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Pictures by amateurs from Canada:

A collection of pictures by amateurs in Canada.

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Cliquez! Part II.

UFO picture

QUEBEC 1972:

A witness who wishes to remain anonymous, was fishing at the lake when he noticed this strange object flying below the clouds in 1972. He grabbed his camera and managed to get this one picture before it flew away.

UFO picture


In 1973 an unknown witness took several photographs of a strange circular flying object in Ontario Canada.

UFO picture


The photographer and a friend, standing in the back yard of a country home in Ontario Province in June 1973, saw what they at first thought was an airplane approaching. Its silence and the very low level of the object caused one man to run for a camera. He snapped seven good color pictures of the object before it flew away. It was seen to disappear in the haze in the distance. The amount of haze in the photos increases in the last pictures as it moves away.

UFO picture


On March 18, 1975, an anonymous witness near Hamilton on Lake Ontario, photographed this object which resembles a huge Mexican hat called a sombrero. This UFO may be of the same type that was witnessed hovering above Centeno, Argentina two years later.

UFO picture


At 1:30pm on March 18, 1975, in Waterdown, Ontario, 19 year old Patrick McCarthy had gone to an abandoned quarry to try to photograph some wild birds. He had poked around in the desolate area for some time and was just starting to walk back when suddenly he saw a massive circular object in the sky. With camera in hand he started taking pictures as fast as he could.

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This page was last updated on October 17, 2002.