The witness, Antonio Nelso Tasca, from Garibaldi, Brazil, is introduced variously as a farmer, a gaucho, a former radio-broadcaster, a building restoration worker, scientific assessor of the Chamber of the High Patrol, a well-known and well-considered personality of Chapeco in the state of Santa Catarina, 48 years old at the time of the event.
In the night of December 14, 1983, at about 08:00 p.m. in the night, he was driving alone his Brasilia model 81 car from the village of Colonia Cella in the state of Brasilia in direction of the town of Chapeco in the state of Santa Catarina. At a certain point, being 11 kilometers from the home of his son Maximino Tasca he was traveling to, and little before arriving at the turnpike that gives access to the Tozzo Farm Estate, he says, he was urged by a "strange force" or an "inner command" to enter a dirt track.
He thus left the road going to the BR-282 highway and entered this dirt track. After a few meters in the dirt track, he soon saw an object ahead, that he initially thought to be a bus, as, he says, it had the white-greenish colors of the bus of the local line. It was rectangular, with small windows around. He soon realized that this object of ashy color was hovering about one meter above the ground and had no wheels.
He stopped the car, turned off the headlight, stepped out, locked the doors and walked 10 meters in the direction of the strange object. The rectangular windows were laid out in a row that had a light curve at the ends of the object. At a distance of few meters, Tasca felt heat waves and decided to go back to the car.
But when he put his hand in his pocket to take out his key, a carpet of white-red light, roughly one meter broad, left from the lower part of the object, and went in the direction of his feet. This carpet took him in the direction of the object, but he never remembered what occurred starting from a few meters of the ship, how he entered there and what occurred in the following minutes.
He nevertheless remembered to have opened his eyes and to perceive that he was lying in a completely obscure and rather cold environment, unable to move, except for the feet, which he could press against something solid and cold. As time passed, the cold increased and its breathing decreased.
Seized by panic, he thought that he had been buried alive and hopelessly shouted for help.
After some time the temperature and his breathing became normal again. He then heard noises of footsteps, which he thought came from three to four light and small people. They remained at its side, and he perceived that one of these people, on his right, started to poke at the articulation of his body, and that it was repeated on his left side, Tasca thinking that these pressures were made with the tip of some object.
He heard growls, which increased between the beings, as if they spoke between them.
Then, three beings carried him towards what he thought to be another room. They left him lying on a plan and they retired. A light was turned on and he instinctively closed the eyes. When he managed to open them, he saw that the environment was completely illuminated, but that there was not the least kind of source of light, neither shades nor lines which would have indicated edges, doors, windows or any other detail of the walls.
When he turned to the right, he noticed that his clothes was folded and that his socks were on top of his shoes. He got dressed and, moving towards one of the walls, passed a finger on the surface and noticed that it was neither cold nor hot, only smooth. On his right was as a door in the shape of an ogive giving the impression that some energy crossed the wall in the direction right to left.
Through this door, a woman of a strange beauty appeared, who reminded him of the actress Bruna Lombardi [*] to him. Of a small size of 1.20 meters, she had smooth hair which fell on her shoulders, of straw color, she had slanted blue eyes, distant from the base of the nose. She carried an indigo blue clothing, which went a little below the knee, with a belt of the same color comprising a lace with the front and, at the level of the bust, there was a species of "seam" in relief in form of a reversed "T". She had smooth and blue sandals, and no other kind of ornament.
She came in with the left hand on the chest and the other open, raised at the level of the head, and initiated a telepathic communication.
She said without moving her lips, "Stay calm, I am of peace and love."
At this time, Tasca heard some sort of melodic music, reminding a bit of violins, that lasted roughly ten seconds. When he wondered in thought from where she came, he understood:
"I am Cabala, messenger of the world of Agali. I come in a mission of peace and love."
He asked her where they were and she answered that they were in the flying saucer, under the ocean, 180 meters below sea level. As he was naked and was disturbed by her presence, the woman calmed him by saying that he was going to drink and that all would be fine.
She him gave what seemed to be a metallic tube, that she took from a sort of rack with red buttons, and contained a liquid that Tasca felt had neither taste nor odor. When swallowing it, he did not feel the liquid to go down by the oesophagus.
Cabala took the tubes and positioned them back. She turned in the direction of the other wall, where a kind of sofa has now appeared. By taking off her clothes, she clearly made Tasca understand that she desired to make the love with him. In spite of the situation, he succeeded getting aroused and undertook a sexual intercourse with her. Tasca specifies that she did not show signs a pleasure during the sex.
The intercourse consumed, she moved away, put on her clothes, and transmitted the message: "We have both been chosen." She specified that they were going to have two sons from their union, who will be named Mada and Madana.
Tasca asked her whether he would be brought back and received an affirmative answer, but he actually would be brought back far from the place where he had been taken. He then asked why he was chosen since he did not think he was anything special, and he ensures she told him he had been selected because he believed in her existence, that she had desired this moment, and because he was gifted of the cosmic spirit.
