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October 13, 1954, Graulhet, Tarn:

Reference for this case: 13-Oct-54-Graulhet.
Please cite this reference in any correspondence with me regarding this case.


The regional newspaper Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme for October 15, 1954, had reported the case in a summarized manner; others gave more details the next day.

The regional newspaper Le Rouergue Républicain for October 16, 1954, reported that a barrel maker of Graulhet said he had seen the day before at the end of the afternoon at high altitude, a silver craft heading towards the Northwest; which he first took for a jet plane.

As he could not see any condensation trail, he went to get a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw that it was a large, undulating, flexible disk, while moving at great speed.

That "craft" then exploded in full flight. A silver ball, about a meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, soon disappearing from sight, while the rest of the "craft" fell into several pieces similar to bed sheets of various dimensions; which hovered in the sky. Some of it then hung to the telephone wires.

According to the newspaper, about fifteen people testified of this singular case and fragments of the debris were collected. They were like silver filaments agglomerated and crumbling when touched.

L'Est Republicain newspaper for October 16, 1954, reported the case similarly, but gave the date as "Wednesday evening", ie October 13, 1954, "in the evening" instead of 04:30 p.m.

Then, the newspaper La Liberté de l'Est for October 16-17, 1954, gave a name to the main witness, Mr. Carcenac, and the date as Wednesday, around 04:30 p.m. This newspaper gave the direction of flight of the object as coming from the North and going south, and added that Mr. Carcenac keeps the collected fragments at the disposal of whoever would like to analyze them.

The newspaper Le Tarn Libre for October 22, 1954, reported the case, adding that the collected filaments were silver-colored and "looked like a kind of cobweb". Some of these fragments had been deposited at the gendarmerie of Graulhet, and various people had telephoned, during the day, to propose to perform an analysis. Studies were made by a local chemist, but he "could not determine at first sight what the material exactly was." The newspaper further stated that when a flame was approached from a fragment, it was annihilated without giving off smoke or flame.

In his 1958 book, Aimé Michel seems to have read some more sources. He dates the case of October 13, 1954, called the main witness Mr. "Cardénac", who would have said:

"At 04:30 p.m., I saw a white object at a high altitude towards the northwest, spinning southward, a shape I thought to be odd, and I first thought of a jet of some unrevealed type, then, noticing no condensation trail, I went to get my binoculars, then I saw very distinctly a sort of large flexible and soft disk, white in color, which undulated while moving at high speed."

"I had been following it for a few seconds when the strange machine exploded in full flight, and at the same time a circular object of much smaller dimensions and silvery color seemed to spring from the mass and continued its straight trajectory to the south, where it soon disappeared, while the flakes of the soft disk, suddenly stopped, scattered in the sky in a multitude of shapeless fragments which began to fall slowly like shreds of cloth or paper."

Aimé Michel reports that all the witnesses of the strange explosion and other people rushed to the place and could see the debris arrive on the ground, some hanging in trees or telegraph cables. People collected a large amount of the fragments of this material fallen to the ground, silver filaments agglomerated like cobweb and crumbling under the fingers. Aimé Michel gives a follow-up according to the information of the Tarn Libre newspaper: some of these filaments were handed to the gendarmerie of Graulhet, while a chemist of the city tried to analyze them, but without any result. In the heat, the matter disappeared without leaving any residue, the disappearance being almost instantaneous. When one approached a flame, it did not burn and did not produce any smoke.

In 1963, Michel Carrouges tells in his book about the journey of the Samedi-Soir journalists who performed hoaxes, on site, with car, scuba, fireworks, to demonstrate that the "saucers" witnesses were in error. He said that the testimony of Mr. Carcenac, near Graulhet, in the Tarn, on October 13, 1954, around 04:30 p.m., as these journalists were circulating in these places according to their statements, is explained as one of their "shows".

Much later, in 2004, Didier Gomez, who is a ufologist in the Tarn department, gave the information on the case from some of newspapers, from Aimé Michel, and Michel Carrouges. He explained that he tried to find Mr. Carcenac, but that he was dead now, that he unfortunately did not find any trace of the results of the chemical analyzes carried out at the time on the debris.

He cites the explanation by the journalists of Samedi-Soir as it had been given by Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon: "Two journalists from the newspaper Samedi Soir from Paris had made their way to Toulouse, after launching some rockets in the region of Graulhet on October 13, 1954, at 04:30 p.m. Mr. Carcenac had actually seen one of the rockets launched by the journalists."

Didier Gomez contacted Henri Manavit, a local historian in Graulhet, by telephone, and the latter gave him the ccontact information of a relative of Mr. Carcénac, still alive at that time and still living in Graulhet, near the place of the incident. Didier Gomez went to his home the next day to clarify things, and this person then confirmed the following facts:

"At the time, Mr. Carcenac was operating a tannery at the place called La Ventenayé, on the road from Graulhet to Réalmont, he was my uncle, he was 35 at the time, but he did not observe, it seems to me, the saucer himself. I remember this story despite the fact that I was very young at the time, my uncle simply analyzed a substance called "threads of the Virgin" without finding anything interesting."

Didier Gomez wonders if it could then be that the substance analyzed is only residues that fell from rockets fired by the two Parisian reporters, which would confirm somehow what is written on page 140 in Figuet and Ruchon's book: "In the case of Graulhet, it is all about fireworks waste."

He considers that it is probable without being certain even if the schedule corresponds quite well with the actions of the two journalists who had actually made a stop at Graulhet that October 13, 1954.

Of course, before and after the findings of Didier Gomez, whether this explanation id the right one or not, many sources kept on reporting about the case in the form of abstracts, without mentioning anything at all about the Samedi-Soir journalists antics.




Two jet planes
chases a luminous disc
which shoots away as they approach

Avignon, 15. -- Early in the afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse was in turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" hovered slowly above the small town and could be clearly seen with good binoculars.

This disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color.

The lower circular border bore, intermittently, two powerful lights, varying from white to purplish, passing through red.

The Caritat air base (Vaucluse) alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine de Vaucluse, took altitude and dived on the "disk."

The radio which was installed on board the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was being chased, but that it was escaping because its speed was higher to theirs.

From Vaucluse, you could clearly see the disc soaring away, pursued by the two jet planes.

Saucers, discs, cigars, etc., were seen in Marseille, Draguignan, Casablanca, Martigues, Mulhouse.



The saucers

(Continued from the first page)


Nimes. -- Two people saw while returning to their home, a few kilometers north of Nîmes, a greenish glow in a field. They approached and noticed the presence of a craft entirely identical to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches. The strange craft suddenly rose into the air, emitting a low noise and gradually taking on an orange hue.

Graulhet. -- A barrel maker from Graulhet said he saw, at high altitude, a silver craft heading northwest, which he took all first for a jet plane, but not discerning any contrails, the barrel maker went to get a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc, which undulated on itself, while moving at a high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in midair. A silvery ball, about one meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, soon disappearing from view, while the rest of the craft fell into several pieces similar to sheets of various sizes which hovered in the air and some of which clung to the telegraph wires. About fifteen people testified to this peculiar case and fragments of this material were collected. They come in the form of clumped silver filaments that crumble when touched.

Angers. -- An inhabitant of the town of Méral (Mayenne) saw a brilliant orange ball in the sky which landed on the ground. The disc, flattened and dome-shaped, with a diameter of 5 to 6 meters, gave off a blinding glow, illuminating the countryside within a radius of 200 meters.

The craft was transparent and from inside we could see a black shape. The disc stayed like that for about ten minutes, became red and quickly disappeared towards the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a sort of bright cloud that was slowly falling to the ground.

Arrived at his home he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.

La Roche-sur-Yon. -- A farmer from Angles (Vendée) saw in the sky a shining craft which, while advancing, changed shape and color. The craft was at low height and at a short distance from the cultivator. When the latter wanted to approach it, the apparatus emitted luminous rays which soon formed a screen behind which it disappeared noiselessly. The same phenomenon was observed by several other people from Angles.


London. -- The British Air Ministry does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars and other flying craft.

Indeed, while refusing to comment on the craft reported in France and in other European countries, the official spokespersons of the ministry declare that 99 times out of a hundred, there are natural explanations for the similar appearances reported in Great Britain: most often sounding balloons.

