The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 28-sep-54-Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
The regional newspaper Le Méridional for September 30, 1954, reported from Redon in the Ille-et-Vilaine department that Messrs. Gérard, a mechanic, and Paroux, a driver, who drove a top-of-the-line locomotive from Nantes, had seen when passing by at the place called "La Butte du Rouge", on the commune of Saint-Nicolas-de-Besson in the Ille-et-Vilaine department, a craft that rose from neighboring marshes.
The craft, said to be "of some length", was followed by a luminous trail, and flew for about ten seconds above the locomotive and "disappeared" in the sky.
The mechanic had kept his calm, but the driver was so frightened that he fell sick and had to undergo a medical check-up.
The story appeared in many other national and regional newspapers. All versions that I have for the moment tell exactly the same thing. Obviously what fascinated most was that the driver "got sick".
My Press sources did not give a date nor an hour, except for to write that it occurred "the other night."
In 1958, ufologist Aimé Michel gave a version that seems more romanticized, or more extraordinary in any case:
He said that on September 28, 1954, the top-of-the-line locomotive was rolling on the railway from Nantes to Vannes, with Mr. Gerard as a mechanic, and Mr. Paroux as driver.
The locomotive was traveling at a slow pace as it reached the place called La Butte du Rouge at Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, when Mr. Paroux suddenly exclaimed: "Look, there!?"
In the nearby marsh, close to the ground, there was "an elongated, or circular and flat craft", which flew rapidly while gaining altitude. It was luminous, dark purple-red, and was heading straight for the locomotive. It soon caught up with it, and for about ten seconds it followed it, flying over it just a few meters away.
The craft then accelerated and disappeared to the west at a vertiginous speed, and for a few more seconds the clouds were illuminated with a violet glow.
According to Michel - who does not give his source - the driver "was struck by fear and shook of all his limbs, and Mr. Gerard had to replace him until the arrival and lead him to his bed, where he stayed several days with a nervous breakdown and fever."
Michel, who did not say a word about the trail mentioned in the press, said it was night but he could not get a precise hour; Jacques Vallée in 1966 would write that it was at 11:10 p.m., and would name the driver Potraux or Potrnux in the Englesh version instead of Paroux and the other witness Bernard instead of Gérard.
Finally, in 1979, based on the press, ufologists Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon gave the witnesses as Emile Gérard, 49, and Victor Paroux, 40.
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LYON. -- In the departments of the Rhone, Isère, Drôme and Savoy, many people claim to have seen, these last days, with more or less clarity, craft having either the shape of cigars, or those of discs.
In the area of the Arbresle, one of these witnesses, director of a music-hall, stated to have filmed one of these mysterious apparatuses which evolved at a height estimated by him as of approximately 700 meters. One will thus know, after development of the footage, if it was or was not an optical illusion.
Close to Feyzin (the Isère) a young man is said to have seen in the countryside, not far from the ground, a machine having the shape of a dome from where spouted out a very sharp light. The witness had compared it with that caused by the combustion of magnesium. The craft, suddenly, went up vertically while leaving a shower of sparks and disappeared.
Inhabitants of Chabeuil stated to have seen a flying saucer evolving above the countryside.
Lastly, in Savoy, close to the lake of Le Bourget, above Mount Revard, several motorists, on the whole about fifteen people, simultaneously saw an apparatus having the shape of a disc, that evolved during approximately four minutes, to then disappear suddenly.
One of the witnesses, a doctor of Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully wrote up the observations and drew a diagram reproducing the travel of the mysterious apparatus.
REDON (Ille-et-Vilaine). -- Misters Gérard, mechanic, and Paroux, driver, who operated a wildcat engine coming from Nantes, saw, whereas they passed at the locality "La Butte Rouge", community of Saint-Nicolas-de-Besson (Ille-et-Vilaine), a machine which rose from the nearby marshes.
This craft, of a certain length, which was followed of a luminous trail, flew during ten second above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
While the mechanic preserved all his calm, the driver, on the other hand, was so frightened that he fell sick and had to pass a medical examination yesterday morning.
LA HAYE. -- The aerial phenomena which currently appears above Europe did not fail to visit the Netherlands.
Among the recently reported testimonies on the passage of flying saucers above the Dutch territory, it is necessary to quote that of a citizen of Schiedam (an important center of juniper production) which claimed to have seen a rather large object, circular and luminous, moving towards the west. Its fiancée who accompanied it corroborated his statements.
Less recent but more impressive, is the account of the captain of "Grote Beer" Mr J.-P. Boshoff, of the Holland - United States line.
The object detected on the open sea and observed by himself and his five officers using all the optical equipment on board, was the "size of a half-moon" and also circular and luminous.
The captain adamantly excluded the possibility that it can be a weather balloon.
Initially motionless, the disc, after a few moments, moved towards the west to disappear behind the clouds at an altitude of approximately 14.000 meters.
Châtellerault, September 29 -. Mr. Yves David, 28-year-old, farmer in Broudoux, community of Verneuil-sur-Vienna, stated to have seen advancing towards him, on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 19 at 10 p.m., a kind of diver.
The latter, he says, came to caress his arm, emitted unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft (that Mr. David cannot describe). A green beam of light was projected in his direction, nailing him on the spot, then the machine disappeared in the sky vertically, without any noise. Mr. David states that initially he did not want to tell anything of this weird encounter for fear of ridicule. He however informed a friend of his, asking him whether other people had seen the "diver". That's how the country knew about it.
Lyon, September 29. -- Between September 15 and 20, several people in the Lyons area, announced to have seen flying saucers. A 15-year-old young man, Mr. Roland M... says: "On the 15th at approximately 11 p.m., I was within approximately 200 meters of the fort of Feyzin (the Isère) when my attention was caught by a white light. I was then amazed to see, detached in the sky, ten meters above the ground, a dark spot from where a sharp light similar to the combustion of a magnesium spot emerged."
The black "shape" seemed slightly elliptic.
Arrived at about fifty meters of this "space ship", I was amazed to hear a deaf noise like that of a wet rocket, I even saw at the same time a shower of sparks spout out of the lower part of the craft. Then all of a sudden, like a rocket, it rose at a tremendous speed, perhaps 4000 or 5000 km/h." In addition, residents of Chaudelas [sic] (the Ardeche) saw on September 17 in the sky, a craft of the shape of a torpedo with the front more luminous than the rest. Was it of an aerolite or an interplanetary apparatus? It will never be known. Lastly, in Lyons, Mrs. J T... indicates that on the 18th at 3:55 a.m., she saw a craft which went back in the sky vertically at a vertiginous pace.