Then Cabala stated that he would carry message for the people of the Earth. He was surprised this choice, because he knew he did not have a very good memory.
She moved again towards the rack and took some sort of diadem, or tiara, formed of a series of half-circles in green, yellow and red colors. On each half-circle, there was a 3 centimeters device roughly in the shape of a cross.
She put this diadem on his head, telling him that he must repeat the message twice and then he would not forget it.
He then recited the 438 words message which, in short, spoke about the need for deactivation of nuclear weapons and announced the beginning of a new era for mankind, which was to get ready by finding the solution of the enigmas of the world and starting various ecological projects. The message is rich in the blatant naive absurdities in so many alleged "contactees" messages, for example, it say that in case of a total nuclear war, the Earth would be thrown out of its celestial course, and who would influence other dimensions and parallel worlds linked to the Earth and currently ignored by mankind. The message predicts strange telluric demonstrations and celestial signs of magnificent splendor and worrying beauty; all that did not occur so far. Some "Masters of the Wisdom of Suma" are predicted to return to a renewed Earth, and mankind would then live happily, without ageing and with the power to resuscitate the dead.
Then, she withdrew the diadem and kept it. She came out by the same door, which was closed again. The light turned off and Tasca felt the presence of same beings as before, who drew on his shirt and grunted to make him understand he should lie down.
He perceived that the beings went away, and he fainted.
When he opened the eyes again, he was lying in the ground on a slope, and from the height of the Sun, he calculated that it was approximately six o'clock in the morning. He heard the noises of cars, which indicated a nearby road. Still feeling numb, he remembered the experience that had occurred, the message of Cabala, and felt happy to be back on the Earth. He stayed there some time, and noticed that its clock was blocked at 10:05. He stood up, took some steps, saw the Diesel Electrotype Batistella plant. He now knew that he was roughly 11 kilometers from home and after several attempts, he managed to call his relatives.
All were relieved to know that he was well. He decided to return by foot and, on the way, was recovered by his son who was looking for him in San Carlos, a city close to Chapeco.
Being given his psychological state, he was taken along to a First Aid center where he was taken care of by Doctor Júlio Zawadzki, who prescribed him sedatives. This doctor asked him whether he had some physical damage and as the answer was in the negative, he went back to the house of his son-in-law where all his relatives awaited his return with emotion.
At 01:00 p.m., he decided to take a bath. When he removed his shirt, his parents indicated with surprised a mark on his ribs, which seemed to be a burn produced by a heated iron, and they found strange marks on his backbone, between the scapulas. The same day, he went back to the First Aid center to see Doctor Júlio Zawadzki, who observed the wounds. Surprised, the doctor revealed that he never saw anything like it.
The next day, Tasca turned over to the consulting-room, where were two other doctors, Doctor Madalozzo and Carlos Reis, who thoroughly analyzed his wounds. They carried out several examinations and pressed their fingers on the wounds. They were puzzled that Tasca did not show any kind of pain when they touched the wounds.
The three following days, he did not feel any hunger and practically ate nothing. On Sunday, at 2 o'clock in the morning, he felt bad and vomited. He could feel a white blackberry taste, corresponding exactly to the contents of the second tube which he had drunk in the presence of Cabala. From this day on, his appetite was back to normal.
Antonio Nelso Tasca very quickly gave many interviews to the newspapers, radios, televisions, and wrote a book, "A man marked by the Extraterrestrials", telling of his adventure; he is regularly a guest in the ufology conferences of the country. He was subjected to hypnotic regression sessions "by researchers in quest of the observation of the veracity of his really astonishing case." He believes that he was predestined by the extraterrestrial, and that he thus had since childhood, visions of probes, unidentified objects and extraordinary phenomena.
Numerous ufologists have investigated his claims, starting by dr. Walter Bühler of SBEDV (Brazilian Society for the Study of the Flying Discs) of Rio de Janeiro. Bühler, with a magnetometer, observed evidence of strong magnetism in the loop of Tasca's belt, in the bumper of his Brasilia car, exactly at the side exposed to the object. The anomaly was also detected in the neutral power cable of a pole near the spot of the encounter.
[Ref. tv1:] TV INFA:
A 01:15 filmed interview - in Portuguese - of the witness of the case was made in 1992 and is viewable as of March 2007 from TV INFA at:
The presentation of the book "Um Homem Marcado por ET" in which the witness discusses his experience, by its editor CBPDV, Biblioteca UFO, is:
"His case is regarded as one of most important in the world and his powerful work is uncensored, in trying to tell to the reader the warnings that the extraterrestrials passed on to the people of the Earth. The book is also an excellent source of information to whoever is interested in discovering that we are visited so frequently and with such insistence by the UFOS, and abducted also often by the aliens. The book invites to meditate on the subject, such as Tasca did after his experience, which deeply modified its manner of seeing life and his religious and philosophical beliefs. Today, the author knows that the Extraterrestrials are among us shares this knowledge with you." "This book, fourth publication of Biblioteca UFO, preserves the own style and the clear and impartial standard which Revista UFO already followed during its 15 years of activities. Created according to the need for tackling specific subjects of Ufology in a professional and deepened form, the series fully carries out its objective and is being appreciated by more and more readers and authors." |
The book by Antonio Nelso Tasca, available only in Portuguese, reads easily and reports his experience as the ufological sources describe it, but in more details.
