The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 4-oct-54-Chaleix.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
One of the most "pathetic" cases of the wave of the fall of 1954 in France is that of Chaleix, Dordogne department, on October 4, 1954.
Numerous newspapers of the time had reported it, in the same terms, mainly on October 7 and 8, 1954.
It was said that Mr. Garreau, farmer of Chaleix, had stated on his honor he saw a "flying soup dish" land on his estate.
He had stated in the press that two perfectly normal men dressed in khaki suits came down, shook hands with him and spoke to him in an unknown language, in which, according to some versions, he understood the questions "Paris? North?"
Mr. Garreau, stupefied, had not answered. The two men reportedly caressed his dog, reinstated their craft; which flew away "noiselessly at a dizzying pace."
At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, "one" had noticed that the grass had been trampled.
One would think that everyone would understand that it was obviously a helicopter, probably a NATO helicopter since the two crew men, normal humans, were in khaki suits and spoke a language unknown to Mr. Garreau. But the case quickly appeared in the UFO literature, without any thoughts of this kind.
Abroad, the case was mentioned by ufologists Harold Wilkins in 1954, Gray Barker in 1955, and Ted Bloecher in 1956.
In France in 1956, it was Jimmy Guieu who evoked it in his book "Black-Out on the Flying Saucers". He seemed to have had another source - which he did not specify - since he was giving a "bell-shape with a flat bottom" to the craft. The "two perfectly normal men dressed in khaki suits" who emerged reportedly approached him "with a smile", shook hands with him, while speaking in a language that Garreau could not understand. Garreau had been watching them in silence, "while one of them fondled his dog affectionately!"
Concerned only about the credibility of the case, Guieu added that on the site, "it was found" that one had walked on the grass, and commented that "skeptics would say that this is poor evidence" but that "we really cannot compel" the witness "to provide hard evidence that has not been left to him!"
In 1963, author Michel Carrouges saved ufology's honor, placing the case among the dubious stories about alleged saucer occupants. He notes that the hous was not specified, that the craft Garreau saw land was "pear-shaped", that two perfectly normal men dressed in khaki suits came out, that they spoke to him a incomprehensible language and left, and that their craft flew away at a dizzying pace.
Michel Carrouges pointed out that if Mr. Garreau did not understand English, one can strongly assume that the men were just American helicopter pilts, but unfortunately nothing was detailed in the Mr. Garreau's testimony, of which there are only summaries, and it is therefore appropriate to "wait before worrying about testimony, unique in its kind."
In 1964, Jacques Vallée estimated that since no official file was written, sinc the account published in the newspapers provided no evidence that the case was anything more than a misinterpretation or a hoax, that there was certainly no evidence of extraterrestrial origin of the phenomenon, the case must to be rejected.
But later, Jacques Vallée would repeat the story over and over without any attempt of explanation in the numerous versions of his catalog, in 1966, 1969, 1972, 1974, 1976, specifying his sources, the press, only in the 1974 version; he talks of an object "the size of a cart", two "normal-sized men" who came out "by a sliding door", wearing khaki outfits and seemingly of "European type".
In 1972, at the ufological magazine Lumières dans La Nuit, it was estimated that this case must be investigated or re-investigated.
In 1979, the two "skeptical" ufologists Gérard Barthel and Jacques Brucker, reported they questioning Mr. Garreau, who recalled that it was in the evening, at nightfall, but told them that his memory was vague, that he has few details to provide, because he very poorly distinguished the craft, in the form of a gray shape at dusk.
About the occupants, he indicated that they were of normal size, "like you and me... No, they did not have helmets, they were dressed in khaki color... yes normal people... they did not shake my hand, they did not even talk to me... the departure... I do not remember anymore."
Both authors deduce that he might have observed military personal and their helicopter, "or any other aircraft", since Mr. Garreau did not see it arrive or leave. They however were unable to ask Mr. Garreau about that "silence" of the craft in the Press of the time.
Just after, in 1979 too, Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon published in their well-known book on close encounters in France, the case according to Vallée, but titled "A NATO helicopter mistaken dor a UFO", and they specified that the "case would have been explained since as being the landing of a helicopter of the NATO forces"; but without indicating where they found this explanation.
However, numerous copies of the Vallée summary were still be published afterwards, most often as an unexplained case, including on Web versions, where one finds the now "skeptical" British ufologist Peter Rogerson's version. He had copied the Vallée version in the 1970s, but now estimates it was "Probably a helicopter". Almost everyone else maintained the silence about the explanations of Carrouges, Barthel and Brucker, Figuet and Ruchon.
It should be noted that in the 1990s, US ufologist Loren Gross exhumed from oblivion a version coming from an AFP teletype received in the United States, including interesting details confirming again, if still needed, the helicopter:
"A Dordogne farmer saw 'Martians' again yesterday. According to him, they were two normal men, of European type, dressed in khaki overalls. They came down from an object which had landed in the vicinity, approached the farmer and shook his hand, asking him: 'Paris-nord?' Awed by stupefaction, the farmer was unable to answer. The two strangers stroked his dog and boarded their engine. They lighted up some kind of electrical lighting and the apparatus flew away rapidly and noise lessly, without smoke or spark, at a dizzy speed. Owing to fog and semi-darkness, the witness was unable to observe exactly, and gave the following description: The object had the trunk of a big cart, and the form of an oval 'oval soup-tureen' streamlined to the front."
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Limoges, 7. -- A farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau said on honor that he had seen a "flying soup tureen" land on his property. Mr. Garreau stated that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki overalls, got out, shook his hand, and spoke to him in an unknown language. Mr. Garreau, amazed, did not respond. The two men petted his dog and climbed back into their craft; which flew away silently at a dizzying pace.
At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.
La Rochelle, 7. -- A mason living on the Ile de Ré, Mr. Simonetti, said he saw a luminous sphere of 12 meters in diameter approximately which oscillated at about fifty meters from the ground.
The sphere, he said, turned red, turned blue, and rose vertically very quickly.
Two other residents of the Ré Island said they had witnessed the same phenomenon.
Two Parisians on vacation in the town of Mouchamps Mr. and Mrs Laroche, claimed to have seen, at nightfall, a incandescent sphere.
Dijon, 7. -- Mrs. Thérèse Fourneret, 23 years old, living in Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte d'Or), saw, Monday evening, a craft land in a meadow not far from her home. She said that she was frightened and had been careful not to observe this phenomenon any longer and had taken refuge with neighbors. The gendarmerie revealed very clear traces on the ground at the indicated place. Clods of earth were allegedly torn off and thrown off on a four-meter radius.
Rouen, 7. -- Mr. Landrin, a water attendant in Duclair (Seine-Inférieur) who was walking with his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he opened his eyes, he said, he saw a ball that disappeared a few minutes later.
Finally, saucers, cigars, discs, crowns, balls, lights, luminous streaks of various colors and all other objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of the Eure et Loir, in Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvallon (Côtes du Nord), Ajort (Calvados) and in Biarritz.
The flying saucer is not (always) a weather balloon
Melun, 7. -- Mr. E. Farnier, member of the Society of Civilian Engineers of France declares to have seen, above his property in Jouy-sur-Morin, a large disc of 8 to 10 meters in diameter "rotating on the spot letting red-purple gleams escape, with a hissing sound reminding a bit of the arrival of a jet plane. The craft was about 400 meters high and hovered more than 20 minutes above me, said Mr. Farnier, so I had the opportunity to examine it carefully. The craft then disappeared in the direction of Coulommier."
