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UFOS in History:

This is part of a collection of representations of alleged UFOs before photography existed. These images might disturb the skeptics who argue that ufos started to be reported only recently and are due to science fiction imagery.



I first wrote: "An example of the numerous illustrated UFO sightings in the XVIIIth century." But a doubtful visitor of the site made some research and has the final word on this picture. It is in the end not what we would call a UFO nowadays.

Russian painting

Russian painting

Russian painting


In one of the oldest basilica in Svetitskhoveli, Georgia, this amazing fresca, dated XVIIth century, shows two flying objects at each side of the crucifixion scene, a face in each object looks down.

Nice 1608

FRANCE 1608:

In August 1608, the inhabitants of the South France, from Marseilles to Genoa, witness a true UFO flap, reported in a chronicle entitled "Discours des terribles et espouvantables signes apparus sur la mer de Gennes".

In Nice, the inhabitants see three strange luminous vessels which evolve at high speed above the city. The three machines stop near the fortress and go down above the waters where they cause the water to boil and emit a red-orange vapor.

To the great stupor of the numerous witnesses, two humanoïd beings with large heads and large luminous eyes, dressed in a red suit with silver scales, connected to the flying machine by tubes, engage themselves in several hours of strange work.

Assyrian carving


An Assyrian carving. You can see the sun, the moon, and something else at the upper left corner. What is it?

Cavemen art


At more than 15000 years BC, prehistoric men painted so many strange objects or symbols in the caves of South-East France that areologists had to catalog them. But after someone emitted that they could represent UFOs, they would not be discussed anymore. Drawings correponding the the objects shown in this catalog page can be seen in the caves of Cougnac and Pech Merle in Lot, Combarelles in Dordogne, France, and also in Altamira, Spain.

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This page was last updated on June 22, 2001.