This article was published in the daily newspaper Le Quotidien de la Haute-Loire, on Sunday, September 26, 1954.
At these times when flying cigars and flying saucers are constantly mentionned, some people of Langeac (Haute-Loire) state to have seen a strong white gleam, Wednesday evening, September 22, at about 09:00 P.M., in the direction of the south. They are in particular people living in the city; Mr. Perussel, baker; Mr. Narce, carpenter, Mr. Blanc, employee of the SNCF, all domiciled at place aux sabots, and Mrs. widow Roux, baker; the Count Maurice, café owner; Mr. Lèbre, shoe resseller, National boulevard, which had their attention drawn by a strong white gleam appearing to be located behind the small hill of St-Roch. This gleam lasted a few minutes, then disappeared leaving a white trail. People say that they believed to have seen something like a rocket which left in the sky. This phenomenon highly impressed the inhabitants of Langeac.