Mr. Farnier specifies: "Former commissioner of the Aero-Club of France, having served in aviation, I was not the victim of a hallucination and this machine was not a sounding balloon but a thick circular wing hovering on the spot and moving at very high speed gradually increasing its height."
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Saucers, cigars, discs, crowns, balls, lights, luminous streaks of various colors and all other flying objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of Eure and Loir, at Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvallon (Côtes du Nord), Ajort (Calvados) and in Biarritz.
A strange testimony is that of Mr. André Narcy, 48 years old, road worker in Mertrud (Haute-Marne). He was going to work yesterday morning on a motorcycle, when near Voillecompte, at 7:15 a.m., he noticed in a field at the place called "La Vieille Tuilerie" an orange object. As he got closer, he noticed that he was in the presence of an unknown object. The road maker stopped his machine and, by foot, reached a hundred meters from the object. It was then that he saw a small being about 1.20 m. tall and dressed in a coat covered with hair. Mr. Narcy was very frightened and lay down on the ground, then he called the individual. The latter, after turning towards him, rushed into his machine, which immediately flew vertically to get lost in the clouds.
According to Mr. Narcy the machine was spherical in shape, with a diameter of about ten meters. Under the sphere was a kind of spindle and the porthole through which the being entered the craft was right between the spindle and the body of the craft. At the start of the latter, a kind of flame went out of the spindle, while a large vaporous eddy occurred under the machine.
Mr. Narcy immediately went to work, where he told his comrades of his adventure. With two of them, MM. Riel and Henry, he returned to the place, where he noted that the dew no longer existed on a certain surface. The grass had a slightly milky hue and was crushed on a square about three meters aside. In addition, 12 parallel tracks were distributed over a certain distance, suggesting that the craft had landed by a series of small jolts.
In addition, a farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau said on his honor that he had seen a "flying tureen" land on his property. Mr. Garreau said that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki overalls, got out, shook his hand, and spoke an unknown language to him. Mr. Garreau, amazed, did not answer. The two men petted his dog and climbed back into the craft; which flew silently away at a dizzying pace.
At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.
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LIMOGES, October 7. -- A farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau, said on his honor that he had seen a "flying tureen" land in his property. Mr. Garreau said that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki overalls, got out. They shook his hand and spoke to him in an unknown language. Mr. Garreau, amazed, did not answer. The two men petted his dog and climbed back into their craft; which flew away without a noise, at a dizzying pace.
CHAUMONT, October 7. -- Mr. André Narcy, 48, roadmender in Mertrud (Haute-Marne), was driving to work by motorcycle yesterday morning when near Voillecomte at 7:15 a.m., he noticed in a field, at the place called "La Vieille Tuilerie", an orange object. When he got closer he noticed that he was in the presence of a craft unknown for him.
The roadmender stopped his machine and, by foot, reached a hundred meters from the object. This is when he saw nearby, a small being of 1.20 m. tall and dressed in a mantle covered with hair.
Mr. Narcy was very frightened and lay down on the ground, then he called the individual. The latter, after turning to him, rushed into his craft which immediately flew vertically to get lost in the clouds.
According to Mr. Narcy, the object was spherical, about ten meters in diameter. Under the sphere was a kind of spindle and the porthole through which the being entered in the craft was between the spindle and the body of the craft.
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At the start of the latter, a kind of flame came out of the spindle, while a large vaporous eddy occurred under the craft.
Mr. Narcy immediately went to work where he told his comrades of his adventure. With two of them, MM. Riel and Henry, he returned to the place where he noticed that the dew no longer existed on a certain surface. The grass had a slightly milky hue and was crushed on a square about three meters aside. In addition twelve parallel traces resembling imprints of round feet, were distributed over a certain distance, suggesting that the craft had landed by a series of small jolts.
A mason living on the island of Ré, Mr. Simonnetti, said he saw a luminous sphere of about 12 meters in diameter which oscillated at about fifty meters from the ground.
"The sphere, he said, turned red, turned blue and rose vertically very quickly."
Two other residents of the Island of Ré said they had witnessed the same phenomenon.
Two Parisians on vacation in the town of Mouchamps, Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, said they saw, at nightfall, an incandescent sphere.
Mrs. Thérèse Fourmeret, 23, living in Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte-d'Or), saw, Monday evening, a craft landing in a meadow not far from her home. She declared that, frightened, she had been careful not to observe this phenomenon any longer and had taken refuge with neighbors.
The gendarmerie noted very clear traces on the ground, at the place indicated. Clods of grass had been torn off and thrown within a four-meter radius.
Mr. Landrin, water attendant at Duclair (Seine-Inférieure), who was walking with his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he opened his eyes again, he said, he saw a ball that disappeared a few minutes later.
Finally, saucers, cigars, discs, crowns, balls, lights, luminous streaks of various colors and all other flying objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of the Eure-et-Loir, in Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvollon (Côtes-du-Nord), Ajort (Calvados) and in Biarritz.
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Chaumont, October 7 (A.P.P) - Mr. André Narcy, a 48-year-old roadmender in Mertrud (the Haute-Marne), went yesterday morning to work on his motorcycle when near Voillecomte at 7:15 a.m. he noticed in a field in the vicinity of the place called "La Vieille-Tuilerie" an orange-colored object. As he approached, he found that he was in the presence of a machine unknown to him. The roadmender stopped his machine and walked to about fifty meters from the object. It was then that he perceived in the vicinity a small being about 1 m. 20 in height and clad in a coat covered with hair. Narcy was very afraid and lay down on the ground and then called the character. The latter, after turning towards him, rushed into his machine; which immediately flew away vertically to get lost in the clouds.
According to Mr. Narcy, the craft was spherical in shape with a diameter of about ten meters. Under the sphere was a kind of spindle and the porthole through which the being entered the craft was just between the spindle and the body of the apparatus. At the departure of the latter a kind of flame emerged from the spindle while a great vaporous eddy occurred under the machine.
Mr. Narcy went immediately to his work, where he told his adventure to his comrades. With two of them, Mssrs. Riel and Henry, he returned to the spot where he found that the dew no longer existed on a certain surface. The grass had a slightly milky tint and was crushed on a square about three meters side. In addition, 12 parallel tracks resembling round foot prints were distributed over a certain distance, suggesting that the apparatus had landed in a series of small jolts.
A farmer from Chaleix (the Dordogne), Mr. Garreau, said yesterday that he had seen a "flying soup tureen" land on his property. Mr. Garreau said that two perfectly normal men dressed in khaki suits came down and shook hands with him and spoke to him an unknown language. Mr. Garreau, awestruck, did not reply. The two men stroked his dog and climbed back into the aircraft, which flew away noiselessly at a dizzying pace.
At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau it was found that the grass had been crushed.
At the Verdier (commune of Eyburie) several people saw, on the evening of October 1st, around 10 p.m., a ball of fire in the sky. For a few seconds it illuminated the landscape with a reddish gleam and appearing to follow the course of the Vézère. It disappeared in the direction of Uzerche.