When no explanation can be given, the Air Ministry adds, it is usually because the testimonies of people who claim to have witnessed these apparitions are insufficient.

However, no such craft has been reported in Britain in recent weeks.



GRAULHET. - A tanner from Graulhet stated he saw yesterday late in the afternoon at high altitude, a silver craft heading to the Northwest; which he initially thought to be a jet plane, but discerning no contrail, the tanner fetched a binocular and distinctly saw a wide flexible disk that undulated on itself while traveling at a high speed.

Then the craft suddenly exploded in flight. A silver ball, one meter in diameter, escaped the mass and went on and soon disappeared from view, while the rest of the craft fell in several pieces similar to sheets of various sizes hovering in the sky and some clung to telegraphic poles. Fifteen people have testified of this weird event and fragments of material was collected. They come in the form of bonded silver threads crumbling when touched.



The British Air Ministry
does not believe in flying saucers...

London, 15. - The British Air Ministry does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars or other flying craft, in fact, while refusing to comment on the craft reported in France and in other European countries. [?] Ministry states that 99 times out of 100 there are natural explanations for similar occurrences reported in Britain. These are most often weather balloons, when no explanation can be given, the Air Ministry adds, it is generally because the testimonies of people who claim to have witnessed such appearances are insufficient.

However, no such craft has been reported in Great Britain in recent [?]

And yet...

Mulhouse, 15. - A salesman driving on Thursday evening, in the company of a friend, saw a luminous craft in the shape of an ovoid fireball.

This, according to the salesman, described a large "S" in the sky, moving at a dizzying pace and at an altitude of about 300 m. The craft which was preceded by a long luminous trail, changed color from orange to white, then disappeared.

Martigues, 15. - An eight-year-old child, who was with her mother and her aunt on the road to the hamlet of Saint- Pierre, near Martigues, saw in the sky a luminous craft of elongated shape, from which, she specified, came a kind of fireworks display. The parents have certified their child's statements.

Marseille, 15. - Two luminous craft flying at high altitude were seen in the sky of the Rove at the beginning of the afternoon of Thursday. Observers noted that these craft stopped for a few moments and then resumed their flight.

Draguignan, 15. - Several residents of Draguignan observed Thursday towards the end of the afternoon a luminous object crossing the sky at the speed of a meteor.

Casablanca, 15. Workers of Subsistances Militaires de Casablanca said they saw Thursday afternoon, above the city, a sort of phosphorescent cigar which, after having descended gently like a dead leaf, resumed its horizontal course at breakneck speed to finally disappear.

Angers, 15. - A resident of the town of Méral (Mayenne) stated he saw a shiny orange ball in the sky which landed on the ground. The flattened, dome-shaped disc, five to six meters in diameter, gave off a blinding glow, lighting up the countryside within a 200-meter radius.

The craft was transparent and a black shape was inside. The disc remained like this for ten minutes, reddened, and quickly disappeared towards the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a sort of bright cloud that was slowly falling to the ground. When he got home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of something a little sticky, like paraffin.

La Roche-sur-Yon, 15. - A farmer from Angle (Vendée) said he saw a shining craft in the sky which, as it advanced, changed shape and color. The craft was at a low height and a short distance from the cultivator. When the latter wanted to approach it, the craft emitted luminous rays which soon formed a screen behind which it silently disappeared. The same phenomenon was observed by several other people from Angles.

Nîmes, 14. - Two people saw last night, on their way back to their home, a few kilometers north of Nîmes, a greenish gleam in a field. They approached and noticed the presence of a craft totally identical to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches. The strange craft suddenly rose into the air, emitting a weak noise and gradually taking an orange hue.

Graulhet, 14. - A barrel maker of Graulhet declared to have seen Wednesday at the end of the afternoon, at high altitude, a silvery craft heading northwest, which he at first took for a jet plane, but not discerning any contrail, the barrel maker went to look for a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc, which undulated on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in mid-flight. A silver ball, about one meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continuing on its way, soon disappearing from view, while the rest of the craft fell in several pieces similar to sheets of various dimensions which hovered in the sky and some of which cling to the electric wire. About fifteen people testified about this singular case and fragments of material were collected. They appear as agglomerated silvery filaments which crumble when touched.

Melun, 15. - Near Montargis, on the National Road Nr 7, a resident of this town, declared to have seen in the sky a yellow mass of rounded and very bright shape.

The "saucer" is faster than the jet plane

Avignon, 15. - Early Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m., the population of Fontaine de Vaucluse, was in a turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" hovered slowly above the small city and could be clearly distinguished with good binoculars.

This white disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color.

The lower circular border intermittently emitted two powerful fires, varying from white to purplish, passing through red.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jets which, soon, made their appearance, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dived on the "disk".

The radio installed on board the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was being chased, but that it escaped because its speed was greater than the theirs.

From Vaucluse, the disc could clearly be seen sweeping away, pursued by the two jets.




Visible from the ground, a white disc disappears in front of two jet planes

Paris. -- One could expect one moment on Thursday afternoon that one of these mysterious objects which furrow the sky of France and Navarre was going to give up its secret. Alas! It was not so, and the claims of the ones and others are so contradictory that one does not know any more who speaks seriously and who is joking.

Around 01:30 p.m., Thursday, the residents of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse were in agitation because of the maneuvers of a white disc slowly hovering above the city, and which was clearly distinguished with the binocular.

This white disc was surmounted by a segment of a sphere of the same color, and the lower circular edge carried, intermittently, two powerful fires, variable from the white to the purplish, passing by the red color.

Then, who is to be believed?

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse) was alerted at once and two jet fighters took off. A few moments later, they veered above Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

It is here that testimonies do not agree any more: the residents stated "the two planes took altitude immediately and dove right on the disc which was still visible. But they could not reach it, for their speed was lower than the speed of the disc. Soon, planes and disc disappeared at the horizon."

This report is the topic of an official statement of the secretary of State to the Air who states: "the two pilots of the Orange [Orange-Caritat] air base who flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at various altitudes on October 14 in the afternoon did not observe any unknown machine during their search.

"The two pilots are experienced officers and their report is bulletproof."

Then, who is to be believed?

Mysterious explosion in the sky of Graulhet

The testimony of an inhabitant of Graulhet (the Tarn) also deserves a stop for the novelty it brings to the "saucers" file. This man, who is a craftsman, stated to have seen Wednesday evening, at high altitude, a silver-colored craft which he initially thought to be a jet plane.

But he soon saw, binoculars at the eyes, a large flexible disc which undulated on itself while moving at high speed.

At this point in time the machine seemed to explode in full flight. A silver-colored ball, from a diameter of one meter approximately, escaped from the mass and soon disappeared from sight, while the remainder of the machine fell in several pieces similar to cloths of various dimensions which hovered in the sky, and of which some clung to telegraph poles.

About fifteen people collected pieces of this material which appeared as silver-colored agglomerated threads that fell to pieces when touched.

Rugby ball and strange beings

Apart from these observations of some interest, the other statements by witnesses in good faith differ little from those told many times already.

Two people, close to Nimes, saw in a field, at nightfall, a craft absolutely similar to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches.

The strange apparatus raised in the airs while emitting luminous rays which soon formed a screen of orange color.

An engineer from Meknès, who went to Port-Lyautey by car, stated to have been stopped Thursday afternoon on the road, in the forest of Mamora, by a man covered of a shining outfit.

This man, who measured 1 m 20 approximately, then moved to the right of the road. Hardly had he taken seat inside that the craft flew away and disappeared at high speed.

A resident of Bourg-de-Méral (the Mayenne) saw a transparent machine which released a dazzling gleam on a radius of two hundred meters at ground level. Inside the craft a black shape was distinguished.

The disc remained like this for ten minutes, reddened and disappeared towards the north. The observer went then to the place where the object had been posed. There was, he claims, a kind of shining cloud which fell slowly on the ground. Arrived home, it realized that his clothes were covered with a matter, a bit sticky, like paraffin.

