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UFOs in the daily Press:

Goodbye saucers, 1954:

The article below was published in the daily newspaper Rivarol, France, on November 11, 1954.

Note: Rivarol is a French far-right, anti-Semitic, Holocaust denier and racist weekly newspaper, founded in 1951.



I wrote this last week, when the "retraction process" was just getting started, but now it has played out in full force: the flying saucers are over, since, obviously on superior orders, the "major dailies" have pretty much stopped talking about them. The farmer who, coming home from work, encountered the mysterious object surrounded by portholes at dusk is over... The cigar that terrorizes a county town is over... Since "it's not in the newspapers anymore", or hardly, the collective myth will gradually cease to exercise its mysterious power.

My God! This is the last thing I would think of reproaching the government of the day for, whose initiative is very reasonable, if we think of the growing number of weak-headed people that the flying saucer affair was going to... finish off, to the detriment of the already overcrowded psychiatric hospitals.

And now, as things in heaven and on earth have not changed in a month, it remains to find the true origin of the phenomena that were called flying saucers, and which exist no less because we no longer talk about them!

Like everyone else, I have read a good number of very well-written books and conscientious reports. Many hypotheses (I'm talking about the reasonable ones): no explanation, no conclusion that really stands out... Researchers still have a lot of work to do.

Just in case, may I ask readers of Rivarol who have personally seen "phenomena called flying saucers" to describe them to the newspaper?

Ezechiel's Wheel reporters, please refrain, of course!

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