Another testimony, perhaps the most important, was provided to us by Mr. René Valery, artistic director of the Olympia in Paris. Mr. Valery was in Lyon and he stated to us that he had, as well as his wife, sighted a curious "cigar" whereas they were, on Thursday 16, in Savigny, in the Rhone. "It was approximately 6 p.m., he told us. We were walking, when we saw a craft at approximately 700 or 800 m of altitude. It went up vertically without the least engine noise."
Behind it, it left a broad trail of white smoke. It could not be a matter, in my opinion, he still told us, of a jet plane, I would have heard the whistling sound, because of the proximity of the machine. Moreover, this cigar had by no means the shape of a jet."
Mr. Valery, who does not seem to be able to admit, in spite of the testimony of his senses, that he saw a flying saucer, was carrying an 8 mm movie camera. He hastened to film the evolutions of the aerial object.
Perhaps he will know Thursday, while going to get his developed film, if he were as well as his wife, the subject of an hallucination or if, on the contrary, it was really of one of these famous saucers. He waits for Thursday without impatience, the more so as the visibility was not very good and that he fears to have perhaps missed his "saucer".
Let us add that the saucers are not an invention of our century. Indeed, an extract of the memories of the Emulation society of the Jura, for 1864, under the title "Flaming globes" reports the following lines:
"On January 20, 1859 at 04:35 a.m., by a rather strong rain, but a calm and a very black night, the atmosphere was suddenly illuminated by a very bright white light which made it possible to distinguish from far away the objects with a great accuracy. This light was due to a luminous sphere slipping through space from the south to the north, at a great speed. Large numbers of people who, frightened, left their house, believed in a fire. This phenomenon was seen from Lyon to Strasbourg." [Perfect description of a meteor.]
Four other observations of this kind, but less remarkable, are noted on the registers at the following dates: January 10, 1847, November 13 and 17, 1848, and August 11, 1850.
"They must be distinguished from the incandescent spheres which are seen during storms [ball lightning], since their appearance always takes place by a calm weather, without detonation and giving a sharp light."
At the sight of a flying saucer, a locomotive driver falls sick.
MM. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, who led a wildcat locomotive engine, coming from Nantes, saw yesterday evening, whereas they passed by the location "La Butte Rouge", community of St Nicolas-de-Redon (the Ille et Vilaine), a machine which rose from nearby marshes. This machine, of a certain length, which was followed of a luminous trail, flew during ten seconds above the locomotive and disappeared in the sky. Whereas the mechanic kept his cool, the driver on the other hand, was so frightened that he fell sick and had to undergo a medical examination this morning.
[Ref. lcx1:] NEWSPAPER "LA CROIX":
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The travelers from another world", who had come to herbalize on the edge of the Spanish-Portuguese border..., were only mystifiers.
The Duario [sic] de Lisboa today denounces these jokers who had given them the opportunity to publish sensational..., but false information.
But ... One saucer lost, here is another one found. And this time it is in France that an "interplanetary diver" would have made contact with an Earthman.
Mr. Yves David, 28 years old, farmer in Les Brouloux, in Vouneuil-sur-Vienne (Vienne), has, in fact, declared to have seen, on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 19, at 10 p.m., a sort of "diver" come towards him.
The "sound traveler" approached our peasant and stroked his arm.
Then, the conversation not being engaged given the unintelligible language of the visitor, the later retired towards the machine which had brought him.
Mr. David was about to follow him when a green beam of light pinned him in place. And the machine disappeared silently in the sky.
Mr. David declares that he didn't want to say anything about this bizarre encounter, for fear that he would be laughed at. However, he told it to a friend, asking him whether other people would have seen the diver.
And that's how the whole country knew about it.
A resident of Valence, Mrs L..., who was walking near Chabeuil (Drôme), saw a silhouette in the path that she took at first for a "scarecrow" in cellophane. The dog accompanying the walker barked furiously in terror. As for Mme L..., also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw a disc rising from the maize field which bordered the path, whistling emanating from it. Shortly after, the witness and the peasants went to the field where, according to them, there was clearly a circular trace of about 3 m. in diameter, with recumbent maize cobs and broken branches at the edge.
Other residents of Chabeuil also said they saw a flying saucer that day flying over the countryside.
MM. Gérard, mechanic, and Paroux, driver, who drove a high-legged machine coming from Nantes, saw, as they were passing through the locality "lae Butte du Rouge", commune
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of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine), a machine that rose from the neighboring marshes.
This craft, of a certain length, which was followed by a luminous trail, flew for about ten seconds above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
While the mechanic remained calm, the driver, on the other hand, was so frightened that he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination.
In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, machines having either the shape of cigars or that of disks.
Near Feyzin (Isère), a young man reportedly saw in the countryside, not far from the ground, a machine in the form of a dome and from which sprang a very bright light. The witness compared it to that caused by the combustion of magnesium. The craft suddenly rose vertically, leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In Savoy, near Lac du Bourget, above Mont-Revard, several motorists, in total about fifteen people, saw simultaneously a craft in the shape of a disc, move for about four minutes, then suddenly disappear.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted his observations, and drew a sketch reproducing the path of the mysterious apparatus.
A baker from Canet-Plage, Mr. Etienne Err, declared that upon returning from a delivery round with his van, he had seen, above this locality, a shining disc which, after having described large circles, moved away in the direction of the sea.
A luminous sphere, which left behind a trail of fire, was photographed on Tuesday in Bujv, in south-eastern Sweden. The object, which was moving to the North, flew rapidly "as high as a jet plane, but without making any noise."
At the Lund Observatory, it is declared that no meteor was observed at the time when the witness photographed the phenomena in question with a telephoto lens.
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THE Martians follow each other and are not alike. In Corrèze, they are small and helmeted. In Portugal, they are gigantic and clad in aluminum.
Schoolchildren in the Lot in turn assure that they saw one yesterday, near Figeac.
The children were on their way to school when it appeared to them.
- He spoke to us, they said, but we didn't understand what he was saying...
Whereupon he went down to a meadow, below the road from Figeac to Cahors. The children saw him climb into a small craft which rose vertically.
- It was a machine that looked like a box, they said.
After the saucers, cigars and flying discs, here is the flying box!
In Vienne, a resident of Montgadé, Mr. Yves David, also encountered, he says, a Martian. It happened on Friday September 17, around 10:30 p.m., on the road from Vouneuil to Cenon when he saw in front of him, placed on the path a bizarre craft about 3 meters wide. A small being descended from it, approached Mr. David and tapped him on the shoulder. After that, he returned to his machine which rose and disappeared, leaving behind a green light.
