06.29.2001 | Researchers add radar to track Hessdalen UFOs. |
06.28.2001 | Argentinean UFO researcher says Cachi UFO video is legitimate. |
06.25.2001 | Gigantic UFO captured on video in Argentina. |
06.18.2001 | Cone shaped metallic looking object in Italy. |
06.16.2001 | More than 20 people spot UFO in Melbourne, Australia. |
06.15.2001 | Zig-zaging orange spot over Cremona Italy, possibly Mars misinterpreted. |
06.13.2001 | UK observations over West Wiltshire. |
06.10.2001 | Washington couple see black UFO. |
06.05.2001 | Scottish news photographer captures UFO on video, many other reports follow. |
06.05.2001 | Turkish authorities close village after alleged extraterrestrial encounter (explained). |
06.01.2001 | 26th UFO sighting in the last past months in Dales, U-K. |
06.01.2001 | TV pays 20.000 £ fur UFO video. |
Researchers studying mysterious light phenomena in Hessdalen will now add radar and three new cameras in order to document the distance and speed of the regularly observed UFOs.
Strange observations are made several times a month in the small Trondelag village. Powerful lights streak travel across the sky, linger then vanish. Researchers from Ostfold College installed an automatic monitor in the area and have registered 79 sightings of unexplainable phenomena.
"The phenomena are so varied that it is difficult to believe there is a single explanation for them. I have a suspicion that there are several factors at work behind this mystery," says Erling Strand, head of Project Hessdalen. Now the team has invested in radar and new camera, funded by the Ostfold College. The hunt is gearing up, and the goal now is to gauge the distance and velocity of the sightings.
"Until now we have only been able to register phenomena visually. Now we have mounted two stereo cameras 150 meters apart. With these we can measure distance. In addition, a third camera will be able to zoom in on the sightings," Strand explains.
So far no Norwegian research group has been willing to contribute to Project Hessdalen. Italian authorities fund a group of scientist working at Italy's Institute for Radio Astronomy who study the Hessdalen phenomena, and they will be visiting Norway this year.
The years 1981 to 1984 bustled with activity in the skies over Hessdalen and sightings have gradually decreased, with about 20 a year being the current tally. The Hessdalen cameras monitor the skies 24 hours a day and the pictures are posted directly to the Internet. The web site has about 500 hits per hour - 85 percent of them from outside of Norway.
The ufologist Daniel Quiroga Nunez, a member of the Red Argentina de Ovnilogia (RAO), considered yesterday that the film of an unidentified flying object obtained on Saturday the 23rd by reporter mountaineer Antonio Zuleta of Cachi is "a document of undeniable scientific value" and added that "I shall request authorization to show it in the First World Conference on the subject to be held on the 17th and 18th of August in Mar del Plata."
Quiroga studied the videotape for three hours and reached the conclusion that it is one of the best recordings he has ever seen, noting that he has no doubt that it is a mothership, in other words, an extraterrestrial device of gigantic proportions, capable of transporting lesser units and which have been repeatedly seen in different parts of the planet for years.
The researcher, a student in the School of Social Communications of the University of Salta, is 26 years old and has considered himself a researcher since 1988, when he was only 13. "My interest for the subject was handed down by my grandfather Oscar Núñez, a Chilean from La Serena who moved to Salta at a young age. His interest was a result of his working in construction, which involved work in the northern deserts of the trans-andean country, where he had several sightings. From that point onward, he devoted himself to research, assembling a large library and imbuing his interests in me," noted the young ufologist, the only specialist on the subject that lives in this province.
"After analyzing the filmed material, I'm able to state that it is an unconventional phenomenon. The object makes intelligent movements which are impossible for known human technology. It accelerates and decelerates at prodigious speeds, is surrounded by a green outline, has a white core and produces red and blue flashes while projecting violet and sky-blue beams. It is oval in shape, although in the video, its movements give it the appearance of changing shape constantly," he noted.
