The article below was published in the newspaper Las Cruces Sun-News, Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, page 3, on July 2, 1947.
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ALBUQUERQUE, July 2 (UP) -- Max Hood, chamber of commerce executive, added his story to the growing list of those who have seen "flying saucers" over the West.
Hood told of seeing "a disc-like bluish object following a zig-zag path in the northwestern sky" onlylats night. It disappeared in almost half a minute, he said.
Four states away in Portland, Ore., the report of a long-time West Coast pilot added still another [...]
Richard Rankin, veteran of more than 7.000 hours in the air, said he saw the much-debated mystery disks high over Bakersfield, Calif. and going "maybe 300 or 400 miles an hour."
There have been similar reports the past several days from other points in New Mexico, West Texas and Oklahoma.