Saucers are reported everywhere. In Saint-Bazeille (Lot-et-Garonne), two people saw a phosphorescent disc, of bluish tint, crossing the sky. Another, orange in color, was seen in Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais. A third, "of an indefinite color", flew over the Perpignan region; seven workers saw it; according to one he went away towards the sea; others say it crossed the Pyrenees.
In the Dauphiné it's a real carousel. Near Feyzin (Isère), it is an object in the shape of a dome; in the Drôme, near Chabeuil, it is a whistling disc. Same thing in Savoy, not far from Bourget Lake, where one of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, former artillery observer, noted his observations and draw a sketch.
In Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, finally, a mechanic and a driver who drove a locomotive, MM. Gérard and Paroux, see a mysterious object rising from the neighboring marshes. Mr. Paroux fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination.
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LYON, September 30. -- In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft having either the shape of cigars or that of discs.
In the Arbresle region, one of these witnesses, director of a Parisian music hall, even filmed a of these mysterious craft which evolved at a height estimated by him at around 700 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film, whether or not it is an optical illusion.
Near Feyzin (Isère), a young man reportedly saw in the country, not far from the ground, a machine having the shape of a dome and from which came a very bright light.
The witness compared it to that caused by the combustion of magnesium. The craft suddenly went up vertically, leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In the Drôme, a resident, Mrs. L ... who was walking near Chabeuil, claims to have met, in the path that she followed, a small being dressed so oddly that she thought at first that it was a cellophane scarecrow.
The dog accompanying the walker barked furiously, overcome with terror. As for Mrs. L..., also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw rising from the cornfield which bordered the path, a disc from which came a whistling sound. Shortly after, the witness and some peasants went into the field where, according to them, a circular trace approximately 3 meters in diameter was clearly distinguished, with ears of corn lying down and broken branches at the edge.
Other residents of Chabeuil also said they saw a flying saucer that day.
Finally, in Savoy, near Lac du Bourget, above Mont Revard, several motorists, a total of fifteen people, simultaneously saw a craft moving for about four minutes in the shape of a disc, -tes [sic], then suddenly disappear.
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One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a diagram reproducing the path of the craft.
MM. Gérard, mechanic, and Paroux, driver, who were driving a high-speed machine coming from Nantes, saw, last night, while they were passing at a place called "La Butte du Rouge", commune of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine) a craft which rose from the neighboring marshes.
This contraption, of some length, which was followed by a luminous trail, flew during ten seconds above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
Whereas the mechanic kept calm, the driver, however, was frightened, he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination this morning.
Mr. Yves David, 28, a farmer in Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne, said he saw advancing on him, on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 10 at 10 p.m., a kind of "diver".
The latter, he said, came to caress his arm, uttered unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft (that Mr. David cannot describe). A green beam of light was projected in its direction, nailing him on the spot, then the craft disappeared in the sky, vertically, without any noise.
Mr. David declares that he did not want to say anything about this bizarre encounter, lest someone makes fun of him. However, he shared it with a friend, asking him whether other people had seen the "diver". That's how the whole country learned about this.
A baker from Canet-Plage, said that when he returned from a delivery tour with his van, he saw above this locality, a brilliant disc which, after having flown in large circles, moved away towards the sea.
Also seven workers from a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of indefinite color evolving at high speed; which reportedly crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Three residents of Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunet, and Mr. Gadra, local school teacher, say they saw an orange disc yesterday evening above the village.
The object moved at a great height and moved in a north-south direction.
After being visible for thirty to forty seconds, the luminous disc disappeared on the horizon.
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Lyon, September 29.
In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft having either the shape of a cigars or that of discs.
In the Arbresle region, one of these witnesses, director of a Parisian music-hall, even filmed a of these mysterious craft which moved at a height estimated by him, approximately 700 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film whether or not it is an optical illusion.
Near Feyzin (Isère), a young man reportedly saw in the countryside, not far from the ground, a craft in the shape of a dome and from which sprung is a very bright light. The witness compared it to that caused by the combustion of magnesium. The craft suddenly went up vertically, leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence, Mrs. L..., who was walking near Chabeuil, claims to have met on the way that she was following, a being of small stature and dressed so oddly that at first thought it was a cellophane scarecrow. The dog accompanying the walker barked furiously, overcome with terror. As for Mrs. L..., also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw rising from the field of maize that bordered the path, a disc from which came a whistling sound. Shortly after, the witness and some peasants went into the field where, according to them, a circular trace approximately three meters in diameter was clearly distinguished, with ears of maize lying down and broken branches at the edge.
Other residents of Chabeuil also said they saw that day a flying saucer flying over the countryside.
Finally, in Savoie, near Lac du Bourget, above Mont Revard, several motorists, a total of fifteen people, simultaneously saw a craft in the shape of a disc, move for about 4 minutes, then suddenly disappear.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a sketch reproducing the path of the mysterious apparatus.
Redon, Sept. 29
MM. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, who were driving a high-speed machine coming from Nantes, saw last night as they passed at a place called "La Butte du Rouge", commune of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, (Ille-et-Vilaine), a craft that rose from the neighboring marshes.
This craft, of a certain length, which was followed by a luminous trail, flew during ten seconds above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
Whereas the mechanic kept his cool, the driver however was so frightened that he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination this morning.
Read on page 8: The Chronicle of Heaven.
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Stockholm, September 29.
- A luminous sphere, which left a trail of fire behind it, was photographed last night in Bjuv, in the south-east of Sweden. The object, which was moving north, said the witness, was flying quickly, "as high, he said, as a jet plane but silenttly."
At the Lund observatory, it is stateed that no meteor was observed at the time when the witness photographed the phenomenon in question on the telephoto lens.
Perpignan, Sept. 29 -- A baker from Canet-Plage, Mr. Etienne Err, said that after returning from a delivery tour with his van he had seen, above this locality, a brilliant disc which, after having described large circles, moved away towards the sea.
On the other hand seven workers from a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of an indefinite color, moving at high speed and which would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Toulouse, 29 Sept. -- Three inhabitants of Lanta, near Villefranche de Lauraguais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunel and Mr. Gadra, a teacher in the locality, claim to have seen, last night, above the village, a luminous disc of orange color.
The object moved at a great height and moved in a north-south direction.
After being visible for 30 to 40 seconds, the luminous disc disappeared on the horizon.
Châtellerault, 29 Sep. -- Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer in Les Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil sur Vienne (Vienne), said he saw advancing on him on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil, on September 19 at 10 p.m. a sort of "diver."
The latter, he said, came to caress his arm, emitted unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft (which Mr. David cannot describe). A green light beam was projected in his direction, nailing him on the spot, then the craft disappeared in the sky vertically without any noise.
Mr. David declares that he did not want to say anything about this bizarre encounter, lest someone make fun of him. He did, however, share it with a friend, asking if anyone else had seen the "diver." That's how the whole country found out.
