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Pictures by amateurs from Argentina:

A collection of pictures by amateurs from Argentina.

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A UFO photographed in 1977 in Argentina. I have no further information yet. It might be the same object and/or the same photographer as for the Centeno, Santa Fe, 06.21.1977 picture.

UFO picture


A UFO photographed over a cattle herd in 1981 in Argentina at Saavedra or by a man named Saavedra. (There are places, families, UFO witnesses and even two ufologists named Saavedra in Argentina).

UFO picture


This press photograph is from United Press International (UPI) and shows a UFO which was seen above Buenos Aires. The object remained motionless for a long time above some powerlines (see the electric pole on the left) then left at high speed. The photograph was commented on and published by True magazine in the 1950s.

UFO picture

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This page was last updated on October 1, 2002.