Saturday, October 2, in broad daylight this time around 1:30 p.m. in the village of Espartignac, an 8-year-old girl, who was leaving her home to go to school, was frightened by a strange phenomenon. She immediately called her mother, who was able to ascertain the following fact: an object of cylindrical form, extremely brilliant, which seemed to rotate on itself at a very rapid pace, rose vertically in the sky, where it was to disappear.
A mason living in the Island of Ré, Mr. Simonnetti, said he saw a luminous sphere about 12 meters in diameter, which oscillated about fifty meters from the ground.
The sphere, he said, had become
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LIMOGES, October 7.
A farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau, said on his honor that he saw a "flying tureen" land in his property. Mr. Garreau stated that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki overalls, got out, shook his hand, and spoke to him in an unknown language. Mr. Garreau amazed did not respond. The two men petted his dog and climbed back into their craft, which flew away silently at a dizzying pace.
At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.
LA ROCHELLE, October 7.
A mason living on the Island of Ré, Mr. Simonnetti, said he saw a luminous sphere of about 12 meters in diameter which was oscillating about fifty meters from the ground.
The sphere, he said, turned red, turned blue, and rose vertically very quickly.
Two other residents of the Island of Ré said they had witnessed the same phenomenon.
Two Parisians on vacation in the town of Mouchamps, Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, claimed to have seen, at nightfall, an incandescent sphere.
DIJON, October 7.
Mrs. Thérèse Fourneret, 23, living in Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte d'Or), saw, Monday evening, a craft land in a meadow not far from her home. She said that she was frightened and had been careful not to observe this phenomenon any longer and had taken refuge with neighbors. The gendarmerie recorded very clear traces on the ground at the place indicated. Clods of earth had been torn off and thrown within a radius of four meters.
ROUEN, October 7.
Mr. Landrin, a water attendant in Duclair (Seine-Inférieur) who was walking with his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he opened his eyes, he said, he saw a ball that disappeared a few minutes later.
Finally, saucers, cigars, discs, crowns, balls, lights, streaks of various colors and all other objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of Eure and Loir, at Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvallon (Côtes du Nord), Ajort (Calvados) and Biarritz.
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Chaumont, 7. -- Mr. André Narcy, 48, roadmender in Mertrud (Haute-Marne), was on his way to work by motorcycle when near Voillecomte, at 7 a.m. there he noticed in an path, at a place called "la Vieille Tuileries", an orange object.
As he got closer, he noticed that he was in the presence of an object unknown to him. The road maker stopped his machine and walked to about a hundred meters from the object.
It was then that he saw nearby a small being about 1.20 m. tall and dressed in a coat covered with hair. Mr. Narcy was very scared and lay down on the ground, then he called the man. The latter, after turning to him, rushed into his machine which immediately flew vertically to get lost in the clouds.
According to Mr. Narcy, the object was spherical, about ten meters in diameter. Under the sphere was a kind of spindle and the porthole through which the being entered the craft was right between the spindle and the body of the craft. At the start of the latter, a kind of flame came out of the spindle while a large vaporous eddy occurred under the craft.
Mr. Narcy went immediately to his work where he told of his adventure to his comrades. With two of them, MM. Riel and Henry, he returned to the place where he noticed that the dew no longer existed on a certain surface. The grass had a slightly milky hue and was crushed on a square about three meters aside. In addition, 12 parallel tracks resembling round footprints were spread over a certain distance, suggesting that the craft had landed by a series of small jolts.
Limoges. -- A farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau, said on his honor that he saw a "flying tureen" land in his property. Mr. Garreau stated that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki overalls, got out, shook his hand and spoke an unknown language to him. Mr. Arreau, amazed, did not respond. The two men petted his dog and climbed back into their craft, which flew silently away at a dizzying pace.
At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.
La Rochelle. -- A mason living on the Island of Ré, Mr. Simonetti, saw a luminous sphere of about 12 meters in diameter, which oscillated at a fifty meters from the ground.
The sphere, he said, turned red, turned blue and rose vertically very quickly.
Two other inhabitants of the Ile de Ré have witnessed the same phenomenon.
Two Parisians on vacation in the town of Mouchamps, Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, claimed to have seen, at nightfall, an incandescent sphere.
Dijon, 7. -- Mrs. Thérèse Fourmeret, 23 years old, living in Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte d'Or), saw a craft land in a meadow not far from her home. She said that, frightened, she had been careful not to observe this phenomenon any longer and had taken refuge with neighbors. The gendarmerie noted very clear traces on the ground at the place indicated. Clods of grass had been torn off and thrown within a four-meter radius.
Rouen. -- Mr. Landrin, attendant of the Waters at Duclair (Seine-Inférieure), who was walking with his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he opened his eyes, he saw a ball which disappeared a few minutes later.
Finally saucers, cigars, discs, crowns, balls, glow, luminous trail of various colors and all other flying objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of Eure-et-Loir, in Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvollon (Côtes du Nord), in Ajort (Calvados) and in Biarritz.
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If they sometimes include scathing denials for those who believe in the existence of "saucers" - such as this joker from the Nord who confessed to having thrown more than a thousand... in paper - the file of the unknown craft is growing, on the other hand with new and disturbing testimonies, both as regards our department and the rest of France.
This is how in Bethisy-Saint-Martin Mr. Etienne Docolo, declared to have seen in the sky a luminous and glowing disc slowly moving in space and in La Chapelle-aux-Pots, twelve people claim to have seen saucers, last Sunday, around 11 p.m. 30.
The agreement was not made however as regards the color of the apparatuses which moved they say noiseless in direction North-West. Mr. Yves Quelcelin, residing in Marivaux, hamlet of Hodenc-en-Bray affirms, in fact, that the saucers were red while the person who accompanied him declared to the gendarmes of the Coudray-St-Germer brigade, that the gear was green.
Elsewhere, in our department, we report a rush of the - armed - inhabitants of Saint-Aubin-sur-Erquery to a place where the saucers seemed to move. But it was only a reflection of the headlights of a tractor.
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Finally yesterday, Thursday at 8:30 p.m., in Crépy-en-Valois, four people saw a saucer heading towards Duvy.
In the rest of the country, said they saw saucers or other "cigars, barrels, or flying crescents": a mason, Mr. Simonnetti, on the island of Ré, as well as two other inhabitants of the island; two Parisians on vacation in the near town of Mouchamps; Mr. and Mme Landrin, in Duclair (Seine-inferieure) and various witnesses in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of the Eure-et-Loir, in Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvollon (Côtes-du-Nord), at Ajort (Calvados) and Biarritz.
In Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte-d'Or), Mrs. Thérèse Fourmeret claimed to have seen Monday evening, a weird craft land in her meadow. The investigation by the gendarmerie revealed that at this location clods of grass had been torn up and thrown within a radius of four meters. As for Mr. Garreau, a farmer from Chaleix, he claimed to have seen a "flying soup tureen" land on his property in Chaleix (Dordogne).
Two beings dressed in khaki suits got out of it, shook my hand and spoke to me in an unknown language, adds Mr. Garreau, who specifies that after having stroked his dog they went back into their craft which flew away noiselessly at a dizzying pace.
The accounts of encounters with the passengers of saucers are legion, currently, but that of Mr. Garreau presents an unexpected originality: the passengers, he says, looked like any human being.
