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October 16, 1954, Saint-Saulve, Nord:

Reference for this case: 16-Oct-54-Saint-Saulve.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.







Saucers or cigars, whatever the name given to them, continue to occupy the Valenciennes sky. In Saint-Saulve, in particular, Saturday, around 7:45 p.m., a mysterious craft could be observed by dozens of witnesses: it was moving in the direction of the border, parallel to the National road from Valenciennes to Quiévrain.

Among the people who observed it, we gathered the opinions of residents of avenue Jean-Jaurès. Mr. Marcel Trinez, hairdresser, and Misses Decarpentry, who run a grocery store near his home. The craft appeared to them "oval in shape like a disc seen from a distance," Mr. Trinez said. It had light reflections, much like the moon, and was moving at a speed similar to that of an airplane, but without the slightest engine noise being heard. No confusion with a known machine seems possible, each one having had the leisure to observe it well. Numerous residents of this city, notably from rue Duchesnois, from the Grand'Place or from the Marais have been able to make the same remarks and are very affirmative.

The mysterious craft also seems to have been seen by Valenciennes residents. Mr. Wallez, mechanic, avenue Carnot; Mrs. Jacquemart, in particular. The latter, who was at the place "Le Maquis", found it in the shape of a parachute, but cannot explain its "yellow-orange" luminosity.

[Photo caption:] Mr. Trinez and Miss Decarpentry, of Saint-Saulve, who saw from their door step an unknown luminous craft moving in the sky.

(Photo "La Voix du Nord")



Quarouble resident Marius Dewilde
who first saw the saucer pilots
reportedly had a new visit
of the strange "little men"

There has been less talk in recent days about flying saucers. And yet, if the mysterious craft really exist, it seems that they continue to face the sky of our region. Recently a hundred people in Saint-Saulve observed a luminous disc moving in the azure. A lawyer from the Valenciennes bar, Mr. Gheslin, discovered at the same time, a saucer heading for Belgium.

For a while, there was no shortage of testimonies. And then suddenly it seemed that witnesses to the sidereal appearances preferred to keep the apparitions of cigars and other flying objects to themselves.

The skepticism of most of the consulted savants has often ridiculed people who have, sometimes in good faith, reported their visual encounter with the flying saucers.

Mr. Dewilde became

It is so true that Mr. Marius Dewilde, the Quarouble reisdent who, the first, saw the "interplanetary" passengers thought for a moment of filing a complaint at the Public Prosecutor of Valenciennes about the sarcasm he was the subected to. To calm him down, he had to demonstrate that his complaint was not justified.

Since then, of course, Mr. Marius Dewilde no longer wants to welcome anyone. One may have had the honors of the press and the cinema and not be happy. However, Mr. Dewilde is so dissatisfied with the somewhat overly satirical publicity about him, that he only confided to the authorities his latest encounter with the "Martians."

In an unknown

Because our Quarouble resident claims to have seen again a saucer and its passengers. This time it happened in broad daylight! The object landed again on the railroad tracks near Mr. Dewilde's house, not in the same place, however.

The little men spoke to him: a few words in an unknown language before flying away silently and disappearing.

On the railway sleepers, one observed the same traces as before, a little wider all the same and presenting a perfect symmetry. A few leaves of crushed grass marked the place of landing.


What should we think after this new testimony? For those in favor of the existence of the saucers, it would have been preferable for Mr. Dewilde to stick to a first appearance. It will hardly be admitted that the Quarouble territory is so interesting to the pilots of the mysterious craft. And then it was pointed out to us, the spots of impact noted on the crosspieces are all in the longitudinal axis of the said crosspieces. However, it is difficult to accept that a craft landing can locate with such precision the center of such a narrow plateau. There should have been claws on the edges of the pieces of wood. But the saucers are already the enigma. What is the point of looking for details? You have to believe or disbelieve, pending revelation.

Another saucer
in Aulnoy-l.-Valenciennes

Let us indicate that Mr. Petoux, a bank employee in Valenciennes, saw Wednesday evening between 8:30 p.m.

Read more on the last page
under the title:



and 9 p.m., a saucer which was flying above Aulnoy. Several other local people observed the phenomenon.


Mr. Charles Pierru, secretary general of the town hall of Oye-Plage, also saw at 11:15 p.m., an opalescent glow ten meters in front of him and at a height of twenty meters, which marched over the national road in the same direction as him, that is to say from Oye-Beach towards Calais.

Having no thoughts about saucers, he was therefore extremely surprised and stopped for a few seconds, regretting the late hour which left no light shining in the houses. Resuming his walk - Mr. Pierru went by foot - the witness was able to realize very exactly the figure of the craft: the shape of a cigar (like the cabin of a wingless airplane), no noise, no smoke escaped from the craft. Even at this short distance, no porthole stood out, only this uniform luminescence demarcated the thing.

It was visible for more than a quarter of an hour, its speed not exceeding that of a cyclist. Arrived at a certain distance, towards Marck, it obliqued at right angle towards the interior of the grounds and, thus placed, it appeared like a sphere: the apparatus seen by the section whose relation to the length was of approximately a 10th.

A cultivator thrown
to the ground by a "Martian"
with light blue lamps

A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Bousard, 47-year-old, told the gendarmes of Aubusson about the "strange encounter" he made while returning from the borough of Alleyrat (Creuse).

At the place called "La Madière", he said, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stop to better observe the individual. The latter, who was lowered, stood up suddenly, pointing at me two powerful lamps projecting a very dense light blue-light. He also had, on each side of his head, light green lamps, which emitted much weaker rays than the others. It appeared to be 1.60 m. tall and I first thought he was dressed in a spacesuit.