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Either the most skeptical will soon have to face the facts, or we are currently witnessing a curious phenomenon of collective hallucination from Sweden to the South of France..., unless it is a matter of a vast farce. Everywhere cigars and discs crisscross the sky. They even made a victim in the Redon region. Messrs Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, who were driving a high-speed locomotive from Nantes, saw Tuesday evening, as they passed through the town of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, "a craft that rose from neighboring swamps." Whereas the mechanic remained calm, the driver, however, was so frightened that he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination Wednesday morning. Twice, on the other hand, "Martians" have been seen.
The first, a kind of "diver", was reportedly seen on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil (Vienne) on September 9, 10 p.m., by Mr. Yves David, 23 years old, farmer in the town.
The "diver" came to caress his arm, emitted unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft that Mr. David could not describe and which disappeared silently in the sky while projecting a green luminous beam.
The second "Martian" was very small and oddly dressed. He was reportedly seen by a resident of Valence who was walking near Chabeuil (Drôme). Mrs. L. clarified that she first thought she saw a cellophane scarecrow. The accompanying dog barked furiously, overcome with terror. Mrs. L. then saw rising from the cornfield which bordered the road, a disc from which came a whistling sound. Local peasants claim that there is a circular trace of about 3 meters, with lying ears of corn and broken branches at the edge.
Continued on the last page,
in the third column, under the title
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In addition to these exceptional encounters, there is a real aerial carousel in the sky of the Dauphiné.
In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft having either the form of cigars or those of discs.
In the Arbresle region, one of these witnesses, director of a Parisian music hall, even filmed one of these mysterious craft which was evolving at a height estimated by him at around 700 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film, whether or not it is an optical illusion.
And everywhere we claim to have seen saucers: that makes a total of at least a hundred testimonies.
The Southeast is not the only sector affected by the "invasion". Similar descriptions are reported from the regions of Toulouse and Perpignan.
Finally, a luminous sphere is said to have been photographed Tuesday evening in Bjuv, in the south-east of Sweden.
In the vast international saraband of saucers, the Nord region has recently featured with the adventure of Quarouble. In good capital, Lille could not stay behind. Yes, laugh good people... Lille now also has its saucer or cigar... unless it is a disc.
About twenty people from Lille - everyone knows they are reasonable people and hardly subject to hallucinations - saw Wednesday evening, around 8:30 p.m., a mysterious craft which moved in the sky. Always the same green glow and the same silence.
The observers of one evening were gathered near the Porte de Béthune.
One can laugh, one can call people jokers or more wickedly hallucinated... these facts happen all the same very often and in many latitudes. April's Fool lasts only 24 hours.
And let us hope that the "Martians" - if Martians there are - are understanding and peaceful. Otherwise beware! because they seem to have strong aviation.
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The testimonies are multiplying about the flying saucers. In various French departments, many people claim to have seen, in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft in either the shape of cigars or that of discs.
In the Arbresle region, the director of a Parisian music-hall even filmed one of these mysterious craft which moved at a height estimated by him at around 800 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film, whether or not it is an optical illusion.
Near Feyzin (Isère), a young man reportedly saw in the countryside, not far from the ground, a craft in the shape of a dome and from which sprang a very bright light. The witness compared it to that caused by the combustion of magnesium. The craft suddenly went up vertically, leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence, Mrs. L., who was walking near Chabeuil, claims to have met in the path that she followed, a small being dressed so oddly, that she first thought it was a scarecrow of cellophane. The dog accompanying the walker barked furiously, overcome with terror. As for Mrs. L ..., also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw rising from the maize field that bordered the path, a disc from which came a whistling sound. Shortly after, the witness and some peasants went into the field where, according to them, a circular trace of about 3 meters in diameter was clearly distinguished with ears of maize lying down and broken branches on the edge.
Other residents of Chabeuil also said they saw that day a flying saucer flying over the countryside.
In Savoie, near Lake Bourget, above Mont Revard, several motorists, a total of fifteen people, have seen simultaneously a craft in the form of a disc, move for about four minutes, then suddenly disappear.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a sketch reproducing the path of the mysterious apparatus.
Also, Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer in Les Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne (Vienne), said he saw advance on the road from Cenon to Vouneuil on September 19 at 10 p.m. a kind of diver.
The latter, he said, came to caress his arm, made unintelligible sounds and withdrew towards a craft (which Mr. David cannot describe). A green light beam was projected in his direction, nailing him on the spot, then the craft disappeared in the sky, vertically, without any noise.
Mr. David states that he did not want to say anything about this bizarre encounter, lest someone makes fun of him. He did, however, share it with a friend, asking if anyone else had seen the "diver." This is how the whole country found out.
We should also point out that MM. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, who were driving a high-speed machine from Nantes, saw on Tuesday evening, as they passed by a place called "la butte du rouge", commune of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine), a craft that rose from the neighboring marshes.
This contraption, of a certain length, which was followed by a luminous trail flew during
Read more on the last page
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ten seconds above the machine and disappeared into the sky.
Whereas the mechanic kept his cool, the driver, however, was so frightened that he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination yesterday morning.
A luminous sphere, which left a trail of fire behind it, was photographed in Bjuv, in the south-east of Sweden. The object, which was moving north, said the witness, was flying fast, "as high, he said, as a jet plane, but without making any noise".
At the Lund observatory, it is stated that no meteor was observed at the time when the witness photographed the phenomenon in question on telephoto.
Less recent but more impressive, is the account of the captain of the "Groote Beer", Mr. J.-P. Boahoff, of the Holland - United-States line.
Detected in the open sea and observed by himself and his five officers using all the optical equipment on board, it was the size of a half-moon and also circular and bright.
The captain formally excluded the possibility that it may be a weather balloon.
At first motionless, the disc, after a few moments, moved west to disappear behind the clouds at an altitude of about 14,000 meters.
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In two places, the appearance of a saucer was told by the witnesses with a precision that makes it difficult to doubt that they were mistaken.
This is how near Redon, Mssrs. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, drove a fast locomotive down from Nantes, when they saw, Tuesday evening, when they passed at a place called "La Butte du Rouge", commune of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine), a craft that rose from the close marshes.
This craft, of some length, which was followed by a luminous trail, flew during ten seconds above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
Whereas the mechanic kept his cool, the driver, on the other hand, was so frightened that he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination yesterday morning.
In Savoy, near Lac du Bourget, above Mont Revard, several motorists, in total around fifteen people, saw simultaneously a craft in the form of a disc, move for about 4 minutes, then suddenly disappear.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a sketch reproducing the path of the mysterious apparatus.