"This recorded sighting strongly parallels two historic cases which took place in the province of Salta. One of then, a visual sighting made by a former magistrate during the '60s and another one filmed by a local soccer player some years ago," Quiroga stated. "The film is legitimate and it is well-suited for analysis. There is no trickery."
From a translation © 2001. Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special Thanks to Gloria Coluchi.
On June 25, 2001, the "El Tribuno" newspaper in Salta, Argentina, reports that a football stadium sized UFO has been filmed by a witness in Cachi:
"This is the most incredible document that has ever been seen and I achieved it with my own camera," said journalist Antonio Zuleta, who filmed a giant UFO.
Journalist, mountaineer and marathon runner Antonio Zuleta nervously contacted the newsroom of El Tribuno, and with good reason. "Listen to me, brother," he said. "I've achieved the most amazing document. Last night (Saturday 23rd) I shot some fantastic footage. I captured a giant Unidentified Flying Object on film. It was moving slowly over a ridge located some 800 meters from town. It was immense - perhaps the size of a football stadium. And the recording I have in my hands is so good that I think it will become a document of unquestionable value to researchers," he emphasized.
Antonio Zuleta, 59, is a well known character: he works for the FM San Jose radio station and his adventurous spirit has made him famous. He holds the world record of eight ascents of the mythic Nevado de Cachi, one of the mountains which forms, together with Aconcagua, one of the eternal challenges of Andean mountaineers has starred in a number of sports achievements. Among them, linking his hometown with the capital of Salta on bicycle and by jogging. Known as "El flaco Zuleta" (Skinny Zuleta), this tall, rangy, angular faced, mustachioed athlete has one further obsession: UFOs. "Its just that their presence here isn't a recent thing," he explained." There are hundreds of accounts regarding strange apparitions and even landings by these craft. I'm almost 60 and have heard stories since I was a kid. This is the reason why the subject interests me so, and I never go anywhere without my camcorder. I have a late model Sony which has become my new travelling companion," Zuleta expanded.
The Sighting:
During his phone conversation with El Tribuno, Zuleta furnished the details of his "close encounter of the second time" as ufologists define these documented sightings.
"It was nearly 21:00 hours on Saturday. Cachi was still ablaze with the St.John's Night bonfires. I was home with my wife Silvia and my four year old daughter, who was burning with a fever. "We've got to go to the hospital," said my wife after pointing out to me that the girl wasn't doing so well. We covered her with a poncho, put her in the backseat of the car and took off. As always, I brought my camera along. On the way out of town, we noticed a flash over a hill at a distance of 800 meters and headed westwards. The object was enormous and moved slowly at some 15,000 meters, which leads me to believe it must have been the size of a football stadium. It gave off lights like streamers of red and green. It was incredible. I filmed it for over 20 minutes and even had to climb onto a mound to do it, since as it moved, it vanished from my angle of vision. It suddenly accelerated to a fantastic speed and was lost in space," said the witness.
Translation © 2001. Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special thanks to Gloria Coluchi and Scott Corrales.
The Italian newspaper La Stampa reports on June 18, that some thirty observed a flying object oscillate over a forest. It was described as metallic looking, cone shaped, of some five or six meters. It was seen and moving horizontally, oscillating and then disappearing behind a hill.
A woman first told the police that a broken arm of a crane that oscillates dangerously on Saturday morning. Policemen from Fivizzano, Lunigiana, in the North of the Tuscany, checked if any crane was in use in the area, and none were known to be there.
Another phone call came, reporting that a strange cone-shaped object some several meters long was visible in the sky. The police officers then took a jeep ride of nearly an hour from Fivizzano to Sassalbo but on arrival discovered only a clear sky.
Some thirty villagers then gave their eyewitness testimonies to the officers. Initially, children who had been playing close to an old landslide in a dense area of vegetation spotted the UFO travelling horizontally over the forest. It was then seen to encircle the houses before commencing to oscillate.
