The index page for the 1954 French flap section of this website is here.
Reference for this case: 10-oct-54-Quarouble.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.
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There has been less talk in recent days about flying saucers. And yet, if the mysterious craft really exist, it seems that they continue to face the sky of our region. Recently a hundred people in Saint-Saulve observed a luminous disc moving in the azure. A lawyer from the Valenciennes bar, Mr. Gheslin, discovered at the same time, a saucer heading for Belgium.
For a while, there was no shortage of testimonies. And then suddenly it seemed that witnesses to the sidereal appearances preferred to keep the apparitions of cigars and other flying objects to themselves.
The skepticism of most of the consulted savants has often ridiculed people who have, sometimes in good faith, reported their visual encounter with the flying saucers.
It is so true that Mr. Marius Dewilde, the Quarouble reisdent who, the first, saw the "interplanetary" passengers thought for a moment of filing a complaint at the Public Prosecutor of Valenciennes about the sarcasm he was the subected to. To calm him down, he had to demonstrate that his complaint was not justified.
Since then, of course, Mr. Marius Dewilde no longer wants to welcome anyone. One may have had the honors of the press and the cinema and not be happy. However, Mr. Dewilde is so dissatisfied with the somewhat overly satirical publicity about him, that he only confided to the authorities his latest encounter with the "Martians."
Because our Quarouble resident claims to have seen again a saucer and its passengers. This time it happened in broad daylight! The object landed again on the railroad tracks near Mr. Dewilde's house, not in the same place, however.
The little men spoke to him: a few words in an unknown language before flying away silently and disappearing.
On the railway sleepers, one observed the same traces as before, a little wider all the same and presenting a perfect symmetry. A few leaves of crushed grass marked the place of landing.
What should we think after this new testimony? For those in favor of the existence of the saucers, it would have been preferable for Mr. Dewilde to stick to a first appearance. It will hardly be admitted that the Quarouble territory is so interesting to the pilots of the mysterious craft. And then it was pointed out to us, the spots of impact noted on the crosspieces are all in the longitudinal axis of the said crosspieces. However, it is difficult to accept that a craft landing can locate with such precision the center of such a narrow plateau. There should have been claws on the edges of the pieces of wood. But the saucers are already the enigma. What is the point of looking for details? You have to believe or disbelieve, pending revelation.
Let us indicate that Mr. Petoux, a bank employee in Valenciennes, saw Wednesday evening between 8:30 p.m.
Read more on the last page
under the title:
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and 9 p.m., a saucer which was flying above Aulnoy. Several other local people observed the phenomenon.
Mr. Charles Pierru, secretary general of the town hall of Oye-Plage, also saw at 11:15 p.m., an opalescent glow ten meters in front of him and at a height of twenty meters, which marched over the national road in the same direction as him, that is to say from Oye-Beach towards Calais.
Having no thoughts about saucers, he was therefore extremely surprised and stopped for a few seconds, regretting the late hour which left no light shining in the houses. Resuming his walk - Mr. Pierru went by foot - the witness was able to realize very exactly the figure of the craft: the shape of a cigar (like the cabin of a wingless airplane), no noise, no smoke escaped from the craft. Even at this short distance, no porthole stood out, only this uniform luminescence demarcated the thing.
It was visible for more than a quarter of an hour, its speed not exceeding that of a cyclist. Arrived at a certain distance, towards Marck, it obliqued at right angle towards the interior of the grounds and, thus placed, it appeared like a sphere: the apparatus seen by the section whose relation to the length was of approximately a 10th.
A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Bousard, 47-year-old, told the gendarmes of Aubusson about the "strange encounter" he made while returning from the borough of Alleyrat (Creuse).
At the place called "La Madière", he said, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stop to better observe the individual. The latter, who was lowered, stood up suddenly, pointing at me two powerful lamps projecting a very dense light blue-light. He also had, on each side of his head, light green lamps, which emitted much weaker rays than the others. It appeared to be 1.60 m. tall and I first thought he was dressed in a spacesuit.
Suddenly under pressure comparable to a blow, I
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We've been talking less about flying saucers lately. And yet, if the mysterious craft really exist, it seems that they continue to haunt the sky of our region. Recently, a hundred people in St-Sanlve observed a luminous disc moving in the azure. A lawyer from the Valenciennes bar, Me Gheslin, discovered at the same time, a saucer heading for Belgium.
For a while, there was no shortage of testimonies. And then suddenly it seemed that witnesses to the sidereal manifestations preferred to keep the apparitions of cigars and other flying objects to themselves.
The skepticism of most of the consulted scientists has often ridiculed people who, sometimes in good faith, have reported their visual encounter with the flying saucers.
It is so true that Mr. Marius Dewilde, the Quarouble reisdent who, first, saw the "interplanetary" passengers, thought for a moment to request the Public Prosecutor in Valenciennes about the sarcasm of which he was the subject. To calm him down, he had to be demonstrated that his complaint was not justified.
Since then, of course, Mr. Marius Dewilde no longer wants to receive people. One may have had the honors of the press and the cinema and not be happy. However, Mr. Dewilde is so dissatisfied with the somewhat overly satirical publicity about him, that he only confided to the authorities his latest encounter with the "Martians."
Because our Quarouble resident claims to have seen a saucer and its passengers. This time it happened in broad daylight! The craft, again landed on the railroad tracks near Mr. Dewilde's house, not in the same place, however.
The little men spoke to him: a few words in an unknown language before flying away silently and disappearing.
On the railway sleepers, the same traces as before were observed, a little wider all the same and presenting a perfect symmetry. A few places of crushed grass marked the place of landing.
What to think of this new testimony? For those in favor of the existence of flying saucers, it would have been preferable for Mr. Dewilde to stick to a first appearance. It will be difficult to admit that the Quarouble territory is of such interest to the pilots of the mysterious craft. And then, as we have observed, the points of impact noted on the sleepers were all in the longitudinal axis of said sleepers. However, it is hardly admissible that an aircraft landing can find with such precision the center of such a narrow plateau. There should have been claws on the edges of the pieces of wood. But the saucers are already the enigma. What's the point of looking for detail? You have to believe or not believe ... while waiting for the revelation.
Let's point out that Mr. Petoux, a bank employee in Valenciennes, saw Wednesday evening between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., a saucer moving above Aulnoy. Several other local people observed the phenomenon.
Mr. Charles Pierru, secretary general of the town hall of Oye-Plage, also saw at 9:15 p.m., an opalescent glow ten meters in front of him and at a height of twenty meters, which advanced over the national road in the same direction as him, that is to say Oye-Plage to Calais.
Having not thought aoubt the saucers, he was therefore extremely surprised and stopped for a few seconds, regretting the late hour which left no light shining in the houses. Resuming his walk, Mr. Pierru went on by foot, the witness could realize very exactly the figure of the craft: the shape of a cigar (like the cabin of an airplane devoid of wings), no noise, no smoke escaped from the craft. Even at this short distance, no window could be distinguished, only this uniform luminescence demarcated the thing.
It was visible for more than a quarter of an hour, its speed not exceeding that of a cyclist. Arrived at a certain distance, towards Merck, it veered at right angle towards the interior of the grounds and, thus placed, it appeared like a sphere: the apparatus seen by the section, whose ratio with the length was about a tenth.
A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Aimé Bousard, 47 years old, told the gendarmes of Aubusson of the "strange encounter" he made while returning from the borough of Alleyrat (Creuse).
At the place called "La Madière", he said, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stopped to better observe the individual. The latter, who was lowered, got up suddenly, pointing at me two powerful projectors, lamps projecting a very dense light blue light.
He also had, on each side of the head, a very dense light green lamp which emitted much weaker rays than the others. It appeared to be 1.60 m tall and I first thought he was dressed in a spacesuit.
Suddenly, under the pressure of a blow, I was thrown across the road where I stayed for ten minutes without being able to shout or call for help. The light blue lamps were still on me. I felt and still feel pain in my legs and my right hand.
At the place indicated by the cultivator, the gendarmes noted that the earth had been freshly moved. The grass had been uprooted over an area of 70 cm in diameter. No footprints were found.
[Ref. mtn1:] MARC THIROUIN:
Witness Marius Dewilde told his story to investigator Marc Thirouin:
"It was between 11:30 A.M. and midday when my son, aged three and half, came to inform me that there was "a car on the eailway." I went out, I saw, at 50 meters, a machine of same shape and dimensions that the one I saw a month earlier. It was not on the same tracks, but on those which pass on other side of the house. There was a rectangular opening at the base of the cupola of the machine. All around this base was a series of bumps of which I did not understood the significance. There was also, above the opening, like a horizontal line of port-holes; I distinguished three or four of them but I did not see anything through them."
"Beings of human appearance, dressed of a dark gray one piece suit entirely wrapping them, were busy around the apparatus; there were two on the plate of the disc (one on each side of the rectangular opening); later I saw two more of them leave the disc from behind - or more exactly perhaps - from its lower part. A fifth came out of the opening, went down to ground, spoke with the others; it appeared me to be the chief. He came to me. I had not stopped to advancing towards the machine during these observations, so that we met within approximately 3 meters of the apparatus."
"The being which was in front of me may have been of 1.30 meters of height. He gave the impression to me to be small but not to be a dwarf. He was entirely covered with an apparently tight and waterprrof one piece suit, comprising a helmet equipped with a transparent part in front of the face, of gloves and shoes, the whole in a very flexible matter, dark gray and mate, which could be an impermeable fabric, a plastic or rubber. A pad went down vertically from under its right arm to half-thigh level. Through the transparent part of the helmet, I saw his face, a little of his ears and the starting of the hair. The general aspect was Asian, Mongolian; the jaw was rather strong, the high knobs, the hair, the very black eyebrows, the brown eyes; rather brown skin: it was that of a white man with a dark complexion, not rosy but tanned, less "cooked" that that the color one attributes to the red indians, rather comparable with that of the Arabs, darker at the places where we have beard. No moustache. Nonprojecting eyes."
"The being flattered my son whom I held in my arms, tapped me on the shoulder, while smiling, and started to speak in a language that I did not know. I heard it very well, which is rather curious since he spoke to me through his helmet. I saw that he had very white teeth, impeccable. In the whole, his face was regular and really beautiful. His smile was completely human, like his facial expressions and his gestures. The beings, similar to him, that I saw around the machine, smiled, they too, from time to time."
"I was within 3 meters of the apparatus and perceived deaf complaints inside. It seemed me to hear repeat: Bukak... bukak... While looking at by the opening, I saw two other beings, one lying on the floor - I supposed that it was him who groaned - the other upright near him. As I was almost in the axis of the door, I could see the material inside was like "waxed" and a really strange materia, plenty of very small things - buttons of different colors, sorts of pressure gauges, etc, out of dark, gray metal (?), impeccable of cleanliness."
"The language in which the being spoke to me was apparently neither Chinese, neither an Indochinese language, nor the Siamese one; the sequence of the sounds seemed to me rather European, but it was, in my view, neither English, neither German, nor a Latin language. I am really unable to specify more, being totally unfamiliarized with foreign languages. The being took some steps towards my poultry, which was eating not far from us, he bent down to seize a hen. Instead of fleeing while shouting as these animals do, when I try to catch them, this one "froze" and let itself submissively be taken; I was amazed by that. He showed it in his hands then gave it to the two beings which had remained close to the door. They bent down a little and took it."
