The article below was published in the newspaper The Post-Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA, on page 2, on July 11, 1947.
By Dave Johnson
Idaho Statesman Aviation Editor
BOISE, July 11 (AP) -- Eastman laboratories in San Francisco reported Friday that film sent them by the Idaho Statesman failed to show any trace of any object I saw and attempted to photograph during my third aerial search for a flying disk.
The laboratory, speeding the processing of the motion picture film, had it ready by noon. It was projected before an audience of three persons. Nothing was apparent in the screening, and the film was then examined by magnifying glasses.
R. W. Stohr, manager of the laboratory's cine service division, said it was doubtful the camera could have caught the object at the distance attempted.
The film used was eight millimeter, about the width of a finger nail. For those interested in the technical side of the subject, the exposure was F. 16, at a speed of 16 frames per second.
The object I saw could have been anywhere from 10 to 40 miles away. It's apparent size to me was that of a twenty five cent piece. The picture was made from an altitude of 14 thousand feet. The object was maneuvering against a background of towering alto cumulus and alto stratus clouds.
I am now in the position of having seen an object which might have been a flying disc, but without photographic proof of it. A constant patrol by 190the fighter squadron P51 fighter planes from 3 p.m. until dark Thursday failed to result in sighting one of the objects which people throughout the nation claim to have seen.
I can only reiterate that I saw something, that I do not believe I was seeing it through the power of suggestion, and that what I saw was definitely not an aircraft. It was not a balloon.
To: Kenneth Arnold or Newspapers 1940-1949.