Thus for example about his return in his family:
"Hardly at the house, I went to the fridge in search of a drink to calm down the thirst which devoured me. In the state I was in, it proved difficult to me to conform to any good manners: I put the mouth directly at the edge of a pot with one liter of orange juice and, fast, without interruption, I drank all its content. A little later, in the bedroom where I slept, I took of my shirt, and armed with a bath towel, I moved towards the shower, when I was surprised by questions and exclamations of my brother Gildo, radiotechnician in Chapeco, and of my nephew João Euzébio Fontana, lawyer in Nonoai, in the Rio Grande do Sul: "What is that on your ribs? What are these wounds? They look like burns! Who did that to you?..."
"These exclamations caused an enormous hurly-burly in the house. Everyone wanted to see what I had on the ribs and know which devil had done this to me. I remained indeed surprised, because I did not have the least idea about what was on my ribs. After all, I felt no pain nor physical embarrassment, which would have indicated such wounds to me. But indeed, through images reflected by mirror, I saw what I had on the backbone, between the scapulas: a wound which drew the letter W and which resembled a mark made by a red hot iron. So, during a good hour, I remained the towel in the hand, chest and ribs naked to be the subject of a huge attention and quite comprehensible curiosity of the relatives. And all looked at it, touched the wounded part and they were amazed at my statement that I did not feel any pain in these burns obviously all new."
He also gives much biographical information; he writes on his childhood in his family who was very catholic and where he lived in fear of sin, and he acknowledges that the sin of sensual lust was the most difficult to dominate for him. He had wanted to be seminarist, but her mother prevented this.
The book also gives a long presentation of his opinions about the world, the society, the economy, which are very exactly in the line of the revelations that he lends to Cabala the alien woman.
The authors indicate that on December 14, 1983, in Chapeco, Santa Catarina, Brazil, Antonio Nelso Tasca was returning to Chapeco from Colonia Cella on highway BR-282, when, while passing by a Coca-Cola factory, he felt an urge to stop.
He looked up and saw a luminous bus-shaped object. A band of solid light struck and "caught" him, pushing him into the craft.
He lost consciousness, then awoke naked, and two or three small creatures were examining him in a dark area. The creatures left and the place lit up, then a door opened and a beautiful, small woman in light-colored clothes entered, explaining telepathically she was Cabala from Agali.
The authors quote: "Her eyes were widely placed apart, slanted. ... She was wearing slippers. ... and something like a nightgown." He was chosen to warn mankind of the Earth's destruction."
Eight hours after first seeing the object, he woke up lying beside highway BR-282 near the Electro-Diesel Batistella works.
Tasca also claimed to have discovered a "w" with an exclamation mark imprinted into his back.
The authors indicate that the source is "O Estada", of Florianoplia, Santa Catarina, Brazil, date unknown.
The article indicates that the information which follows on this classic case of the Brazilian ufology are summarized from the investigation report by Carlos Alberto Ache, and were told in many publications:
The witness, Antonio Nelso Tasca, is currently [1999] launching his book ("a Man Marked by Ets", Biblioteca UFO - where he tells of his alleged experiences of encounters with beings from other planets. His story was studied by researchers Daniel Rebisso Giese and Carlos Alberto Ache and revaluated several times by ufologists of all countries.
In the night of December 14, 1983, he was driving alone from the village of Colonia Cella in the state of Brasilia in direction of the town of Chapeco in the state of Santa Catarina. At a certain point, he says, he was urged by a "strange force" to enter a minor road. In this way, he soon saw an object ahead, that he initially thought to be a bus. It was rectangular, with small windows around. He soon realized that this object of ashy color was hovering and had no wheels.
He stopped the car, turned off the headlight, stepped out, locked the doors and went in the direction of the strange object. The rectangular windows were laid out in a row that had a light curve at the ends of the object. At a distance of few meters, Tasca felt heat waves and decided to go back to the car. When he put his hand in his pocket to take out his key, a carpet of white-red light, roughly 1 meter broad, left from the lower part of the object, and went in the direction of his feet. This carpet took him in the direction of the object, but he never remembered what occurred starting from a few meters of the ship, how he entered there and what occurred in the following minutes.
He nevertheless remembered to have opened his eyes and to perceive that he was lying in a completely obscure and rather cold environment, unable to move, except for the feet, which he could press against something solid and cold. As time passed, the cold increased and its breathing decreased.