"Finally the being again cuddled my child, on the head, and again tapped me on the shoulder, nicely, then beckoned to me to go away a little. He eneterd in the machine, preceded by the two characters to which he had given the hen and followed by the two others who were behind or under the machine one moment before. Two of them helped him to climb up by giving him a hand. The character upright inside bent down to move the one who was lying, in order to free the entry. When seeing them move, I noticed that they were well proportioned, that they had a quiet behaviour, that while remaining subjected to gravity they did not seem, to some extent, to feel the weight nor to indicate any tiredness."
"A panel sealed the door, slipping from top to bottom, rather quickly but without brutality. Then the machine took off vertically, with no noise and no smoke, and disappeared towards the east. I had the time to see the lower part of the disc: there was a central part in relief, surrounded by small circles and lines laid out in rays. I was not very inclined to reveal this observation, remembering the troubles I went into the first time. But my wife spoke about it and the rumour spread, which again brought flood of investigators on the premises."
A plague of "flying saucers" and other mysterious craft is sweeping Europe, and the number of recorded testimony shows that France appears to be particularly targeted. There is no day, since weeks, where many of these events are reported from the Vendée, the Moselle and the Quiévrain to the Bidassoa.
In the Limousin, in particular, where a farmer was embraced on September 10, by a stranger; although he was peaceful, terror took hold, especially in the area of Roches (Creuse), where children no longer dare to go to school alone and where shepherdesses no longer want to keep their flocks since a dark shadow was reported hiding in the brushes. There is concern that the friendly Martian re-embarked leaving on the earth one of his companions.
In Diges (Yonne), two women saw each in her turn, a cigar land in a meadow and its pilot was leaning, perhaps on its engine. The "being" was of normal size, dressed in khaki and wearing a cap, but they were so scared that by the same reflex, they fled and locked themselves in.
A pseudo-writer, on the contrary, delighted that these fantastic creatures come to join his philosophical ramblings, assimilates the "anti-saucerists" to troublemakers and warmongers. He writes without smiling: "These cigars and saucers could well make all of us agree. Perhaps this is why some people do not want to hear about it. Think about it! Eisenhower and Malenkov shaking hands around a saucer! What an idea!"
What to think of this new fever? Should we follow in their disdainful disapproval those who believe without verification, it is all hallucinations - sometimes collective - or should we believe with the others these are real craft originating from the human genius or more romantically coming from another world?
No doubt it is better to examine things more closely. The case now takes a too serious turn for trafficking in nonsense or admit all the news. It is time to grasp the problem and reason healthily on the sum of elements accumulated since more than seven years.
For it is on June 24, 1947, that the first "saucers" were reported in the manner described thousands of times since.
It was an American businessman, Kenneth Arnold, who saw that day "nine luminous discs flying in formation at high altitude" when he had taken off from Chehalis (Washington) on a personal plane. He could see that these "craft" were "flat like frying pans or saucers" before their disappearance and, if the case made little noise, the term "flying saucers" (soucoupe volante) was already launched.
It took six months before a new apparition was reported again in America, but this one was to end in tragedy, beginning to worry the public opinion. On January 7, 1948, the police in Fort Knox (Kentucky) warns the military at the Godman Airfield that "a huge fiery object, surrounded by a reddish glow" was flying in their direction. Three reservists fighter pilots were in flight, precisely at that time, on "Mustangs" propeller planes, and the tower alerted the control. Captain Mantell, leader of the squadron, immediately saw the "object" and putting gas on dove after it although his two comrades and himself had left for a flight at low altitude and were deprived of oxygen masks. The two crew members did not exceed 4,000 meters. Only Mantell went up to almost 7,000 meters before telling on the radio, breathless:
- It's frightening...
These words were the last and no one ever knew what they meant. The plane broke up in flight and the body of the unfortunate pilot was found horribly disjointed. The first reaction of Mantell's friends was naturally to think that he had been "downed" by the mysterious craft. His exclamation seemed to indicate that what he saw was awful and that monsters had fired at him.
This is the first victim - the first "martyr" - who tragically marked the true arrival of the "saucers" on earth.
An investigation commission was appointed, but its work was long and hard at a time when the high-speed compressibility phenomena were still unclear. When it put out its report on the accident, it finally explained that the pilot had climbed too high, probably in the pursuit of an atmospheric phenomenon. Deprived of oxygen, he had probably exclaimed that he was losing consciousness. The aircraft, abandoned to itself, had probably dislocated by diving at nearly the speed of the "wall of sound".
But psychosis was already on his way. What can the fairly conservative assumptions of technicians do against the taste of wonderful and the supernatural?
It is in any case strange to see that the appearances of "flying saucers" multiplied at once in America where 1,192 cases were reported, in waves, from 1947 to 1952. And it is no less surprising to see that, little by little parallel waves manifested themselves in France three to five weeks behind those recorded in the U.S.A.
Of course, the "pro-saucerists" interpret this pattern to their advantage: - We are part of the same humanity that the Americans and the "saucers" have no reason to despise us when visiting Earth. Their pilots wherever they come from can be as much interested in France and in the United States and if we see less it is because our territory is seventeen times smaller than that of the U.S.A.
It is certainly flattering to our national pride. But more Cartesian than sentimental "anti-saucerists", are concerned with this regular shift:
Just long enough to newspapers to inform you of the virus, they reply. After the Mantell crash anyway America was so gripped by the fear of the saucers deadly saucers that it accepted all the fables.
The most sensational story was published by one Franck Scully of Denver, who told in a weekkly magazine, then in a book, how a circular machine, that came from another planet, crashed in the United States, described the autopsy by a famous practitioner of sixteen little creatures found on board and stated that metal debris from the machine, heated to 10,000 degrees, had not melted. The finally palpable "saucer" and these little men in blue linen clothes made such a noise that an investigation commission - again - joined in. Frank Scully, interrogated, had to admit the "hoax". His piece of metal melted at 637 degrees and the case ended with two convictions for fraud.
But once again, the explanation came too late. The book beautifully sold and the author won a lot of dollars.
1953 has not been a hot year for "saucers".
In France, the first known "saucer" was reported in Antibes, in August 1949, but the following came in waves, parallel, we repeat, to those in the US. There is a fever in 1950, two in 1951 and one particularly important in 1952. That year, there were eleven appearances in May, six in June, six in July, two in August and two in September, eight finally in October.
This is precisely the time when America also see many "flying objects" and made us know its anxiety. We will see how calm then returned across the Atlantic. Here, 1953 was also quiet. The saucers disappeared from our skies until last August where a new wave started discreetly in Norway with the meeting of a helicopter by two young people who were picking blueberries.
This time Europe had exclusivity. The wave grows slowly, recalling the Loch Ness [Monster] who in the past returned in the heart of summer to fill the gaps in the news. But the Scottish snake was a prisoner of the lake while the "saucers" do not recognize borders nor countries nor the dreams and the real facts are now mingled with the disorder.
We must reject from the first five recent stories - the most sensational alas! - just too unreliable.
In Vernon, the young witness has a strong imagination well known in the region.
In Quarouble, near Valenciennes, the gatekeeper who saw "little people" was a victim, one year ago, of a head injury and is subject, since then, to nervous disorders. Prints appear on the wood of the railway track, but may give rise to infinite interpretations.
Near Amiens, four pranksters had to admit they had wanted to make fun of their friends. In Bugeat (Corrèze), Mr. Mazaud has probably been embraced by someone but the air police firstly believes in a light aircraft that came in this deserted place at dusk, for a rendez-vous with a smuggler.
In Craintilleux finally, near St-Etienne, the giant, Hitler lookalike, double-faced (one grimacing at the front and the other, jovial, at the back) climbed in his saucer without opening the door, in the manner of wall-crossing ghosts, really seems too childishly wonderful. Witnesses, actors and writers have probably the romantic spirit that suits this kind of occurrence. And the Martian they thought they saw will at least have the advantage of providing them something for a play or a novel.
Medicine knows about these awaken hallucinations which can be experienced by completely normal people. Who did not see in the dark shadows move where there was nothing? It should be noted in this connection that virtually all reported landings of "saucers" took place at night and no one has yet seen Martians having a shape significantly different from ours in daylight.
Should we conclude that all recorded reports are the work of unbridled imaginations?
Certainly not.
Kenneth Arnold and Mantell were not dreamers. Most French witnesses aren' either.
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Last week the Club of Dowsers went to Quarouble, under the leadership of its president, to investigate this famous flying saucer that landed on the railway track. The eminent president and his collaborators wanted to be able to detect the nationality of the two two-legged monsters, which the Quarouble resident, baptized in the city under the nickname of "Cacoule and Parisian", had seen with his own eyes, seen.
As soon as these gentlemen arrived on the scene, the news spread like wildfire, and a few hundred curious people surrounded the Valencian scholars.
"Come quickly, shouted a brave farmer, to one of his comrades, to check the delegation from the French Academy, you've seen at the movies 'bout that thing?"
The guard of Quarouble pushed aside the increasingly dense crowd and the president of the club, who had "fetched" the "seer", kindly begged him to tell, in front of his colleagues, what he had seen in the night!
The seer. - Well, here's that's what I saw. First I slept. All of a sudden there was a noise like a hit of tha thunder. I put on slacks and there's me gonna outsude. What do I see? An big round deal of six meters long by 4 wide. Two little men like 2 infants, I showed at the cinema how they were.
The President. - You were wide awake my friend?
The seer. - Ya listen... Na if you thing i'm a crackpot, you have to say it, or else...
The President. - do not be angry, my friend. We are here to shed light on our fellow citizens, let's continue.
The seer. - The 2 dwarfs light a big chigar "Gimme one of those!" it cried. No answer. "What's that country of ya?" Nope answer. "Ah well ...!" what I told them...
"Eat there" which answers one of the two.
"I was paralyzed. All of a sudden, they jump in the the flying plate and woof! they're gone.
The President. - Did they go East or West?
The seer. - That way (he points east).
The President. - Gentlemen, armed with this valuable information, let's get to work.
* * *
All dowsers swing their pendulums. A quarter of an hour passes.
* * *
The President. - Gentlemen, my conclusions are as follows: it is a machine which comes from the East and which left again in the East.
Other dowsers. - Our conclusions are identical to yours.
The president at the "seer". - Could you tell us the approximate height of the two airmen?
The seer. - I showed it at the movies. You see, it couldn't be that big. One meter to one and a half meters.
The President. - Gentlemen! Let's get our pendulums to know the nationality.
* * *
A quarter of an hour passes.
* * *
The President. - For me it was two Mongols or two Tartars.
The others. - For us too, no doubt.
An assistant. - lsiten, Gentlemen, I'n not fooling! I alway said althat the [?] have nothing to say. But do you think that two Mongols or two Tartars would get in Quarouble to do what?
The President. - We don't care, they're Russians!
Another assistant. - Listen ya... Cacoule and Parisien said there that he said "ra" and that the 2 airmen answered: "Eat there". You'd think that Mongols or Tartars do not know any French!
A third assistant. - As for me, Mr. Bauduin, I didn't get anything. Cacoule, and Parisien, he saw nothin' and he dremead all this at the movies. And stupid in everything, and all those chaps that came from Paris and elsewhere to do an investigation! Get back to your homes and let us laugh full our caps...
A. L.
[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:
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October 10 [, 1954]
[... other cases...]
11:45 a.m.: Quarouble(Nord):craft with cupolla diameter 6 m on the ground +5 beings sml.siz
[... other cases...]
[Ref. gqy2:] GUY QUINCY:
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[... other cases...]
