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Pictures by amateurs from Columbia:

A collection of pictures by amateurs in Columbia.


A UFO photographed in the city of Bogota, in August 1st, 1994, in the sector of Ciudad Bolivar, a densely populated place. At about 03:45 P.M., the object appeared at a height of 3500 feet, the witness of the sighting who did not want to give his name caught it with his camera. The object hovered for 3 minutes and then went towards the Northwest of the city.

UFO picture

Tabio 1999:

22 people of the population of Tabio and Tenjo, region of Cundinamarca clearly saw two objects appear over Huaika, in October 1999 at about 04:15 P.M., when ufologists managed to capture them with a 110 mm camera. They estimated the objects were at 1.200 meters high and they hovered there for 7 minutes.

UFO picture

Tabio 2000:

Members of a ufology group "Contacto OVNI" gathered on April 2002, as one of their member claimed that he was in telepathic contact with aliens after 45 minutes of groupwork. They then saw this object appear above the group. They claim that this is one among 25 UFO sightings they managed to capture on camera, and to have shot 5 video footage.

UFO picture

Bogota 1971:

At 12:30 P.M. on May 20, 1971, two 16 year old boys, Eduardo Ponce and Jairo Castro Zarate were walking in the La Calera hills northeast of Bogota when they began to descend to the plain below. At that point they saw what they at first thought was a bird in distress, because it was flying in such a strange way. It was "flitting" erratically about with abrupt changes in direction and motion. The boys thought that it was too big to be any kind of bird. They discussed this and decided to take pictures of it with the new Voitlander Vitomatic II, 35mm camera they were carrying. It was equipped with a Prontor SLR lens, which they set at infinity. It was using ASA 100 color negative film at the time. They snapped six photographs of the object before it suddenly flew away.

UFO picture

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This page was last updated on September 18, 2002.