In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie, many people claim to have seen in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft having either the form of cigars or that of discs.
In the Arbresle region, one of these witnesses, director of a Parisian music hall, even filmed a of these mysterious craft which moved at a height estimated, by him, to be around 700 meters. We will thus know, after development of the film, whether or not it is an optical illusion.
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Dozens of flying saucers were seen in the last 24 hours in the skies of France, North Africa, the Netherlands and even as far as Denmark and Sweden.
Some believe they have met "Martians"; a witness, manager of a Parisian music hall even went so far as to film one of these mysterious craft which he said was moving at around 700 meters of height, in a sky clear of clouds, for once.
The film is not yet developed and it will only be in a few hours that we will know whether the witness has been the victim, or not, of an illusion.
The craft was one of the many "flying cigars" or "discs" that witnesses said they saw in the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoie.
In this latter region, 15 witnesses saw, for a few minutes, an apparatus in the shape of a disc moving near Lac du Bourget above Mont Revard, then suddenly disappearing.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted his observations and drew a sketch showing the path of the mysterious craft.
Another group which claims to have seen "an object of an indefinite color moving at high speed", seven workers in a factory in the suburb of Perpignan specified that the craft would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
In the Haute-Garonne, three residents of Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais, saw Tuesday evening above the village a luminous disc of
Continued on page 10
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orange color. The object, they said, was flying at a great height and moving in a North-South direction.
In Kourigra, a locality located about 130 kilometers from Casablanca, reliable witnesses said they saw the day before yesterday, a circular-shaped craft of red color moving at a high altitude and at a high speed.
In Denmark, many residents of the town of Strib also said they spotted a "cigar" while in Sweden a luminous sphere that left a trail of fire behind was photographed Tuesday evening in Bjuv, in the south-east of the country, by a witness.
It is in the Netherlands, where the testimonies relating to the passage of "saucers" multiply, that one is most currently passionate about these aerial phenomena. The curiosity of the population was carried to its maximum by the impressive story given by the captain of a freighter, Mr. J. P. Boshoff of the Holland-United States line. The captain says in fact that with five of his officers and using all the optical equipment on board, he was able to observe at leisure an object "the size of a half-moon" which finally disappeared on the way up, at an altitude of about 14,000 meters.
Such sightings are apparently not without danger to human nature judging by the adventure of Mssrs. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, driver, who, driving a locomotive coming from Nantes, said they saw, while passing near Saint-Nicolas de Redon, in the Ille-et-Vilaine, a craft that rose from nearby swamps to quickly disappear into the sky.
The mechanic said he had kept his cool but the driver was so scared, said the A.F.P. dispatch recounting the incident, that he fell sick and had to undergo a medical examination the next day.
There are also reports of new encounters with strange beings.
The first case is that of Mr. Yves David, 28, farmer in Les Brouloux, commune of Vouneuil-sur-Vienne, in Vienne, who declared - belatedly - to have seen on September 19, at 2 o'clock, a sort of diver who came to stroke him on the arm while emitting unintelligible sounds before flying away inside a saucer.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence who was walking near Chabeuil also lived, she said, an encounter with a small being which she at first took for a "cellophane scarecrow".
She took refuge, in the company of her dog, as terrified as herself, in a thicket. A few minutes later, she witnessed, she clarified, the start of a disc from which a whistling sound came.
This upsurge in testimonies obviously does not fail to excite public opinion. Will it be possible one day to unravel the mystery of the "saucers"?
[Ref. lme1:] "LE MONDE" NEWSPAPER:
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The flying saucers continue with obstinacy their prospection of the French sky, in particular, during these last twenty-four hours, above the area of Dauphiné. Without one being able to predict yet big things on the intentions of their occupants, their sympathy to the race of men appears acquired. Undoubtedly, only the fear of a hostile welcome makes them still hesitate to make closer contacts with the Earthmen.
Thus a farmer of the Vienne, Mr. Yves David, living in Vouneuil-sur-Vienne, revealed yesterday that a "celestial diver", met by chance on the road, had caressed his arm" while uttering unintelligible sounds". But, probably disappointed by the little eagerness of Mr. David to tie relations, he had gone up in its machine and had disappeared almost instantaneously in the sky...
An inhabitant of Valence, Mrs. L..., made a similar encounter yesterday. Unfortunately for our knowledge of things Martians, Mrs. L..., seized with terror, hid behind a hedge and closed her eyes. When she reopened them a little later, it was to see rising from the field which bordered the path a luminous disc emitting a whistling sound...
A locomotive driver, Mr. Paroux, was no less frightened than Mrs. L... by seeing the other evening above the marshes of Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (the Ille-et-Vilaine) a mysterious machine which followed a luminous trail. He fell sick from that and had to pass a medical examination...
Optical errors? Hallucinations? No, answer the disciples of the Christ of Montfavet, who have just stated that these flying saucers of which everyone makes fun are the irrefutable proof that their guide, George Roux, is really the Christ making a second coming...
Nobody so far had thought of that...
[Ref. hws1:] HAROLD T. WILKINS:
The author indicates that in 1954, at Nantes in France, a driver and fireman of a train watched for ten seconds a saucer ascending perpendicularly into sky, and the fireman had to be treated for shock.
[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:
Aimé Michel indicates that on September 28, 1954 in the evening in Saint-Nicolas-of-Redon one of the most spectacular observations of the time took place in the evening, at a time in the night he could not get specified:
A train rolled on the railway from Nantes to Vannes, with Mr. Gerard as mechanic, and Mr. Paroux as driver.
While the train rolled at a low pace and arrived at the place called La Butte du Rouge, in Saint-Nicolas-of-Redon, Mr. Paroux suddenly exclaimed: "Looks there! What is this?"
There was in the very close marsh, at near ground level, "an elongated craft, or a circular dish", which flew quickly while taking altitude. It was luminous, of a red almost purple, and it was coming right at the train head. It soon caught up with the train, and during ten seconds it followed it while flying above it at hardly a few meters.
The machine then accelerated and disappeared towards the west at a vertiginous speed, and during a few seconds still, the clouds were illuminated of a violet gleam.
The driver was crushed by fear and trembled all over, and Mr. Gerard had to replace him until the arrival and had to lead him to his bed, where there remained several days with a nervous crisis and fever.
In the 1958 and 1966 editions or his books, Michel did not clearly specify the source; from the 1977 edition and on, he indicated: "see Le Parisien Libéré for September 30."
[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:
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September 28, 1954
[... Other cases...]
beginning of night (about 08:00 p.m.?): Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon--Loire-Atlantique): "take off" circ.lumin.craft
[... Other cases...]