October 10, 1954: Quarouble (8 km ISL in the NE of Valenciennes--Nord): Marius Dewilde, steel worker and his 3 and a half years old son=2nd encounter (disc diameter 6 m and "men" 1.10 m tall)
[... other cases...]
[Ref. jve1:] JACQUES VALLEE:
Oct. 10, 1954 Quarouble (France).
Second landing here, seen by Marius Dewilde (cf. Case 144) and his 4-year-old son. A disk, 6 m diameter, about 1 m high, landed again on the tracks. Seven little men emerged and spoke in an unknown language. The craft then vanished without noise or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, were observed. Dewilde refused to report the case. (Personal; Magonia)
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- On September 10, 1954 in Quarouble (France), a metalworker saw a dark object and two small humanoids standing near him, on the railway tracks. When the man approached, a bright light paralyzed him and he stood there "frozen" until the UFO left.
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I will only remind you of the following fact: a large number of human rockets were occupied by monkeys, dogs, rats, insects. Try to imagine the thoughts of an alien intercepting such a vehicle...
Another series of facts inclines me to think that the "little green men" could be just passengers. For this, I give the floor to Mr. Dewilde (case of September 10, 1954 in Quarouble reported on page 66 in MOC by Aimé Michel), who was trying to intercept two extraterrestrials:
"I was only two meters away from the two figures when suddenly bursting through a square of the dark mass that I had first seen on the tracks, an extremely powerful illumination, like a light of magnesium, blinded me. I closed my eyes and wanted to scream but I was paralyzed. I tried to move, but my legs no longer obeyed me."
"Distraught, I heard as in a dream, a meter away from me, the sound of footsteps on the cement slab which is placed in front of the door of my garden.
"These were the two beings heading for the train tracks..."
There is no need to read between the lines to conclude that ANOTHER BEING remained in the "saucer"! He was even the one who "triggered the stun ray"! Nothing then forbids me to think that it was a being of radial symmetry.
Another phenomenon leads me to think that there IS ALWAYS A PILOT IN "THE FLYING SAUCER", it is the speed of the takeoff as soon as the aforementioned small beings have entered on board.
[Ref. nos1:] "NOSTRA" MAGAZINE:
[... Other cases ...]
The two creature who stole a hen from Marius de Wilde, in Quarouble, about the same time, were of the same size.
[... Other cases ...]
Credit: The Nostra magazine articles for 1974 were scanned and shared on the web by ufologist Patrice Seray in 2011.
[Ref. tps1:] TED PHILLIPS:
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Oct 10, 1954
France, Quarouble. Landing seen by Marius Dewilde and his 4-year-old son. A disc, 21 ft. in diameter, about 3.5 in. high, landed again on the tracks. Seven small men emerged. Object ascended. Traces larger than the first (See Sep 10), tracks damaged. (Vallee III)
PLACE OF INVESTIGATION | Date of the observation | Nr. or the magazine | |
QUAROUBLE (Nord) - Atterrissage | 10/09/54 10/10/1954 |
Investigator: Marc Thirouin | Ouranos nr 24 |
[Ref. pdl1:] PIERRE DELVAL:
The author gives a morphological "typology" of UFO occupants, and says that the size of the "anthropoids" of the "mongolic type" varies between 1,20 meters and 1,80 meters, that the various parts of their body are in harmony, that they do not have any apparent deformity, that their morphology approaches in all aspects that of a normal human being and that to compare them "with a particular human race, it would seem, according to testimonys, that they are the Asian type. They would have a dark skin, strongly tanned."
He indicates that we have an important testimony, the one by Mr. Marius Dewilde who, after having observed a anthropoid of this type leaving a machine which had landed near his home, on October 10, 1954, gave this description:
"The anthropoïde that was able to observe was wearing a flexible helmet, transparent. Under the helmet and in spite of the darkness, I managed to see his face, his ears and the birth of his hair. This 'individual' had the Asian type, a definitely mongolic facies. His jaw was strong, his cheeks high and protruding, his eyebrows black, his eyes chestnut and slanted. He had a matt skin, suntanned".
Pierre Delval indicates that this type of UFO occupants would wear a tight-fitting outfit, like an astronaut suit, and that "according to the whole of the collected testimonies" on their subject it is this category which was most observed, "so that the description that we have just given is the least dubious."
[Ref. agd1:] ALAIN GAMARD:
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Case # | Date | Time | Locality | Department | Witness(es) name |
044 | 10/10/1954 | 12.00 | Quarouble. | 59 | Marius Dewilde. |
The two authors indicate that in the case in Quarouble of October 10, 1954, Marius Dewile told:
It was between 11:30 and 12, when my three years and half old son came to inform me that there was a "car on the tracks". I came outside, I saw, within 50 meters, an apparatus identical to that which had been posed on the other tracks, one month earlier.
There was a rectangular opening at the base of the machine, below its cupola. All around this base, were a series of bumps, of which I did not understant the purpose. There was also, above the opening, like a horizontal line of port-holes; I distinguished three or four of them, but I did not see anything through them.
Beings of human appearance were busy around the apparatus, there were two on the plate of the disc, one on each side, I saw two other come out from behind - more exactly, perhaps - from the lower part. A fifth came out by the opening, went down to the ground and spoke with the others; it appeared to me to be the chief, he came towards me.
I had not ceased advancing towards the machine, so that our meeting took place within approximately 3 meters of the apparatus. The "chief" who was in front of me might have been 1 m 10 tall, through the transparent part of his flexible helmet, I saw his face, a little of his ears and the birth of his hair. The general aspect was Asian, Mongolian; the jaw was rather strong, the cheeks high, the hair, the very black eyebrows, the hait brown, a rather brown skin.
The being flattered my son whom I held in my arms, tapped on my shoulder while smiling, and started to speak in a language that I did not know. He seemed annoyed that I do not understand it. I heard it very well, through his helmet. I saw that he had very white teeth, impeccable. His face was beautiful and regular. The beings similar to him also smiled, at times.
I was within three meters of the apparatus and perceived deaf moaning inside. It seemed to me I heard repeat Boukak... boukak... While looking at by the opening, I saw two other beings, one lying on the ground - I supposed that it was him who moaned - the other upright close to him. As I was almost in the door's axis, I managed to see, inside, a "polished" and really strange material, buttons of different colors, kinds of pressure gauges, etc, out of metal (?) dark and gray, impeccable of cleanliness.
The being who seemed to me to be the "chief" took some step towards the poultry who fed not far from us, bent down, grabbed a hen who, instead of running away as these animals do, "ducked" and let itself be taken submissively: I was amazed by that. He showed it to the others, then gave it to the two beings who had remained close to the door on the plate. They took it while bending down a little.
A panel sealed the door, after the five beings had penetrated inside, helping each other by a hand. The machine took off vertically, without noise nor smoke, and disappeared towards the east.
The authors indicate that on a second railway track close to that where Dewilde had seen an apparatus being posed one month earlier, Marc Thirouin discovered ten traces indentical to those left at the time of the first landing, whose shape and orientation of the final cuts seemed to suggest the action of two sharp appendices being inserted in the wood, one vertically to ensure the vertical immobility of the craft and the other in oblique in direction of the first so as to prevent that the machine rises. Thirouin estimated that these marks did not have any relationship with the pressure of an object of forty tons and were rather marks of mooring from a craft that must have been lightwight whatever its dimensions.
The authors indicate that at the time of takeoff, Dewilde saw below the craft a sort of squaring emitting a reddish trail. At this time an burn odor and an effect of heat were felt, perhaps the odor of burned grass of the way rather than an odor of the propulsion system of the craft. The authors add that two trains by day go by, used by the minors of the steel-works of Blanc-Misseron.
The authors indicate that the beings wore entirely enveloping dark gray outfits, a helmet with a transparent part in front of the face, gloves and shoes, the whole in a very flexible matter, dark gray chechmate. A pad went down to semi-thigh and they were 1.10 meters tall.
[Ref. gni1:] GNEOVNI:
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10/10/1954 - QUAROUBLE 69 type I
It would be a second landing seen by Marius DEWILDE: a disc 6 meters in diameter, about 1 meter high, landed on the railway. Seven little men came out and spoke in an unknown language. Then, the craft disappeared without noise or smoke. Wider footprints than the previous and symmetrical have been observed. Dewilde refused to testify on this case.
(Chronique J. Vallée page 297)
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54-62 Oct. 10, 1954 Night Quarouble, France Type B
Marius Dewilde and his 4-year-old son saw a 6-m-wide disc, 1 m high, land on the railroad tracks. 7 little men emerged and spoke in an unknown language. The craft then vanished without noise or smoke. Symmetrical traces larger than those of the first case (54-20) were left. Dewilde refused to report the case.
Investigator: Jacques Vallee
Source: Vallee, Magonia, p. 223.
[Ref. gep1:] UFOLOGY GROUP "GEPO":
10/10/54 | ( ) | Quarouble (Nord);Tracks | Y | 100XV 6m |
[Ref. rlm1:] ROGER-LUC MARY:
The author indicates he provides the story told to him by Marius Dewilde, who indicates that on Sunday, October 10, 1954, at 11:30, under a beautiful weather, he lunched in the kitchen while his son Serge, three years and half years old, plays outside close to the palisade, that his wife and his tenant are away and that his dog Kiki wanders in the woods.
The son suddenly rushed in the kitchen saying "- Dad! Come to see... there is a 'toto on the way!" and Dewilde stands up thinking that it must be his brother Paul coming from Paris to visit. There is a flat way skirting the railway, allowing the passage of a car and the intervention of his son thus does not astonish him.
He comes out and notes with amazement that what his son called an automobile isn't one, it is a lenticular craft surmountedof a dome, posed on the second railway at approximately 90 meters of the house.
The son suddenly starts to run in direction of the spacecraft and Dewilde follows and catches up with him after ten meters and, little reassured, takes him in the arms.
He then sees five small humanoids including one who seems to be the chief - detached from the group and walking towards him, advancing normally, without any appearance of aggressiveness. Motionless, Dewilde feels his "fear disappear as by enchantement."
When they are very close, he stops and Dewilde contemplates him lenghthily, describing him as no more than 1.20 meters in height, dressed of a tight-fitted gray dark chechmate outfit, of only one part covering the hands and feet, which seems made of a very flexible matter, waterproof, which is neither rubber nor plastic. He wears a helmet with a little curvature at the front equipped with a transparent part letting see a face of Asian appearance, with slightly slanted eyes, very black, not heavy and well-drawn eyebrows. The eyes are black and non-bulging, the skin matt and smooth, without hair nor moustache, the face seems beautiful but of "a beauty has which one is not accustomed on the planet", radiating with "the beauty that he carries in him" "which proceeds of a great interiority".
The jaw is rather strong, the knobs are high, the nose is normal and the mouth without characteristic except that it smiles, showing regular bright white teeth, firmly set.
The being very slowly raises a completely normal hand covered by the outfit wrapping the five fingers like a well adjusted glove. He cherishes the cheek of his son, "and this gesture is really a gesture of Love", then he poses its hand on Dewilde's shoulder, in a friendly or fraternally manner, still smiling.
Dewilde sees the being's lips move, he speaks and Dewilde hears an incomprehensible language in a guttural voice.
The being turns around suddenly and goes towards the house, Dewilde follows him and then notes that his outfit does not comprise any closing, it sticks to the skin and he sees the muscles moving when the being moves.