Seized by panic, he thought that he had been buried alive and hopelessly shouted for help.
After some time the temperature and his breathing became normal again. He then heard noises of footsteps, which he thought came from three to four light and small people. They remained at its side, and he perceived that one of these people, on his right, started to poke at the articulation of his body, and that it was repeated on his left side, Tasca thinking that these pressures were made with the tip of some object.
He heard growls, which increased between the beings, as if they spoke between them.
Then three beings carried him towards what he thought to be another room. They left him lying on a plan and they retired. A light was turned on and he instinctively closed the eyes. When he managed to open them, he saw that the environment was completely illuminated, but that there was not the least kind of source of light, neither shades nor lines which would have indicated edges, doors, windows or any other detail of the walls.
When he turned to the right, he noticed that his clothes was folded and that his socks were on top of his shoes. He got dressed and, moving towards one of the walls, passed a finger on the surface and noticed that it was neither cold nor hot, only smooth. On his right was as a door in the shape of an ogive giving the impression that some energy crossed the wall in the direction right to left.
Through this door, a woman of a strange beauty appeared, who reminded him of the actress Bruna Lombardi [*] to him. Of a small size of 1.20 meters, she had smooth hair which fell on her shoulders, of straw color, she had slanted blue eyes, distant from the base of the nose. She carried an indigo blue clothing, which went a little below the knee, with a belt of the same color comprising a lace with the front and, at the level of the bust, there was a species of "seam" in relief in form of a reversed "T". She had smooth and blue sandals, and no other kind of ornament.
She came in with the left hand on the chest and the other open, raised at the level of the head, and initiated a telepathic communication.
She said without moving her lips, "Stay calm, I am of peace and love."
At this time, Tasca heard some sort of melodic music that lasted roughly ten seconds. When he wondered in thought from where she came, he understood:
"I am Cabala, messenger of the world of Agali. I come in a mission of peace and love."
He asked her where they were and she answered that they were in the ocean, 180 meters below sea level. As he was naked and was disturbed by her presence, the woman calmed him by saying that he was going to drink and that all would be fine.
She him gave what seemed to be a metallic tube, that she took from a sort of rack with red buttons, and contained a liquid that Tasca felt had neither taste nor odor. When swallowing it, he did not feel the liquid to go down by the oesophagus.
Cabala took the tubes and positioned them back. She turned in the direction of the other wall, where a kind of sofa has now appeared. By taking off her clothes, she clearly made Tasca understand that she desired to make the love with him. In spite of the situation, he succeeded getting aroused and undertook a sexual intercourse with her.
The intercourse consumed, she moved away, put on her clothes, and transmitted the message: "We have both been chosen."
Tasca asked her whether he would be brought back and received an affirmative answer, but he actually would be brought back far from the place where he had been taken. He then asked why he was chosen since he did not think he was anything special, and he ensures she told him he had been selected because he believed in her existence, that she had desired this moment, and because he was gifted of the cosmic spirit.
Then Cabala stated that he would carry message for the people of the Earth. He was surprised this choice, because he knew he did not have a very good memory.
She moved again towards the rack and took some sort of diadem, or tiara, formed of a series of half-circles in green, yellow and red colors. On each half-circle, there was a 3 centimeters device roughly in the shape of a cross.
She put this diadem on his head, telling him that he must repeat the message twice and then he would not forget it.
He then recited the message which, in short, spoke about the need for deactivation of nuclear weapons and announced the beginning of a new era for mankind, which was to get ready by finding the solution of the enigmas of the world and starting various ecological projects.
Then, she withdrew the diadem and kept it. She came out by the same door, which was closed again. The light turned off and Tasca felt the presence of same beings as before, who drew on his shirt and grunted to make him understand he should lie down.
He perceived that the beings went away, and he fainted.
When he opened the eyes again, he was lying in the ground on a slope, and from the height of the Sun, he calculated that it was approximately six o'clock in the morning. He heard the noises of cars, which indicated a nearby road. Still feeling numb, he remembered the experience that had occurred, the message of Cabala, and felt happy to be back on the Earth. He stayed there some time, and noticed that its clock was blocked at 10:05. He stood up, took some steps, saw the Diesel Electrotype Batistella plant. He now knew that he was roughly 11 kilometers from home and after several attempts, he managed to call his relatives.
All were relieved to know that he was well. He decided to return by foot and, on the way, was recovered by his son who was looking for him in San Carlos, a city close to Chapeco.
Being given his psychological state, he was taken along to a First Aid center where he was taken care of by Doctor Júlio Zawadzki, who prescribed him sedatives. This doctor asked him whether he had some physical damage and as the answer was in the negative, he went back to the house of his son-in-law where all his relatives awaited his return with emotion.
At 01:00 p.m., he decided to take a bath. When he removed his shirt, his parents indicated with surprised a mark on his ribs, which seemed to be a burn produced by a heated iron, and they found strange marks on his backbone, between the scapulas. The same day, he went back to the First Aid center to see Doctor Júlio Zawadzki, who observed the wounds. Surprised, the doctor revealed that he never saw anything like it.