[Ref. jve6:] JACQUES VALLEE:
Jacques Vallée indicates that in France on September 28, 1954, a report said that a tramp locomotive was running on a railway line from Nantes to Vannes, when in the marsh close to the tracks a circular, flat, luminous, dark red, tinged with violet machine was in rapid flight just above the ground.
It soon reached the locomotive, flying only a few yards above it, then it accelerated and disappeared toward the west at a terrific speed, while the clouds continued to be illuminated by a violet light for a few seconds.
The fireman, bewildered, was trembling so much that his place had to be taken until they reached the station, and he had to be helped to his bed and for several days he suffered from nervous shock.
[Ref. jve5:] JACQUES VALLEE:
157 | 002.07720 | 47.64600 | 28 | 09 | 1954 | 23 | 00 | 201 | (ST NICOLAS REDON) | F | 0012 | C | 152 |
[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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163) September 28, 1954, 11:10 p.m., Saint Nicolas de Redon (France):
At "La Butte Rouge" two railroad engineers, Bernard and Potraux, who were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 15 sec before veering off. Potraux had to see a doctor. (P 23, M 95, Anatomy 70).
[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:
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September 28, 1954, 11 : 10 p.m., Saint Nicolas de Redon (France):
At "La Butte Rouge" two railroad engineers, Bernard and Potraux, who were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 15 sec before veering off. Potraux had to see a doctor. (Le Parisien, L'Aurore, Combat, Sept. 30, 1954, Anatomy 70).
[Ref. jve2:] JACQUES VALLEE:
The author indicates that on September 28, 1954, two railroad engineers bringing back a train engine from Nantes to Auray saw close to Saint-Nicolas-of-Redon at "La Butte Rouge" a dark object which flew away, shining of a light crimson, and following their engine.
[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:
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337 28 September 1954 2310 SAINT NICOLAS DE REDON (FRANCE)
At "La Butte Rouge" two railway engineers, Bernard and Potraux, who were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Aurey, saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 15 seconds before veering off. Potraux had to see a doctor.
(Ml63; Le Parisien, L'Aurore, Combat, 30 September 1954; Michel II, 95; Anatomy, 70)
337 Michel gives the witnesses' names as Gerard and Paroux.
The two authors note that in the Ille-et-Vilaine, September 28, 1954, according to a dispatch of the A.F.P. and their personal files, mechanic Gerard and driver Paroux, who lead a locomotive coming from Nantes, saw a craft rise from the marshes close to the railway, whereas they pass to the locality "La Butte Rouge", on the community of Saint-Nicolas-of-Redon. The craft was luminous, of a dark reed leaning on the purple, and dove in direction of the locomotive, which it caught up with. During a few seconds it hovered a few meters above it, then it accelerated suddenly and moved away at high speed.
Gérard remained calm but his companion was so frightened that he fell sick and had to undergo a medical examination. He remained confined to bed during several days with a strong fever.
The author notes that a few days before the case in Loctudy of October 5, 1954, Mr. Gerard, mechanic and Mr. Paroux, driver, led a wildcat engine coming from Nantes, and were passing at the locality "La Butte Rouge", community of Saint Nicolas de Redon in the Ille-et-Vilaine, when they saw a circular craft that rose from nearby marshes.
The author indicates that the machine was of "a certain length", that it was followed of a luminous trail, and flew during ten seconds above the engine to then "disappear in the sky." The mechanic stayed calm, but the driver was so frightened that he fell sick and had to undergo a medical examination the next day morning. He adds that "the accent of the witnesses seemed to be that of the truth..."
These ufologists indicate that on September 28, 1954, at 11:10 p.m., near Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, two railway engineers, Emile Gérard, 49, and Victor Paroux, 40, bring a locomotive from Nantes to Auray. When they reached "La Butte Rouge", they saw a dark object with a purple glow followed by a luminous trail rising from nearby swamps and flying over them for about ten seconds before disappearing into the sky. Mr. Paroux was so agitated that he had to see a doctor.
The authors indicate the sources as the newspapers La Montagne, Le Méridional, Le Dauphiné Libéré, Le Parisien, L'Aurore, Combat, all for September 30, 1954, the Vallée catalog where "Patroux" is written instead of "Paroux" and "Bernanrd" instead of "Gérard" which are the name given in the Press, Quincy, and Aimé Michel in A propos des S. V., p. 112.
[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":
09/28/54 | (23.10) | St Nicolas de Redon-Nantes F | EW | 106XVC (acc) 4078 |
French ufologist Jean-François Gilles had established a computerized catalogue of landings on the French territory between September 26 and October 18, 1954 in order to study if their geographical distribution were the fact of the chance or not.
ICOD | Designation | (57) | Date | jve4 | jve1 | COMMENTS | |
008 | 0560 | ST-NICOLAS-DE-REDON | RF44 | 540928 | 163 | 157 | CE3 |
ICOD is an internal code of this listing. (57) refers to column 57 of the Condon group's computerized UFOCAT, where RF is France and the number is the département. jve4 and jve1 are case numbers in Jacque Vallée's Magonia listing and "Passport to Magonia" book. CE2, CE3 refers to the Hynek classification.
V | F | G | ||||
ICOD | Longitude | Latitude | Longitude | Latitude | Longitude | Latitude |
0560 | +2.073 | 47.646 | +2.060 | 47.645 | +2.060 | 47.646 |
V,F,G are codes for people who determined the coordinates: V = Jacques Vallée, ufologist, F = Jean Charles Fumoux, officer of the French Air Force, G = Jean François Gille, ufologist.
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Rennes - Messrs. Gérard, mechanic and Paroux, a chauffeur who drove a top machine coming from Nantes, saw last night, at a place called La Butte du Rouge (Ille et Vilaine), a machine that rose from neighboring marshes. This craft of some length, which was followed by a luminous drag flew for about ten seconds above the machine and disappeared into the sky. If the mechanic kept his composure, the driver was so frightened that he fell ill and had a medical check-up this morning.
The source is said to be the newspaper Le Bien Public.
[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:
Loren Gross reproduced this newspaper article without giving its source:
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Lyon, September 29. -- In the departments of Rhône, Isère, Drôme and Savoy, many people claim to have seen in recent days, with more or less clarity, craft either in the shape of cigars or in the shape of discs.
In the region of Arbresles (Rhône), one of these witnesses, director of a Paris music hall, even filmed one of these mysterious apparatuses that moved at a height estimated by him at about 700 meters. We will thus know after development of the film whether or not it is an optical illusion.
Near Feyzin (Isère), a young man reportedly saw in the countryside, not far from the ground, a machine in the shape of a dome and from which a very bright light sprang forth. The witness compared it to that caused by the burning of magnesium. The craft suddenly climbed vertically leaving behind a shower of sparks and disappeared.