Limoges, October 7. -- A farmer of Chalaix (the Dordogne), Mr. Gareau, claimed on his honor, to have seen a "flying soup tureen" come to land on his property. Mr. Gareau stated that two perfectly normal men covered of khaki suits came out of it, shook hands with him and spoke a language unknown to him. Mr. Gareau, amazed, did not answer. The two men caressed his dog and went up in their apparatus which flew away without noise at a vertiginous pace. At the place indicated by Mr. Gareau, it was noted that the grass had been pressed.
A mason, residing on the Island of Ré, Mr. Simonetti, has stated to have seen a luminous sphere of approximately 12 meters in diameter, which scintillated at about fifty meters from the ground.
The sphere, he said, became red, turned blue and rose vertically very quickly.
Two inhabitants of the Island of Ré stated to have been pilot of the same phenomenon. Two Parisian on holiday in the community of Mouchamp, Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, claimed to have seen, at the fall of night, an incandescent sphere.
Mrs. Thérèse Fourneret, 23 years old, living in Poncey-sur-Lignon (Côte d'Or) saw Monday evening, a machine come to land in the meadow not far from her residence. She stated that, frightened, she had taken refuge at neighbors'. The gendarmerie noted very clear traces on the ground at the indicated place. Turfs had been torn off and projected in a radius of 4 meters.
Mr. Landrin, employee with the Waters in Duclair (the Seine Inférieure) who was wandering in company of his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he reopened the eyes, he said, he saw a ball which disappeared a few minutes later.
Finally, saucers, flying cigars, crowns and all other objects were seen in St Etienne, in several villages of the Eure et Loir, in Heyrieux (the Isère), Dieulanvallon (the Côtes du Nord), Ajot (the Calvados) and in Biarritz.
If one were to draw conclusions from the saucer appearances that have been multiplying for some time, at least one would appear with obviousness: the "Uranids" seem to ignore taylorization!
Of all the nacelles used by them that landed on Earth in the sight of various witnesses, not one is like the others. Some are mounted on crutches, others
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do not have a landing gear. Their shape varies, from the pot to the cigar, through the traditional saucer, and their diameter is never the same, ranging from 1 m 50 to 12 and 15 meters.
As for the occupants of these pods, they are often very different in appearance: covered with hair say some, tiny, very tall, similar to humans. Enough to get lost!
Here is a new list of appearances that will once again show our readers the diversity of interstellar craft and the multiplicity of faces of their passengers.
PERIGUEUX. -- A farmer from Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau, said on his honor, to have seen a "flying soup bowl" land on his property. Mr. Garreau stated that two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki suits, came down, shook hands with him and spoke an unknown language. Mr. Garreau, stupefied, did not answer. The two men stroked his dog and climbed back into their craft, which flew away noiselessly at a vertiginous pace. At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.
LA ROCHELLE. -- A mason living on the island of Ré, Mr. Simmonetti, said he saw a luminous sphere some 12 meters in diameter that oscillated about 50 meters from the ground.
The sphere, he said, turned red, turned blue and rose very quickly vertically. Two other residents of the Island of Ré claimed to have witnessed the same phenomenon.
Two Parisians on holidays in the commune of Mouchamps, Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, have said they saw, at dusk, an incandescent sphere.
DIJON. -- Mrs. Thérèse Fourneret, 23-year-old, living in Poncey-sur-Lignon (Côte d'Or), saw, Monday evening, a craft land in a meadow not far from her home. She said that, scared, she had been careful not to observe this phenomenon any longer and had taken refuge at neighbors'. The gendarmerie revealed very clear marks on the ground at the indicated place. Clods of grass had been torn off and thrown on a radius of four meters.
ROUEN. -- Mr. Landrin, a water officer at Duclair (Seine-Inférieure), who was walking in the company of his wife, was blinded by a beam of light. When he opened his eyes, he said, he saw a ball that disappeared minutes later.
CHAUMONT. -- Mr. André Narcy, 48, roadmender in Mertrud (Haute-Marne) was going Wednesday morning to work on a motorcycle when near Voillecomte, at 7:15 a.m., when he noticed in a field at the place called "la Vieille Tuile", an orange object. As he approached, he found that he was in the presence of a craft unknown to him.
The roadmender stopped his machine, and by foot came a hundred yards from the object. It was then that he saw near it a small creature about 1m20 tall, dressed in a fur coat covered with hair.
Mr. Narcy was very frightened and lay down on the ground, then he called the individual. The latter, after turning to him, rushed into his machine that flew away vertically to get lost in the clouds.
According to Mr. Narcy, the craft was spherical in shape, about 10 meters in diameter. Under the sphere was a sort of spindle and the porthole through which the being entered the craft was just between the spindle and the body of the craft. At the departure of the latter, a kind of flame came out of the spindle while a large vaporous swirl occurred under the machine.
Mr. Narcy immediately went to work where he told his adventure to his comrades. With two of them, MM. Riel and Henry, he returned to the place where he found that the dew no longer existed on a certain surface.
The grass had a slightly milky hue and was crushed on a square about three meters apart. In addition, twelve parallel tracks resembling round footprints were spread out over a distance, suggesting that the apparatus had landed with a series of jolts.
Finally saucers, cigars, disks, crowns, balls, glows, luminous trails of various colors and all other flying objects were seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of Eure-et-Loir, in Heyrieux (Isère), Dieulanvollon (Côte du Nord), in Ajort (Calvados) and in Biarritz.
Testimonies on the flying saucers seem to become increasingly precise. Various people in the same area announce the same phenomenon and one can say that one has assisted for a few days to a true rain of flying saucers, cigars or discs on the entire France. A farmer of Chaleix (Dordogne) Mr. Garreau affirmed on his honor to have seen a flying soup tureen land in his property. Mr. Garreau declared that two perfectly normal men covered of kaki suit descended, shook hands with him and spoke a language unknown to him. Amazed, Mr. Garreau did not answer, the two men caressed his dog and went up in their apparatus which flew away without noise at a vertiginous pace. A luminous sphere 12 meters in diameter was seen in the Island of Ré by a mason, Mr. Simonetin. The sphere, he said, became red after having hovered within 50 meters of the ground, it changed to blue and rose very quickly vertically. The craft was also observed by two Parisian on holiday. Mrs. Thérèse Fourmeret, 23 years, inhabitant of Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte d'Or) saw Monday evening a craft land in a meadow not far from her residence. She declared that frightened, she had taken great care not to observe this phenomenon longer and had taken refuge at neighbors'. The gendarmerie noted very clear traces on the ground at the indicated place. Turfs had been torn off and projected in a radius of four meters.
In Duclair (Seine-Inférieure) Mr. Laudrin, employee of the water supplies who was walking with his wife, was dazzled by a ray of light, when he reopened the eyes, he saw a ball that disappeared a few minutes later.
A roadmender of Mertrud (Haute-Marne), Mr. André Narcy, claims to have approached within less than one hundred meters a flying saucer posed in a field close to Voillecomte. He saw near the machine a small being, high of approximately 1,20 meters who was dressed of a kind of cape covered with hairs. Mr. Narcy challenged the strange character who did not answer him and threw himself in his machine which flew away vertically. According to Mr. Narcy, the machine was of spherical shape, of a diameter of ten meters approximately. Under the sphere was a kind of spindle and the port-hole by which the being returned in the machine was just between the spindle and the body of the apparatus. At the start of the latter, a kind of flame came out of the spindle while a large vaporous movement occurred under the machine. On the spot he noted that the dew did not exist anymore on some surface. The grass had a slightly milky color and was crushed on a square of approximately three meters side. Moreover, twelve parallel traces resembling prints of round feet were distributed at a certain distance, letting think that the apparatus had landed with a succession of small sudden starts...
