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Pictures by amateurs in Sweden:

A collection of pictures by amateurs in the states of Sweden and former Sweden.

UFO picture


At 09:55 A.M. on May 6, 1971, Mr. Lars Thorn, a truck driver, was riding with his son on his motor-bike in the neighborhood of the Skillingaaryd gunnery field in central Sweden, when they caught sight of an unconventional aerial object through the trees in the direction of the bunker. "Although it appeared stationary," Lars Thorn said, "It wobbled or rocked to and fro all the time. On the upper side there appeared to be a dome. Just below the dome there was something gray and red, and again just below that, I could see what looked like a green ribbon or band around the rim. The very bottom was red. A whizzing sound came from it at intervals of 10 to 15 seconds on more or less regular spacing." Thorn was able to snap two black and white photographs with his small camera.

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This page was last updated on October 1, 2002.