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Pictures by amateurs from Argentina:

A collection of pictures by amateurs from Argentina.

Caleta Olivia, Santa Cruz, 03.23.1974:

At 7:30pm on March 23, 1974, Sr. Cesar Elorda, senior employee of Y.P.F. in Comodoro Rivadavio, was 16 Kilometers out of Caleta Olivia when he noticed a strange circular aircraft approaching from the ocean to the east. It was traveling in a westerly direction, across the highway. It continued its course and passed over his car. He could clearly see that it was not an airplane. He stopped the car, got out with his camera, and was able to get one good photograph before the object was too far away.

UFO picture

Rio Negro, 03.01.1975:

At 9:15am on January 3, 1975, Sr. Francisco Moreno was on the second floor of a borrowed cottage reading a novel when his attention was called to a buzzing sound outside his window. He looked out the window and saw a dark gray sombrero-shaped object hovering in the sky. After he remembered his camera was in the room downstairs, he shouted to his wife and daughter to come up and bring the camera with them. He was able two take two pictures of the object before it flew away.

UFO picture

Punta Cuevas, Chubut, 02.18.1975:

At 3:20pm on February 18, 1975, an unidentified witness saw and photographed a disc-shaped object flying in the sky. See this larger picture.

UFO picture.

Buenos Aires, 05.30.1975:

At 2:00pm on May 30, 1975, a senior Army Colonel from the Cuartel General (General Headquarters) in Buenos Aires snapped three color photographs of a glowing capsule flying the city. He had gone home for lunch, and observed the object through his bedroom window. He called for his camera and snapped the three photographs from his bedroom. His teenage son witnessed the incident.

UFO picture

Pehuenco Beach, BsAs, 09.05.1976:

At 6:30pm on May 9, 1976, Ms. Silvia Marie Weber was walking along Pehuenco Beach in Buenos Aires Province, about 60 kilometers northeast of Bahia Blanca, when she saw a number of people watching an unusual luminous yellow-orange capsule-shaped object flying slowly above the surf in the late afternoon sky. She went and got her camera and returned in time to snap one color photograph of the object before it flew away.

UFO picture

Diamante, Entre Rios, 11.07.1976:

At 10:00am on July 11, 1976, Sr. Eduardo Gizzi and his family, driving their automobile from Victoria to Diamante, noticed a very strange flying object approaching at low altitude from the West. At first they thought it was a helicopter because of its compact appearance and low-level altitude, but as it came closer and they could see it in better perspective, they could see that it had no rotor on top and was not shaped like a helicopter. The object took up a position to their right and for some 15 or 20 seconds paralleled the Gizzy automobile. This allowed the witness to take one good color photograph of the flying craft without stopping the automobile. Here is a larger photograph.

UFO picture.

UFO picture

UFO picture

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This page was last updated on January 1, 2001.