The article below was published in the daily newspaper La Dépêche du Midi, Toulouse issue, France, on June 26, 2008.
Can one UFO hide another one? After the testimony of a retiree in Tournefeuille who managed to photograph a "strange luminous craft" (read "La Dépêche" for Tuesday), a Commingeois from the canton of Montréjeau, also retired, declares to have seen "since the last week of April" something in the sky within a perimeter of 800 meters around his home.
"We sometimes see a bit of it, it passes and leaves very quickly, it is dark, gray-black depending on the light, he testifies. The shape is a little rounded, 10 to 15 meters in circumference and it is two hundred meters from the ground. It is silent, even if, the first time, I heard a very loud whistle at night. That is what woke me up. Since then, every day, I have been observing the sky."
For its part, the gendarmerie has not recorded any testimony to this effect. The same goes for the neighbors of this retiree, who have not observed any particular phenomenon.
The fact remains that the military expects reactions following the publication in our columns of a first testimony.
Without, however, giving in to psychosis or overbidding. All the more so since reason often ends up prevailing, as on the island of Yeu in recent days where the unidentified objects were, in fact, Chinese lanterns.