The common sense of Savoy people

People in Savoy, balanced people if there ever were, were not fooled by the machine which flew over their mountains Thursday. It had too much the shape of a sounding-balloon for not being one. And to see a parachute descending to which scientific devices hung did not surprise them more. The sounding-balloon continued its travel towards Gap where, today undoubtedly, there will be a report of a mysterious machine which... etc, etc...



The saucers continue
to be discussed...

A resident of the town of Méral (Mayenne) said he saw in the sky a bright orange ball that landed on the ground. The flat, domed disc, five to six meters in diameter, gave off a blinding glow, illuminating the countryside within a 200-meter radius.

The craft was transparent and from the inside one observed a black shape. The disc remained like this for about ten minutes, blushed and disappeared towards the North. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a king of bright fog that slowly fell to the ground. When he got home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.

On the railway in Calais...

A baker boy from Calais said he saw at 3:40 a.m., at a place called "Saint-Pierre-Halte", on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shiny machine landing on the railway.

The oddly shaped object was, according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.

A silver craft explodes
in flight

Other appearances include this one:

A barrel maker from Graulhet said that he had seen a silvery craft heading northwest at the end of the afternoon; which he first took for a jet plane, but not discerning any condensation trail, the observer went to get a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc which undulated on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in mid-flight. A silver ball, about a meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, while the rest of the craft fell in several pieces similar to sheets of various dimensions which hovered in the sky and some of which hung on the telegraph wires. About fifteen people testified to this singular case and fragments of material were collected. They come in the form of agglomerated silver filaments which crumble when touched.

New official denial...

In our section devoted to flying saucers yesterday, we cited the following information: a "white disc" had hovered over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse.

The Caritat air base (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, took altitude and dove on the "disc".

The radio installed on the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was chased, but that it escaped because its speed was higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disc moving away like an arrow, chased by the two jet planes.

As expected, the "authorities" denied the information in these terms:

"The Secretary of State for the Armed Forces (Air) wishes to point out that the two pilots from the Orange base who flew at different altitudes over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, on October 14 in the afternoon, did not observe any unknown craft during their search. The two pilots are experienced officers and their reports are formal."



The English "deflate"
the saucers...
which now burst into
flight before continuing
their route

What do the saucers and those nice "Martians" of a meter and twenty have in store for us, who until now appear to us as fugitive and peaceful beings? Fortunately, moreover, because now the saucers burst in flight, which in no way prevents them from doing well. Laugh, good people, It will end up disturbing my sleep, especially since I did not have the chance so far to see even in a flash these cigars of a new age, and these progress discs... a night will end up being auspicious for me, because the proliferation of always luminous devices is a real proliferation, not a proliferation for nothing. At the rate of the last few weeks, all the French will soon have seen their saucer and only those who will have known "Martians" will be able to raise their heads, those who spoke to them, or even kissed them since these charming neighbors are, it is said, very affectionate.

No joke. Let's be realistic and tell the wonderful story of Graulhet's barrel maker. Thursday afternoon, he said, he saw at high altitude, a silver craft heading northwest. At first he believed it was a jet plane. But these devices from an already very old age leave behind a white trail. However, there was no trail. The skeptical man of good sense went to fetch a pair of binoculars (don't forget to always take yours with you if you don't want to miss your saucer or your "Martian") "Optically" well equipped he distinctly observed a large flexible disk that rippled on itself, while moving at great speed.

It was then that the device seemed to have exploded in mid-flight. A silver ball of about one meter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, to disappear from view (I am not surprised by this given the time necessary for all these operations and the high speed of the machine). The best

Continued on last page,
in the fourth column, under the title



things unfortunately come to an end.

The rest of the craft fell in several sheet-like pieces of various sizes that hovered in the sky and some of which clung to the telegraph wires.

Do not take Graulhet's barrel maker for a joker too quickly: about fifteen people testify to this singular phenomenon and moreover, fragments of materials have been collected. They will not be canned even in the museum, because these "agglomerated silver filaments" crumble when touched. Too bad!

Someone disturbed the party

After such a demonstration, such sensational details, how to understand that the English remain skeptical. These gentlemen now come to disturb the party, the great interplanetary ballet of saucers, which harms no one, fuels conversations, provides themes of endless "good jokes".

The British Air Ministry, probably not to be like everyone else, does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars and other flying devices. They only believe in the flying "cage-bed." While refusing to comment on the devices reported in France and other European countries, official spokespersons for the ministry say that 99 times out of 100, there are natural explanations for similar sightings reported in Britain. These are most often weather balloons. When no explanation can be given, it is usually because the testimonies of people who claim to have witnessed his appearances are insufficient. No such device has been reported in Great Britain in recent weeks.

Here are these gentlemen of the British Air Ministry want to deflate our saucers and cigars (it is true that the "Martians" seem to have a particular interest in France) into vulgar weather balloons. What a disillusion... but beware, look up, "your" saucer may be passing right now.





One of them has been chased
unsuccessful by jets

If they seem to sulk the Oise with persistence, the "flying saucers" have shown themselves, say various testimonies, more numerous than ever during the last 24 hours in the rest of France. Two witnesses have witnessed, they say, curious demonstrations on the part of these machines and, in the sky of Avignon, two French jet fighters have unleashed a futile hunt for "saucers."

It is a barrel-maker from Graulhet, who first declared to have witnessed the explosion of a saucer. A silvery ball, he declared, then seemed to escape from the mass of the craft and continue on its way, while the debris of it fell in several pieces, like sheets that hovered in the sky. Fragments of material were collected; they come in the form of agglomerated silvery filaments which crumble when touched.

The second witness, a resident of the village of Méral (Mayenne), declared that he witnessed the takeoff of a saucer, which quickly disappeared towards the north. At the place where the object had landed, assures the witness, there was a kind of shining cloud which fell slowly to the ground.

When he got home, he said, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of something a little sticky, like paraffin.

Useless hunt

Finally, it is near Avignon, at the fountain of Vaucluse, where the residents in turmoil report that a white disc was hovering above the small town. The neighboring Caritat air base, alerted, immediately directed two jets which, according to the Secretary of State for the Armed Forces (air), returned without noticing anything abnormal.

Numerous testimonies

Also said they saw saucers, cigars or other bizarre contraptions in the sky: two people returning to their homes, a few kilometers from Nîmes; an inhabitant of Montargis, on the national road n ° 7; inhabitants of Marseille, in the sky of Rove; a farmer from Angle, in Vendée; workers from Casablanca, above the city; a representative and his friend, between Niffer and Kembs (Alsace); an eight year old child and her parents, near Martigues, and a baker boy from Calais, on the road to Saint-Omer.

The R.A.F. skeptical

Despite these numerous testimonies, the British Air Ministry in London has let it be known that it does not believe in saucers.

Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, official spokespersons for the English ministry said, natural explanations were found for similar appearances reported in Britain: they are most often sounding-balloons. When no explanation can be given, one adds at the Air Ministry, it is generally for lack of insufficiently [sic] precise testimony.

Spokesmen further indicated that no bizarre craft have been reported in Britain in recent weeks.



Graulhet. -- Mr. Carcenac, tanner in Graulhet, was the witness of a strange phenomenon Wednesday, at approximately 04:30 p.m. Coming from north, he saw at high altitude a silver craft which rushed full south and which he first of all mistook for a jet airplane. But not distinguishing any trail of condensation, Mr. Carcenac saw perfectly a broad soft disc which undulated on itself all while moving at a high speed.

At this point in time the craft seemed to explode in the middle of its flight. A silver ball of 1 meter diameter approximately escaped from the mass and continued to rush full south, soon disappearing from the glances.

The remainder of the machine fell in several pieces, similar to cloths of various dimensions which floated in the sky.

About fifteen people can testify to this singular case and, better still, the fragments of the apparatus were collected. They appeared as agglomerated and very resistant silver colored filaments. Mr. Carcenac puts them at the provision of whoever would wish to analyze them.



The saucers continue
to be talked about...

A resident of the town of Méral (Mayenne) said he saw in the sky a bright orange ball which landed on the ground. The flat, domed disc, five to six meters in diameter, giving off a blinding glow, lit the countryside within a 200-meter radius.

The craft was transparent and from the inside a a black shape was observed. The disc remained like this for about ten minutes, reddened and disappeared quickly towards the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he assures, a kind of bright cloud that slowly fell to the ground. Arrived at his home, he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material, like paraffin.


