The article below was published in the daily newspaper Le Parisien, France, on November 3, 1997.
A new disturbing testimony on the mysterious UFO
"It was a round thing that was quite high in the sky. It was very very clear...", repeats tirelessly this resident of Saint-Léger-en-Yvelines.
After hearing the testimony of a couple from the new town who think they saw a flying saucer over the Rambouillet forest, last Sunday in the early morning, she wonders if it was the same object that passed over her house.
"I have a skylight located just above my bed that looks out onto the sky. I did not note the exact time, but it was at least 4 o'clock in the morning, Sunday. I was awake and my gaze was drawn to a strange object. It was quite high and seemed to me to be bigger than an airplane. It was flying fast, but not at a dizzying speed," says this woman who admits to having been troubled.
"It was really weird and I wondered what it could be. It didn't look like an airplane. I thought it might be a shooting star. I even remember making a wish. It intrigued me so much that I talked about it the next day to my children. When I read the couple's story I immediately made the connection. I think it was the same thing, especially since I live on the other side of the Rambouillet forest," she continued.
The same day, but around 6:30 in the morning, Bruno, an association manager in the new town of Saint-Quentin, accompanied his wife to work. While crossing the Maincourt-sur-Yvette forest, the couple claimed to have seen a round object with four white lights around the edge and a red one in the center that was hovering a few meters above the forest ("Le Parisien" of Wednesday, October 29).
The craft disappeared at high speed when the couple wanted to park their car to observe it more closely.
Jacky Guyon