This lack of closing makes him think of a box that the extraterrestrial allegedly gave him another time, which also has no closings anymore after only one opening, and Dewilde wonders whether the being came to get this box back. But instead, the humanoid is interested in one Dewilde's hens, he crosses the threshold of the hen house, bends down, grabs a hen which froze instantaneously, slightly sagging, wings spread, as if the being had paralysed it or put it under some kind of hypnosis. That amazed Dewilde because he usually had to trick to catch one of these hens.
Dewilde obeys an impulse which he does not understand and points at his house inviting the being to come in, but he declines by gesture and points at the spacecraft. The hen under the arm, the being invites Dewile to walk ahead of him towards the craft, sometimes making gestures Dewilde didn't understand. Dewilde is not anxious.
Arrived close to the craft, he sees that three small beings were busy around it. The craft is a dozen meters in diameter and three meters in height and seems out of matt aluminium and smooth. It is composed of a disc surmounted of a cupola without any port-hole, at its base there is a door, of 1.60 meters high and 1 meter broad. The disc enclosing the cupola is more than 2 meters wide and ends in a slightly curved round with thickest part of about 70 cm.
With the humanoid walking ahead, Dewilde reaches the craft by a 50 cm broad metal staircase approximately. One of the two parts of the staircase is more tilted than the other, one of them leaves the ground to lead at the edge of the disc, while the other is embedded in the apparatus from the edge of the disc until the threshold of the door that Dewilde crosses by lowering the head.
Dewilde climbs down some steps to enter the cockpit and is amazed by the "extraordinary display." The dome above him is metallic, but as luminous as daylight, "without being translucent, like glass or plexiglass, it offers the strange characteristic to be 'transparent' and to let see the sky from inside the craft whereas one can only see a metallic mass from the outside. One could, to some extent, compare this effect with that produced by two-way mirrors."
In front of Dewilde there is a desk in half-circle with a seat and an being seated in it. Dewilde does not see any instrument on this desk whose dimensions are roughly 70 cm in height and 50 cm in width. The lower part is flat, smooth, the edges are sharp. Behind this desk a metal partition separates the cockpit's surface in two. Dewilde has the feeling that he should not see what was behind this partition.
Dewilde suddenly hears pronounce something like "boukak" and then sees, a little withdrawn, a humanoid lying on a stretcher supported by four feet which held the patient or the wounded at some 20 cm above the floor. This being repeats " Boukak ", which resembles has a kind of moaning, deafened by its helmet.
Two beings come in and carry the stretcher in a compartment located behind the metal partition. When the sliding door opens, Dewilde sees only "luminous pulsations" and "I hear sounds which resemble radio signals." This door closed again, no groove appears on the absolutely smooth surface of the partition wall.
Dewilde still sees another desk coupled along the internal structure of the spacecraft split up in two parts because of the main access, its height is 90 cm, its surface is equipped with various mute but coloured dials "and offers a declivity of 15 to 20 %." The equipment of the machine "is proportioned to the size of its occupants and calculated according to their needs."
The being sitting behind the half-circle desk retires, "perhaps by telepathic command" and the "chief" invites Dewilde to sit on the now unoccupied seat. It is narrow and uncomfortable, Dewilde has trouble sliding his knees under the desk, he is forced to rotate the seat by 90° towards the partition wall. As of this moment he receives "impulses in the brain" which he reluctantly answers.
The chief puts on Dewilde's head a kind of headset connected by wire, with a U-shaped stem ending in two contact segments put behind his ears. The partition wall opens again and a woman appears, "recognizable at the roundness of her chest". She holds a kind of Thermos bottle of the same color than the outside of the spacecraft, fills up transparent glass with a colourless liquid that Dewilde drinks. Its taste is "indefinable but not unpleasant."
His son Serge is between the legs and leaning at his father's thighs, which reassures the latter. There is an "examination", Dewilde perceives by telepathy what is awaited of him: "drink", Relayx", "stop breathing", etc.
During this time, three humanoids had remained outside, "probably for surveyance", and to visit the hen house since they would "take away to space several hens and rabbits."
When the examination is finished, Dewilde is "aware to have been 'prepared' for other contacts, "which will be much more fantastic than the two firsts". He indicates that he was also immunized against the most serious diseases, and his son as well.
About thirty minutes - unless a "memory lapse" occurred - after being accomodated in the craft, he gets out of there with his son. Arrived on the ground, he turns back, the chief beckons to him to move away, he does this while walking backwards. When the beings judge that he is far enough not to suffer from the effects of a takeoff, one makes him understand that "this is the time of the departure, the separation, with big friendly gestures."
The craft's door shuts again slowly, the staircase retracts, not letting see anything of it anymore in the thickness of the disc but an absolutely smooth surface without groove. Dewilde feels a hot air blast accompanied by an odor of dried grass like in the night of the September 10 encounter. He hears a whistling sound, the machine takes off vertically to about thirty meters of altitude. He then had enough time to see the lower part of the disc which in its central part had a "shape of a squared crown" with a flat circumference. During acceleration, a reddish luminosity sets it ablaze and it disappears at full speed in the direction of the East.
[Ref. mcs2:] "MICHEL CARROUGES":
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[Photo caption:] Crouching on the ballast of the railway, Marius Dewilde contemplates the traces left on the logs by the "hay cart" he saw on the evening of September 10, 54. (France-Dimanche Doc).
Story of September 10, 1954
The name of Quarouble (Nord), near Valenciennes has been famous since September 10, 1954. It is indeed the place and the date attributed to the first landing of a flying saucer with exit of small divers, published in the daily press at the beginning of the wave of autumn 1954, in France. The witness, Marius Dewilde, metalworker, former sailor, aged 34, occupied with his wife and two children a disused gatekeeper's dwelling, at level crossing 79, between two small local railway lines for industrial use. On the evening of September 10, at 10:30 p.m., drawn outside by the barking of his dog, Dewilde saw on the left on the railway line in front of him, a dark mass which he took for a hay cart. Then he hears footsteps to his right, turns on his flashlight and sees two small divers (0.80 to 1.20 m) walking along the fence of his garden, towards a dark mass. Stunned, he wants to cut them off, capture at least one. They are no more than 2m away from him when he arrives at the gate and at the same time an intense beam of light shoots out of an opening in the dark mass, blinding him and paralyzing him. The two small divers pass under his nose and when he opens his eyes, he sees the "dark mass" which had the shape of a cigar fly away. (Parisien Libéré, 13 and 9/14/54; France-Soir, 9/15/54; France-Dimanche, 9/15/54). Newspaper information will be supplemented later by Jimmy Guieu, Black-Out sur les soucoupes volantes (Fleuve Noir Pub., 1956 p. 113 sq) and Aimé Michel (Mysterieux Objets Célestes, Mame pub., 1958, p. 64).
Story of October 10, 1954
A month later, the same witness saw again in front of his house a flying saucer on the ground and small divers. The news was announced very concisely and belatedly in France-Soir on October 30. Neither Jimmy Guieu nor Aimé Michel reported this second incident. Yet Marc Thirouin, founder of Ouranos, came to investigate on site, but his report was not published in Ouranos until 1959. Jacques Lob and Robert Gigi would refer to it to create their remarkable comic strip, published in Ceux venus d'ailleurs (1973), reproduced in Imagine (May 76) and supplemented by an important interview with Dewilde. Finally Henry Durrant in his Première Enquête sur les Humanoïdes Extraterrestres (in 1977, p. 54) reproduces Dewilde's statements on the second incident. According to this account, between 11.30 a.m. and noon, the witness was alerted by his 3.5-year-old little boy, who informed him of the presence of a "car" on the second railway line. Dewilde comes out immediately and recognizes a flying saucer, landed about 50 m away. He takes his son in his arms and walks freely towards the saucer. Five little divers face him and smile. One of them, the "chief", thinks Dewilde, approaches him. They meet 3 m from the saucer. While pronouncing incomprehensible words, the leader pats him friendly on the shoulder and caresses the child's head. Immediately afterwards, Dewilde hears complaints coming from inside the saucer, in the entrance of which he sees two beings, one standing, the other lying on the ground. Then, without transition, the chef seizes a hen belonging to Dewilde, passes it to two of his companions, who take possession of it. Finally, the leader returns to tap the witness on the shoulder and caress the child's head, then he goes inside the saucer. Why this repetition in the landings and these "strange" oppositions in the behaviors, and the "strange" situation of the being lying across the entrance of the saucer?
The mental imprints
As obvious the witness's good faith and seriousness may be, however valid the material footprints of the first landing on certain sleepers (M.O.C. p. 68) may be, these data
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are not enough for us.
— The footprints of the craft cannot demonstrate the scenario concerning the relationship between Dewilde and the occupants of the saucers. — The events of the fall of 1954 prove that the most serious witnesses can make the worst confusions, especially for brief and nocturnal apparitions, as we pointed out in connection with the false Martians (Les Apparitions de Martiens, p. 161 sq).
How to progress?
The only certain fact is the existence of printed accounts that contain mental images. Do these reveal imprints produced by internal causes (the conscious or the subconscious of the witness)?
If we temporarily leave aside the absurd aspects, we can first observe that the passage from the first to the second story is dominated by the following four oppositions:
1st incident | 2nd incident |
Night | Day |
Blinding opening | Visible interior |
Inhibition and flight | Natural encounter |
Hostility | Friendship |
Is this a pure coincidence? Or the hint of an ET policy reversal? A fiction fabricated by the witness? Or an operation of transfer and transformation elaborated by the subconscious following the trauma suffered on September 10?
The uninterrupted sequence
Let's first remember the crucial moment of September 10, which is at the garden gate.
— The little beings run towards the saucer. They look "armless". Dewilde wants to cut them off.
— It's the ray that cuts Dewilde's path, stops him and blinds him. He can no longer see the little beings, nor run with his legs to catch them, nor bend down to catch at least one, with his arms and hands, as he wanted. They pass under his nose, on the cement slab.
The cut of space is total.
On October 10, an exactly opposite maneuver takes place from the exit of Dewilde to the interior of the craft.
1° - Dewilde takes his son in his arms. Although it is not said, he is forced to bend down to do so.
2° - As soon as they meet, the little "leader" of the divers taps Dewilde on the shoulder and caresses the child's head. As the little chief measures a maximum of 1.30 m according to Dewilde, it is obvious that the witness must bend down to present the child.
3° - In turn, the little chef bends down to catch the hen with his hands, as Dewilde usually does.
4° - The little chief then shows the hen in his hands and holds it out to give it to two of his companions placed on the outer platform of the saucer. This platform is relatively so high that the companions have to bend down to catch the hen, in turn.
5° - The little chief returns to Dewilde. Again he pats the witness on the shoulder and caresses the child's head. Dewilde must therefore bend down again, still holding the child in his arms.
6° - The little chief returns to the saucer. He cannot climb on the board alone, two of his companions have to help him up again by giving him their hand (therefore bending down again).
7° - Finally, the character standing in the entrance of the craft must in turn move and bend down to move the body lying in this entrance, in order to leave the passage free in front of the little chief.
We can thus see in these events the presence of three immobile bodies: the child, the hen, the lying being, which replace the body of Dewilde, immobile on September 10. These three bodies are both immobile by themselves, but mobilized, insofar as they are transported by others, according to a continuous relay movement. This transport is ensured by an uninterrupted movement of mobile and mobilizing bodies (Dewilde, the little chief, the two interventions of two little divers and the figure standing in the entrance of the craft, that is to say five or seven
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moving or mobilizing characters).