A boy baker from Calais said he saw at 3:40 a.m., at a place called Saint-Pierre-Halte, on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shiny craft landing on the railroad tracks.

The object of weird shape, was according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.


Among the other appearances, let us also note this one:

A barrel maker from Graulhet said that he had seen a silvery craft heading northwest at the end of the afternoon; which he took at first for a jet plane, but not discerning any trail of condensation, the observer went to get a pair of binoculars and distinctly saw a large flexible disc, which was undulating on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in flight. A silver ball, about one meter in diameter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, soon disappeared from view, while the rest of the machine fell in several pieces similar to sheets of various dimensions which hovered in the sky and some of which clung to telegraph wires. About fifteen people testified to this singular case and fragments of material were collected. They come in the form of agglomerated silver filaments which crumble when touched.


In our section yesterday devoted to saucers, we quoted the following information: a "white disc" hovered over Fontaine-de -Vaucluse.

The air base of Caritat (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately directed two jet planes which, soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, gained altitude and dove on the disc.

The radio installed on the planes and which was in communication with the base, announced that the craft was in sight, that it was chased, but that it escaped because its speed was higher than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disc moving away like an arrow, chased by the two jet planes.

As expected, the "authorities" denied the information in these terms:

The Secretary of State for the Armed Forces, (Air) wishes to specify that the two pilots of the Orange base who flew over Fontaine-de-Vaucluse at different altitudes, on October 14 in the afternoon, did not observe any unknown craft during their search. Both pilots are experienced officers and their reports are formal.




In Vaucluse, a luminous machine
escapes two jets

AVIGNON. - In early afternoon yesterday Friday the population of Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, was in turmoil.

Indeed, a "white disc" was hovering slowly over the small town and one could clearly distinguish it with good binoculars.

This white disc was surmounted by a spherical cap of the same color.

The lower circular edge carried intermittently two powerful fires varying from white to purple color, passing by the red color.

Caritat Air Base (Vaucluse), alerted, immediately scrambled two jets which soon appeared, and after two turns on Fontaine-de-Vaucluse, they took altitude and dove on the "disc".

The radio installed on the jets was in communication with the base, it announced that the craft was in sight, it was chased, but it escaped because its speed was greater than theirs.

From Vaucluse, one could clearly see the disk go away fast, pursued by the two jets.

Here are also some other information about flying saucers appearances:

Mulhouse. - A trader in a car last night in the company of a friend, between Niffer and Kembs, suddenly saw in the sky a luminous machine in the form of an oval fireball. The latter, according to the trader, followed a large "8" in the sky, moving at a tremendous pace and at an altitude of about 300 meters the craft, which was preceded by a long trail of light, changed color passing from orange to white color, then went to the southeast.

Martigues. - An 8 year old child, who was with his mother and aunt on the road in the hamlet of Saint-Pierre, near Martigues, saw in the sky an elongated luminous machine, from which, she specified, a sort of fireworks came out. The parents have certified to the statements of their child.

Calais. - A baker boy of Calais said he had seen at 3:40 a.m., at the place called "St. Pierre Halte" on the road to Saint-Omer, a yellow and shining craft landing on the railway.

The oddly shaped object was, according to the baker, two meters high and four meters in diameter.

Nimes. - Two people saw last night, returning to their home, a few kilometers north of Nîmes, a greenish glow in a field.

They approached and noted the presence of a vehicle identical in all respects to a rugby ball and appearing to rest on crutches. The strange apparatus suddenly rose in the air while emitting a low noise and gradually taking an orange hue.

Graulhet. - A barrel-maker from Graulhet stated to have seen late yesterday afternoon, at high altitude, a silver craft heading toward the northwest, he first thought it was a jet plane, but discerning no contrail, the barrel-maker fetched binoculars and distinctly saw a broad flexible disc that undulated on itself while moving at a high speed.

That's when the craft seemed to explode in flight. A silver ball, one meter in diameter, escaped the mass and continued on his way, soon disappeared from view, while the rest of the craft fell into pieces similar to sheets of various sizes that hung in the sky and some of which clung to telegraph son. Fifteen people have testified to this singular event and material fragments were collected. They were in the form of agglomerated silver filaments and crumbling to the touch.

Melun. - Near Montargis on National Road No. 7, a resident of this city, said he saw in the sky a yellow mass of rounded and very brilliant form.

Marseille. - Two luminous craft flying high were seen in the sky of the Rove earlier this afternoon. Observers noted that these apparatuses were immobilized a moment and then resumed their flight.

Draguignan. - Several residents of Draguignan observed towards the end of the afternoon, a luminous object crossing the sky at the speed of a meteor.

Casablanca. - Workers of the military logistics of Casablanca stated to have seen this afternoon, above the city, a kind of phosphorescent cigar that, after gently going down like a dead leaf resumed its horizontal course at breakneck speed and eventually disappear.

Angers. - A resident of the village of Méral (the Mayenne), said he saw in the sky, a bright orange ball which landed on the ground.

The disc, with a flattened dome, of a diameter of five to six meters produced a blinding light, illuminating the countryside in a radius of 200 meters.

The craft was transparent and inside, one observed a black shape. The disc remained like this for ten minutes, turned reddish, and quickly disappeared to the north. The observer then went to the place where the object had landed. There was, he says, a kind of brilliant cloud that fell slowly to the ground.

Arrived at his home he noticed that his clothes were covered with a white layer of a slightly sticky material like paraphine [sic].


London. - The Ministry of the British Air does not believe in the existence of "saucers", "cigars" and other flying contraptions.

While refusing to comment on the craft reported in France, official spokesmen stated that natural explanations are usually given to these phenomena in Britain and that only insufficient explanations let the mystery survive.

No mysterious object was reported in the skies of Britain in recent weeks.




A saucer explodes in Graulhet

In the afternoon of last Wednesday, Mr. Carcenac, tanner in Graulhet, witnessed the explosion of a mysterious machine in full sky. Part of the apparatus fell in several pieces of various dimensions which seemed to float in the sky. Fragments were collected by the witnesses of this extraordinary occurrence; they appeared as silvery filaments gathered like a sort of cobweb. Some of its fragments were deposited at the gendarmerie of Graulhet; various people phoned, in the course of the day, to propose to perform the analysis of these filaments.

Studies were made by a chemist of the locality. He could not determine, at first sight, which was the exact material. One can say, however that, when a flame of a fragment is approached, the material vanishes without releasing neither smoked nor flame.




The problem of the day...

The Flying Saucers..!

Flying saucers are the topic of the day. Their presence is reported everywhere, however none of these mysterious craft could be identified with any precision.

The differences are so important both in the form of the craft and in the description of the passengers who would occupy them that it is impossible to give any credit to the majority of the visionaries or supposed such.

Does that mean that everything is pure invention.

We do not believe it and yet it seems essential to reject as fanciful all the details given on alleged craft that would arrive from Planet Mars.

A "Stratojet" plane which, every day flew over the Rhône valley, at an altitude of about 10.000 meters, was mitaken, by some people, for a flying saucer.

The monitor instructors of the Aéro-Club of Vienne immediately dissuaded the overly imaginative witnesses, but a strange phenomenon occurred after the passage of the powerful jet plane. In fact, there formed in the sky, kinds of parachutes animated by bizarre movements and having the appearance of light sails which soon reached the ground.

Witnesses of the phenomenon seized this material very soft to the touch and having a bit the consistency of rubber. On reaching the ground, it vanished.

One of the witnesses put some of the stuff in a box and had it photographed immediately. A few hours later, what remained in this waterproof box was evaporated.

This scientifically explained phenomenon is due to the condensation in the rarefied and cold atmosphere of certain compounds of the fuel of the "Stratojet" that can cause white or iridescent formations moving at high speed and high altitude and thus give rise to more or less fanciful interpretations.

This observation, made above the Vienne airfield is identical to that already reported in its time by a resident of Oloron.

(Continued on 4th page)


"Flying saucers"

The French Air Ministry, for its part, strongly denied the pursuit of a saucer by jet planes.

Informed of the alleged presence of such a craft, 2 planes took off but... did not notice anything while the whole press orchestrated a purely imaginary pursuit through space.