Suddenly under pressure comparable to a blow, I



Quarouble resident Marius Dewilde
who first saw the saucer pilots
allegedly had another visit from the strange "little men"

We've been talking less about flying saucers lately. And yet, if the mysterious craft really exist, it seems that they continue to haunt the sky of our region. Recently, a hundred people in St-Sanlve observed a luminous disc moving in the azure. A lawyer from the Valenciennes bar, Me Gheslin, discovered at the same time, a saucer heading for Belgium.

For a while, there was no shortage of testimonies. And then suddenly it seemed that witnesses to the sidereal manifestations preferred to keep the apparitions of cigars and other flying objects to themselves.

The skepticism of most of the consulted scientists has often ridiculed people who, sometimes in good faith, have reported their visual encounter with the flying saucers.


It is so true that Mr. Marius Dewilde, the Quarouble reisdent who, first, saw the "interplanetary" passengers, thought for a moment to request the Public Prosecutor in Valenciennes about the sarcasm of which he was the subject. To calm him down, he had to be demonstrated that his complaint was not justified.

Since then, of course, Mr. Marius Dewilde no longer wants to receive people. One may have had the honors of the press and the cinema and not be happy. However, Mr. Dewilde is so dissatisfied with the somewhat overly satirical publicity about him, that he only confided to the authorities his latest encounter with the "Martians."


Because our Quarouble resident claims to have seen a saucer and its passengers. This time it happened in broad daylight! The craft, again landed on the railroad tracks near Mr. Dewilde's house, not in the same place, however.

The little men spoke to him: a few words in an unknown language before flying away silently and disappearing.

On the railway sleepers, the same traces as before were observed, a little wider all the same and presenting a perfect symmetry. A few places of crushed grass marked the place of landing.

What to think of this new testimony? For those in favor of the existence of flying saucers, it would have been preferable for Mr. Dewilde to stick to a first appearance. It will be difficult to admit that the Quarouble territory is of such interest to the pilots of the mysterious craft. And then, as we have observed, the points of impact noted on the sleepers were all in the longitudinal axis of said sleepers. However, it is hardly admissible that an aircraft landing can find with such precision the center of such a narrow plateau. There should have been claws on the edges of the pieces of wood. But the saucers are already the enigma. What's the point of looking for detail? You have to believe or not believe ... while waiting for the revelation.


Let's point out that Mr. Petoux, a bank employee in Valenciennes, saw Wednesday evening between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m., a saucer moving above Aulnoy. Several other local people observed the phenomenon.


Mr. Charles Pierru, secretary general of the town hall of Oye-Plage, also saw at 9:15 p.m., an opalescent glow ten meters in front of him and at a height of twenty meters, which advanced over the national road in the same direction as him, that is to say Oye-Plage to Calais.

Having not thought aoubt the saucers, he was therefore extremely surprised and stopped for a few seconds, regretting the late hour which left no light shining in the houses. Resuming his walk, Mr. Pierru went on by foot, the witness could realize very exactly the figure of the craft: the shape of a cigar (like the cabin of an airplane devoid of wings), no noise, no smoke escaped from the craft. Even at this short distance, no window could be distinguished, only this uniform luminescence demarcated the thing.

It was visible for more than a quarter of an hour, its speed not exceeding that of a cyclist. Arrived at a certain distance, towards Merck, it veered at right angle towards the interior of the grounds and, thus placed, it appeared like a sphere: the apparatus seen by the section, whose ratio with the length was about a tenth.


A farmer from the village of La Vaureille, Mr. Aimé Bousard, 47 years old, told the gendarmes of Aubusson of the "strange encounter" he made while returning from the borough of Alleyrat (Creuse).

At the place called "La Madière", he said, I saw a shape moving on the side of the road. I stopped to better observe the individual. The latter, who was lowered, got up suddenly, pointing at me two powerful projectors, lamps projecting a very dense light blue light.

He also had, on each side of the head, a very dense light green lamp which emitted much weaker rays than the others. It appeared to be 1.60 m tall and I first thought he was dressed in a spacesuit.

Suddenly, under the pressure of a blow, I was thrown across the road where I stayed for ten minutes without being able to shout or call for help. The light blue lamps were still on me. I felt and still feel pain in my legs and my right hand.

At the place indicated by the cultivator, the gendarmes noted that the earth had been freshly moved. The grass had been uprooted over an area of 70 cm in diameter. No footprints were found.



I checked the Moon; it was not visible, rising only at 8:45 p.m.

Mars was in the sky at 189°, altitude 15°; but if so many people were amazed at the same time, Mars is not a likely explanation.

There were several meteors over France that day. One is well known, and was indeed seen in the Nord, but at 9:30 p.m.. Another had passed at 7:30 p.m., but reported in Alsace, which is somewhat distant. It is nevertheless not impossible that it was seen in the Nord also.

So, for me: possible meteor at 7:30 p.m. of October 16, 1954.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

Saint-Saulve, Nord, multiple, luminous, disc, day


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
1.0 Patrick Gross May 2, 2020 First published.
1.1 Patrick Gross June 7, 2020 Addition [nmn1]. In the Summary, addition of "The regional newspaper Nord-Matin for october 29, 1954, and ".
1.2 Patrick Gross October 16, 2021 Addition [vdn1]. Case date changed from End October to October 16. Summary rewritten, was "The regional newspaper Nord-Matin for october 29, 1954, and the regional newspaper Libre Artois for October 30, 1954, mentioned that "Recently, a hundred people in St-Sanlve observed a luminous disc moving in the azure." Explanations changed, were "Totally insufficient information."

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This page was last updated on October 16, 2021, 2020.