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UFOs in the daily Press:

Roswell explained, navy tests misinterpretations of balloon, "disc" found in California, July 1947:

The article below was published in the newspaper The Sandusky Register, Sandusky, Ohio, USA, page 16, on July 10, 1947.


[Photo caption:] NOT A FLYING DISC -- Maj. Jesse A. Marcel, intelligence officer of the 509 Bomb Group, Roswell, N. M., inspects what was identified by Ft. Worth Army Air Field Weather Officer, in Ft. Worth, Tex., as a high altitude ray wind [sic, Rawin] weather recording machine and not a flying disc. (AP Wirephoto)


By United Press

Practical jokers continued to have a high time with flying saucers today as the navy advised the more serious minded "eyewitnesses" that what they saw in the sky was only a weather observation device.

It cost the navy $25 to assure itself. Lieutt. Rell Zelle Moore, naval air station aerology officer, launched a "ray winds" [sic, "Rawin"] weather device is a $25 "operations saucer" at Atlanta, Ga. As the helium-filled balloon carrying a tin-foil screen soared over Stone Mountains, calls poured into Atlanta newspapers reporting "flying discs".

The 4-by-10 foot screen looked like a round aluminum disc at a high altitude.

"People are only just beginning to see these things aloft," said Lieut. Comm. Thomas H. Rent [sic, Rentz].

Russel Long, North Hollywood, Calif., construction engineer, found a 25-inch metal disc with radio tubes flashing and smoking in his flower garden and excitedly called the fire department. "It looks like someone went to a great deal of trouble for a joke," said Battalion Chief Wallace E. Newcombe of the Los Angeles Fire department.

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