The next day, Tasca turned over to the consulting-room, where were two other doctors, Doctor Madalozzo and Carlos Reis, who thoroughly analyzed his wounds. They carried out several examinations and pressed their fingers on the wounds. They were puzzled that Tasca did not show any kind of pain when they touched the wounds.
The three following days, he did not feel any hunger and practically ate nothing. On Sunday, at 2 o'clock in the morning, he felt bad and vomited. He could feel a white blackberry taste, corresponding exactly to the contents of the second tube which he had drunk in the presence of Cabala. From this day on, his appetite was back to normal.
This strange case was also the subject of an investigation by SBEDV (Brazilian Society for the Study of the Flying Discs) of Rio de Janeiro, in the person of Doctor Walter Bühler, who, with a magnetometer, observed evidence of strong magnetism in the loop of Tasca's belt, in the bumper of his Brasilia car, exactly at the side exposed to the object. The anomaly was also detected in the neutral power cable of a pole near the spot of the encounter.
On the photographs taken by Doctor Bühler, and those by Doctor Júlio Zawadzki, one notices that Tasca's skin was intact in the wounds in spite of the depth of the burn.
![]() |
[*] Bruna Patrizia Maria Teresa Romilda Lombardi (Left), born in 1952 in São Paulo, is a Brazilian poet, writer, model and film and TV actress of Italian descent, considered one of the most beautiful women in Brazil. |
John Schuessler indicates that on December 14, 1983 in Chapeco, Brazil, Antonio Tasca was abducted by pale skinned beings with Oriental eyes. Later it was discovered he had unusual burns on his back. The burns caused no pain, erythema or fever. Schuessler indicates that the source is "Abduction".
[Ref. gd1:] GEOFF DITTMAN:
This ufologist noted:
Year | 1983 |
Month | December |
Day | |
Location | Chapeco |
Region | |
Country | Brazil |
Participant | Antonio Tasca |
Type | injury |
Effect 1 | burns |
Effect 2 | |
Effect 3 | |
Effect 4 | |
Effect 5 | |
Source | Schuessler |
Source2 |
An anonymous text on the Internet reported that one of the cases best documented the ufological casuistry, is that of the abduction of Antonio Nelson Tasca, a farmer of Chapeco, a city of the west of Santa Catarina. Hardly believable, and fantastic, the story of Tasca is known to national and international ufologists, he gave several interviews to newspapers, radios and TVs including Rede Globo and was subjected to hypnotic regression sessions "by researchers in quest of the observation of the veracity of his really astonishing case."
In his book "A man marked by the Extraterrestrials" (Biblioteca UFO), he told of his strange meeting with extraterrestrials from the world of Agali, as well as the analyses of the researchers on his abduction, and the sessions of hypnotic regressions to which he was submitted. He also presents their thoughts about the messages of the contacts with beings of other worlds.
Tasca believes that he was predestined by the extraterrestrial, and that he thus had since childhood, visions of probes, unidentified objects and extraordinary phenomena.
This case occurred in the night of December 14, 1983. Antonio Tasca, a gaucho of Garibaldi, at the time 48 years old, crossed with his Brasilia model 81 vehicle a road which gives access to the BR-282, going home in Chapeco, when had a presentiment of some sort of irresistible inner command to enter a dirt track.
After some time going into this way, he perceived twinkling light. He initially thought that it was a bus of a line which circulates by this area, but soon perceived that it was a UFO, and that it hovered above ground-level at more or less a meter. Contrary to the terror that much of abductees felt when encountering a UFO, the current scientific assessor of the Chamber of the High Patrol not only thanked for this moment but still tried to approach the strange object.
He did not succeed in approaching as much as he wanted to because of the heat emitted by the object. A carpet then came out of the UFO and carried him inside the object, the article [no reference given] not telling whether he completely lost consciousness of not. He was carried into a cold and dark room, stripped, and examined by beings that he could not distinguish as the room was dark.
Then, he was transferred in an extremely clear room, a woman very similar to the human beings but only 1.20 meters tall appeared. Tasca felt sexually attracted to her, and the humanoid spoke to her by telepathy. Before the former farmer asked a question verbally, she would answer in advance, as if he read his thought.
She said her name was Cabala, and that this meeting already had been prepared a long time ago, that he should not be afraid, that the flying saucer was within 180 meters under the sea level. She made him drink two bottles of a liquid which he swallowed without asking questions. Then, something opened and a sort of couch appeared, where she lay down, removed her long blue clothes as in an invitation to Trasca to have his way with her. He did not hesitate and obeyed the request of the extraterrestrial woman.
After the session of physical love, Cabala told him that from their union, two sons, Mada and Madana, would be born, bonds between their people and the humans. She said that Tasca should reveal a message that she passed to him to promote union between the people of the universe. She specified that mankind is in preparation to learn how to coexist with other forms of life.
