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UFOs in the daily Press:

UFOS in Canada, 1969:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Sudbury Star, Ontario, Canada, page 3, on February 6, 1969.

UFO Said Sighted in Noelville District By Policeman, Mason Twp. Couple

"There was definitely something up there. I wish I could say there wasn't, but I did see something," said Cons. D. G. White of the Noelville detachment provincial police of a UFO reported last night in Mason Township.

He received what he thought at first was just a crank call while at home eating dinner last night. Two Mason township residents, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Chartrand, had apparently been watching an unidentified object in the sky for about 20 minutes before they worked up the nerve to call police, and White decided that if there was something there it might be worth seeing.


"It was just unusual, that's all I can say. I can't tell you what it was." He said that by the time he arrived at the scene, just south of Noelville on Highway 69, the object appeared to be hovering over trees a mile south of the Chartrand home.

According to White, the Chartrands had first seen the object when an orange glow from it reflected off the snow in their fields. It appeared to be half-way between the house and the trees when they first saw it, he reported.

"It was a little larger than a star, and you could tell that it wasn't by the color. It was first orange, then turned a silver grey, and then back to orange. It was disappearing over the horizon or behind the trees when I last saw it. It was there for about three minutes."


He said that with the naked eye, it was impossible to tell the shape of the object. White observed it through binoculars and said that it was roughly bell-shaped.

"It was not moving fast, like a plane or a shooting star," White said.

He said he could not tell how far away the object was, or how large it was. He said there was no noise from it, and that it appeared to be moving in a southwesterly direction.


He said that when the Chartrands first noticed it, it was high in the air, and they noticed its reflection in the snow. He could not determine whether it had passed over the house or whether it was dropping behind the horizon or hovering behind the trees.

White said he called the Canadian Forces Base at Falconbridge. "The man who took the message made no comment on the sighting, and I didn't press the matter. I don't know if they have anything or not."

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