What else do the saucers and these gentle four-feet-tall "Martians", which appear to us so far as fugitive and peaceful beings, reserve for us? Fortunately, because now the saucers are bursting in flight, which does not prevent them from doing well. Laugh, good people, it will end up disturbing my sleep, especially since I have not had the chance so far to see even in the blink of an eye these cigars of a new age, and these discs of progress... One night will end up being good for me, because the proliferation of always luminous vehicles is a real proliferation, not a proliferation for laughs. At the rate of these last weeks all the French will soon have seen their saucer and the only ones who will be able to stand proud are those who will have known "Martians", will have spoken to them, even, will have kissed them since its charming neighbors are said to be very affectionate.

Enough jokes. Let's be realistic and tell the wonderful story of the Graulhet barrel-maker. Thursday, late afternoon, he said he saw at high altitude a silver craft heading to the northwest. He first believed a jet plane. But these craft from an already very remote era leave a white trail behind them. However, there was no trail. The barrel-maker, a skeptical and common sense man, went to fetch a pair of binoculars (don't forget to always take yours with you if you don't want to miss your saucer or your "Martian").

Optically equipped, he distinctly observed a large flexible disc which undulated on itself, while moving at high speed.

It was then that the craft seemed to explode in mid-flight. A silver ball of about one meter, escaped from the mass and continued on its way, to disappear from view (I am not surprised given the time required for all these operations and the high speed of the craft. The best things unfortunately have an end).

The rest of the craft fell in several pieces, like sheets of various sizes, hovering in the sky, some of which clung to telegraph wires.

Don't take the Graulhet too fast for a teaser and a joker; around fifteen people testified to this peculiar phenomenon and, even more, fragments of material were collected. They will not be canned and not even in the museum, because these agglomerated silver filaments crumble when touched. Too bad!


After such a demonstration, details and also sensational, how to understand that the English remain skeptical. These gentlemen now come to disturb the party, the great interplanetary ballet of saucers, which does no harm to anyone, feeds conversations, provides themes for good jokes endlessly.

The British Air Department, presumably not to be like everyone else, does not believe in the existence of flying saucers, cigars and other flying craft. They only believe in the flying "cage bed". While refusing to comment on the craft reported in France and in other European countries, the official spokespersons of the ministry declare that 99 times out of 100, natural explanations are found for similar appearances reported in Great Britain. Most often these are weather balloons. When no explanation can be given, it is generally because the testimonies of people who claim to have attended his appearances are insufficient. No such craft has been reported in Britain in recent weeks.

Here are these gentlemen of the air ministry of Great Britain wanting to "deflate" our saucers and cigars (it is true that the "Martians" seem to have a very particular interest in France) in vulgar sounding balloons. What a disillusionment .. But beware, raise your head "your" saucer may be happening right now.


[Ref. aml1:] AIME MICHEL:

Aimé Michel reports in his book that on October 13, 1954, at Graulhet in the Tarn, a sighting was made by many witnesses who gave precise and concordant accounts, among which that of Mr. Cardénac, barrel-maker in Graulhet:

"At 04:30 P.M., I saw at high altitude towards the North-West, slipping by towards the south at a high pace, a white object whose shape appeared curious to me. I believed initially in a jet of a new type. Then, not distinguishing any condensation trail, I went to get my binoculars. I then saw very distinctly a kind of vast flexible and soft disc, of white color, which undulated on itself while moving at high speed."

"I had followed it for a few seconds when the odd machine exploded in full flight. At the same time a circular object of much smaller dimensions and silver plated color seemed to spout out mass and continued its rectilinear trajectory towards the south, where it soon disappeared, while the glares of the soft disc, suddenly stopped, scattered in the sky in a multitude of shapeless fragments which started to fall gently like paper or fabric scraps."

Aimé Michel reports that all the witnesses of the strange explosion and other people rushed on the location of the explosion and saw the remains arriving on the ground, some of the remainder hung in trees or telegraphic cables.

People collected a great quantity of the matter fragments fallen on the ground, which were silver plated filaments agglomerated like cobweb and disappearing under the fingers. Part of these filaments were deposited at the police office of Graulhet, while a chemist of the city tried to analyze them, but with no result. With the heat, the matter disappeared without leaving any trace remainder, the disappearance being quasi instantaneous when a flame was approached, it did not burn and did not leave any smoke.

Aimé Michel wonders about the nature of this matter and proposes that it may be a side effect of the passage of the disc or a side effect of its propulsion method, a little like that of the icing of the planes. He cites a certain number of other well-known UFO sightings case in which a matter of appearance similar had been left.

[Ref. gqy1:] GUY QUINCY:


October 13 [, 1954]

[... other cases...]

04:30 p.m.: Graulhet(Tarn):small sph.come out of a big one + threads

[... other cases...]


Michel Carrouges tells of the mystifications of two journalists of the Samedi-Soir weekly newspaper, according to their articles in this newspaper from October 21 to 27, 1954: these journalists left Paris by car, and went in the South, the areas of Cahors, Montauban and Toulouse, equipped with accessories such as diving suits, fireworks and various products of pyrotechnics, to play Martians.

The journalists concluded that all testimonies of flying saucers are stupidities and especially the testimonies of October 13, 1954, one by "Mr. Ott in Toulouse", another by Mr. Carcenac in Graulhet, in the Tarn and also that of Mr. Mitto on October 9 in the Tarn, but without naming him.

Carrouges considers it regrettable that what could have been an interesting experiment on the psychology of perception turned into a joke, and that the roads that they followed was given only very partially, the journalists not having specified any date. He also specifies that they actually did not give any proof of their effective passage in the localities they claim to have been in and, ultimately, it is not so outrageous to even wonder whether their reports were not completely made up.

He notes all the same that there are some photographs of witnesses whose good faith was fooled by the journalists in the articles and that it seems difficult that they were invented; that it can thus be admitted these journalists actually operated a round of hoaxes, but that its importance, the precise places and the exact hours are so lacunar that nothing certain can be concluded form the whole.

Michel Carrouges reconstitutes that they have apparently followed the road of Brive, Cahors, Montauban, Toulouse, stopping their car and putting on their disguise and shooting earthly fireworks from time to time at the following places: Pouzergues (in the south of Cahors), Varreye (on the road of Montpezat de Quercy), Montalzet (on main road 20), Saint-Gomhiez (between Fronton and Bouloc, on secondary road 4), from there, or from near there, they made a turn towards Graulhet, then returned at the entry of Toulouse, near the Blagnac airfield, and that thus any testimony on this route, and at this time, is suspect to be illusory.

Among the cases ascribable to these journalists-pranksters, Carrouges notes that of Mr. Carcenac, close to Graulhet, in the Tarn, of October 13, at approximately 04:30, whereas these journalists circulated in these places according to their statements, and there would have launched some rockets.

It was obviously noticed at which point the details indicated by the witness made think of fireworks, with this "flexible and soft disc" which undulated and dispersed "strings" in all directions; which fell on the ground, while a small brilliant "disc" continued to appear to continue its trajectory. In addition, Mr. Carcenac was far away, since he looked at it through binoculars.


The authors cite Graulhet as one of the places where journalists of "Samedi Soir" had mystified people by staging a fake flying saucer and a fake Martian. They say that this was indicated by Michel Carrouges.

[Ref. ton1:] THOMAS M. OLSEN:

Oct. 13, 1954 GRAULHET (TARN), FRANCE (MICHEL-1958 P 170 M W.) 3-36

[Ref. lcp1:] LEONARD G. CRAMP:

13 October, 1957. Graulhet (Tarn) 35 miles east north east of Toulouse. There were many witnesses to this report, the following is an extract. M Carcenac, a tanner of Graulhet. He said, 'At 4.30 p.m. I noticed at a high altitude toward the north west, moving southward at full speed, a white object which seemed to have a curious shape. I first thought it must be a jet plane of an unfamiliar type. Not making out any vapor trail, I went and got my opera glasses. I could then see very distinctly a sort of huge, flexible, soft disc, white, which was swaying as it moved along at tremendous speed'.