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LA ROCHELLE, 8. - A mason inhabiting the island of Ré, Mr. Simonnetti, said he saw a luminous sphere 12 meters in diameter which hovered at about fifty meters from the ground.
The sphere, has he said, became red, turned blue and rose very quickly vertically.
Two other Ré Island residents said they witnessed the same phenomenon.
Two Parisians on holiday in the town of Mouchamps, Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, claimed to have seen, in the dark, a glowing sphere.
Thérèse Fourmeret, 23, inhabitant of Poncey-sur-l'Ignon (Côte-d'Or), saw a craft to land in a field near his home. She declared that frightened she had been careful to observe this phenomenon longer and sought refuge with neighbors. The gendarmerie noted very clear traces on the ground where indicated. Turfs had been torn off and projected within four meters.
A Duclair, near Rouen, Mr. Landrin, attendant to the waters, who was walking with his wife, was blinded by a light beam. When he opened his eyes, he said, he saw a ball that disappeared a few minutes later.
Finally saucers, cigars, discs, rings, balls, lights, bright streaks of various colors and all other flying objects have been seen in Saint-Etienne, in several villages of Eure-et-Loire, Dieulanvollon (Côtes-du Nord), in Heyrieux (Isère), in Ajort (Calvados) and Biarritz.
A farmer of Chaleix (Dordogne), Mr. Garreau said on his honor that he saw a "flying soup tureen" arise in his property, Mr. Garreau said two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki suits are down, shook his hand and him spoke an unknown language. Mr. Garreau stunned did not respond. The two men patted his dog and went up in their apparatus which flew away without noise at a vertiginous pace.
At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau, it was found that the grass had been trampled.
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Must we go on?
Do we need to mention the furry being, bearing for it around the size a broad corset of orange color, seen close of a saucer by Mr. Narcy, in edge of the road of Wassy (Haute-Marne), October 5 with 7 a.m.. 15 of the morning?
Or also, the 96 centimeters man, carrying a broad leather belt, shoes and panties, which rose in the airs thanks to two boxes in the shape of pears, placed under each arm. This being was seen by Mr. Lacambre, forestry workman in Saint-Pardoux (the Lot), on Monday, October 4, at 8:10 a.m., and the witness has even determined from the footprints that the small being fitted shoe size 21 [Europe standard]...
What to think of the assertion of Mr. Garreau, who swears "on his honor" to have seen a "flying soup tureen" landed in his property, and two perfectly normal men get down of it, who shook hands with him and cuddled his dog before leaving as quickly as they came...
And this handworker of Lavoux (Vienne), Mr. Roger Barrault who, on Saturday October 9, at 7 p.m., was paralyzed by a luminous ray emanating from a "diver" high of 1 m. 50, fitted with boots, with shining eyes, and carrying a heavy moustache...
And the cigar posed in a clearing, in Diges in Yonne, near which Mrs. widows Gaffroy [sic, Geoffroy] saw a man, from the back, in combination and capped of a khaki bonnet...
And Mr. Jean Labonne, of Bergerac, who, on October 2, at 10 p.m., saw a metal mushroom in his garden. "Who's there?" he shouted when distinguishing a shade. "What do you want from me?" But the shade climbed in the mushroom which rose in the airs at an extraordinary speed.
Even in England which started to worry and almost become indignant that not the least saucer, not the least "cigar" or cigarillo, had made the honor of an appearance to the people which had won the battle of Trafalgar. This gap has been just been largely filled by the sensational revelations of an ornithologist, Mr. Cedric Allingham, who claims to have met, on February 18, in the north of Scotland, not a Martian, but a Venusian with whom he had a lengthy and difficult conversation!
This Venusian measured about 1 m 73, he had short brown hair, and his skin seemed tanned. He was completely wrapped in a kind of combination which had the appearance of a armored coat. In his nose were two small tubes joined by a metallic wire... Mr. Allingham managed to touch the saucer whose metal was slightly warm, and he finally took the leave of Venusian, not without having offered him his pen, which the man carefully put in a pocket of his combination and after having taken on the run a photograph of the strange character. This rather fuzzy image is, it should be acknowledged, rather unrevealing. One sees the silhouette of a man seen from the back, walking slightly curved, and that, without a little imagination, could easily be matched with the silhouette of any earthman.
Lastly, with the latest news, it is a true avalanche of Martians that comes falling on our grounds.
In Pournoy La Chétive, in the Moselle, three children were roller skating, when a round machine, of 2.50 meters of diameter, lands close to them. A man left from there, holding in the hand a lit lamp which dazzled the children.
He was dressed of a black cassock "like that of our priest", and after having said some unintelligible words, he flew away in his saucer.
In the island of Oléron, for the first time, it was two Martian girls who put foot on the ground. It is Mr. Martin, a colonial teacher on holiday, who brings their description to us. They carried small boots and leather gloves, as well as brilliant helmets. They were extremely pretty and nicely agreed to sign an autograph to the teacher.
I would take a whole book to bring back all the cases in detail. But all these good people swear to god that they invent nothing. Their entourage echoes that. Him, to invent such a story? A family man known for his respectability... A boy who never drank any drop of alcohol in his life? Come on!
So what? Should it be concluded from this that they really saw strange beings, hairy, helmeted, in boots, speaking an incomprehensible language? Do we need to have faith to this story of mysterious green ray which paralyze human beings? Are their accounts, on the contrary, totally invented? Do they rest on a serious basis exaggerated thereafter?
Nothing, absolutely nothing in the current state of the collected information which was made available to the public allows to conclude in the sense of the authenticity. The investigations were led as if it were a question of "checking" the statements of the witnesses and not in the spirit to eliminate all the assumptions leading to plausible and relatively simple explanations. These assumptions are numerous, they go from the joke to the hallucination not to mention the optical illusion. To eliminate them, one would need extremely thorough police information, doubled, in all the cases, of a thorough psychological investigation.
Then only the facts would remain, logically unexplainable, which would constitute the true file on the Martians. One would then notice that this file is extremely thin, if not non-existent, and that in this business, there is much, far too much, literature.
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According to the account of some people who have seen flying saucers and Martians, the latter do not measure more than 1 m to 1.20 m., wear a helmet and do not speak French.
In the Dordogne, a farmer claims to have been accosted by two passengers in a flying "tureen". This time, both men were perfectly normal.
Flying saucers continue to fly over the skies of France. Near Le Mans, at Châteauroux and at Quimper, these luminous apparatuses were seen.
[Ref. hws1:] HAROLD T. WILKINS:
The author indicates that in November 1954, saucer entities patted a little dog belonging to Charles Garreau, of Chalais.
[Ref. gbr1:] GRAY BARKER:
Two saucerians dressed in khaki got out of their machine and petted M. Garreau's dog at Chaleis [sic], but elsewhere other flying saucers pilots didn't seem to be dog fanciers.
[Ref. tbr1:] TED BLOECHER:
Public Meeting, Jan. 28, 1956
Steinway Hall, 113 7.57 St., N.Y.C.
