN SIDER:

Jean Sider indicates that in the night from the 10th to October 11th, 1954, in Doncourt, Mrs. Jacques, farmer in Doncourt, and Mr. Felix André, saw an object or a luminous phenomenon posed on the hill at the edge of the wood of Doncourt, emitting crackling and whistling noises while emitting a dazzling gleam.

On the spot, traces of calcination on a diameter of 1.50 meters were found. The stones had become of brick-red color and the ground was reduced to ashes on a 3 centimeters thickness.

Jean Sider indicates that the local source is the newspaper Le Lorrain, of Metz, for October 12, 1954, page 7, and an investigation by LDLN.

He indicates elsewhere in his book that the counter-investigation by Barthel and Brucker on the case is "imaginary."


4058: 1954/10/11 01:30 5 6:38:00 E 48:43:00 N 3333 WEU FRN MSL 7:8

MONCOURT,FR:WHISTLE!:SCR ^ nr WOODS:GROUND BURNT:/r8#230+/r30p146+/r217p39

Ref#197 WEINSTEIN, D: French Newsclips 1954 Page No. 78 : FOREST


In her chronology, Genevieve van Overmeire indicates that on October 11, 1954 in France, in Moncourt, and not in "Doncourt", in the Moselle, in the night the inhabitants of an isolated farm at a few hundreds meters from the village were awaked by an abnormal whistling sound. Through the shutters they distinguished a dazzling gleam fixed at a hillside. A few minutes later they saw a luminous ball rising vertically and disappearing quickly. There was a report by the gendarmerie. At 01.30 farmers were awaked by a whistling sound at Doncourt-Village, and saw a flat object landing close to the wood. Soon it rose very quickly vertically and flew away. The ground was calcined. The police force took samples.

The source is noted "Jacques Vallée: "Chronique des apparitions ET" - DENOEL 1972 - COLL. J'AI LU - p. 275".


Doncourt Village (France).

10/11/1954 1:30

Farmers awakened by a whistling sound saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon rose very fast, vertically, and flew away. The ground was found calcined. Samples were taken by police officials for analysis.

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

Donald Johnson indicates that on October 11, 1954, farmers in Doncourt-Village, France were awakened by a whistling sound and saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon rose up vertically very fast, and flew away. The ground was found calcified. Soil samples were taken by the police for analysis.

The source is indicated as Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 224.


Place: Moncourt (Metz 64 km, Nancy 43 km)

In the night from October the 10th to the 11th, 1954, inhabitants of an isolated farm, at a few hundreds of meters of Moncourt, were woken up by a strange whistling sound. Through the shutters, they distinguished a dazzling gleam which seemed located at a hillside. A few minutes later, they saw a luminous sphere rise vertically and disappear quickly. The next, in the afternoon, the gendarmes led by the farmer to the place where the strange light seemed to have landed, discovered traces of intense calcination on a dirt track. Sampling of stones and ground were carried out. As in the majority of the similar cases, the results of the analyses were never known. It should be specified that at that time the unexplained aerial phenomena were classified "TOP SECRET" because it was thought that they were secret weapons of foreign powers.

Is this the same "craft" which was observed during three hours, the same night, above Metz?

Sources "Lumières dans la Nuit"

[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:

Luc Chastan indicates that in the Meurthe et Moselle in Doncourt lès Longuyon, on October 10, 1954, a couple observed a luminous phenomenon posed on the slope at the edge of the wood of Doncourt during the night of the 10th to the 11th. It emitted noises of crackling and whistle while diffusing a dazzling light. In the morning the traces of calcination were observed on 1 m 50 of diameter at the place of the incident. Stones became brick-red and the ground is calcined on a 3 centimeters thickness. This trace was discovered by a third witness.

The source is Lumières dans la Nuit #374.

[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:

Jérôme Beau indicates that on Monday, October 11, 1954, at 01:30 at Doncourt-Village in France, "farmers were awakd [sic] by a wistle [sic], saw a flat object to land nea [sic] the woods: soon it rose very quickly, vertically, and flew away. The ground was calcined. Samples were taken by the police force for analysis."

The source is indicated as "Le Figaro, October 13, 1954".


The author indicates that on October 10, 1954, in Montcourt between Metz and Nancy, inhabitants of a farm isolated at some hundred meters from Montcourt were awaked by a strange whistling sound. Through the shutters, they distinguished a dazzling gleam which seemed located at a hillside, and a few minutes later they saw a luminous sphere rising vertically and disappearing quickly. The next day afternoon the gendarmes were led by the farmer on the landing site and discovered traces of intense calcination on a dirt track. Samples were taken, the results of the analyses were never known.


The author indicates that on October 11, 1954, at Doncourt-village in France, farmers were awaked by a whistling sound and saw a flat object land close to the wood and soon rise vertically very quickly. The ground was burnt the police took samples for analysis.