To be sure that Tasca records the message indelibly in his mind, Cabala placed on his head an object similar to a diadem, then dictated the message and repeated it, like for confirming it. She then left, the beings which had previously examined Tasca came back in and again touched him with some sort of rod. The farmer of Barreiras (Brazilia) was then abandoned unconscious in an isolated place, he called for help and was saved by a relative, being treated later on with drugs in a hospital clinic.
At this point in time the doctor noticed a strange mark in his ribs, in form of a "W", of 20 centimeters, as made by a red hot iron. It did not hurt, even when was firmly pressed. The mark remained until today, without ever hurting him.
The "Christic message of Cabala" is then presented:
"There will be telluric movements, the Earth will be renewed and the Masters of Wisdom of Suma will return on a new Earth. Men will live happily, without aging, and will be able to resuscitate the dead."
"In her 438 words message, Cabala requests that all nuclear weapons are immediately deactivated, as their use in a total atomic war would place the Earth out of its celestial course, and who would influence other dimensions and parallel worlds linked to the Earth and currently ignored by mankind. She condemns the political and economic imperialism which, to her, is a new kind of slavery. According to it, it is imperative that it is abandoned."
"Then Cabala develops on genetic experiments, she says that they will and in an irreversible disaster (Rasputin said the same, as well as other prophets). For her, biogenetics must be only used for the biological improvement of mankind. She insists on the cardinal importance that a birth control program is set up and applied, within an ethical and moral framework."
On the conquest of space, Cabala affirms that mankind must continue its search in the cosmos, to seek a place where it can emigrate in the future.
"Nevertheless, the apex of the message is when she says that the Earth will soon be the scene of exceptional occurrences:"
"Great events will be predicted by strange telluric demonstrations and celestial signs of magnificent splendor and worrying beauty", she says."
"At this point, the message does not differ of anything we know already thanks to the care of the great prophets."
"And after these terrible events", she goes on, "the Masters of Wisdom of Suma will return on the Earth, they will renew the marvelous teachings and will help to establish a new political society. The Terrestrial Paradise will reappear, filled up of Love (she pronounced "Love" in an open tone)."
"Then, through means and energies, nevertheless less presumptuous, Man will know the dimensional concavities and convexities of the Earth, will travel in the depths of the universe and will not feel the barriers of time. And, as a most sublime conquest of the human creative capacity, the machine of the Absolute Capacity will be set in motion, a device by which, inter alia wonders, will be given to humanity the happiest and most surprising vision of all its history: the resurrection of the dead in the band of the 4 xs [sic]."
"Tasca then fainted and when he awoke he was kilometers away from the place where he had left the car. At his home, one discovered the strange burns in his ribs. Until today Tasca has these scars in the ribs, similar to two superimposed letters V."
[Ref. jd1:] JOSEPH DAVID:
Joseph David adapts a text that indicates that the former radio-broadcaster and currently building restoration worker Antonio Nelso Tasca, aged 62, wrote a book, "O homem marcado pelo disco voador" ["The man marked by the flying disc"], which was published by "Biblioteca UFO", and tells that in 1983 he had intimate relations with an extraterrestrial woman.
The information given on the case in the article is that in the night of December 14, 1983 at approximately 08:00 p.m., Tasca, who was a well-known and well-considered personality of Chapeco, Santa Catarina, drove by car from the village of Colonia Cella to the town of Chapeco, where he temporarily resided at the house of his son Maximino Tasca.
While leaving the road BR-282, he took the road of the state for Chapeco, and little before arriving at the turnpike that gives access to the Tozzo Farm Estate, he was driven by a strange force, which he could not understand and even less explain, which had him deviate from his way and go into the road on his right.
Tasca said that he "did that, and I soon entered in the way, I stopped the car, and the headlights gave on a strange motionless object 25 or 30 meters ahead."
He walked on approximately 10 meters, and was surprised by successive waves of intense heat coming from the ship. He stopped and could notice that the ship had a row of illuminated windows, rectangular, of approximately 80 centimeters height on 40 to 50 centimeters of width. He calculated that the dimensions of the object were approximately 12 to 15 meters in length by 3 meters in height. All indicated that it hovered a few centimeters above the ground. By precaution, Tasca went back to his car and, while arriving at the door of his vehicle, it was picked by a beam of light.
He was then led inside the vessel by a carpet of light.
When he was inside the ship, by a door in shape of an ogive, a woman "of a beauty without equivalent appeared, 1.20 meters tell, with hair to the shoulders and Oriental-looking eyes", who introduced herself telepathically as Cabala, the messenger of the world of Agali.
Still by telepathy, she asked him to remain calm, and ensured that she came in peace and love. Curious to know where he was, Tasca learned from Cabala that the place was in the ocean, 180 meters under sea level.