Speaker: Ted Bloecher
Research Dir. of C.S.I.
[Other cases]
On Oct. 2nd or 3rd, a "flying soupdish" landed on to M. Garreau's farm in Chaleix. Two perfectly human occupants got out, spoke in an unknown tongue and patted his dog, re-entered their machine and took off. 43/
[Other cases]
[Ref. jgu1:] JIMMY GUIEU:
Jimmy Guieu indicates that a farmer from Chaleix, the Dordogne, claimed that on October 4, 1954, he saw that a bell-shaped object with a flat bottom landed on his estate, and that two perfectly normal men dressed in khaki outfit came down, approached him, smiled, shook his hands and talked in a language Garreau could not understand. Stunned, Garreau observed them "while one of them caressed his dog!". The two Uranians immediately climbed back into their craft which took off without noise at a vertiginous speed.
Guieu adds that at the place, it was found that the grass had been walked onto, and comments that the skeptics would say this is poor evidence but that "one cannot force" the witness "to provide hard evidence that was not given to him!"
[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:
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October 4 [, 1954]
[... Other cases...]
?: Chaleix (10 km.N.Thiviers--Dordogne): circ.craft./ground+2 beings
[... Other cases...]
[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:
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October 4, 1954: Chaleix (10 km. INS in the N.Thiviers--Dordogne): Mr. Garreau, cultivator(circ. domed craft + 2 "humanoids" normal size
The author indicates that among the dubious story on alleged occupants of saucers, there is the case of Mr. Garreau, farmer in Chaleix, who was alone in his property on October 4, 1954, at an unspecified hour, and sees a "pear-shaped" craft land, which two perfectly normal men dressed in khaki outfit who speak an incomprehensible language to him and go away. The machine flies away at a tremendous pace.
The author points out that if Mr. Garreau ignores English one can strongly suppose that they are just American in helicopter, but that unfortunately nothing is detailed in the testimony of Mr. Garreau of which we have only summaries, and thus it is advisable to wait before worrying about this one-of-a-kind testimony.
[Ref. jve8:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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Date | Place | Country | Witnessed by | Description of "Pilots" | Total |
4 oct. 1954 | Chaleix | France | Garreau | 2 normal men in khaki overalls, speaking unknown language, handshake | 2 |
[Ref. jve9:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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As far as the French cases are concerned, we are left with only three sightings: La-Roche-en-Breuil [sic], Bouzais and Chaleix: they give very little information on which a serious investigation could be based. No official file has been established; and the account published in the newpapsers do not provide any evidence tending to indicate that these observations are other than misinterpretations or hoaxes. They certainly do not provide evidence of extraterrestrial origin of the phemomena.
[Ref. jve6:] JACQUES VALLEE:
Jacques Vallée said that after a clarification and improvement of his UFO file, there are only two types of creatures reports that remain to be considered, those where the entities are men like in the case of Chaleix, and those with they are "dwarfs with diving suits", and that their real meaning in connection with UFO incidents remains open.
[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:
232 | -000.93060 | 45.50760 | 04 | 10 | 1954 | CHALAIS-DORDOGNE | F | 0211 | I |
[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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190) October 4, 1954, Chaleix (France):
A farmer, Mr. Garreau, saw an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed. (P 37).
(37; Magonia) (Franc-Tireur, l'Aurore, Libération, October 7; France-Soir, Paris-Presse, October 8, 1954).
[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:
The author indicates that on October 4, 1954, in Chaleix, the Dordogne, France, Mr. Garreau, whom the inhabitants of the country regard as worthy of confidence, has seen a round object which flew, which was of the size of a small truck, and had a little the shape of a cauldron. The object landed in his field, a sliding door opened and two "normal" men dressed in brown working suits, came out of it. They appeared to be European and shook hands with Garreau then asked him: "Paris? In the north?" The farmer was so puzzled that he could not answer, the two men caressed his dog and flew away.
[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:
The author indicates that on October 4, 1954, a farmer, Mr. Garreau, saw an object of the size of a cart landing in a field in Chaleix in the Dordogne. Two individuals of human type and normal size, dressed in suits, emerged from the apparatus and spoke to the witness in a language which he did not understand.
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Chaleix, France (October 4, 1954)
A farmer, M. Garreau, observed the landing of an object as big as a car, from which there emerged two men of normal stature, of European type and wearing khaki overalls. They shook hands with him and said something, variously interpreted as either "Paris?" "Nord?" or something incomprehensible. They patted his dog before re-entering their machine and taking off at amazing speed.
Jacques Vallée: Case No. 190 of A century of Landings, in Lumières Dans la Nuit, No 102 (October 1969) and Passport to Magonia.
The magazine noted "19. 10/04/54 Chaleix" as one of the cases of the 1954 wave that should be investigated or investigated again.
[Ref. jdr1:] J.C. DUFOUR - LDLN:
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43. Chaleix, France - October 4, 1954.
A farmer, Mr. Garreau, observed the landing of an object as big as a car from which emerged two men of normal stature, European type, and wearing khaki tracksuits. They shook hands with him and said something like "Paris? Nord?", or a similar sentence, almost incomprehensible. They stroked the dog before entering the machine, which took off at high speed.
(Translator's note.: This case would have been explained since as the landing of a US NATO helicopter).
Ref.: J. Vallée: Case no 190 "Un siècle d'atterrissages" in LDLN no 102 (October 1969) and "Passport to Magonia".
[Ref. jve4:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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October 4, 1954 Chaleix (France):
A farmer, Mr. Garreau, saw an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed. (Franc-Tireur, l'Aurore, Libération, October 7; France-Soir, Paris-Presse, October 8, 1954).
In a list of cases that the magazine called for investigation or re-investigation, there was:
190 4-10-54 Chaleix
46 | 54/10/04 | Chaleix, Dordogne, Fr. | Garreau | 1.V1 | 6,991 11,1651 (190) |
[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:
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Case # | Date | Time | Locality | Department | Witness(es) name |
034 | 04/10/1954 | - | Chaleix. | 24 | Garreau. |
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366 4 October 1954
CHALEIX (FRANCE) A farmer, M. Garreau, saw a bell-shaped object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls, and were of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like "Paris? Nord?". They gave M Garreau's dog a pat on the back. The craft took off at amazing speed.
(Ml90; Franc-Tireur, L'Aurore, Liberation, 7 Oct 54; France-Soir, Paris-Presse, 8 Oct 1954; Magonia, 146: Carrouges S, 130; Pereira V, 195) CARROUGES? PERERIRA, AND SOME NEWSPAPER ACCOUNTS SAY THE OCCUPANTS SPOKE INDISTINCT WORDS.
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Mr. Garreau, a farmer, saw an object the size of a cart landing in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki uniforms and seemed of European type. They shook hands with the witness, saying something like: "Paris? Nord?" (according to another version they pronounced incomprehensible words). They stroked the witness' dog and left at an astonishing speed.
The two authors indicate that several important newspapers published the following story on an incident of October 4, 1954, in the Dordogne:
"In Chaleix, a farmer saw an object of the size of a cart landing in his field. Two men, of normal size, came out of it through a sliding door. They wore kaki overalls and seemed of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like "Paris?, North?" (according to another version they pronounced incomprehensible words). They cuddled the witness' dog and left at an astonishing speed."
