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The pictures:


A collection of pictures that have been filed and studied by Pierre Guérin and considered genuine.

Lac Chauvet 1952

One of the four photograph of a UFO near lac Chauvet, France, July 18, 1952 by André Frégnale. The investigation by Pierre Guérin, scentific consultant of the GEPAN, concluded that the photograph is not a fraud but a genuine UFO.

The report in the newspaper "Le Méridional", 1952.

In 2016, an in-depzh study of the case was made by a group of ufologists including Xavier Passot of GEIPAN and CNEGU members.

The study establishe in a sophisticated approach that the "UFO" must have measured around 15 cm, and gives a sensible explanation to the apparent consistent "trajectoiy", hard to explain otherwise such as with a frisbee for exemple: that of a balltrap; which can be shot several times from a fixed base and thus can follow a quite identical trajectory at each photograph.

The study - in French - is available as a PDF file here:

Photo d'OVNI, France

The witness was sitting on the passenger's seat, taking landscape photographs under the rain when suddenly this luminous object appeared. The photograph is from the UFO files of the Gendarmerie Nationale.

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This page was last updated on February 18, 2018.