It is also striking that the little leader who constitutes the central cog combines the functions of an inert, mobile and mobilizing body, in the middle of the chain of participants. Is this need for mutual aid on the "Martian" side attributable to a lack of agility on Earth? Dewilde emphasizes on the contrary their free, easy, tireless pace. Or is it due to an unlikely construction defect in the craft? Let us simply observe that the complications of access to the craft directly resemble those of loading and climbing into a freight van on a railway line without a boarding platform. We thus realize that the phases of the chief's return curiously evoke those of an initiatory journey (relief and animality, ascent, sleep and death, role of the initiators and the guardian of the threshold). But the little chief does not need to be initiated. Dewilde does not need to have studied initiation rituals either. Because these rituals depend on the fundamental structures of the subconscious.
What appears, in fact, is that for reasons each time different, the same mechanical process occurs: it mobilizes the legs, lowers and raises the trunk, extends the arms and mobilizes the hands for a three-step operation: touching, grabbing or even moving another being. The model for this movement is Dewilde himself when he takes his son, as he took a fowl and as he had wanted to capture a small diver. We are witnessing a total reversal of the September 10 scene. Dewilde transfers his primitive inhibition to his little alter ego, his son, of whom he himself becomes both paralyzer and carrier in complete freedom, until he comes into contact with the little chief diver.
The same scene is reflected in the grip of the hen, the movement of the reclining being, and (relatively) in the ascent (free and assisted) of the little chief. Can we believe that such a general mechanism, so invariably oriented, so powerfully constructed and stereotyped, in such multifaceted aspects, can be a pure fiction produced by consciousness?
Friendly contact
Here again, complete reversal. Instead of hostility, fear, it's a friendly encounter on both sides.
This change appears from the beginning. Instead of bringing the child (3 and a half years old) home, as the most elementary caution advised, especially after the trauma of September 10, the witness takes his son in his arms and goes up to 3 meters of the saucer, without the slightest hesitation, as if he was sure of exposing his son to no danger, confident in the smiles he sees through the windows of the suits.
It was then that the little chief, having himself come forward a little, tapped the father's shoulder and stroked the son's head, while very distinctly pronouncing incomprehensible words, accompanied by smiles. This scene, new as it is in Quarouble, is not without well-known prior models.
Since September 10, more Martian encounters have been published. At dusk on the same September 10, (8:30 p.m.), in Mouriéras (Corrèze), a "saucer" pilot gave the hug to Mazaud, while pronouncing incomprehensible words.
(F.S., 9/15/54). On September 17 (10:30 p.m.) in the dark night, near Vouneuil-sur-Vienne (Vienne) a little diver had caressed the arm of paralyzed Yves David. While pronouncing incomprehensible words (F.S. 9/30/54). On September 26 (2:30 p.m.) in Chabeuil (Drôme), Mrs. Leboeuf very distinctly saw the human face of a little diver, 2 m from her, and who wanted to get closer but she hid and he left. (A.F.P. 29-9-54, F.S. 30-9-54).
The friendship scene of October 10 operates a synthesis of these three cases. It does not go beyond. All gestures are rudimentary and stereotyped on the same level, the same goes for the incomprehensible words. Finally, despite the new freedom to see and to act, to witness the entirely different spectacle that is a friendly encounter, the witness is entirely passive in relation to the little chief. He doesn't try to respond to his words or gestures. He hugs only his own son, he doesn't stretch out an arm to tap the little chief on the shoulder. In short, he remains passive like Mazaud, David, Mrs. Leboeuf and himself on September 10.
For his part, the little chief makes no attempt-
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[Photo caption:] The witness schematically draws with chalk the object placed on the rails and the small figures who passed in front of the gate of his house.
tive to start a draft of dialogue by gestures, as the navigators of yesteryear did even with the most savage populations. He doesn't make the slightest gesture about the theft of the hen. He remains at the level of an infantile simulacrum of communication. The integration of the models taken from the Mazaud, David and Mrs Leboeuf incidents in no way excludes the subconscious continuity of the general mechanism.
Catching the hen
The sudden capture of the hen is one of the "weirdest" elements of October 10. It is however neither unpredictable nor out of place in this phase of the wave of 1954. Because, if the little diver of September 26 did not steal blackberries from Mrs. Leboeuf, little divers took a bouquet of carnations from Mrs. Lotti around October 30, near Florence (A.F.P., 11/1/54) and rabbits in the hutch of the Lorenzi grower near La Spezia in November. (A.F.P. 11/15/54).
The strangeness of the stealing of the hen is due to the behavior of those concerned. Lorenzini went for his rifle and found himself unable to fire. In Quarouble, it is the opposite excess. The stealing of the hen is framed by very clear and very understandable gestures of friendship, without any gesture sketching, on either side, an outline of demand, of offer or protest. That things happened this way is already contradictory. The height is that even in his subsequent activity as a narrator, Dewilde does not protest either. This kind of question seems completely outside his perspective. Only one thing fascinates him: the mode of capture. "Instead of running away screaming, as these animals do when I try to catch them, this one "abunites" (stooped) and let himself be taken obediently; I was amazed". (H.E.T., p. 56).
This is, indeed, the only operation in progress that is truly capable of entirely capturing the attention of the witness.
We know why. The transfer and transformation of the paralyzing power of the "Martians" on an animal belonging to Dewilde forms a capital cog in the uninterrupted sequemce. Without any danger for Dewilde and his son, this capture of a modest terrestrial animal, expiates for the benefit of the "Martians" the frustrated desire of Dewilde who had wanted to capture at least one of the little divers on September 10. He is very happy to get off so lightly.
We have already seen the little chef take ownership of this hen by showing it, then passing it to his two companions on the outdoor platform. The particular sequence is not described because the story immediately continues with the rise of the leader and the movement of the being lying in the saucer.
Complaints and characters inside
Here again everything is reversed. Whereas on September 10 Dewilde had been blinded by the beam of light coming out of a square opening, and pointed at his face, on October 10 Dewilde found himself almost in line with the door (a rectangular opening). This time, not only is he not blinded, but he can look inside the saucer, lit by the broad daylight of midday. The witness therefore distinctly sees a series of objects inside: multicolored buttons and sorts of pressure gauges of dark and gray metal, all well "bricked", that is to say, sparkling clean. The two figures inside are naturally well seen too: one standing, the other lying across in the entrance. But they are described only as two silhouettes, without any detail on their physiognomy, their size and their costume, contrary to what happens for the five small divers placed outside. Simple omission or indication of something else that would be more or less well repressed? Because a much more surprising anomaly appears at the same time.
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"I was 3 m away from the craft and heard low complaints inside" (H.E.T., p. 56). And he adds that looking through the opening at the lying being: "I assumed it was him who was moaning".
Why a simple guess, 3m away? Why these complaints? Is this being injured or sick? But why do you leave him thus lying on the ground and across the passage? And why this contrast between smiles on the outside and complaints on the inside? Isn't that incoherent and absurd?
One could long speculate on the theme, again here, of rites of simulation of sickness and death in initiation rituals. This perspective is not at all excluded as representations from the depths of the subconscious. But that's just an added adjacent perspective.
It is important above all to note that the opening of the saucer which localized the paralyzing power against the witness was transformed into localization of the paralyzing effect against a character occupying the interior of the saucer. The cause (mythical or not) of the accident or illness of the lying being is therefore not to be sought elsewhere in other hypothetical events.
If we continue our research in the same direction, we find that the two characters in question are in fact both immobile (one standing, the other on the ground) and inside the craft, across the entrance, just as Dewilde had first found himself standing and motionless in his garden, in across the threshold of his gate and then lying in his house, sick all night, from the accident of the paralyzing "beam". It makes sense that he hears complaints inside the craft and attributes them to the being lying there.
The two characters and the complaints that he hears inside the saucer are the figures of his own trauma rejected on the opening which was the hearth. At the same time, the witness realized a desire that goes beyond that of September 10. He introduced himself, in two forms, inside the saucer and proves that in this center of paralysis, he became able to move himself, as he sees with his own eyes.
It goes without saying that such a staging makes no sense in terms of physical reality. It is a pure mental mirror game where the narrator evokes the duplication and even the tripling of his own character, in such an ambiguity that he cannot recognize himself. It is indeed a staging, in the sense that the three reflections of the author are the actors who represent him himself, but it is not a historical representation (reconstruction of what happened on September 10), nor a fantastic representation representing any transformation of previous history by any fantasy, it is a ritual (unconscious) and therapeutic representation. It is a fight where the subconscious struggles for the deliverance of the conscious, in unrecognizable forms. The meaning of the scenario never appears in the consciousness of the narrator. That is to say that the productive energy and the process of creating such a scenario were foreign to the consciousness of the narrator and is a matter of pure dreamlike or mythical logic.
The keyword
The time has come to remember that the moment he looked through the opening of the machine and perceived complaints inside, Dewilde thought he heard repeat b> the word: boukak... boukak..., which he supposes to be coming from the lying being.
Odd paradox: of all the words intentionally addressed to him by the little chief, Dewilde does not catch any, whereas he distinctly hears, twice, this single word among the complaints addressed to the general assembly.
Is this "Martian" or indecipherable fantasy?
The question would seem insoluble if we did not notice in Dewlide's story, the presence of two words foreign to the French dictionary: — s'abounir, local patois term for the barnyard, and
— boukak, extraterrestrial complaint escaped from a flying saucer.
Despite the abyss that separates them, these two words have the same phonetic invariant, the syllable bou. They also have a second invariant, the vowel a, but it has changed places and is surrounded by a pair of k of unknown origin.
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Table 1
September | October | ||
Night | + | Day | + |
Oopening | |||
blinding | + | interior is visible | + |
Witness blinded | + | Witness sees everything | + |
Inhibition | + | 3 inhibition | + |
No transport | + | With transport | + |
Fled | + | Walks face to face | + |
Hostility | + | Friendship | + |
1st way | + | 2nd way | + |
1 witness | + | 2 witnessed | + |
Total | = 9 | Total | = 9 |
Table II
September 10 | To advance | To bend down | To touch | To catch |
Dewilde's desire | + | + | + | + |
Realization | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
October 10 | ||||
Dewilde | + | + | + | + |
and child | + | + | + | + |
(3 times) | + | + | + | + |
Chief and Dewilde | + | 0 | + | 0 |
Chief and child | + | 0 | + | 0 |
Chief and hen | + | + | + | + |
2 divers and hen | + | + | + | + |
2 divers and chief | + | + | + | + |
Standing being and lying being | + | + | + | + |
Total | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 |
Invariants: 13 x 4 =52 - 4 = 48
We must then refer to the meaning of the words. S'abounir, in the local patois, is said of a hen which lowers itself in particular to lay eggs. With this chicken name are naturally associated well-known sounds that invite us to look in the "little Robert" [dictionnary], where we find this definition "Caqueter (kakte) onomatopoeia... Glouser when laying...". Kak, the phonetic spelling and onomatopoeia of Petit Robert are identical to those of Dewilde. The two parts of the word boukak therefore invariably refer to the hen and designate its behavior and its cry relating to laying eggs. Isn't this telescoping of the verbs abounir and caqueter worthy of the "trigger words" of Lewis Carroll and Freud?
It's not by chance. Dewilde never complained about the theft of the hen. And this one, who usually ran away screaming when he wanted to take her, abunied and let herself be captured without screaming. And now, it is from inside the flying saucer that we hear the complaints of the reclining man, condensed in this echo of the barnyard: boukak.
The chronological reversal
It is therefore important to underline that in Dewilde's story, the boukak cry precedes the capture during which the hen abounites.
