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UFOs in the daily Press:

Diabolical crockery, 1954:

This article was published in the daily newspaper L'Oise-Matin, of Beauvais, France, on September 6, 1954.



in the sky of Oise where flying saucers are announced

The appearances of unknown machines moving at considerable speeds multiply under all skies.

From Coudray-en-Theille to Innsbruck while passing by Béthisy-Saint-Pierre, Madrid and Compiegne, the "diabolic crockery" upsets the spirits and feeds for information.

In the Coudray-en-Thielle it was two inhabitants, perfectly healthy of mind, Mr. and Mrs. Diéval, which saw, Monday evening, towards 8:30 p.m., an incandescent disc crossing the sky.

This ball which they estimate to have been about of the size of the moon which [...]respondant appeared to fall suddenly and disappeared.

A third testimony was collected in the same locality.

In Béthisy-St-Pierre, it is Mr. Jean-Pierre Mouret, and other people worthy of faith, who see in the sky of the valley what they estimate to be the famous luminous plates.

In Hardivillers in the canton of Froissy, two inhabitants observe an identical phenomenon: A luminous machine moving quickly.

Let's cross our borders. In Austria, testimonys are collected in Voralberg and the Tyrol.

A pink disc, there too, of the size of the moon but evolving slowly, was observed on September 1 between 11 h. and midday by a guide and his two children, near the mount Habicht, in the south of Innsbruck.

That did not have anything comparable with a weather-balloon found at the same place the next day.

In the Voralberg, it is "a large silver plated body like a ball".

If one believes the correspondent of the newspaper of Madrid "Arriba", the flying saucers are machines manufactured in the United States.

According to our Spanish colleague, they are directed projectiles, planes without pilots and supersonic rockets used by the American armed forces.

It is possible, adds the correspondent of "Arriba", that some of these so-called saucers are manufactured in U.R.S.S.

The Spanish journalist does not give the source of his information. He promises however for soon a technical description of "these diabolic instruments."

A testimony, not less serious, comes us from Compiegne. It emanates from an engineer of the E.D.F., which during several minutes could, in company of some friends to observe an identical phenomenon.

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