The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Tarn Libre, France, page 1, on October 15, 1954.
One of our loyal readers wrote us the following lines, guaranteeing on his honor the accuracy of the fact he reports: Last Wednesday, October 6, I was passing through Castres on Rue Marcel Briguiboul. It was 12:15 p.m. I was in my car and I had next to me one of my friends whom I was taking home. Suddenly, I saw, quite low in the sky, it seemed to me, a shiny, metallic object that passed very quickly. It was so sudden that I said nothing to my friend.
A few minutes later, he turned to me and said to me in a joking tone: "I think I saw a flying saucer!" - "What did you see?" I said to him. He described the object to me, exactly as I had seen it. I said to him: "I saw the same thing."
- "Gosh, I thought I had an illusion."
I draw your attention to this fact: it was only a few minutes later that we communicated our impressions and they corresponded in every way. What was the object like? I can only compare it to a large sphere, very shiny, of a very metallic gray, a bit like that aluminum paint that is put on the pipe of the cookers. It passed very quickly, so I can't tell you more. I didn't hear any noise and neither did my friend.