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UFOs in the daily Press:

Landing in Weckolsheim, France, 1980:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper L'Alsace, France, le 7 février 1980.

See the case file.


Between Weckolsheim and Dessenheim

Three residents of Rouffach
claim to have come
face to face with a UFO

"I can already imagine the sarcasm of some of your readers who will not fail to point out that we live in Rouffach. The psychiatric hospital is not far away, they might want to put us in there. Whatever, since I saw!"

Truly troubled, Mr. A. S., 25, a textile worker employed at Guebwiller, is nevertheless categorical: the flying object which he saw at length during the night from last Saturday to Sunday, between Weckolsheim and Dessenheim, was perfectly identifiable. It was, according to him, a flying saucer, no less.

The "facts"

From the account given to us by Mr. A. S, we draw two observations. It is consistent and appeared to have been communicated to us in good faith. Here it is:

"It was around 2:50 a.m. Sunday morning. In the car I was driving, my sister B.S., 20, and a female friend N.R., also 20. We were coming back from a ball in Neuf-Brisach (no, no, we had stayed sober). As we left Weckolsheim, we glimpsed in the distance, a bright orange glow. I thought it was a car and I made a few flashes of the headlights. Turning around a bend, we saw this... this saucer, about thirty meters away, it looked like an upturned plate which was hovering about 50 cm above the road, the width of which it occupied. Around the edge of the craft, which was perhaps 1.80 meters high, was a band of blue light. Very intense.

A bit like an electric arc.

We had been there, completely prostrate, for maybe thirty seconds (I remember now: we hadn't heard anything. On the car cassette player, a "slow" was playing. Atrocious!). The saucer slowly, very slowly advanced towards us. It was for us the beginning of a panic fear. I backed up a hundred meters; in my haste to turn around, I hit a milestone. The maneuver done, I put pressed the accelerator. Without looking in the rearview mirror. No, I didn't think of using the camera that was lying in the backseat. Why?

The next day I returned to the scene with my father. Not a single trace. Since then, I've been sleeping badly, Sir..."


Hallucination or start of an encounter of the third kind? At the Neuf-Brisach gendarmerie, no interference to radio broadcasts was reported during the night. No rumors either in the neighboring villages. For Charles Garreau on the other hand, one of the most eminent UFO specialists in France whom we contacted yesterday morning at his home in Talent (Côte-d'Or)., the story is plausible.

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