'I had been following the bizarre craft for several seconds when it exploded in full flight At the same time a circular object, very much smaller and silvery, seemed to spurt out from the mass and continued straight toward the south. where it soon disappeared, while the burst fragments of the soft disc scattered out through the sky in a multitude of shapeless fragments which began to fall gently like shreds of cloth or paper.'

Everyone who had seen the explosion rushed toward the place above which it had happened; they were able to watch the debris settle on the ground, sometimes it caught on trees or telegraph wires. Many witnesses picked up fragments of the material which resembled 'silvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs' which wilted away when handled. Samples were taken to the police, and a chemist in Graulhet tried to analyze it, but without success. As always, in the heat, the strange material evaporated without leaving a trace. When brought near a flame, it disappeared almost instantaneously and produced neither fire nor smoke.


French ufologist Fernand Lagarde lists this case in a listing of French cases of observations with "angel hair" within an article about this phenomenon:

October 13, 1954 in Graulhet (Tarn.)

[Ref. hdt1:] "HENRI DURRANT":

In a chapter about the "angel hair" phenomenon, Henri Durrant evoked the article of the magazine "Lumières Dans La Nuit (LDLN), Volume XII, nr 99, p. F.G.H.," in which Mr. F. Lagarde published "on this topic an excellent article of synthesis" and where appears the theory of the threads of migratory spiders was developped. He quotes:

"One of the spectacular manifestations of our MOCs [Mysterious Celestial Objects], which never ceases to intrigue the observers, is the drop of white filaments, said to be melting; which one observes at the passage of some of these craft. They sometimes fall in considerable mass. clinging to trees, roofs, telegraph wires, fences, or spreading on clothes or on the ground, questions arise both about their nature and about the process of their appearance."

Cases are cited as examples, including these four French 1954 cases:

"Sepember 20, 1954, in Saint-Père-du-Retz (Loire-Atl.) [sic]"
"October 13, 1954 in Graulhet (Tarn)"
"October 14, 1954, in Méral (Mayenne)"
"October 18, 1954 in Vienne (Isère)"

[Ref. tps1:] TED PHILLIPS:


Oct 13, 1954

810 1630

FRANCE; Graulhet. Numerous witnesses saw a huge white disc which seemed to explode in flight. A circular object seemed to move out of the mass and continued S. Silvery filaments fell to the ground. (Michel)



One of the most significant hoaxes had as authors two journalists who narrated their joke in Samedi-Soir.

One night in October 1954, dressed in diving suits and armed with fireworks and other devices, they "landed" five times near the road along a Brive-Cahors-Montauban-Toulouse-Graulhet route.

Several people testified seeing "beings" armed with ray guns. "I perfectly saw a saucer like a big red ball, a witness said. Out came two 90 centimeters tall beings. The Martians ran to the saucer that flew under our noses like a big rocket."

In the same month of the same year (we were in a period of a great wave of saucers), a railwayman of Creil made a mask with a fake can and painted the bulb of a flashlight in green.

One night after his duty, he appeared at the station and lit his "green ray." His comrades were petrified. The next day, they told him the terrible apparition.

However, no doubt that if one had investigated the observers of the journalists-divers or the railroad green ray, we would have concluded in the sincerity and perfect balance of the witnesses.

[Ref. mbd1:] MICHEL BOUGARD:

The author provides the text by Aimé Michel for this case, crediting him by a precise reference to the source.


NOTE. At that time, two journalists from "Samedi-Soir", departed from Paris, went to the region of Cahors, Montauban and Toulouse. They were equipped with accessories such as diving suits, fireworks and various fireworks products to play the "extraterrestrials". But it does not appear that the "Samedi-Soir" journalists pushed their hike on the N631.

On the other hand, their route, quoted in the book of Michel Carrouges: Les Apparitions de Martiens p. 164, pass in Briatexte. Indeed, it seems that after having followed the road of Brive, Cahors, Montauban, Toulouse, they played the landing at the following places: Pouzergues (in the south of Cahors), Varreye (on the Montpezat du Quercy road), Montalzet (on the N20), Saint-Gombiez (between Fronton and Bouloc, on the D4), from there, or in the neighborhood, they made a loop by Graulhet, then back to Toulouse by taking the N631 and passing by Briatexte.

But the observation of Briatexte is for sure on October 9 (Dauphiné Libéré October 12, 1954).

The journalists, MM. Michel Agnellet and Pierre Laforet, after having launched some rockets in the region of Graulhet on the 13th, at 4.30 p.m., headed for Toulouse. At the edge of the city, and near the airfield Blagnac, on a sports field, they began their ride: flares, torchlight walk, etc. The victims of this hoax were MM. Olivier and Pérano of Toulouse Bourrasole, it was 7:35 p.m. (Vallée, case nr 249.)

Towards Graulhet at 16:30, Mr. Carcenac, a tanner in this city, saw one of the rockets launched by the journalists of "Samedi-Soir", many witnesses were able to recover silver-colored filaments that sublimated on contact with the heat. These fragments of matter were analyzed by a chemist from Graulhet. They will be compared to the "threads of the Virgin" so often seen or recovered at UFO sighting locations.

See the observation of Gaillac on October 27, 1952 and Oloron on October 17 of the same year, Saint-Père-de-Retz September 20, 1954, Méral on October 14 and Vienne on the 18th.

"The Threads of the Virgin" LDLN No. 99 additional pages. So in the case of Graulhet, it was just rocket waste.

[Ref. gab1:] "G.A.B.R.I.E.L." UFOLOGY GROUP:


10/13/1954 Grulhet [sic] (Tarn)

At about 4.30 p.m., the witness, Mr. Carcenac observed with the binoculars a large flexible and soft disk of white color which undulated while moving at high speed. The thing exploded in full flight and a smaller silver disc detached itself. The flakes of the soft disk, abruptly stopped, scattered in the sky and fell softly like pieces of paper. Once on the ground, the material was in the form of agglomerated filaments crumbling under the fingers. A chemist tried the analysis, it came to nothing. In the heat the strange matter sublimated. Approached to a flame, the disappearance was almost instantaneous, without flame or smoke. Nobody thought of keeping this material in the refrigerator. This mode of conservation might allow further analysis.

This case differs markedly from that of Oloron. In Oloron, the substance escaped freely like a smoke, in Graulhet, it formed a real cocoon around the "Flying Saucer". Everything happened as if it were trapped in the force field produced by the craft or pressed against it, hence the appearance of a waving disk. It can be assumed that the occupant of the craft, embarrassed by this cocoon, decided to get rid of it by briefly interrupting its force field. Thus, the craft continued its momentum but the cocoon literally burst against the ambient air.

This would confirm an assumption that we will develop later, that the "Flying Saucers" would be wrapped in a molding field of force, but it explains neither the nature nor the origin of this rare substance. It would also show that the "Flying Saucers" are not hot (not the latter in all cases) because experiments on the ground with the substance showed that it volatilized in the presence of heat.

The peculiarities of this cocoon of ephemeral filaments lead us to the conclusion that the "flying saucers" would be able to rig the material. All these ephemeral residues are currently beyond the reach of our analyzes and understanding. They literally have an "in-human" character, which reinforces our conviction that the "Flying Saucers" problem may never be solved by man.

[Ref. bbn1:] BRIAN BOLDMAN:


Angel hair has baffled main that have tried to analyze it. Entomologists say it's a fiber, but when the same sample is examined by a fiber technician who says, no, its spider web. And sometimes the sample sublimates before any analysis can be done. Here are a few examples of head-scratchers:

"Many witnesses picked up the fragments of material, which resembled silvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs, and "wilted away" when handled. A sample was taken to the police, and a chemist in Graulhet tried to analyze it, but without success." 6

6. Aime? Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery (New York: Criterion, 1958), p. 170.


4093: 1954/10/13 16:30 5 1:59:00 E 43:46:00 N 3333 WEU FRN TRN 7:A


Ref# 49 MICHEL,Aime: FS & STRAIGHT LINE TH: Page No. 170 : PASTURE

[Ref. hct1:] HERVE CLERGOT:

Less than a month later, on October 10, 1954 around 4:00 p.m., a new fall of this mysterious substance [angel hair] was reported in the Tarn, in Graulhet. Previously there was a resounding "boom" in the sky, which "boom" was followed by the fall of this matter.


