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UFOs in the daily Press:

UFOs in the United Kingdom, 1989:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Southend Evening Echo, Essex, England, on July 4, 1989.

Dozens of people have reported seeing a silver disk accompanied by lights in the Southend Area.

Their sightings are being investigated by UFO researchers. The latest were on Sunday night when people reported a black-grayish object accompanied by orange lights over the Thames Estuary.

Earlier in the week others reported seeing a silver disc with orange balls around it. There was no noise.

A silver spinning object was also seen by a family and their neighbors enjoying a barbecue in Southend. There were 20 orange lights at the side of it.

East Anglian UFO researchers had four other reported sightings during the week. If anyone else saw objects they are asked to contact the UFO hotline on Basildon 286079.

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