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Pictures by amateurs in Switzerland:

A collection of pictures by amateurs in Switzerland.

UFO picture

Ober-Sadelegg, March 8, 1975:

On March 8, 1975 in Ober-Sadelegg, Switzerland, Eduardo J. Meier, aka Billy Meier, was "telepathically summoned" to bring his camera to a contact with UFOs. Ten short rings on his phone confirmed the communication. After riding his moped to an unknown location, he took several rolls of pictures of a disc-shaped object flying back and forth across the sky. Years after years, over and over, he pictured and filmed various objects... suspended on strings, most of the time...

UFO picture

Saas-Fe, July 26, 1975:

Members of a hunting party spotted this craft hovering low near the ground. It moved almost silently through the surrounding trees. Fortunately, one member was able to snap this photograph of the object. Skeptic Wim Van Utrecht argued that it is a fake.

UFO picture

Winkelriet, June 12, 1976:

This silvery metallic ship can barely be seen in this photograph of a radiant ball of light taken by Guido Moosbrugger on the night of June 12, 1976.

UFO picture

Zürich Airport:

Ufologist Felix Maschek, president of "Interplanetary Austria", former pilot during the war, and taxi driver according to the others, is said to have photographed an UFO at 05:00 whereas he was working for the Security at Zürich Airport.

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This page was last updated on February 1, 2001.