The children quickly informed the adults of the village and one witness grabbed a pair of binoculars in order to observe the strange flying object.
Many Melburnians saw what they believed was a UFO. More than 20 people from Melbourne's southeastern suburbs reported a dark, gray disc flying in the skies near Ringwood, Wantirna, Knox and Lilydale about 9:30 on Saturday night, June 16, 2001. The National Space Center, in central Victoria, registered 24 calls from people who all described similar details of a flying object in the sky. Ross Dowe from the center said it was first thought the object was the blimp, but upon analysis it appeared to be too small. "The object appeared to be round or saucer shape with silver sides," Mr. Dowe said. "It also appeared to have a small dome underneath with half a dozen large lights on the circumference on the main body of the disc."
Dianne McCool from Wantirna, who was in her back yard, said she saw the object come up from behind gum trees in her garden about 9:50 p.m..
Thanks to George Filer as usual and Cameron Smith The Melbourne Herald, Victoria, 6/18/01 and Farshores UFO Dimension.
The latest close encounter was had on Friday, June 1st by a 62-year-old Cromford man, who asked not to be named.
And he claims to have seen the same craft on two previous occasions in the last month.
The UFO was seen at the top of Slack Hill in Kelstedge at around 1.30am. The man described it as being around 3,000 feet high and a shade of orange similar to a streetlamp.
"I've seen them before. You can see this one three or four times a week."
"It changes shape all the time, like it's made of dough and light cascades from it. It seemed to be watching me and kept coming closer and closer until it was just 1,000 feet away. I was not scared, just very curious, but I did want to keep away from it."
See previous sightings in Dales.
Many people equipped with binoculars and cameras saw an orange light in the sky over Cremona, possibly Friday night, June 15. It was observed to fly very fast towards the east and then return to the same point in the sky by witnesses on two different locations.
The chance that the event was an honest misinterpretation of the planet Mars, which is particularly close to the Earth this months and appears as an orange spot are high. Moves of air masses and optical fatigue can create the illusion that a fixed object in the night sky is moving back and forth.
A UFO was spotted over West Wiltshire on Wednesday night, June 13. Two sets of witnesses over Semington and Trowbridge reported observations between 10.20 p.m. and 11.10 p.m.
Eyewitness Roger White saw a bright light in Semington: "It seemed to be moving slowly," he said. "At first I thought it was a planet but it was too bright. I think the RAF may have gone for a look because I saw a strobing light but when I looked back seconds later it had disappeared. It must have taken off at an incredible speed because it was a dot on the horizon."
Although the first object might very well be Mars, as the planet is particularly close to Earth this month, This explanation does not fit the subsequent observation of a strange craft reported 50 minutes later at around 11.10 p.m. by four people in Trowbridge.
Witness Nichola Winney said the object featured three lights in a triangle formation. She said it blocked out the stars as it passed overhead, making a soft droning sound as it moved.
Mr White, a veteran UFO spotter, said the object in the sky was the genuine article: "It was definitely a UFO and it was an incredible thing to see. It was a really exciting moment."
The UK Ministry of Defence was not available for comment.
Peter Davenport writes that a former U. S. Navy officer and his wife saw a UFO at approximately 11:15 hours on Sunday, June 10, 2001, above the University of Washington campus.
The officer stated, "My wife and I had just left the Hub where we had attended a graduation ceremony and I happened to look up to watch a craft coming from the northeast on their approach toward Seatac. Planes have always fascinated me since I was a Private Pilot for a number of years. I noticed a stationary, apparently rectangular, black object in the sky directly over the northeast end of campus, which was at an altitude considerably above the approaching aircraft. I called to my wife, who immediately looked up and observed the same object. At first we thought it might be a large bird. We dismissed that idea since it wasn't moving, didn't have the shape of a bird, and appeared to be way too large for its apparent distance from us. After 15 to 20 seconds the object began to move very smoothly at a very high rate of speed in a northeast direction directly opposite the path of the approaching aircraft. The sighting lasted for thirty seconds when it flew behind some trees. We discussed the sighting all the way home and have concluded it did not fall into any of the usual bird/aircraft sightings in our experience."
