The article below was published in the daily newspaper L'Est Républicain, France, page 8, on October 27, 1954.
Rome. -- The sky of Italy seems to have been invaded, on Monday, by flying saucers and cigars, Whose presence has been reported by hundreds of witnesses, over many parts of the Peninsula and especially along the Adriatic coast.
In Ancona, indeed, a diver who was on board a sea pontoon, claimed to have seen about two hundred meters away, a luminous craft of conical shape resembling a torpedo, forty meters long and with a diameter of 6 to 7 meters.
The emerald-green craft was observed, a few minutes later, in Rimini,
On the other hand, the captaincy of the harbor of Pescara (Abruzzo) announced that it had received radio messages deom six trawlers alerting of the presence of a "flying saucer" over the Adriatic.
Finally, the passage of a "mysterious craft" has been reported over several Italian cities staggered between Chieti (Central Italy) and Trieste.