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UFOs in the daily Press:

Sightings in Dijon, France, 1980:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Provençal, édition Corse, France, on March 21, 1980.


Pilots from the Dijon base have reportedly seen UFOs

A newspaper from Dijon (Côte-d'Or), the "Bien public", reports curious observations made both on the ground and at the controls of their aircraft by "Mirage III" pilots from the air base of Dijon.

However, these pilots remained anonymous but their testimony was authorized by the command of the tactical air forces. The most precise testimony is that of a captain who is also an instructor who saw a strange flying object on Saturday December 8 at 9:45 a.m. in front of the house where he lives in the suburbs of the city in Varois, a strange object. The latter was 250 m away, measuring approximately 7 m long, it swayed gently, without noise or light, sometimes standing vertically. One side had a metallic sheen, the other was dark blue. The general shape of the object represented a narrow, rather flattened triangle. The captain's wife, who had seen the object first actually, made the same observations and, like her husband, saw the object for at least two minutes before it disappeared, again without noise, but at very high speed, while appearing to be in unstable equilibrium.

We were to learn following this testimony which was collected by the air gendarmerie, that two gendarmes from Dijon had also recently seen above the city, a weird craft, one side of which was dark blue and whose shape recalls that described by the base officer. We also learned that two other "Mirage III" pilots who were flying at night at high altitude last week had seen their attention drawn by a sort of large rectangle whose central axis has luminous spots lighting up and switching off alternately in a sort of back and forth. They called this object a "flying sugar" but could give no further explanation.

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