Tasca tells that during his contact with Cabala, he was taken of an extreme sexual excitation, and in a state of mind which he had never experienced before. He reveals of his sexual intercourse with Cabala: "lying on a couch, Cabala withdrew the top of her clothes and was naked chest to feet. All the rules, scruples and resistances which animated me broke down", he said without further details.
She left Tasca a message that alerted on the need for humanity to disarm the planet, stopping the dominations of the nations on other nations, stopping research in genetics and preparing for a period of exceptional events on the Earth soon.
When he opened the eyes again, with the same feeling as after a good sleep, he was lying in full daylight, and by the height of the sun, he calculated that it was six o'clock.
As only possible proof of this contact of the 4th kind, Tasca indicates a mark in the shape of "W" that he had on the back. According to him, this mark in the shape of a letter is unidentified even by doctors who examined it on the occasion. The wound was on the backbone and was analyzed by doctors Júlio Zawadscki, Madalozzo and Carlos Reis, he said.
Tasca was victim of deep burns in the ribs, between the scapulas. In spite of these wounds, he did not feel any pain, fever nor presented irritations or other symptom which would denounce a normal burn. Contrary to marks made with hot iron, the skin layers were not destroyed.
The article provides this image:
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Reinaldo Stabolito indicates that on December 14, 1983, building restorer Antonio Nelso Tasca, who was then 42 years old, directed his car from Brasilia to Chapeco, Santa Catarina, when he felt attracted towards a dirt track, "obeying a strange command", he said.
Stopping a few meters from the asphalt, Nelso Tasca saw ahead something which at first sight seemed to be a bus of local transport, as it had their characteristic white-greenish colors. But he soon realized that it was not because the object did not have wheels, had a circular shape, with approximately 10 kinds of windows and, moreover, it hovered one meter above the ground.
Immediately, he came out of the car and tried to approach the craft to better observe it, but he had to move back because of heat waves radiated by the UFO. Suddenly, returned at his car, a sort of luminous carpet of approximately a meter broad came out of the object. This carpet ended up "picking up" Tasca by the feet and led him to the ship, and he then lost consciousness.
When he woke up, he was lying with the arms and the legs along the body in an extremely cold and dark environment, he would say: "I was seized by the dreadful idea that I had been buried alive."
At this time, Nelso Tasca had the impression that two or three creatures started to touch his legs and to use a certain kind of fine instrument there. As it was dark, it was impossible to him to observe exactly what occurred and who these creatures were. He nevertheless understood that they communicated between them by emitting sounds which resembled dogs growls.
After a few moments, Nelso Tasca, still paralyzed, was put upright by these beings and led into another compartment of the ship where the temperature was not so cold. The creatures came out and, then, the environment remained lit, although there was no lamp: it was as if the whole place emitted a uniform luminosity without creating any shadow.
This room was small, 3 meters long by 2.5 meters width and 2 meters height, with walls made of some sort of metal. It is only at this time that he realized he was naked. He noticed that his clothes were on a rack and it immediately took them to get dressed.
A woman suddenly entered the room. She was of small stature, almost a dwarf, Nelso Tasca calculating that she had a size close to 1.20 meters. This creature was dressed of a skirt and sandals of indigo color. Tasca told, "she stared at me with a glance of such an intensity that I had the impression to be invaded and devastated down to the deepest recesses of my soul."
By alleged telepathic communication, Nelso Tasca obtained some answers on what was going on. The alien woman told him that her name was Cabala and that they came from the world called Agali, adding "be calm, we are peace and love." Caballed informed him that they were 180 meters below sea level.
At this time, a music that sounded different from all that Tasca knew was heard. He compared it something a bit similar to violins. A panel of mysterious shape, covered of knobs, appeared, from which Cabala took two bottles of liquids that Nelso Tasca had to drink. Soon, the woman withdrew her clothes and was naked in on a sort of couch, Nelso Tasca being unable to tell how it had appeared. Seized with an intense sexual desire, he had an intimate relation with the woman, specifying that he does not think that she had any real pleasure during sex.
After having consumed the sexual intercourse, Cabala transmitted him a message and asked him to reveal it to the entire world. Cabala also told him that two sons will be born from their union and that they would be called Mada and Madana. Very quickly, Cabala left the room, leaving Nelso Tasca alone.
The place became dark again and Nelso Tasca could feel that at least three creatures did something to him with a kind of thin apparatus, then he awoke lying close to road BR-282, approximately five kilometers away from the place where his experience had started.
A rather interesting detail in this case is that there was a physical evidence of the abduction: in his ribs, a wound appeared, in the shape of a "W", which seems to have been made with a heated iron, whereas he had never felt any pain related to that. At the time, he was examined by three doctors and they did not succeed in determining the physical cause of the wound.
In spite of the time that passed since he lived the strange experience, that mark, although attenuated, is still there today.
