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UFOs in the daily Press:

The case of Briatexte, France, 1954:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper France-Soir, Paris, France, le 12 octobre 1954.

See the case file here.



4 characters tall "like 11-year-old children"

walk on the R.N. 631 (Tarn) before reentering their machine

TOULOUSE, October 12 ("France-Soir" newsbrief).

Mr. JEAN-PIERRE MITTO, technician, affirmed yesterday to have seen, Saturday evening, around 8:30 p.m., at the location called La Caiffe, on the road RN 631, a flying saucer and its passengers.

Mr. Mitto made the following statement:

- Coming from Toulouse, I returned at my parents', in Briatexte (Tarn), in company of my two cousins. I drove quite fast. After the contour of La Caiffe, we distinguished two small characters - the size of a child from 11 to 12 years old - crossing the road, at four or five meters before the car, and which jumped in the meadow.

"I slowed down and stopped twenty meters further. The time to go down and we saw flying away at the vertical a large convex disc, of a diameter of six meters approximately. The machine, of red orange color, seemed to be sucked up and disappeared in the sky like a fireworks."

False Martians at the Porte des Lilas...

A strange apparatus, equipped with a powerful headlight, has just landed Porte des Lilas," several readers of "France-Soir" phoned us simultaneously yesterday, at 08:30 p.m..

Information taken on the spot, it was actually a police car equipped with a projector which swept the vacant sites of the "Collines Rouges", where vagabonds had been reported.

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