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 11 October 1954 at 01:30, in Doncourt-Village, France, farmers were awakened by a whistling sound and saw a flat object land near the woods. It was a hoax. It soon rose very fast, vertically, and flew away. The ground was found calcined. Samples were taken by police officials for analysis. An object was observed. Traces were found. "One ball was observed by two witnesses in a forest for a few seconds (Chaumeau)."

The source is noted as "Vallee Magonia Database".

Note: witness "Chaumeau" has nothing to do with this case.

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 11, 1954 - At 1:30 a.m. farmers in Doncourt-Village, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France were awakened by a whistling sound and saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon rose up vertically very fast, and flew away. The ground was found calcified. Soil samples were taken by the police for analysis. (Sources: Figaro, October 13, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 224, case # 230).


in our archive

Mysterious Lorraine

A ufo at the Metz fair

We are at the Metz Fair on Sunday, October 10, 1954. On the exhibit of the French army, visitors can admire a powerful projector and a radar station, ultramodern gear of the FTA (Anti-aircraft Land Forces) of the time. They were installed and regulated by some military technicians, under the authority of Commander Cottel.

When around 8 p.m. the projector was lit up and turned to the sky, its beam was caught on a motionless globe, in midair, at the vertical of the fair. It was an object "glittering like a Christmas tree ball!", Commander Cottel later said.

Unexplained phenomenon

Incredulous technicians decided to turn off the machine and clean its components, but nothing changes: once the projector is turned on again, the mysterious globe is still there, at an altitude that the military estimates at 12,000 m. It is here, the spectators see it, and yet, the radar does not detect its presence!

The machine, estimated at about fifty meters in diameter, is parked in the sky during the three hours of the demonstration of the projector.

The phenomenon is relayed by the press: Le Républicain Lorrain, the AFP, L'Alsace, Le Provençal... The news worries the military authorities and the General Governor of Metz requires a report from Commander Cottel.

Investigation is underway, especially on the possibility of a meteorological phenomenon. Yet, no communication from the army will ever come to clear the mystery...

[Photo caption:] A UFO photographed in the USA in 1966. Photo rue des Archives

UFO wave?

Between October 1st and October 21st, 1954, about twenty testimonies of UFO observers in Moselle were recorded: in the communes of Vergaville, Bidestroff, Kerprich, Guébling, Morsbach, Moncourt, Saint-Avold, Saint-Quirin or Jouy-aux-Arches. Most have been reported in our columns.

Spheres, cones or luminous cigars, batteries that discharge, dancing colors, the phenomena follow each other.

In Pournoy-la-Chétive, two children even saw a furry-faced extraterrestrial descending of his flying saucer and speak to them in an incomprehensible language.

Collective madness or encounter of the third kind? No definitive answer will ever be made.

[Ref. men1:] "MERLIN":

November 11, 1954, a day of routine, full of UFOs...!

Posted by MERLIN on Aug 6, 2015, 16:08 pm

Categories: #Ufologists ...

Some very interesting cases of UFO encounters made on our land in France during the famous "wave" of 1954, sometimes with entities, and witness paralysis, often with exotic "vehicles" which seem in difficulty, or suffering anomalies!

[... other case ...]

We are in Moncourt en Moselle on October 11, 1954, it is 1:30 am, the inhabitants of an isolated farm a few hundred meters from the village, are awakened by an abnormal whistling sound. Through the shutters they distinguish a blinding light, motionless on the hillside. A few minutes later they see a luminous ball rising vertically and quickly disappearing.

Police report. At 1.30 am the farmers were woken up by a whistling sound in Doncourt-Village, and saw a flat object land near the woods. Soon it rose very quickly vertically and flew away. The ground was charred. The police took samples.

[... other case ...]

This incredible day of November 11, 1954 in France, finally appears banal in terms of UFO appearances, and in comparison to the other days of this famous UFO wave over France in 1954, as we will see in more other subjects that we will deal with on a daily basis!


[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database records the same case 9 times instead of one, with date and place errors:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541010 10.10.1954 Longwy France
19541010 10.10.1954 Moncourt France 24.00 CE I
19541011 11.10.1954 Doncourt France CE II
19541011 11.10.1954 Doncourt Village France CE II
19541011 11.10.1954 Doncourt Village France
19541011 11.10.1954 Doncourt Village France
19541011 11.10.1954 Doncourt Village France CE II
19541010 10.10.1954 Moncourt France 24.00
19541010 10.10.1954 Moncourt France 24.00 CE I


UFO wave in Metz and its region

Comments »0

Spheres, luminous cones or cigars, discharging of batteries, dancing colors, etc., between the 1st and the 21st of October 1954, some twenty testimonies and observations of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) were collected in the Moselle, the more particularly in the communes of Vergaville, Bidestroff, Kerprich, Guébling, Morsbach, Moncourt, Saint-Avold, Saint-Quirin and Jouy-aux-Arches. In Pournoy-la-Chétive, near Metz, two children declared that they had seen an alien with a hairy face come down from his flying saucer to come and speak to them in an incomprehensible language.


