The article below was published in the daily newspaper Diario Hoy, Argentina, on July 20, 2004.
A man living near Commodoro Rivadavia/Chubut confirmed today having filmed an unidentified flying object (UFO) on the Chenque hill, neighboring Chubutense City, at dawn last Friday [July 16].
Marcelo Soto says that the object apparently settled on that elevation and he filmed it from his house, in the district of Jorge Newbery.
It was a phenomenon very similar to that sighted in the last few days in the Buenosairean locality of Gobernador Ugart, he said in relating his sighting to a local FM radio station.
The video shows "lights leaving from the center of a luminous sphere that is changing of color."
"I did not know what it was, but it caught my attention. I wanted to have the best image and for that reason I left the camera aiming towards where the UFO was and I connected it to the television set. There I was scared," said Soto.
Soon, he said, "the thing approached and moved away. It had something like a light in the center of the sphere that changed color and something that caught my attention: the center of the circle they leave other lights towards the flank," he added.
The head of Commodore Rivadavia airport, Roberto Romero, advised that the Air Force radar set "have not registered the approach of any luminous object, nor have aircraft reported something similar either," in the last few days.
"If now they say that a video exists showing the presence of a UFO or shining object, good, then that cannot be refuted", he said.