They note that this at the very least odd story lets appear the presence of a "machine" and its occupants, and that the machine is described sometimes like a cart, is announced by Jimmy Guieu in his book "Black-out on the flying saucers" as having the shape of bell, and in another catalogue, it is described as a circular apparatus, and that it is thus delicate, without having a precise testimony, to define the shape of what this peasant saw.
They indicate that they have interrogated Mr. Garreau who remembered that it was the evening, at night fall, but that his memory is vague in his mind, that he has few details to provide, for he very badly distinguished it, as a gray shape in the twilight.
About the occupants, he indicates that they were of normal size, "like you and me... No, they did not wear helmets, they were dressed in kaki color... yes, normal people... they did not shook hands with me, they did not even talk to me. The departure... I do not remember anymore."
The two authors deduce from it that he perhaps observed soldiers and their helicopter, or any other apparatus since Mr. Garreau saw neither the arrival nor the departure.
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54-43 Oct. 4, 1954 Chaleix, France Type B
M. Garreau, a farmer, saw a flying saucer land on his property. A sliding door opened and 2 normal men wearing khaki coveralls descended and shook M. G.'s hand; they spoke to him in an unknown language, and petted his dog. Then they returned to their machine, which flew away at vertiginous speed.
Source: Clermont-Ferrand Liberté, 10/8/54.
10 04 1954 hour not specified Chaleix.
WITNESS. Mr. Garreau, farmer.
a) An object the size of a cart lands in a field.
b) Two normal-sized, European-style men wearing khaki outfits.
EVENTS. The witness sees an object the size of a cart land in a field. Two beings come out, shake the witness's hand and say something like: PARIS? NORTH?
According to another version, they pronounced incomprehensible words.
They caress the witness's dog and leave at an astonishing speed.
IN REALITY This case would have been explained since then as the landing of an N.A.T.O. forces helicopter.
SOURCES. Vallée Catalog, Case No. 190. - L.D.L.N., No. 126, 11, 24. - France-Soir - L'Auroroe, Libération for 10/7/1954. - France-Soir, Paris-Presse for 10/8/1954.
[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":
10/04/54 | ( ) | Chaleix | 000XV | 5 m |
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Limoges - A farmer from Chaleix, Dordogne, Mr. Garreau said on his honor that he saw a "flying soup tureen" land on his property. Mr Garreau said two perfectly normal men, dressed in khaki overalls got out of it, shook hands with him and spoke to him in an unknown language. Mr. Garreau stunned, did not answer. The two men stroked his dog and climbed back into their craft, which flew away silently at a dizzying pace. At the place indicated by Mr. Garreau it was found that the grass had been trodden.
The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.
[Ref. cme1:] CLAUDE MAUGE:
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Chaleix 04.10.54: E [= "Explained"] F. 664-665; F3.
The source is said to be the UFOCAT catalog; the "F." source is said to be Michel Figuet's book; the F3 source is said to be "M. FIGUET, Francat-Humcat, listing 1982."
confusion with a N.A.T.O. helicopter, "OVNI" p. 664 and LDLN nr 126.
[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:
October 4th. Chaleix, France, (no time known)
Extract from French Radioteletype:
"A Dordogne farmer saw 'Martians' again yesterday. According to him, they were two normal men, of European type, dressed in khaki overalls. They came down from an object which had landed in the vicinity, approached the farmer and shook his hand, asking him: 'Paris-nord?' Awed by stupefaction, the farmer was unable to answer. The two strangers stroked his dog and boarded their engine. They lighted up some kind of electrical lighting and the apparatus flew away rapidly and noise lessly, without smoke or spark, at a dizzy speed. Owing to fog and semi-darkness, the witness was unable to observe exactly, and gave the following description: The object had the trunk of a big cart, and the form of an oval 'oval soup-tureen' steamlined to the front." 43.
These skeptic authors indicate that on October 4, 1954, in Chaleix, Dordogne, France, a cauldron-shaped object about the size of a small truck landed in one Mr. Garreau's field, then a door opened and two normal European-looking men in brown coveralls emerged and shook hands with him. They asked, "Paris? North?", and the farmer was so shocked he did not reply. The beings then stroked his dog before they flew off.
The authors indicate that their source is Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, 1969, page 226.
The Belgian ufologist indicates in her catalogue that in 1954, on October 4, in France in Chaleix, "Mr. Garreau, farmer, saw an object of the size of a cart landing in his field. Two men of normal size emerged by a sliding door. They wore kaki outfits and seemed of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like 'Paris? North?' (according to another version they uttered incomprehensible words). They caressed the witness' dog and left at an astonishing speed."
She indicates that the source is "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 267."
She indicates that another version is: "while he is alone on his property, at an unspecified hour, he sees a 'pear-shaped' craft land. Two perfectly normal men emerge, dressed in khaki outfit: they speak an incomprehensible language to him and go away. The craft flies away at a vertiginous speed."
She indicates that the source for this version is "Michel Carrouges: 'Les apparitions de Martiens' Fayard pub., 1963, p.99."
She indicates still another version: "a large 'flying soup tureen' big as a tipcart, lands in the fields of the witness. Two men of European type dressed in khaki outfits. After having shaken hands of the witness one of them asked 'Paris? North?' Amazed the witness then sees the craft disappearing at a vertiginous speed."
She indicates the source as "GESAG, bulletin #106, March 2001, page 5".
Lastly, another version is that: "IN REALITY: It would be a mistake: landing of a NATO helicopter."
This last version is sourced "M. FIGUET/ J.L. RUCHON: 'Ovni, Premier dossier complet...' Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979, p. 664, 665."
[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:
Location. Chaleix France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: unknown
M Garreau, a farmer, saw a flying saucer land on his property. A sliding door opened and 2 normal men wearing khaki coveralls descended and shook Garreau's hand; they spoke to him in an unknown language, and petted his dog. Then they returned to their machine, which flew away at vertiginous speed.
Humcat 1954-68
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Type: B
[Ref. lhh2:] LARRY HATCH:
1954/10/04 CHALEIX, 24, FR: Landed NATO helicopter with men in khaki suits.
[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:
On this Day
October 4
1954 - Mr. Garreau, a farmer in Chaleix, France saw an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed. (Sources: Liberation, October 7, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 217).
[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:
Monday, 4 October, 1954
In Chaleix (France), Mr. Garreau (farmer) sees an object of the size of a cart land in his field. 2 men of normal size come out of it by a sliding door. They wear khaki outfit and seem of European type. They shake hands with the witness, and say something like: Paris? North?. They caress the witness' dog and leave at an astonishing speed.
Jérôme Beau indicates as sources: "Franc-Tireur, l'Aurore, Libération, October 7, France-Soir, Paris-Presse, October 8, 1954".
[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 4 October 1954 in Chaleix, France, there was a "Close encounter with an unidentified craft and its occupants. Explanation: Manmade."
The website adds: "One orange helicopter-like, about 20 feet across, was observed by one male witness on a farm briefly. Two 5.5-foot-tall humanoids, each wearing a khaki suit, were seen."
And: "M Garreau, a farmer, saw a flying saucer land on his property. A sliding door opened and 2 normal men wearing khaki coveralls descended and shook Garreau's hand; they spoke to him in an unknown language, and petted his dog. Then they returned to their machine, which flew away at vertiginous speed."