Is this an anachronism? Yes if we assume that there is really a hen captured on October 10th. No, if one accepts that the October 10 data are only dream images, by-products of the events of September 10 and other real or dream data that occurred in between.
Such a chronological reversal only complements the set of turnarounds in which Dewilde reverses the chronological order of the other processes of pursuit, capture or paralysis, at the same time as he transfers their protagonists to the side of the little divers or his barnyard. It is exactly the same phenomenon as the transmutation of two French-patois words into a "Martian" word. The entire second story is a subconscious and fierce struggle to reverse the irreversible, to superimpose the symmetrical myth of October 10 on the story of September 10.
Quarouble invariants
The general invariant that dominates all the others is that of the systematic reversal of situations, (see Table I).
Among these 9 invariants, the most powerful of all is the one that starts from Dewilde's desire on September 10: move forward freely, bend down towards small divers, to touch them in order to catch them. Frustrated by the inhibition of September 10, this desire takes a fantastic revenge
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(continued from page 8).
October 10 (see Table II). The key images of table II are the 4 necessary maneuvers of Dewilde's legs, trunk, arms and hands to capture the small divers. But he found himself paralyzed in the arms and legs. There is even a reflection of it on the little divers, who seemed to him to be running without arms.
The story of October 10, on the contrary, realizes these desires in profusion, through all sorts of transformations, in the motives and the characters, but the maneuver is the same. The most characteristic feature, because it is the most local, is the need to lower oneself. This real necessity in the case of September 10, because of the small size of the divers, is repeated here in different forms:
Be the size difference:
— father versus child
— father versus leader
— chief versus hen.
Either by an occasional difference in prior level:
— child in the arms of the father in relation to the leader, (2 maneuvers);
— the 2 divers, on the platform, in relation to the hen and the chef, (2 maneuvers);
— standing versus lying down.
The subconscious has truly contrived to multiply the innocent or comical substitutes for Dewilde's initial desire, through transfers and transformations projected either on Dewilde, his son and a domestic animal, or on the little divers, whose gymnastics do not does not exceed the level of a banal scene of marauding, interspersed with gestures of friendship.
As for the final "catch" made at the end of these maneuvers devoid of any aggressiveness, it is no longer a question of capture at all, but of acts of mutual aid (hostility having been returned to friendship), except up to a point, in the case of the hen. Of these 52 invariants of October 10, we note that 48 were subject to a reversal produced by the same transformation process.
Only 4 are exceptions: the little chief did not lower himself towards Dewilde and his son to capture them. We will not be surprised. This is an exception that proves the rule. Under these conditions, we can conclude that the two accounts of September 10 and October 10 are not two independent accounts. They contain the mental imprints of a single event, but at two different levels and linked by a single transformation group like the negative and the positive of the same photograph. As an automatic system of mental transformations, the second story provides objective historical proof of a violent trauma suffered by the witness on the previous September 10.
Michel Carrouges.
The authors indicate that on October 10, 1952, Marius Dewilde who already had a UFO experience on September 10, 1952, was the witness of a second "landing" on the railway close to Quarouble in the Nord.
They indicate that his testimony was often disputed but that it comprizes curious details however and in addition traces were noted again; and finally, he was so "marked" by the events that he had changed so much changed in the following years, which makes it difficult to think that it did not live anything.
He described the UFO as a 6 meters diameter disc, one meter in height, and this time, there were seven helmeted beings dressed of gray suits who came forward in full daylight little before midday.
The one who seemed to be their chief and had "Asian" facial feature had carressed his son whom it held in his arms. In spite of the helmet, he very well heard his words which he did not understand.
Before leaving, this "chief" bent down and seized a hen which, instead of running away as hens normally do, stayed on the spot let itself being caught, which amazed Dewilde.
The traces, ten, were analyzed a long time by Marc Thirouin who saw in them a system of mooring consisting in two claws, one vertical, the other oblique.
The authors indicate that the sources are an investigation by Marc Thirouin in the AAMT Archive, and Michel Figuet, pages 143-144.
[Ref. jve3:] JACQUES VALLEE:
Vallée indicates that on November 19, 1954, the police confirmed that Marius Dewilde had made a second statement about an object he had seen "near his house"; however, according to the police:
"Dewilde and his family have decided, for fear of bad publicity, not to let anyone into their confidence regarding this second event. This is why none of the local newspapers will mention it."
In addition, the police politely but firmly informed civilian investigators that they would henceforth keep all other information relating to such incidents confidential.
At 10:30 p.m., Marius Dewilde, plant workman, living an old gate-keeper house, [...] One month later Marius Dewilde is the witness of another meeting, but this time by day. His young son also saw the scene.
Under the title "Marius Dewilde and the devil's hen", the author indicates that in September 1954, Marius Dewilde claimed to have met a flying saucer and his occupants on the railway which passed close to his home, an affair which made a fuss at the time, and a month later, he claimed the ufonauts had returned to visit him, making an account comprising a fantastic element well known to the ufologists.
Towards 11:00, his young boy called to tell him of the presence of an "auto" [car] on the railway. Dewilde came out and according to his statements he recognized the saucer posed at 50 m on the railway. He took his son in his arms and advanced. As he approached, he heard moaning coming from the inside of the flying machine, and soon five small beings faced him.
One of them, the "chief", advanced towards Dewilde and tapped the head of his son. He was 1.30 m tall at most and Dewilde thus bent down to present the young boy to him. Then, this small chief bent down and picked up a hen who was eating there; the bird crouched instead of fleeing and let itself be captured.
Then the ufonauts turned over towards the flying saucer, passed the bird to two companions who were on the external platform, moved again towards Dewilde, tapped the head of the child once again and finally went back to the flying saucer which took off.
Méheust indicates that the strange report prompted a brilliant comment by Michel Carrouges who, "using the psycho-critical method", wanted to see in it a set "of mental prints" translating "in reversed images the traumatism of the first encounter".
Méheust comments on that it seems to him that "this analysis would gain depth" if one noted the reminiscences of folklore which show through in the account of Dewilde; which he lists as:
The capture of hen in a manner which belongs to magic, a theme which "evokes the ritual which, in XVIth century, in general ruled the offerings of sorcerers to the devil", when in the East country, "the Malignant's worhsippers were compelled to pay a yearly rental, a hen", in a handing-over place which hardly varied, almost always in full day, behind the house of the witch, with sometimes the devil in person coming to get his due, capturing the bird in a magic way and carrying it with him "like a wind".
The moaning which came from the spaceship, the saucer thus replacing in his account the houses of the devil or the fairies, places of mystery "from where sometimes came, in the legends, cries of suffering."
The witness introducing his son to the ufonauts' chief, a theme which "gains thickness if one links it to another diabolic ritual. In the XVIthe century, sorcerers were to present, at a defined date, their offspring to the Devil in a ceremony where each gesture was regulated. They held the child in front of them and showed it to the devil. This attitude does not have anything surprizing about it: in the campaigns of the Renaissance the sometimes merry personality of the former pagan divinities still showed under Christian varnish. But this kindness remained ambiguous and a little worrying."
Méheust indicates that the same ambiguity is found in the attitude of the ufonauts' "chief", since his smiles contrast with the moaning coming from the saucer. He notes that Carrouges indeed noted this contrast but finds it indecent and absurd and gives up explaining it, while Méheust says that he sees "the logic of the clair-obscure there."
He indicates that the comment by Michel Carrouges is in his text "Les Invariants de Quarouble", in Inforespace, #50, March 1980.
[Ref. jve7:] JACQUES VALLEE:
Jacques Vallée indicates that on November 19, 1954, the police force confirmed that Marius Dewilde submitted a second report about an observation of an object "in the vicinity of his home." However the Police force said:
"Dewilde and his family have decided, for fear of adverse publicity, to take no one in their confidence regarding this second occurrence. Therefore you will find no mention of it in local newspapers."
Civilian investigators were told politely but firmly by the police that they will keep any further information confidential.
[Ref. jsr1:] JEAN SIDER:
That same October 10, Marius Dewilde, already mentioned in case n°12, allegedly made a second CE3 in the same circumstances, roughly, as the first. Indeed, many elements indicate that Dewilde, having become a sort of national star thanks above all to the publicity that his experience aroused in certain press organs such as Radar, and many others, including newspapers of his region (Nord), seems to have imagined this second observation. Two private investigators from the Francois Rabelais University in Tours, MM. Jean-Louis Gouzien and Claude Godeau, following a counter-investigation, prove me right in a private publication. It's a pity that these two gentlemen, who seem of rationalist obedience, also "reduced" the first CE3 on more than dubious bases, to say the least. For all intents and purposes, an investigation by Marc Thirouin at the time concerned appears in O.D. 42-47 on both the incident of September 10 (the good one) and the other (the bad one). My judgment is mainly based on two things:
1 - The second CE3 seems highly fanciful to me (For example, the word "Boukak", pronounced by a sick or injured "ufonaut", moreover!, is a crude insult in the Vietnamese language well known to former soldiers of the time, which is the case of Dewilde, who served in the French Navy.
2 - Dewilde's personality deteriorated enormously following his first sighting, the witness not having been able to cope with all the hassle he had to endure from all those who came to see him to question him, many of whom were convinced he had mistaken bladders for lanterns. It is perhaps because of these doubts that Dewilde, naively, saw fit to make another CE3 believing in the hope of sweeping away the suspicion that certain journalists had shown towards him. Believing himself to have become a "hero" he could not bear the harsh criticism of the rationalists, and began to lie in a paltry attempt to obtain the full credit which he lacked.
The author indicates that on October 10, 1954, in Quarouble, the son of Marius Dewilde tells him that there is a car on the railway. He comes out and sees a disc with a dome within 50 meters with people in gray outfits. One of them approached and spoke to him in spite of the transparent spherical bubble around his face of the Asian type. He touched the child, took a hen which crouched instead of fleeing. He set out again and the machine took off. There were marks on the cross-pieces.
1954, October 10
FRANCE, Quarouble
New observation from Marius Dewilde. "It was between 11:30 a.m. and noon when my three-and-a-half-year-old son came to tell me that there was a car on the track. I got out: 50 meters away a craft of the same shape and size as a month earlier, was on the same track, but on the one that passes on the other side of the house. There was a rectangular opening at the base of the craft's cupola. Around it was a series bumps whose meaning I did not understand and a row of portholes. Beings dressed in dark gray overalls were busy around. I was advancing towards the craft and a being came to meet me. He was speaking in a foreign language. He stroked the child's head. Then the creature grabbed a hen, stroked the child again. (..) A door blocked the entrance and the object took off towards the east. (Henry DURRANT: "Premières enquêtes sur les Humanoïdes ET" - Laffont 1977 - p. 54 to 58) (vog note: Marius Dewilde died on October 1, 1996
4047: 1954/10/10 12:00 5 3:37:40 E 50:24:40 N 3333 WEU FRN NRD A:7
[Ref. ars1:] ALBERT ROSALES:
Location. Quarouble France
Date: October 10 1954
Time: 1130A
Marius Dewilde (involved in a previous encounter) and his 4-year old son were walking near his home. Suddenly Dewilde saw a disc-shaped object on the ground on some nearby railroad tracks, about 50 meters away. Walking cautiously towards the craft Dewilde noticed a rectangular shaped aperture at the base of the cupola and a row of windows. Several humanoids stood around the object. One of them, who appeared to be the leader, approached Dewilde and his son, while they stood several meters from the craft. The humanoid (leader) was about 1.20m in height, and wore a helmet equipped with a transparent faceplate. His facial features were Asiatic. He had a protruding chin and pointed cheeks, the hair was jet-black in color its eyes were brown and its skin was bronzed. In a friendly gesture the humanoid caressed Dewilde's son, whom Dewilde was carrying in his arms, the humanoid then tapped Dewilde on his back several times, smiling as he did and then pronounced several unintelligible words. Immediately afterwards the humanoid grabbed a chicken, which he gave to one of the other humanoids. The humanoid again caressed Dewilde's son and slapped Dewilde's back and then climbed onboard the object. A metallic panel closed the door and the object took off vertically disappearing towards the east.