In the Drôme, a resident of Valence, Mrs. L... who was walking near Chabeuil, claims to have met in the path she followed, a being of small size dressed so oddly that she thought at first that it was a cellophane scarecrow. The
Continued on 12th page.
dog that accompanied the walker barked furiously in terror. As for Mrs. L... also terrified, she hid behind a hedge.
It was then that she saw rising from the corn field that bordered the road, a disc whence emanated a hissing sound. Shortly after, the witness and some peasants went to the field where, according to them, a circular trace of about three meters in diameter was clearly visible, with maize laid on the ground and broken branches on the border.
Other residents of Chabeuil also said that on that day they saw a flying saucer flying over the countryside.
Finally in Savoie near Lake Bourget, above mount Revard, several motorists, in total about fifteen people, saw simultaneously a craft with the form of a disc move for about four minutes, then suddenly disappear.
One of the witnesses, a doctor from Chambéry, is a former artillery observer. He carefully noted the observations and drew a sketch reproducing the path of the mysterious craft.
Perpignan, September 29. -- A baker from Canet-Plage, Mr. Etienne Err, said that after returning from a delivery tour with his van, he had seen above this locality, a brilliant disc which, after having described large circles, moved towards the sea.
On the other hand, seven workers from a factory in the suburbs of Perpignan claim to have also seen an object of an indefinable color moving at high speed, and which would have crossed the Pyrenees towards Spain.
Toulouse, September 29. -- Three inhabitants of Lanta, near Villefranche-de-Lauraguais (Haute-Garonne), Mr. and Mrs. Brunet and Mr. Gadra, teacher of the locality, affirm they saw, yesterday evening, above the village, a luminous disk of orange color.
The object was moving at a great height and was moving north-south.
After being visible for thirty to forty seconds, the luminous disc disappeared on the horizon.
Rennes, September 29th. - MM. Gérard, a mechanic, and Paroux, a chauffeur, who drove a top-of-the-line machine from Nantes, spotted last night as they passed the place called "La Butte du Rouge", municipality of Saint-Nicolas de Redon (Ille-et-Vilaine), a craft that rose from neighboring marshes.
This craft of some length which was followed by a luminous train flew for about ten seconds above the machine and disappeared in the sky.
If the mechanic kept his composure, the driver was so frightened that he fell ill and had to get a medical examination this morning.
[Ref. lgs2:] LOREN GROSS:
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"Look over there! What on earth is that?"
A locomotive, manned by engineer M. Gerard and fireman M. Paraoux [sic], was on a run to Vannes, France, and had just passed the village Redon-St.-Nicolas [sic] when Paroux shouted: "Look over there! What on earth is that?" Zooming at the locomotive just above the ground was an elongated object, a glowing violet-colored thing. Closing fast, the object reached the men in seconds, stopped, and then flew just above the locomotive for a few moments. The UFO then shifted into high gear, leaving the locomotive far behind, entering some clouds and giving the watery masses of particles suspended in the atmosphere a ghostly violet hue.
M. Paraoux went into shock so M. Gerard had to operate the locomotive alone until the train arrived at the next station. 151.
151. Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. p.95.
[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:
20 - September 28, 11:15 p.m., St. Nicolas-de-Redon, Loire-Atlantique.
MM. Emile Gérard and Victor Paroux (railroad workers).
Aboard a high-speed machine coming from Nantes, the witnesses observed a dark object taking off from a marsh. Mr. Paroux was so frightened that he fell ill and had to undergo a medical examination.
Source: Figuet, p. 94.
3859: 1954/09/28 23:10 1 2:04:20 W 47:38:40 N 3333 WEU FRN LRA 6:7
Ref# 30 FIGEUT[sic]&RUCHON: OVNI: Le 1er Dossier Page No. 93 : FARMLANDS
The Belgian ufologist indicates that in 1954, on September 28, in France, in St Nicolas de Redon, "At about 23:10 with at 'la Butte Rouge' two employees of the SNCF, Emile Gerard and Victor Paroux (and not: Bernard and Potraux), who brought back a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, saw a dark object take off while producing a violet gleam and follow them during 15 seconds before moving away suddenly while changing course. Mr. Paroux was so frightened that he fell sick and had to see a doctor."
The sources are noted "Jacques Vallée: 'Chronique des apparitions ET' - DENOEL 1972 - J'AI LU COLL. - p. 262" and "M. FIGUET/J.L. RUCHON: 'Ovni, le premier dossier complet..' - Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979, p. 93, 94".
[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:
Encounters With Aliens On This Day
September 28
1954 - At 11:10 p.m. near St. Nicolas de Redon, France two railroad engineers, Emile Gerard, age 49, and Victor Paroux, age 40, were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray. When they reached "La Butte Rouge" they saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 10-15 seconds before veering off. Mr. Paroux was so agitated he had to see a doctor. (Source: Le Parisien, September 30, 1954; Aime Michel, A propos des Soucoupes Volantes, p. 112; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 212-213; Michel Figeut [sic] & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 93-94).
[Ref. gdn1:] GEOFF DITTMAN:
Witness: Two railroad engineers, Bernard and Potraux
Location: Saint Nicolas de Redon, France
Date: September 28, 1954
Time: 23:10
The engineers's train were followed by an object for approximately 15 seconds. Potraux "had to see a doctor." (Vallee, Passport to Magonia #163)
[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:
September 1954
23:10 In Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon (France), at "la Butte Rouge" Bernard and Potraux, 2 employees of the SNCF, bring back a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, when they see a dark object take off while producing a violet gleam and follow them during 15 s before moving away suddenly while changing course. Potraux had to see a doctor.
The sources are noted as: "Le Parisien, L'Aurore, Combat, September 30, 1954"; "Vallée, J., Anatomy 70"; "Vallée, J., case #26, 'Rapport sur l'analyse de 200 observations documentées faites en 1954'"
[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan indicates that in the Loire Atlantique in St Nicolas de Redon on September 28, 1954 at 23:10, "At 'la Butte Rouge,' two employees of the S.N.C.F. who brought back a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, saw a dark object, of a certain length, take off from a marsh while producing a luminous violet trail and follow them during 15 seconds before moving away suddenly while changing course. One of the witnesses had to see a doctor."
The sources are noted: "Liste des cas Magonia by Jacques Vallée", "Les OVNI vus de près by Gross Patrick **", "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".
[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 28 September 1954, in France, at 23:10 in St Nicolas De Redon, "An object was sighted that had an appearance and performance beyond the capability of known earthly aircraft. One object was observed by two experienced male witnesses on a farm for a few minutes (Bernard; Gerard)."
