This article was published in the daily newspaper Le Provençal, France, pages 1 and 11, October 1, 1954.
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The landing of several flying saucers has already been announced many times: some go even as far as to say with a point of irony that it has become ordinary. But no flying cigar had so far been seen on the ground; since a few hours this regrettable gap has been filled: the object was seen in the Yonne, in Diges, about fifteen kilometers from Auxerre. The two witnesses are formal. Widowed Mrs. Geoffroy, 69 years, declared to the gendarmes of the locality: "Yes, sirs, I saw it with my eyes (sic). It was 9 hours of the morning, I went to the laundry point, when my attention was drawn by an apparatus having the shape of a cigar pointed at the two ends and larger in the center. Near the machine, a man of average size looked at me passing by. He wore a kaki cap. Its face was very brown, almost black. But suddenly, I was afraid and I left running. Two hours afterwards, when I returned, the cigar had disappeared."
Continued on page 11 under the headline "FLYING CIGARS"
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Continued from the first page
Landing on skates
At 09:15, the cigar was also seen at the same place by Miss Gisele Fin, aged 16, orphan in state care, who walked her goats. The attention of the girl was drawn by the barkings of the two dogs which accompanied her. The declarations of Miss Fin coincide with those of Mrs. Geoffroy. The latter however specified that the mysterious machines seemed to rest on very thin skates. Frightened in her turn, the girl escaped. The owner of the young goatkeeper, alerted, was to find at the place where the cigar rested two traces which seemed to be left by skates. But the gendarmes who came in number... the next day morning, did not see anything.
Bonn (A.F.P.).
Bonn, the capital of the federal Republic [of Germany], is said to have been in its turn overflown by flying saucers, according to the correspondent of the newspaper "General Anzeiger".
This newspaper published Thursday the photography of an employee of administration and a housewife who are said to have seen the "unidentified flying objects" in the sky of Bonn. Several neighbors of these witnesses are said to have confirmed their statements. The newspaper does not specify the dates of these appearances of which one would have been noted in full midday and the other in the night.
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Bessèges (C.P.).
To the testimonys of many people who, a little everywhere in France, stated to have seen flying saucers, we must add that of two inhabitants of the hamlet of Revety, community of Foussignargues, at 2 km from Bessèges.
Mr. Louis Roche, roadmender in Bessèges, 62-year-old, lives with his wife in a country house located on a sunny hill planted with chestnuts, withint 200 meters of the secondary road 51 which leads from Bessèges to Saint-Ambroix.
It is very close to their residence, in a meadow pertaining to Mr. Camille Soustelle, of Bessèges, that they saw the mysterious machine.
A red light in the night
In the night of Sunday to Monday, at 02:40, Mrs. Fernande Roche, unable to sleep, stood up and went on the terrace which skirts the frontage of the house.
Suddenly, she believed being victim of an hallucination: she saw, indeed, very distinctly at a hundred meters from her place, in direction of the road "a round thing like a red tomato with five or six stems placed vertically, large as half of his wrist."
"I several times put my hand on the eyes, adds Mrs. Roche. I did not dare to call, but I awoke my husband while telling him "Stand up, I believe that I see a flying saucer".
Mr. Roche also saw the red light. He is affirmative on this point.
To him, the object had the shape of a bouquet.
At the end of a score of minutes of observation and because of the cold, the couple returned inside the house. Half an hour later, Mr. Roche rose again and noted that "it was still there". He lay down then and all had disappeared in the early morning.
We reported very exactly the testimony of Mr. and Mrs. Roche. Perhaps one will be astonished that it is all so late, but in fact, the explanation is simple: the two husbands feared the mocking remark and that is waht they told us flatly.