Humcat 1954-85
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia
Type: B
[Ref. jbu1:] JEROME BEAU:
Jerome Beau indicates that on Sunday October 10, 1954 in "Quarouble (Nord, France), 2nd landing, seen here by Marius Dewilde and his 4 year old son. A disc, 6 m in diameter, high of 1 m approximately, again lands on railway. 7 small men emerge and speak to them in an unknown language. Then the machine disappears without noise nor smoke. Prints, broader than the previous ones, symetriccal, are observed. Dewilde refuses to make a report on this case."
[Ref. jbu2:] JEROME BEAU:
November 19, the police force confirms that Dewilde made a 2nd statement, about an object which he had seen near his house. However, the police force says:
"Dewilde and his family decided, by fear of bad publicity, not to put anybody in the confidence with regard to this second event. This is why none the local newspapers mentioned it."
Moreover they let know to the civilian investigators — politely but firmly — that they will keep confidential all other information henceforth referring to such incidents.
In December 1979, Dewilde phones Jimmy Guieu and tells him: "I have extraordinary revelations to deliver to you, I live in Tours and cannot move." The next year his book of revelation comes out co-written with Roger-Luc Mary.
Jérôme Beau indicates that the sources are Aujourd'hui Magazine, November 22, 1977; Lefeuvre, A. and Zurcher, E., Les apparitions d'humanoïdes, 1979; Vallée, J.: case #10, "Rapport sur l'analyse de 200 observations documentées faites en 1954"; Carrouges, M.: "Les invariants de Quarouble", Inforespace #50, March 1980; Temps X, January 2, 1981.
This ufologist indicates that on October 10, 1954, in Quarouble in the Nord, " Mr. Marius Dewilde was again witness of a ufological observation."
He gives the following text:
The witness tells:
"It was between I1 30 and 12 h, when my son, three years and a half old came to inform me that there was an "automobile on the way" I came out. I saw, within 50 meters a machine identical to that which had landed on the other railway, one month earlier.
There was a rectangular opening at the base of the machine, at the lower part of its cupola. All around this base, was a series of bumps which significance I did not understood. There was also, above the opening, like a horizontal line of port-holes: I distinguished three or four from them, but I did not see anything through them.
Beings of human appearance dressed of a dark gray outfilt wrapping them entirely, they might measure approximately 1 m 10, they wore a helmet equipped with a transparent part in front of the face, gloves and shoes, the whole in a very flexible gray dark chechmate material. A pad went down from their right arm to semi-thigh. They were busy around the apparatus, they were two on the plate of the disc, one on each side, I saw two others come from behind - more exactly, perhaps - from the lower part. A fifth came out by the opening, went down to ground and spoke with the others: it appeared to me he was the chief, he came towards me.
I had not ceased advancing towards the machine so that our encounter took place within approximately 3 meters of the machine. The "chief" who was in front of me might measure 1 m 10 through the transparent part of his flexible helmet. I saw his face a little his ears and the birth of his hair. The general aspect was Asian, Mongolian: the jaw was rather strong, high knobs, the hair, very black eyebrows, brown eyes, rather brown skin.
"The being carressed my son whom I held in my arms, tapped on my shoulder while smiling and started to speak to me in a language I did not know. He seemed annoyed that I did not understand. I heard it very well through his helmet. I saw that he had very white teeth, impeccable. His face was beautiful and regular. The beings similar to him also smiled, per moments I was within three meters of the apparatus and perceived deaf complaints inside: it seemed me to heard repeat: boukak... boukak... While looking by the opening, I saw two other beings, one laying on the ground I supposed that it was him who moaned the other, standing close to him. As I was almost in the axis of the door, I managed to see, inside, a really strange "bricked" material and, bolts of different colors, kinds of pressure gauges, etc, of dark and gray metal (?), impeccable of cleanliness. The being who seemed to me the "chief" took some steps towards the poultry who ate not far from us, bent down, grabbed a hen who, instead of fleeing running as these animals do, squatted and let itself be grabbed submissively; I was amazed by that. He showed it with the others, then gave it to the two beings which had remained close to the door on the rim. They took it while bending down a little.
A panel sealed the door, after the five beings had penetrated inside, helping each other by tightening the hand.
The machine took off vertically without noise and smoke, and disappeared towards the east.
TRACES. On a second railway, near the one where the UFO observed by Mr. Dewilde lands on September 10, 1954, Marc Thirouin discovered ten traces identical to those left at the time of the first landing. The shape and the orientation of the final cuts seem to suggest the action of two sharp appendices being inserted in wood, one vertically to ensure the side immobilization of the machine; the other in oblique in direction of the first to prevent it from rising.
For Marc Thirouin these marks did not have any relationship with the traces left by a pressure exerted by an object of forty tons but by the mooring of a machine which, whatever its dimensions were, had to be very lightweight.
EFFECT: At the time of the takeoff of the machine, Marius Dewilde saw below like a kind of squaring. A reddish trail came out of there and at this time an odor of flaring hay accompanied by a heat effect was felt. There is much grass in the neighbourhoods and Mr. Dewilde perhaps felt grass scorched by the departure of the UFO and not the odor the mode of propulsion could possibly cause.
And: "Comment: This second observation by Marius Dewilde does not have the credibility of the first and many researchers doubt it!"
The sources are given as "Vallée Catalogue. Case #226. - Investigation by Marc Thirouin (A.A.M.T. Archive).".
[Ref. lcn1:] LUC CHASTAN:
Luc Chastan indicates that in Nord in Quarouble on October 10, 1954 at 12:00 hours, "the witness, Marius Dewilde, tells: 'IT was between 11:30 and 12, when my son, three years and half old, came to alert me that there was a "car on the way". I came outside, I saw, within 50 meters, a craft identical to that which had been posed on the other way, one month earlier. There was a rectangular opening at the base of the machine, below its cupola. All around this base, there was a series of bumps whiose purpose I did not understand. There was also, above the opening, like a horizontal line of port-holes; I distinguished three or four of them, but I did not see anything through them. Beings of human appearance were busy around the apparatus. They were dressed of a dark gray outfit, entirely wrapping them, they might have measured 1 m 10, they had a helmet equipped with a transparent part in front of the face, gloves and shoes, the whole in a gray dark chechmate very flexible material. A pad went down from their right arm to semi-thigh. They were two on the plate of the disc, one on each side, I see two others coming about behind, more exactly, perhaps, from the lower part. A fifth came out by the opening, went down to ground and spoke with the others; it appeared to me he was the chief, he came towards me. I had not ceased advancing towards the machine, so that our meeting took place at approximately 3 meters of the craft. The "chief" who was in front of me may have been 1 m 10 tall, through the transparent part of his flexible helmet, I saw his face, a little his ears and the birth of his hair. The general aspect was Asian, Mongolian; the jaw was rather strong, high knobs, very black hair and eyebrows, brown eyes, rather brown skin. The being flattered my son whom I held in my arms, tapped on my shoulder while smiling, and started to speak to me in a language that I did not know. He seemed annoyed that I do not understand him. I heard it very well through his helmet. I saw that he had very white teeth, impeccable. His face was beautiful and regular. The beings similar to him also smiled at times. I was within three meters of the apparatus and perceived deaf moanings inside; it seemed me that I heard repeat: Boukak... boukak... While looking at by the opening, I saw two other beings, one lying on the ground (I supposed that it was him who moaned) the other, upright close to him. As I was almost in the axis of the door, I managed to see, inside, a "polished" and really strange material, buttons of different colors, kinds of pressure gauges, etc, out of dark and gray perfectly clean metal. The being who seemed to me to be the "chief" took some steps towards the poultry that was feeding not far from us, bent down, grabbed a hen which, instead of fleeing away as these animals do, "ducked" and let itself take submissively; I was amazed at that. He showed it to the others, then gave it to the two beings who had remained close to the door on the saucer. They took it while bending down a little. A panel sealed the door, after the five beings had penetrated inside, helping themselves by grabbing their hands. The machine took off vertically, without noise not smoke, and disappeared towards the east."
"On a railway, near that where the object observed by Mr. Dewilde lands on September 10, 1954, Marc Thirouin discovered ten traces identical to those left at the time of the first landing. The shape and the orientation of the final cuts seem to suggest the action of two sharp appendices inserted in the wood, one vertically to ensure the side immobilization of the machine; the other in oblique in direction of the first, to prevent it from rising. For Marc Thirouin, these marks did not have any relationship with the traces left by a pressure exerted by an object of forty tons but by the mooring of a machine which, gicen its dimensions, must have been very light. At the time of the takeoff of the craft, Marius Dewilde saw below like a sort of squaring. A kind of reddish trail came out of it and at this time an odor of burning hay was smelled accompanied by an effect of heat (on these ways used by the minors of the steel-works of Blanc-Misseron, two trains pass by day. There is much grass in the neighbourhoods and Mr. Dewilde perhaps felt grass burned by the departure of the UFO and not the odor which the propulsion mode could possibly cause.)"
The source is indicated as "Ovni, Premier dossier complet... by Figuet M./ Ruchon J.L. ** Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979".
[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:
The website indicates that on 10 October 1954 at 22:30 in Quarouble, France, "A disk, six meters diameter, landed. Seven little men emerged" and "A second landing with occupants was witnessed here by Marius Dewilde and his four-year-old son. A disc, six meters in diameter and about one meter tall, landed again on the railroad tracks. Seven little men emerged and spoke in an unknown language. The craft then vanished without noise or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, were observed. Dewilde refused to report the case to the authorities."
The web site adds: "Second landing here, seen by Marius Dewilde (cf. Case 144) and his 4-year-old son. A disk, six meters diameter, about one meter high, landed again on the tracks. Seven little men emerged and spoke in an unknown language. The craft then vanished without noise or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, were observed. Dewilde refused to report the case."
And: "A flying disc was observed. Ground traces were found. One saucer, about 20 feet across, was observed by two male witnesses on a railroad. No sound was heard. Seven 3.5-foot-tall dwarves were seen."
And: "Marius Dewilde and his 4-year old son saw a 6-meter wide disc, 1 meter high, land on the railroad tracks. 7 little men emerged and spoke in an unknown language. They were human-like in appearance, with dark slanted eyes, and wearing tight-fitting diver's outfits. The craft then vanished without noise or smoke. Symmetrical traces larger than those of the first case were left. Dewilde refused to report the case."
The sources are indicated as Webb, David, HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid Reports; Merritt, Fred I., Fred I Merritt investigation files; Vallee, Jacques, A Century of Landings (N = 923), (in JVallee04), Chicago, 1969; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Phillips, Ted R., Ted Phillips investigation files; Phillips, Ted R., Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, CUFOS, Chicago, 1975; Delaire, J. Bernard, UFO Register Volume 7 (1976), Data Research, Oxford, 1976; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002; Rosales, Albert, Humanoid Sighting Reports Database.