And: "At 11:10 p.m. near St. Nicolas de Redon, France two railroad engineers, Emile Gerard, age 49, and Victor Paroux, age 40, were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray. When they reached "La Butte Rouge" they saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 10-15 seconds before veering off. Mr. Paroux was so agitated he had to see a doctor."
The sources are listed as "Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Sparks, Brad, Computer Catalog of Type 9 Cases (N=150); Bowen, Charles, The Humanoids: FSR Special Edition No. 1, FSR, London, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173), Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".
[Ref. uda2:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 28 September 1954, in France, at 23:10 in Saint Nicolas de Redon, "A dark object with a purple glow. Explanation: Birds."
And: "At "La Butte Rouge" two railroad engineers, Bernard and Potraux, who were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray, saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 15 seconds before veering off. Potraux had to see a doctor."
And: "A flying disc was observed and photographed. It moved with a falling-leaf motion."
And: "One disc, about 10 feet across, was observed by one witness at an airport for over four minutes (Guyard; Martinet). One dwarf, wearing a diver's suit, was seen."
The sources are listed as "Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Lorenzen, Coral E., Flying Saucer Occupants, Signet T3205, New York, 1967; Lorenzen, Coral E., Encounters with UFO Occupants, Berkley Medallion, New York, 1976, ISBN:425-03093-8; Plantier, Jean, La Propulsion des Soucoupes Volantes, Mame, 1955; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Vallee, Jacques, Challenge to Science: The UFO Enigma, Henry Regnery, Chicago, 1966; Vallee, Jacques, Preliminary Catalog (N = 500), (in JVallee01); Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Binder, Otto, What We Really Know About Flying Saucers, Fawcett T1863, Greenwich, 1967; Olsen, Thomas M., The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, UFOIRC, Riderwood, 1966; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".
[Ref. wik1:] "WIKIPEDIA" (FR):
On September 28, 1954 a case of observation of UFO was reported in the press at La Butte Rouge, the drivers of a train saw a luminous machine rising from the marshes, it caught up with the engine and during ten seconds it followed it while flying over it at a few meters hardly.
The source is headlined "Un OVNI à la Butte Rouge (Archive)" and is a hyperlink pointing at my page.
[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":
*Sep. 28, 1954 - At 11:10 p.m. near St. Nicolas de Redon, France two railroad engineers, Emile Gerard, age 49, and Victor Paroux, age 40, were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Auray. When they reached "La Butte Rouge" they saw a dark object take off with a purple glow and follow them for 10-15 seconds before veering off. Mr. Paroux was so agitated he had to see a doctor. (Source: Le Parisien, September 30, 1954; Aime Michel, A propos des Soucoupes Volantes, p. 112; Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia, p. 212-213; Michel Figuet & Jean-Louis Ruchon, OVNI: Le premier dossier complet des rencontres rapprochees en France, pp. 93-94).
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
This database recorded this case 10 times:
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | Redon st Nicolas | France | CE I | ||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | Redon | France | CE I | ||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | St. Nicolas Redon | France | 23.00 | CE I | |||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | St. Nicolas Redon | France | CE I | ||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | St. Nicolas Redon | France | CE I | ||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | St. Nicolas Redon | France | |||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | Redon-St-Nicolas | France | |||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | St Nicolas | France | CE I | ||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | St. Nicolas Redon | France | CE II | ||||||
19540928 | 28.09.1954 | St. Nicolas Redon | France | CE II |
September 28 1954. 2310hrs.
At La Butte Rouge, railway engineers Messes Gerard and Paroux, who were bringing a locomotive from Nantes to Aurey, saw a long dark object flying just above the marsh, gaining altitude as it came towards them. It was luminous, dark red tinged with violet and followed the engine for about 10 seconds, only a few metres above the vehicle. Then it accelerated away to the west at high speed. Gerard was so shaken by the incident that he was feverish for several days.
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I first want to note that a cloud layer is not necessarily opaque, especially if the object above would be very luminous. Thus the reasoning "if it is under the clouds it is not a meteor", held by some ufologists on some occasions, is not a reasoning that I share.
Then there is a problem of place with Le Méridional [lml1] which indicates that the report comes from Redon in the Ille-et-Vilaine department and that the commune is Saint-Nicolas-de-Besson in the Ille-et-Vilaine. While Redon is indeed in the Ille-et-Vilaine, there is no Saint-Nicolas-de-Besson in this department. It is actually Saint-Nicolas-de-Redon, on the left bank of the Vilaine, one kilometer southeast of Redon.
Of two things one only can be correct:
- Either the versions of the Press that I have are faithful to the events, then, the "craft" might have been a meteor;
- Ot it is the version by Aimé Michel that would be correct, and then it would not be a meteor but something that could be an extraterrestrial craft.
What seems most likely to me is that Aimé Michel, got an exagterated version of the events written by Le Parisien Libéré...
But perhaps there was a local Press source giving this report of a higher strangeness than what was then told in the national press and other regions?
In the sources cited by [uda2], some do not talk of this case (Otto Binder, the Lorenzens).
(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
St-Nicolas-de-Redon, Ille-et-Vilaine, Gérard, Paroux, Bernard, Potraux, Patroux, Emile Gérard, Victor Paroux, Butte du Rouge, object, dark, landing, purple, effect, train, multiple, SNCF, S.N.C.F., light, duration
[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | November 7, 2006 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | February 21, 2010 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [goe1], [gdn1], [jbu1], [lcn1], [uda1], [uda2], [wik1]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | June 18, 2010 | Addition [jve5]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | July 6, 2010 | Addition [jve6]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | November 15, 2014 | Addition [nip1]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | February 6, 2017 | Addition [ubk1]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | September 28, 2019 | Additions [fru1], [via1], [lgs1], [lgs2], [lhh1], [prn11], [prn2]. Explanations changed, was "Not looked for yet. Probable meteor." |
1.6 | Patrick Gross | January 10, 2020 | Addition [ppe1]. |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | February 20, 2020 | Addition [cpd1]. |
1.8 | Patrick Gross | March 29, 2020 | Addition [cdn1]. |
1.9 | Patrick Gross | June 13, 2020 | Addition [nll1]. |
2.0 | Patrick Gross | June 15, 2020 | Addition [ner1]. |
2.1 | Patrick Gross | June 24, 2020 | Addition [nmn1]. |
2.2 | Patrick Gross | January 5, 2021 | Addition [lcx1]. |
2.3 | Patrick Gross | May 5, 2021 | Addition [lon1]. |
2.4 | Patrick Gross | November 28, 2021 | Addition [gqy1]. |
2.5 | Patrick Gross | April 13, 2022 | Addition [gep1]. |
2.6 | Patrick Gross | July 2, 2022 | Addition [jsr1]. |