The sources are indicated as: "Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Guieu, Jimmy, Flying Saucers Come from Another World, Citadel, New York, 1956; FSR, FSR (formerly Flying Saucer Review), FSR, London, 1966; Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Pereira, Jader U., Les Extra-Terrestres, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Paris, 1974; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Vallee, Jacques, Passport to Magonia, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Carrouges, Michel, Les Apparitions de Martiens, Fayard, Paris, 1963; Delaire, J. Bernard, UFO Register Volume 7 (1976), Data Research, Oxford, 1976; Newspaper Clippings; Civilian Saucer Intelligence-New York; Hatch, Larry, internet data; Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database".
[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 4 October 1954 in Chaleix, France, "An object the size of a carriage landed. Two men of normal height emerged."
The website adds: "Mr. Garreau, a farmer in Chaleix, France saw an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed."
And: "A farmer, Mr. Garreau, saw an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said something like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed."
And: "An object was observed. Physiological effects were noted. One changing color domed disc, about 20 feet across, was observed by three male witnesses in a forest for ten minutes. No sound was heard. Four dwarves were seen."
The sources are indicated as: Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002.
[Ref. prn2:] PETER ROGERSON:
October 4 1954.
A farmer Mr Garreau saw a bell shaped object, the size of a carriage, land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They were European looking men wearing khaki overalls. They shook hands with Garreau and same something indistinct, which Garreau thought sounded like “Paris Nord?” They gave his dog a pat on the back, then re-entered the craft, which took off at an amazing speed.
Vallee Case 190, citing Franc-Tireur + L'Aurore + Liberation all 7 October 1954 + France Soir + Paris Presse 8 October 1954 + Vallee 1969 p.146.
Heiden citing Carrouges 1967, p.130 + Pereira 1966, p.195.
LDLN 126, p.24 suggests this might have been a helicopter and pilot.
[Ref. lpt1:] LYNN PICKNETT:
The author says that "in his masterly Passport to Magonia", Jacques Vallée cites the case of Monsieur Garreau from Chaleix, Dordogne, who, on 4 October 1954, saw a “cauldron-shaped” object, the size of a “small truck” land in his field, out of which came two “normal” — European-looking — men wearing brown overalls, who shook hands with the startled witness and abruptly asked "Paris? Nord?". Garreau was so shocked he could not answer. The men stroke his dogs and climbed in their craft and flew off.
The author wonders why these events and the question asked was so pointless, why the "men" did not wait for Garreau to answer, and why they would fly in such a superior craft and not have navigational aid on board to find their way.
The author concludes the whole event must have been "staged" just "to cause consternation" or to alert on the existence "of the weird" and other worlds.
[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":
*Oct. 4, 1954 - Mr. Garreau, a farmer in Chaleix, France, saw an object the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type. They shook hands with the witness and said some thing like: "Paris? Nord?" (According to another version they spoke indistinct words.) They gave a pat on the back to Mr. Garreau's dog and took off at an amazing speed. (Sources: Liberation, October 7, 1954; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 217, case # 190).
Location: Chaleix France
Date: October 4 1954
Time: unknown
M. Garreau, who was regarded as trustworthy by local residents, saw a round flying object, the size of a small truck, shaped somewhat like a cauldron. It landed in his field, and a door slid open. Two “normal” men in brown coveralls came out. They looked like Europeans and shook hands with Garreau. Then they asked, “Paris? North?” The poor farmer was so taken aback that he did not answer. The two men stroked his dog and flew away.
Source: Humcat quoting newspaper source
Landed NATO helicopter with men in khaki suits.
The author indicates that there was a false close encounter of the third kind in Chaleix, Dordogne, on October 4, 1954, at an unknown exact hour:
Mr. Garreau, a farmer, saw a machine the size of a cart, or in the shape of a bell rounded at the base according to another source, land on his field. Two men of normal size came out by a sliding door. They wore khaki suits and looked European. They approached the witness, shook hands and said something like "Paris? North?". According to another version, they pronounced words in a language that he could not understand. One of them stroked Mr. Garreau's dog, and then they re-entered the craft which flew at a dizzying pace.
The sources are given as Jimmy Guieu, "Black-Out sur les Soucoupes Volantes", page 165; Michel Carrouges, "Les apparitions de Martiens", page 99.
Julien Gonzalez indicates that in reality this case would have been explained since then as the landing of a helicopter of the forces of the N.A.T.O., according to Lumières Dans La Nuit, #126, page 24.
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
This database records this case 17 times!
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19541003 | 03.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE II | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III | ||||||
19541004 | 04.10.1954 | Chaleix | France | CE III |
October 4 1954. Evening.
A farmer Mr Garreau saw a bowl shaped object, the size of a carriage, land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged through a sliding door. They were European looking men wearing khaki overalls. They shook hands with Garreau and same something indistinct, which Garreau thought sounded like "Paris Nord?" They gave his dog a pat on the back, then re-entered the craft, which took off at an amazing speed.
Vallee Case 190 citing Franc-Tireur + L'Aurore + Liberation all 7 October 1954. + France Soir + Paris Presse 8 October 1954. + Vallee 1969 p146 : : Heiden citing Carrouges 1967 p130 + Pereira 1966 p195
Evaluation - Probably [!] a helicopter
![]() |
A NATO military helicopter.
(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
Chaleix, Dordogne, Garreau, object, craft, men, man, military, communication, talk, words, landing, take-off
[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | March 27, 2003 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | March 16, 2009 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [mcs1], [goe1], [djn1], [jbu1], [uda1], [uda2]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | June 22, 2010 | Addition [jve5]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | July 6, 2010 | Addition [jve6]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | August 13, 2013 | Addition [prn2]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | September 29, 2014 | Additions [jve8], [jve7], [jpa1], [lhh2], [nip1], [tai1]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | October 17, 2016 | Addition [fas1]. |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | December 8, 2016 | Additions [gbr1], [tbr1], [lgs1], [ubk1]. |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | December 24, 2016 | Addition [pce1]. |
1.8 | Patrick Gross | February 20, 2017 | Addition [jgz1]. |
1.9 | Patrick Gross | November 8, 2019 | Additions [ldl1], [jdr1], [prn1], [mft1], [ads1], [via1], [prn3]. |
2.0 | Patrick Gross | February 28, 2020 | Addition [nnm1]. |
2.1 | Patrick Gross | April 17, 2020 | Addition [nll1]. |
2.2 | Patrick Gross | April 23, 2020 | Addition [nmn1]. |
2.3 | Patrick Gross | May 22, 2020 | Addition [jps1]. |
2.4 | Patrick Gross | June 6, 2020 | Addition [cpd1]. |
2.5 | Patrick Gross | May 10, 2021 | Addition [lon1]. |
2.6 | Patrick Gross | August 30, 2021 | Additions [agd1], [tbw1], [cme1]. |
2.7 | Patrick Gross | December 1, 2021 | Additions [gqy1], [gqy2], [jve9]. In the Summary, addition of the paragraph "In 1964, Jacques Vallée..." |
2.8 | Patrick Gross | April 26, 2022 | Additions [ldl1], [gep1]. |
2.9 | Patrick Gross | May 24, 2022 | Addition [ale1]. |