October 11 1954. 0130hrs.


Members of a farming family were awakened by a strange whistling sound, and looking through the open shutters they saw a flat luminous object, three times the apparent size of the sun, which appeared to land on a hillside, then take off again a few moments later. At the site a calcinated circle 1.5m diameter was found. The earth was reduced to ashes to a depth of 3cm.

Gross 1954. citing Le Lorraine [sic] 12 October 1954. p7


The witnesses are the inhabitants of an isolated farm at a few hundreds meters from the village. They observed the phenomenon through the shutters in the form of a blinding light, fixed at hillside. A few minutes later they see a luminous ball rising vertically and quickly disappearing. The investigation and a report were carried out by the Gendarmerie, as usual, and not by the police.

Doncourt or Moncourt?

Lorraine is certainly the correct region since the first newspaper article on this sighting is published in Le Républicain Lorrain.

In Lorraine, a region currently composed of the departments of the Moselle, of the Meuse, of the Meurthe-et-Moselle and the Vosges, there exist:

So, there are several "Doncourt" in the Meurthe-et-Moselle department.

In Le Républicain Lorrain and L'Est Républicain, the place is indeed indicated as "Doncourt-Village". It is in Le Figaro, a national newspaper from Paris, that the place becomes "Moncourt (the Meurthe-et-Moselle)". As ufologist Jean Sider rightfully often pointed out, the local press has much more chance to spell correctly the names of local places and people than the national press in Paris.

Doncourt-lès-Conflans or Doncourt-lès-Longuyon?

One might have thought that these two communes are close, but it is not so: they are distant of 36 kilometers in a straight line. Doncourt-lès-Longuyon is very close to Longwy; which makes it the most likely place for the correspondant of the two newspapers write from Longwy, and that Dontcourt-lès-Conflans is close to Metz, far from a press correspondent in Longwy.


In addition, at least in 2015, there is no wood in Dontcourt-lès-Conflans, there are small woods near Dontcourt-lès-Longuyon.

Finally, at Dontcourt-lès-Longuyon, there is a wooded hill from the rue des Moissonneurs, another further away from a dirt road to the south, and another from a road going north. On the contrary, Doncourt-lès-Conflans is in an area that seems perfectly flat.


Above: four possible approximate places in Dontcourt-lès-Longuyon.

The one in the South is the only one to be on a dirt road, the others are at the end of normal roads - of course these roads were perhaps also dirt roads in 1954, and the roads and path may have changed since 1954.

Note that the moon - full - was at 224° and a height not conductive to speak of a "landing" or proximity to the ground: 36°.

To me, this seems to be a "good" case, the more so as "skeptical" ufologists Barthel and Brucker say they investigated, that the witnesses confirmed what appeared in the Press reports, and that they give no prosaic explanations; which they would surely have mentioned if they had found one.

Extraterrestrial visitors? Maybe.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Doncourt-Village, Moncourt-Village, Moncourt, Doncourt, Meurthe-et-Moselle, Moselle, object, landing, flat, whistling, fast, traces, Gendarmes, Gendarmerie, farm, stones, police, analysis, laboratory, burn, heat, dirt road, ground


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross November 17, 2004 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross December 20, 2008 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [fru1], [goe1], [jsr2], [djn1], [lcn1], [jbu1], [mps1], [mps2], [uda1].
1.1 Patrick Gross June 28, 2010 Addition [jve5].
1.2 Patrick Gross September 21, 2014 Additions [lhe1], [nip1].
1.3 Patrick Gross November 20, 2016 Additions [rt1], [ubk1].
1.4 Patrick Gross January 4, 2017 Addition [fso1].
1.5 Patrick Gross February 11, 2017 Addition [ble1].
1.7 Patrick Gross April 22, 2019 Additions [ldl1], [mft3], [mft1], [lhh1], [prn2], Summary. In the Explanations, addition of the part "Doncourt-lès-Conflans or Doncourt-lès-Longuyon?"
1.8 Patrick Gross May 2, 2019 Addition [prn1].
1.9 Patrick Gross February 22, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.0 Patrick Gross June 16, 2020 Addition [ner1].
2.1 Patrick Gross June 29, 2020 Addition [jpc1].
2.2 Patrick Gross October 3, 2021 Addition [men1].
2.3 Patrick Gross May 2, 2022 Additions [gqy1], [gqy2], [gep1], [cme1], [tps1].
2.4 Patrick Gross June 29, 2022 Addition [jsr1].
2.5 Patrick Gross March 12, 2025 Addition [ars1].

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