The authors indicate that at the time of his encounter on October 10, 1954, Marius Dewilde drank three or four glasses of a transparent liquid offered by a creature of female appearance during his visit of a spacecraft.
The source is indicated as Geneviève Vanquelef in "OVNI, Interventions, Captures," Perpignan, 1984.
By Eudes Jolonquy
On November 19, the police confirmed that Dewilde made a second statement about an object he had seen near his house. However, says the police:
Dewilde and his family have decided, for fear of bad publicity, not to let anyone into their confidence regarding this second event. That's why none of the local newspapers will mention it.
In addition, they let civilian investigators know - politely but firmly - that they will henceforth keep confidential all other information relating to such incidents.
As much as his first encounter with Uranians, on September 10, 1954, received wide publicity from the press, so his second encounter, on October 10, 1954, was glossed over; we only find traces of it in the few lines published by "Nord-Matin" (10/20/1954) and "France Soir" (10/301954) and during an interview with the Parisian post... 16 months later. Were instructions given? Who gave them? Why?
Here is the testimony of Marius Dewilde, collected by Mr. Marc Thirouin, founder of the C.I.E.S. "Ouranos":
Quarouble (Nord), France, October 10, 1954 (11:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. local time): "It was between 11:30 a.m. and noon when my three-and-a-half-year-old son came to tell me that there was "a car on the track". I got out. I saw at 50 meters, a craft of the same shape and dimensions as one month earlier. It was not on the same track, but on the one that passes on the other side of the house. There was a rectangular opening at the base of the dome of the craft. All around this base was a series of bumps whose meaning I did not understand. There was also, above the opening, a horizontal row of portholes; I could make out three or four of them but saw nothing through them.
Human-like beings, clad in dark gray enveloping overalls, were milling around the craft; There were two of them on the disc platter (one on each side of the rectangular opening); later I saw two more come out from behind the disc or - perhaps more precisely - from underneath. A fifth came out of the opening, descended to the ground, spoke to the others; he seemed to me to be the chief. He came to me. I myself had been constantly advancing towards the craft while making these observations, so that we met about 3 meters from the craft.
The being flattered my son whom I was holding in my arms, patted me on the shoulder, smiling, and began to speak in a language I did not know. I could hear him very well, which is quite curious since he was talking to me through his helmet. I saw that he had very white, impeccable teeth. Overall her face was regular and really beautiful. His smile was quite human, as well as his facial expressions and his gestures. The beings, similar to him, that I saw around the craft, smiled, too, at times.
I was 3 meters from the craft and heard dull complaints inside. I thought I heard it repeated: boukak... boukak... Looking through the opening, I saw two other beings, one lying on the floor - I assumed it was he who was moaning - the other standing near him. As I was almost in the axis of the door, I could see inside a "bricked" and really strange material, very many small things - buttons of different colors, kinds of pressure gauges, etc. - metal (?) Dark, gray, spotlessly clean.
The language in which the being spoke to me was apparently neither Chinese, nor an Indochinese language, nor Siamese (the witness made this declaration following some imitations that I made him hear somehow); The sequence of sounds seemed rather European to me, but it was, in my opinion, neither English, nor German, nor a Latin language. I am really unable to specify more, not being at all familiar with foreign languages. The being took a few steps towards my poultry, which was pecking not far from us, bent down, grabbed a hen. Instead of running away screaming as these animals do when I try to catch them, this one "sabound" and let itself be taken obediently; I was amazed. He showed it in his hands then gave it to the two beings who had remained near the door. They took it, bending down a little.
Finally the being caressed my child again, on the head, and again tapped me on the shoulder, gently, then motioned for me to step aside. He climbed into the craft, preceded by the two characters to whom he had given the hen and followed by the two others who were behind or under the machine a moment before. Two of them helped him up by shaking his hand. The figure standing inside had bent down to move the one who was lying down, in order to leave the entrance free. Seeing them move like this, I noticed that they were well proportioned, that they had a free pace, that while remaining subject to gravity they did not seem, in any way, to feel its weight or feel tired.
A panel closed the door, sliding up and down, rather quickly but without abruptness. Then the craft took off vertically, without noise and without smoke, and disappeared towards the east. I had time to see the underside of the disk: there was a raised central part, surrounded by small circles and lines arranged in rays. I was not very inclined to reveal this observation, remembering the hassle the first one had cost me. My wife spoke about it and the affair spread, which again brought a flood of investigators to the scene."
[Ref. prn1:] PETER ROGERSON:
October 10 1954.
Marius Dewlide (q.v.) and his 4 year old son observed a disc, 6m in diameter, about 1m high, on the railway tracks. Seven little men emerged and spoke in an unknown language. The object then vanished without noise or smoke. Traces, which were larger and more symmetrical than the previous occasion, were discovered. He refused to report the case.
Vallee Case 226.
Vallee 1969, p.18.
Heiden citing Carrouges, 1967 p.152 citing France Soir 30 October 1954.
Location: Quarouble France
Date: October 10 1954
Time: 1130A
Marius Dewilde (involved in a previous encounter) and his 4-year old son were walking near his home. Suddenly Dewilde saw a disc-shaped object on the ground on some nearby railroad tracks, about 50 meters away. Walking cautiously towards the craft Dewilde noticed a rectangular shaped aperture at the base of the cupola and a row of windows. Several humanoids stood around the object. One of them, who appeared to be the leader, approached Dewilde and his son, while they stood several meters from the craft. The humanoid (leader) was about 1.20m in height, and wore a helmet equipped with a transparent faceplate. His facial features were Asiatic. He had a protruding chin and pointed cheeks, the hair was jet-black in color its eyes were brown and its skin was bronzed. In a friendly gesture the humanoid caressed Dewilde's son, whom Dewilde was carrying in his arms, the humanoid then tapped Dewilde on his back several times, smiling as he did and then pronounced several unintelligible words. Immediately afterwards the humanoid grabbed a chicken, which he gave to one of the other humanoids. The humanoid again caressed Dewilde's son and slapped Dewilde's back and then climbed onboard the object. A metallic panel closed the door and the object took off vertically and disappearing towards the east.
Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia 226
[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":
*Oct. 10, 1954 - Quarouble, France. A second landing with occupants was witnessed here by Marius Dewilde and his four-year-old son. A disc, six meters in diameter and about one meter tall, landed again on the railroad tracks. Seven little men emerged and spoke in an unknown language. The craft then vanished without noise or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, were observed. Dewilde refused to report the case to the authorities. (Source: Jacques Vallee, Passport to Magonia: A Century of Landings, p. 223, case # 226).
[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":
This database recorded this case 8 times instead of one:
Case Nr. | New case Nr. | Investigator | Date of observation | Zip | Place of observation | Country of observation | Hour of observation | Classification | Comments | Identification |
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France | 22.30 | CE III | |||||
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France | 23.30 | CE III | |||||
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France | 23.30 | CE III | |||||
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France | 23.30 | CE III | |||||
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France | 22.30 | CE III | |||||
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France | 23.30 | CE III | |||||
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France | 23.30 | CE III | |||||
19541010 | 10.10.1954 | Quarouble | France |
October 10 1954. 1145hrs.
Marius Dewilde (qv) was alerted by his son (3.5 years old) who told him that there was a car on the path. Investigating, he saw that the object was on the other path to that of September. When he got within 50m he saw that there was an opening on the base of the dome. Around it were a group of humanoid beings, 1,2m tall, dressed in grey rubbery or plastic coverall suits. One of the beings, that Marius took to be the leader, approached to within 3m and Marius felt his fear fade away. Through the transparent helmet, its features appeared "Mongolian" with high cheekbones, dark brown hair and eyebrows, brown eyes and hair. The being tapped Marius on the shoulder, smiled and spoke in an incomprehensible tongue. The smile revealed flawless white teeth. Through an opening in the object he could see a being on the floor, apparently groaning, with another standing over him. The interior seemed to be of a brick grey colour and contained multi coloured buttons and other devices.
The being took a few steps towards Marius' chickens, and picked one up, without it complaining, and passed it to two companions by the door. The being then touched the little boy on the head, tapped Marius on the shoulder again, and gestured him to leave. The two beings who had been passed the chicken then reentered the craft, followed by the leader along with two others who had been under the machine. The leader was helped inside and the being standing by the one on the floor moved along to allow them entry. The door then slid shut and the craft took off vertically and silently. On the underside he could see a raised central portion, surrounded by small circles and rays of lines. On investigating Marx Thirouin found traces on the ground.
In 1980 Dewilde told the co-writer of his book a somewhat different story. In this the little boy runs towards the craft and Marius picks him up. The being moves towards the house, M thinks it is to retrieve some object from the previous encounter, but actually goes for the chicken. M feels an impulse to invite the being into his house, but it declines, instead gesturing M to the object, which he enters climbing up some metal steps 50cm wide. He takes a few steps into the cockpit. Inside he sees the interior of the metal dome is illuminated like daylight, somehow it both is and isn't translucent. There is a semi-circular "desk" 70cm high and 50cm wide. There is a partition and M feels he should not know what lies behind this. He hears a cry like "boukak" and sees a being on a stretcher on four feet which keep it 20cm from the floor. Two people carry the stretcher into another compartment. There is another structure with dials etc. M is asked to sit on a seat, holding his son. Something like headphones is put on his head. A woman with rounded breasts comes through an opening in the wall and gives him a drink of a colourless liquid. He receives telepathic commands and feels he is being prepared for further contacts and given protection against diseases. After 30 minutes he is sent out again and waved away. The object takes off with a whistle and blast of hot air.
Evaluation - This is a story which changed as times changed, the 1980 version introducing abductee/contactee themes.
See September 10 Quarouble about the first alleged encounter of the same witness.
Witness invention.
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(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)
Quarouble, Nord, Marius Dewilde, landing, disc, occupants, humanoids, talk, language, traces
[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.
Version: | Created/Changed by: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | April 3, 2003 | First published. |
1.0 | Patrick Gross | April 18, 2009 | Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [fru1], [rlm1], [jbu1], [jbu2], [lcn1], [uda1], [dfK1]. |
1.1 | Patrick Gross | February 11, 2010 | Addition [jca1]. |
1.2 | Patrick Gross | July 3, 2010 | Addition [jve7]. |
1.3 | Patrick Gross | July 7, 2010 | Additions [pdl1], [bmt1]. |
1.4 | Patrick Gross | October 19, 2011 | Addition [nos1]. |
1.5 | Patrick Gross | August 14, 2013 | Addition [prn1]. |
1.7 | Patrick Gross | October 9, 2014 | Additions [tai1], [nip1]. |
1.8 | Patrick Gross | November 23, 2016 | Addition [ler1]. |
1.9 | Patrick Gross | December 9, 2016 | Additions [qsj1], [ubk1]. |
2.0 | Patrick Gross | January 20, 2020 | Additions [gni1], [lhh1], [prn2]. |
2.1 | Patrick Gross | May 2, 2020 | Addition [las1]. |
2.2 | Patrick Gross | June 7, 2020 | Addition [nmn1]. |
2.3 | Patrick Gross | September 29, 2021 | Addition [tbw1]. |
2.4 | Patrick Gross | May 5, 2022 | Additions [gqy1], [gqy2], [tps1], [gep1]. |
2.5 | Patrick Gross | June 5, 2022 | Additions [lie1], [lex1], [lex2], [agd1], [jve3], [uoi1]. |
2.6 | Patrick Gross | July 3, 2022 | Additions [jsr1], [goe1]. |
2.7 | Patrick Gross | July 17, 2022 | Additions [ous2], [mcs2]. |