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UFOs in the daily Press:

Green whatever in the sky, France, February 2003:

This article was published in the daily newspaper France Soir, France, on February 10 1997.

See also February 7, 1997.


A green light in sight

An airline pilot of a natioanal company claimed Saturday in Montpellier "to have seen a glowing green light" last Tuesday in the vicinity of Narbonne (Aude) whereas he was driving his car on the Toulouse-Montpellier highway. He distinguished this green light as "much more important than that from a plane and a shooting star, very clearly and very sharply during ten seconds." It then "extincted, and left a trace of white smoke behind it." It could be a matter of an "object being consumed while reentering the atmosphere." The luminous phenomenon had been observed by the residents of the area.

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This page was last updated on January 25, 2003.