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UFOs in the daily Press:

The 1954 French flap in the Press:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Nord-Matin, Arras issue, Nord - Pas-de-Calais, France, page 4, on October 20, 1954.

See the case file.



A saucer in Bouzincourt

Mr. André Vandewoyestine who is a farmer in Bouzincourt, was busy, around 8:00 p.m., with his 17-year-old son Bernard, unloading beet greens from a dump truck near the road from Aveluy to Bouzincourt.

His attention was suddenly drawn to a milky white glow that seemed to be suspended some thirty meters high.

Intrigued and rather frightened, the cultivator turned off the headlights of his tractor and was able to examine for a long time this gleam which he saw descend and disappear at a distance of 300 meters from the road at a place called "Les Fossés de Martinsart."

The two men finished their work and resumed their way to Bouzincourt, and it was then that they saw again this gleam which followed them for a few moments and finally disappeared in the north-west direction. The two growers heard no noise.

It was only on the indication of a friend that the gendarmerie was informed, much later, of this phenomenon. The gendarmes of Albert immediately came to carry out an investigation.

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