The article below was published in the daily newspaper Folha da Manha, Brazil, on August 26, 1958.
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GOFANIA 25 (FOLHAS - via VASP) - Again giving statements to the Press, about a "flying saucer" that, along with other people, he would have seen last night, near Bela Vista of Goiás, lawyer Jorge Jugmann [Jungmann] said that he thinks that the apparatus was the same as the one seen by the crew of an Aereo Lóide plane in São Luis, Maranhão.
He then referred to the news reported by FOLHAS on the last 16th, on a "flying saucer" that would have followed the plane of the airline, "when it was about to finish flight 850 from Rio to São Luis, with stops in Belo Horizonte, Golania, and Carolina."
- "It is very likely," says the lawyer, that "the object" seen by me at 5 p.m. is the same as the one seen by the crew of the Loide plane at 8:30 p.m., given that the captain of the plane indicates that the "flying disk" followed the flight of the plane, which made a stopat Golania."
GOFANIA, 25 (FOLHAS - via VASP) -- Ao prestar novamente declaraçoes à imprensa, a proposito de "disco-voador" que, em companhia de outras pessoas, teria avistado na tarde do dia 25 ultímo, nas proxímídades de Bela Vista de Goiás, afirmou o advogado Jorge Jugmann [Jungmann] acreditar que o aparelho fosse o mesmo avistado por tripulantes de um avião do Lólde Aereo, em São Luis, no Maranhão.
Referiu-se então a noticiarlo divulgado pelas FOLHAS dia. 16 ultimo, sobre "disco-voador" que teria seguido aparelho daquela empresa de navegação aerea, "quando estava prestes a terminar o voo 850 da rota Rio-São Lu!s, com escaías em Belo Horizonte, Golania, e Carolina".
-"Torna-se bastante provavel - diz o advogado - que o "objeto" por mim avistado às 17 horas seja o mesmo visto pela tripulação do aparelho do Lóide, às 20 h 30, já que o comandante do avião afirma que o "disco-voador" acompanhou o voo do aparelho, que fez escala em Golania."