Peter Davenport indicates the former military officer is insistent that the object they witnessed was not any kind of aircraft that he is familiar with. Thanks to NUFORC www.ufocenter.com
The Daily Record, Glasgow, Scotland, June 5th 2001, published a story that their own photographer Mark Runnacles captured images of a flying saucer-shaped object in the skies above Glasgow. It sparked a flood of calls to the newspaper reporting similar sightings.
Martin Fraser, of Maryhill, in Glasgow, saw a UFO in the same place six days before Mark. He was watching meteors over the Campsies at 4.30am. He said: "What appeared to be a star grew to about 25 times its original size. The flash of light was incredibly bright and I know for sure it wasn't an aeroplane."
George Young, of Motherwell, saw the objects as he scanned the skies early on Saturday morning. He said: "I was looking out towards Hamilton when I saw what I can only describe as a glowing beach ball in the sky. This was not a plane. It was an awesome sight and I watched it for about five minutes before it disappeared."
Raymond Adams, 36, of Carnwadric, Glasgow, was alerted around the same time when his six-year-old son Ross began shouting about colored lights in the sky. He said: "I saw a thin streak of light in the direction of the Campsies. It was reddish white in color and was there one minute and gone the next."
Jack Young, 53, of Kilmarnock, and Elizabeth McGleish, 42, of Springboig, Glasgow, also reported sightings.
According to the newspaper, The Ministry of Defence are investigating the pictures taken by their photographer.
Associated Press reports that a region governor requested from the police to put the village of Narli in quarantine to reassure inhabitants who claim to have encountered an extraterrestrial. The authorities say they doubt the whole affair which indeed seems rather far fetched:
"We have more important business to deal with, but we do not have choice". "The zone is under protection, we expect the scientists visits", which will take soil samples and perform radiation measurements.
Fefzi Cam, his wife and another woman claim they have encountered a creature Monday morning, June 4, 2001, as they were driving to a field. Mr. Cam told that he had thrown stones at the thing, which he described as a sixty centimeters small being with a large rounded head, large eyes, carrying a yellow-silver plated shiny outfit with a yellow light on the front: "It had neither wings nor propellers, but it could fly away vertically", said Mr. Cam at the governor's office. |
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Portrait made according to the witness descriptions. |
On 20.06.2001, the mystery of the tiny alien has been solved by Turkish private UFO investigation group TUVPO.
TUVPO, a private Turkish Ufology group, has researched the area and nothing has been found. 3 villagers who saw the alien reported different things. No physicals evidences was found. It was told that the tinny alien is a balloon that flew up from one place to another, taking different visual aspect when lightened by the sun and optically mislead those villagers. It then flew up in the sky because of the hot air circulation in that area. The balloon had 2 folds and paper feet at the bottom, it was about 50 cm tall.
US television company Kiviat Productions paid Sharon Rowlands, a Derbyshire woman £20,000 for a six-minute video of an apparent UFO she shot near her home.
The sighting was one of the 23 UFO sightings in Darbyshire, UK, who I mentioned in the recent news, many involving "enormous" craft, according to witnesses.
The UFO appears to be a three-mile wide disc covered with yellow, orange and blue lights observed last October. It has a dark centre and sent out light pulses.
Allegedly NASA are said to be interested in viewing the tape, and it is said NASA believes the craft is similar to one spotted by their cameras during a space-shuttle mission.
The California company are said to have called the video one of "the top five pieces of UFO footage ever". Robert Kiviat, of the TV company, said: "The film will shock people." Ms Rowlands, 44, said:
"I was a complete disbeliever but this has made me think twice. The thing was huge and through the lens it looked like it was going to hit me. I just couldn't believe it."
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