The article below was published in the daily newspaper The Helena Independent Record, Helena, Montana, USA, on May 27, 2007.
Martin's Week That Was
By Martin J. Kidston - IR Staff Writer
His yard was manicured and the big green trees planted outside his mobile home in the Helena Valley soaked up the summer sun.
Leo Dworshak, the man who lived there, had invited me over for a story. I accepted on a lark ? a call from a person who knew a person who new him.
"You've gotta meet Leo," the caller insisted. "He's got a fascinating story."
"Yeah?" I asked. "What's it about?"
The silence that followed was as long and deep as my skepticism. I'd been duped before, most recently by a man who told me he was a therapist with a novel new concept to healing. Yet when I met him, he turned out to be a zealot, and by healing he meant his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ the almighty God.
Sitting at Dworshak's table, I tried not to grin. After all, he was telling me how he'd boarded a UFO in 1938 with his brother. He had a conversation with the aliens. They told him the future. They had already seen it.
"Yeah," I asked. "But what did they want?"
"Water," he said. "They wanted water."
"Water? Like drinking water?"
"Hydrogen, more precisely. It's what propelled their ship."
Leo wore big glasses that magnified his eyes three times their actual size. Whenever he said "ship", his eyes grew big and he tapped his cigarette into the ashtray. My own eyes burned from the smoke. Perhaps the aliens wanted tobacco while they were here?
Leo wrote a book on his experience, UFOs Are With Us: Take My Word. He gave me a signed copy on April 24, 2003. I took his picture and ran it in the paper with his story: "Helena man true believer in UFOs." That's when it all began.
Timothy Good, author of the Sunday Times bestseller, Beyond Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Security Threat, was the first to call. The UFO investigator and author phoned me from England, wanting to know more about Dworshak before traveling to Helena to meet him.
During his visit, Good also gave me a signed copy of his book. I took his picture, too, and ran it in the paper: "Author researches stories of alien encounters."
That's when Art Bell's producer called from Coast to Coast Radio. I used to listen to Bell's show as a kid, scared half to death sitting in the dark, wondering if the things he talked about could actually be true.
"How can I find this Timothy Good?" the producer asked.
"I don't know," I said. "He lives in the United Kingdom."
"How about Dworshak?"
"That's a little easier..."
Just last week, Dworshak's legacy continued when UFO researcher Warren Aston phoned from Australia, wanting to know more about Helena's now-famous UFO witness. Unfortunately, Dworshak had passed away two weeks earlier, leaving his book as his only testimony.
"Was he credible?" Aston asked.
"He believed what he said", I told him. "He believed it happened. In that sense, I guess I do believe him."
Dworshak was born July 16, 1920, in Flasher, N.D., to Egnats and Josephine Dworshak. He was 86 when he passed, leaving behind 12 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.
"There are relatively few people who know what's going on, and those who know don't talk," Good told me in his visit. "I found Leo's story one of the most compelling contact stories I've investigated."