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ACUFO is my comprehensive catalog of cases of encounters between aircraft and UFOs, whether they are “explained” or “unexplained”.

The ACUFO catalog is made of case files with a case number, summary, quantitative information (date, location, number of witnesses...), classifications, all sources mentioning the case with their references, a discussion of the case in order to evaluate its causes, and a history of the changes made to the file.

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Cologne, Germany, in 1944 or 1945:

Case number:



In his 2001 book “It Didn't Start With Roswell: 50 Years of Amazing UFO Crashes, Close Encounters and Coverups”, U.S. ufologist Philip L. Rife indicated that he found in UFO Annual of 1977, a report by pilot of an American reconnaissance plane.

This pilot recalled he saw unfamiliar objects over the Rhine Valley, telling: “We had made some pictures, and I was looking ahead to our next photo target when my wingman broke radio silence and said: “Bogeys at 9 o'clock!” Off my wing, a little below us in the direction of Cologne, I saw four or five objects that looked like silvery footballs. They didn't seem to be moving, but they must have been, for they stayed even with us. It flashed through my mind that they were something the Germans had put up there. I watched to see what they would do, but they didn't do anything. As we turned away, I thought they must not be of much value to the Germans.”


Temporal data:

Date: 1944 or 1945
Time: ?
Duration: ?
First known report date: 1977
Reporting delay: 3 decades.

Geographical data:

Country: Germany
State/Department: North Rhine-Westphalia
City or place: Cologne (Koln)

Witnesses data:

Number of alleged witnesses: 2
Number of known witnesses: 1
Number of named witnesses: 0

Ufology data:

Reporting channel: Witness report to UFO magazine.
Visibility conditions: Probable day.
UFO observed: Yes.
UFO arrival observed: No.
UFO departure observed: No.
UFO action: Fly along.
Witnesses action: Go away.
Photographs: No.
Sketch(s) by witness(es): No.
Sketch(es) approved by witness(es): No.
Witness(es) feelings: ?
Witnesses interpretation: German devices, later UFO.


Sensors: [X] Visual: 2.
[ ] Airborne radar:
[ ] Directional ground radar:
[ ] Height finder ground radar:
[ ] Photo:
[ ] Film/video:
[ ] EM Effects:
[ ] Failures:
[ ] Damages:
Hynek: ?
Armed / unarmed: Armed, 4 to 6 12.7 mm machine guns.
Reliability 1-3: 1
Strangeness 1-3: 3
ACUFO: Unidentified, unknown credibility.


[Ref. pre1:] PHILIP R. RIFE:

The pilot of an American reconnaissance plane recalled the unfamiliar objects he saw over the Rhine Valley: “We had made some pictures, and I was looking ahead to our next photo target when my wingman broke radio silence and said: “Bogeys at 9 o'clock!” Off my wing, a little below us in the direction of Cologne, I saw four or five objects that looked like silvery footballs. They didn't seem to be moving, but they must have been, for they stayed even with us. It flashed through my mind that they were something the Germans had put up there. I watched to see what they would do, but they didn't do anything. As we turned away, I thought they must not be of much value to the Germans”. (276)

The source was described as: "276. 1977 UFO Annual"

Aircraft information:

All that is known to me is that it was an American reconnaissance plane, with apparently only a pilot on board.

This tends to suggest that it was a P-51 “Mustang“, used by reconnaissance units on this front, and probably in a daytime flight.

The North American P-51 “Mustang” was certainly the best American fighter plane of World War II.




I have found that the UFO Annual Magazine for 1977 published an article about “The Mysterious Foo Fighters of WWII”, with witnesses report, but I do not have this source at hand sor far.

The problem is first of all credibility, since the story would a priori be anonymous, without details on the unit or the exact date.


Unidentified, unknown credibility.

Sources references:

* = Source is available to me.
? = Source I am told about but could not get so far. Help needed.

File history:


Main author: Patrick Gross
Contributors: None
Reviewers: None
Editor: Patrick Gross

Changes history:

Version: Create/changed by: Date: Description:
0.1 Patrick Gross July 27, 2024 Creation, [pre1].
1.0 Patrick Gross July 27, 2024 First published.

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This page was last updated on July 27, 2024.