The Belgian ufologist indicates that on October 13, 1954 in France in Graulhet in the Tarn, Mr. Carcenac observes at high altitude an odd white object. He looks at it with the binocular and saw a kind of soft flexible disc that undulated while moving very fast. This thing exploded in full flight while another much smaller object seemed to spout out of the mass, to follow its trajectory towards the south. The glares of the soft disc scattered in the sky and started to fall gently like paper or fabrics scraps. All the witnesses of this strange explosion rushed to collect the silver threads agglomerated like cobweb and dissolving in the hands. A part was deposited to the gendarmerie. This strange matter evaporated without leaving traces.

The source is indicated as Michel Bougard in "Des S.V. aux OVNI" - SOBEPS 1976 - p. 223,224."

The ufologist adds that the other version is that actually the journalists of "Samedi-Soir" had launched a rocket which, falling down, had the witnesses believe it was the fall of "gossamer threads".

The source for this is given as M. Figuet and J.L. Ruchon: "Ovni, premier dossier complet..." - Alain Lefeuvre pub. 1979, p. 669.

[Note: Actually, Figuet and Ruchon say only that the journalists of Samedi-Soir returned from Graulhet when they made their prank in Bourrasole, and they do not say at all that the "gossamer threads" in Graulhet were caused by one of their rockets.]

[Ref. lgs1:] LOREN GROSS:

13 October. Graulhet, France. (4:30 p.m.)

"Angel hair."

Michel wrote:

"At 4:30p.m. (M. Carcenac, a tanner that worked in Graulhet) noticed at a high altitude toward the northwest, moving southward at full speed, a white object which seemed to have a curious shape. I first thought it must be a jet plane of an unfamiliar type. Not making out any vapor trail, I went and got my opera glasses. I could then see very distinctly a sort of huge, flexible, soft disk, white, which was swaying as it moved along at tremendous speed.

"I had been following the bizarre craft for several seconds when it exploded in full flight. At the same time a circular object, very much smaller and silvery, seemed to spurt out from the mass and continued straight toward the south, where it soon disappeared, while the burst fragments of the soft disk scattered out through the sky in a multitude of shapeless fragments which began to fall gently like shreds of cloth or paper.'

"Everyone who had seen this strange explosion rushed toward the place above which it had happened; they were able to see the debris reach the ground, sometimes catching on trees or telegraph wires. Many witnesses picked up the fragments of material, which resembled silvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs, and 'wilted away' when handled. A sample was taken to the police, and a chemist in Graulhet tried to analyze it, but without success. In the heat, the strange material evaporated without leaving any traces. When brought near a flame, it disappeared almost instantaneously and produced neither fire nor smoke." (xx.)

(xx.) Michel, Aime. Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery. p.170.

[Ref. dgz3:] DIDIER GOMEZ:

Didier Gomez lists this case by indicating that on October 13, 1954, at approximately 04:30 p.m., in Graulhet in the Tarn, 15 witnesses saw a soft disc explode in the middle of the sky, during several seconds.

[Ref. djn1:] DONALD JOHNSON:

Donald Johnson indicates that on October 13, 1954, at 4:30 p.m. in Graulhet, Tarn department, France, numerous witnesses consistently reported that a white object flew southward at full speed without leaving a vapor trail and then exploded. At the same time a circular object, much smaller and silvery, seemed to spurt out of the mass of debris and continue straight toward the south. The burst of fragments scattered throughout the sky and fell gently down like shreds of paper or cloth. The debris, which resembled silvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs, "wilted away" when handled. This volatile "angel hair" dropped by UFOs, usually in the month of October, has been described many times since 1947.

The source is indicated as "Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 170."

[Ref. dgz1:] DIDIER GOMEZ:

Didier Gomez discusses the case of October 13, 1954, in which a saucer exploding with Graulhet could be true of untrue.

He gives this summary:

"At about 16:30, Mr. Carcenac, tanner in Graulhet, observed with the binoculars a vast flexible and soft disc of white color which undulated while moving at high speed. The thing exploded in the middle of its flight and a smaller silver disc detached. The glares of the soft disc, suddenly stopped, scattered in full sky and fell gently like pieces of paper. Once on the ground, the matter appeared as agglomerated threads that came apart in the fingers."

"A chemist tried to analyze it, he found nothing. With the heat the strange matter sublimated. Approached of a flame, the disappearance was quasi instantaneous, without smoke nor flame. Nobody thought of preserving this matter in the refrigerator. This mode of conservation would perhaps have allowed a more thorough analysis. All occurred as if the substance were captive of the field of force produced by the craft or plated against it, hence the appearance of an undulating disc. One can suppose that the occupant of the craft, obstructed by this cocoon, decided to get rid of it by briefly stopping his field of force. Thus, the craft continued on its impetus but the cocoon literally came to burst against the ambient air."

"This would confirm an assumption that we will develop at the end of the book according to which the "flying saucers" would be wrapped of a field of force, without however explaining neither the nature nor the origin of this rare substance. It would also show that the "flying saucers" are not hot (not the latter at least) for the experiments tried on the ground on the substance showed that it volatilized in the presence of heat."

He indicates that Aimé Michel proposes a very documented report on this case whose witnesses are numerous, and their account as precise as concordant, among those, that of Mr. Carcenac, tanner in Graulhet:

"At 16:30, I saw at high altitude towards the Northwest, slipping by towards the south at full speed, a white object whose form appeared weird to me. I believed initially in a jet of a new type. Then, not distinguishing any condensation trail, I went to get my binoculars. I then saw very distinctly a kind of vast flexible and soft disc, of white color, which undulated on itself all while moving at high speed. I had followed it for a few seconds when the odd machine exploded in full flight. At the same time a circular object of much smaller dimensions and silver plated color seemed to spout out of the mass and continued its rectilinear trajectory towards the south, where it soon disappeared, while the glares of the soft disc, suddenly stopped, scattered in the sky in a multitude of formless fragments which started to fall gently like paper or fabric scraps. All the witnesses of this strange explosion and many people then rushed towards the place where it had occurred and they saw the remains arriving on the ground."

Didier Gomez' investigation indicates that Mr. Carcenac is deceased today, that he unfortunately did not find any trace of the result of the chemical analyses carried out at the time on these celestial remains in spite of his investigation on the spot, but nevertheless in the book of Michel Figuet and Jean-Louis Ruchon, there is a possible explanation:

"Two journalists of the newspaper "Samedi Soir" who came down from Paris, put their course towards Toulouse, after having launched some rockets in the area of Graulhet on the 13th at 16:30. Mr. Carcenac, tanner in Graulhet, saw one of the rockets launched by the journalists. Many witnesses managed to recover silver threads which sublimated in contact with heat. These matter fragments were analyzed by a chemist of Graulhet."

Didier Gomez phoned Henri Manavit, specialist in the history of Graulhet, who gave him the address of a relative of Mr. Carcenac who still lived today and still resided at Graulhet, very close to the place to the incident. He went to his home the following day in order to clear up the account, and this person then told him this:

"Mr. Carcenac directed at that time a tawing at the locality Ventenayé, on the road going from Graulhet to Réalmont. He was my uncle, he was 35 at the time of the event but it seems to me he did not observe the flying saucer directly. I remember this story in spite of the fact that I was myself a very young person at the time. My uncle simply analyzed a substance which one calls "gossamer threads" [aka "angel hair] without finding anything of interest".

Didier Gomez wonders whether it could be possible that the analyzed substance is only residues fallen from the rockets shot by the two Parisian journalists, which would come to confirm in a certain manner what is written on page 140 in the Figuet and Ruchon book: "In the case of Graulhet, it was only fireworks rocket scraps."

He estimates that it is probable without being certain even if the schedule corresponds admirably well to the intrigues of the two journalists who actually stopped in Graulhet that October 13, 1954.

He indicates that Michel Carrouges specifies:

"Mr. Carcenac's testimony, on the side of Graulhet is clearly to blame. It dates from October 13 towards 16:30. Indeed, the journalists circulated there, they say, and released some rockets. In addition, one obviously noticed at which point the details indicated by the witness make think to fireworks effects, with this "flexible and soft disc " which undulates and disperses in all directions in threads which fall to the ground, while a small shining disc continues or appears to continue its trajectory. Mr. Carcenac was far away since he looked at with the binocular" and to conclude as follows: "the presence of mystifiers does not exclude besides the appearance of authentic saucers. There is no kind of incompatibility between the two kinds of phenomena".