The message by Cabala is quoted:
"It is specified that the war weapons able to destroy any alive species here will be immediately deactivated. In addition to its terrible and mortal devastation, a total nuclear war will place the Earth out of its celestial orbit and will cause serious riots in the life of nearby worlds, some being in dimensions that the men of the Earth still ignore." "It is specified that the political, economic, and financial dominations of nations on nations will be stopped. Imperialism is against the right of equality of the people and constitutes a new form of slavery." "It is specified that the essence of human life and their natural functions of reproduction will be preserved. In close stars and other stars inaccessible to men currently, life appeared by the will of the Eternal Creative Spirit who created all things: God, reason, by which should imponderable experiments not be made, because those will end in an irreversible genetic disaster. It is specified that, within the most rigorous criteria of justice and morals, with the objective to solve the social problems resulting from the disordered human proliferation, agencies will be instituted; which by natural scientifically means, will develop and carry out programs of birth control and biological improvement of mankind." "It is specified that man will conquer other worlds of the Universe and by there find places suitable for his future emigrations and new sources of energy and subsistence. But he must first conquer his own world, solving the enigmas that still exist on earth, the seas and the air; by preserving the natural elements that are of paramount importance to him, defending themselves of the subtle piracy of the outside and curing the imperfections of the human body, spirit and soul." "It is specified that, paying attention to these exhortations, Humanity gets prepared for the period of extraordinary events the Earth will be the scene, soon. Great events will be predicted by strange telluric demonstrations and celestial signs of marvelous splendor and unfathomable beauty. Masters of the Wisdom of Suma will come back to visit the Earth, they will renew marvelous teachings and will help to establish a new political society. The Terrestrial Paradise will reappear, filled up of Light and of Love. Then, through means and energies stripped of pride, man will know the convex and the concave dimensions of the Earth, will travel to the depths of the Universe and will not feel the prisons of time. And, as a sublime conquest of the human creative capacity, the machine of the Absolute Capacity will be put in action, a device which, between many other wonders, will give Humanity the happiest vision and, more surprising of all its history: the resurrection of the dead in the band of the 4 axis." |
Albert Rosales indicates in his catalogue that in Chapeco, Santa Catarina, Brazil, on December 14, 1983 at night, the witness was driving back to town when he suddenly felt an urge to stop as he drove by the Coca-Cola factory. Looking up he saw a luminous bus-shaped object. A beam of solid light struck him apparently taking him up into the object.
He lost consciousness then woke up completely naked and observed 2 or 3 small beings examining him in a dark room. The beings left and the room lit up then a small beautiful woman in light colored clothes entered the room, communicating with the witness via telepathy.
She had slanted eyes widely set apart. She told him that he had been chosen to warn humanity of coming destruction. He later awoke finding himself lying besides the highway.
Albert Rosales indicates that the source is Robert E. Bartholomew, "UFO Lore".
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Antonio Nelso Tasca. |
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Antonio Nelso Tasca showing the place of the encounter. |
Tasca was a guest at the The First World UFO Forum, organized by A. J. Gevaerd, from Brazilian UFO Magazine in December 1997.
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The "W" mark still visible in 1992. |
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Tasca at the place of the alleged encounter. |
The witness is single; the marks on his body which he indicates to have been examined by three doctors should have been recorded in writing, which would have been easy to obtain. The magnetic anomalies mentioned by Walter Bühler cannot be convincing enough as they are too easy to create for anyone having access to radio equipment such as a bulk eraser.
It is probably not necessary to point out that the story resembles that of Antonio Villas Boas in the same country decades earlier and numerous such accounts of alleged contacts with aliens bringing a message to humanity with a content very much sounding as a rather human mythology.
Id: | Topic: | Severity: | Date noted: | Raised by: | Noted by: | Description: | Proposal: | Status: |
1 | Ufology | Severe | March 15, 2007 | Patrick Gross | Patrick Gross | Single witness. | Help needed. | Opened. |
2 | Ufology | Severe | March 15, 2007 | Patrick Gross | Patrick Gross | No medical records available of easily assessable alleged physiological evidence. | Help needed. | Opened. |
3 | Ufology | Medium | March 15, 2007 | Patrick Gross | Patrick Gross | Minor inconsistencies in the story. | Help needed. | Opened. |
4 | Ufology | Medium | March 15, 2007 | Patrick Gross | Patrick Gross | Extraterrestrial message of utterly human alien lore content. | Help needed. | Opened. |
"Contactee" story, made up.
* = Source I checked.
? = Source I am told about but could not check yet. Help appreciated.
Main Author: | Patrick Gross |
Contributors: | None |
Reviewers: | None |
Editor: | Patrick Gross |
Version: | Created/Changed By: | Date: | Change Description: |
0.1 | Patrick Gross | March 15, 2007 | Creation, [tv1], [at1], [bh1], [rv1], [js1], [gd1], [us1], [jd1], [rs1], [ar1]. |
0.2 | Patrick Gross | March 15, 2007 | First published. |