Didier Gomez adds that the case was reported in a briefer manner in some regional issues such as "La Liberté de l'Est" for October 16/17, 1954 in an article headlined "parachuting" where one learns in particular than it was about a silver-colored craft.

Didier Gomez indicates the sources references:

"Le Tarn Libre" for 10/22/1954.
"Mystérieux Objets Célestes" Aimé Michel, Arthaud publisher 1958.
"Les soucoupes volantes: le grand refus?" by the G.A.B.R.I.E.L team published at Michel Moutet pulisher, in 1979, page 20.
"Les Apparitions de Martiens " Michel Carrouges, Fayard, 1963.

[Ref. amu1:] ALAIN MOREAU:

On October 13, 1954, over Graulhet (Tarn), and on October 18, 1954 in Vienne (Isère), there was the same rain evoking glass wool or cobweb threads.

[Ref. uda1:] "UFODNA" WEBSITE:

The website indicates that on 13 October 1954 at 16:30 in Graulhet, France, there were angel hair, and the explanation is: Natural.

"A green fireball was observed before it exploded. One disc, about 1 foot across, was observed by a male experienced witness for several minutes (Carcenac)."

The sources are indicated as: "Michel, Aime, Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mystery, S. G. Phillips, New York, 1958; Vallee, Jacques, Computerized Catalog (N = 3073); Cramp, Leonard G., Piece for a Jig-Saw, Somerton, Isle of Wight, 1966; Schoenherr, Luis, Computerized Catalog (N = 3173); Carrouges, Michel, Les Apparitions de Martiens, Fayard, Paris, 1963; Olsen, Thomas M., The Reference for Outstanding UFO Sighting Reports, UFOIRC, Riderwood, 1966; Phillips, Ted R., Physical Traces Associated with UFO Sightings, CUFOS, Chicago, 1975; Haines, Richard F., Project Delta: A Study of Multiple UFO, L.D.A. Press, Los Altos, 1994, ISBN:0-9618082-4-1; Hatch, Larry, *U* computer database, Author, Redwood City, 2002".

[Ref. dms1:] DICK MOSS:

On October 13, 1954 over Tarn and Graulhet, France, in the late afternoon a white flying disc exploded while in flight. A smaller silver object departed from the white mass and disappeared to the south. Shapeless masses of fibers gently fell and were draped over trees and wires. The substance appeared to be silvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs which melted when handled. They disappeared without leaving any trace or odor.

[Ref. nip1:] "THE NICAP WEBSITE":

*Oct. 13, 1954 - At 4:30 p.m. in Graulhet, Tarn department, France, numerous witnesses consistently reported that a white object flew southward at full speed without leaving a vapor trail and then exploded. At the same time a circular object, much smaller and silvery, seemed to spurt out of the mass of debris and continue straight toward the south. The burst of fragments scattered throughout the sky and fell gently down like shreds of paper or cloth. The debris, which resembled silvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs, "wilted away" when handled. This volatile "angel hair" dropped by UFOs, usually in the month of October, has been described many times since 1947. (Source: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mystery, p. 170).

[Ref. ubk1:] "UFO-DATENBANK":

This database recorded this case 8 times:

Case Nr. New case Nr. Investigator Date of observation Zip Place of observation Country of observation Hour of observation Classification Comments Identification
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France CE III
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France 16.30 DD
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France 16.30 DD
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France 16.30 DD
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France 16.30 DD
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France 16.30
19541013 13.10.1954 Graulhet France 16.30

Press picture:

Below, a Press photograph, unknown source:



The case is complex and shows some elements of interest:

  1. The Press cannot be trusted completely as to the dates and times of an observation. Here we see a certain "consensus" for October 13, 1954, at 04:30 p.m. but if for example, we had only Le Rouergue Republicain at hand, the case would have been dated October 15, 1954. With L'Est Républicain, it would have been dated October 13, 1954, but "in the evening", instead of 04:30 p.m.
  2. Cases may appear to be "anonymous" in a newspaper while the name of the witness(es) are published in another newspapers.
  3. The names of witnesses can be misspelled in the early or later sources. Here we have Cardenac, Carnénac, Carcenac or Carcénac.

    It is often possible to find the correct name because some names just do not exist. Sometimes the local phone book gives the solution. Here it is "Carcenac".

The pranks attributed to or claimed by the Samedi-Soir journalists are sometimes subject to caution, for there does not seem to have been a serious documentation on their part about their performances locations. And, to quote an example, from Michel Carrouges, it is said that Mr. Ott at "Toulouse" was their victim. But the observation of Mr. Ott took place near Mulhouse, very far from Toulouse, it is in no way explainable as one of their hoaxes.

I share Didier Gomez' opinion on the case: the activities of the two Samedi-Soir journalists is a likely explanation; without being proven with certainty, however.

The narrative seems at first read only partially compatible with this explanation; but I establish the probable scenario as follows:

The journalists go through Graulhet, fire one or more rockets almost horizontally, and leave. They do not perform their Martians landing, it is the beginning of their tour, they want to proceed step by step, they are not sure that their Martian outfit and antics looked convincing.

People, standing there, see at least one of these rockets: it passes the sky, explodes by creating a small white cloud that floats, which seems to "wave", while a part of the rocket continues its trajectory. Debris falls.

Mr. Carcénac was probably among the witnesses, even if his nephew did not hear about it. There may have been several rocket shots, allowing one of the witnesses to look for binoculars. Or perhaps someone there, Mr. Carcenac for example, had by chance, binoculars with him. Mr. Carcenac, and others, picked up debris, there was examination of these debris, but one did not know how to conclude. This is not surprising considering the means of the time (it is often believed that an "analysis" is something easy to do, but it is not, it goes without saying that when you do not know what compound to look for in some sample, it is not obvious to find out what the sample is made of, and was even more true in 1954.


(These keywords are only to help queries and are not implying anything.)

October 13, 1954, Graulhet, Tarn, angel hair, Cardénac, Carcénac, multiple, fragments, analysis, gendarmerie


[----] indicates sources that are not yet available to me.

Document history:

Version: Created/Changed by: Date: Change Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross September 19, 2004 First published.
1.0 Patrick Gross December 29, 2008 Conversion from HTML to XHTML Strict. First formal version. Additions [mbd1], [goe1], [djn1].
1.1 Patrick Gross March 7, 2010 Addition [dgz1].
1.2 Patrick Gross August 15, 2010 Addition [ler1].
1.3 Patrick Gross September 25, 2014 Additions [lrr1], [hia1], [nip1].
1.4 Patrick Gross November 25, 2014 Additions [fcc1], [lcp1], [bbn1], [lgs1], [amu1], [dms1].
1.5 Patrick Gross October 26, 2016 Addition [cmn1].
1.6 Patrick Gross February 23, 2017 Addition [ubk1].
1.7 Patrick Gross July 25, 2019 Additions [gab1], [lhh1], [dgz3], Summary. Explanations changed, was "The Samedi Soir journalists prank."
1.8 Patrick Gross August 28, 2019 Addition [hdt1].
1.9 Patrick Gross December 14, 2019 Addition [ton1].
2.0 Patrick Gross April 5, 2020 Addition [nmn1].
2.1 Patrick Gross May 14, 2020 Addition [ipc1].
2.2 Patrick Gross June 12, 2020 Addition [las1].
2.3 Patrick Gross November 1, 2020 Addition [cdn1].
2.4 Patrick Gross November 6, 2020 Addition [nnm1].
2.5 Patrick Gross May 13, 2021 Addition [lon1].
2.6 Patrick Gross March 11, 2022 Addition [jps1]. In the Summary, addition of "The regional newspaper Le Journal du Pas-de-Calais et de la Somme for October 15, 1954, had reported the case in a summarized manner; others gave more details the next day."
2.7 Patrick Gross May 9, 2022 Additions [gqy1], [tps1].
2.8 Patrick Gross July 3, 2022 Addition [hct1].

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